<tr><thclass="sub1">Focus On Clock</th><td>Sets the focus on the <ahref="@@transport-clocks">main clock</a>, allowing to type in numbers directly to change the playhead position</td></tr>
<tr><thclass="sub1">Timecode</th><td>Sets the main clock in timecode mode, so it displays time in the Hours:Minutes:Seconds:Frames format</td></tr>
<tr><thclass="sub1">Bars & Beats</th><td>Sets the main clock in musical time mode, so it displays time in the Bars:Beats:Ticks format</td></tr>
<tr><thclass="sub1">Minutes & Seconds</th><td>Sets the main clock in absolute time mode, so it displays time in the Hours:Minutes:Seconds.Milliseconds format</td></tr>
<tr><thclass="sub1">Samples</th><td>Sets the main clock in samples time mode, so the time is displayed in samples from the absolute start</td></tr>
<tr><th>Secondary Clock</th>
<tr><thclass="sub1">Timecode</th><td>Same as for the main clock (see above)</td></tr>
<tr><thclass="sub1">Bars & Beats</th><td>Same as for the main clock</td></tr>
<tr><thclass="sub1">Minutes & Seconds</th><td>Same as for the main clock</td></tr>
<tr><thclass="sub1">Samples</th><td>Same as for the main clock</td></tr>
<tr><thclass="sub1">Zoom to Session</th><td>Adjust the zoom value so that all the session (as defined by its start and end markers) fit in the window</td></tr>
<tr><thclass="sub1">Zoom to Selection</th><td>Adjust the zoom value so that all the selected regions fit in the window</td></tr>
<tr><thclass="sub1">Fit Selection (Vertical)</th><td>Fits the selected track(s) in the window. If too many tracks are selected, they'll be reduced to their minimum height.</td></tr>
<tr><thclass="sub1">Expand Track Height</th><td>Increases the height of the selected tracks. If no track is selected, then all the tracks are expanded</td></tr>
<tr><thclass="sub1">Shrink Track Height</th><td>Same as above, but reduces the height of the tracks</td></tr>
<tr><th>Zoom Focus</th>
<tr><thclass="sub1">Zoom Focus Left</th><td>Sets the screen's left side as the zoom target, i.e. when zooming in, the left side of the screen will stay at the same place in the timeline</td></tr>
<tr><thclass="sub1">Zoom Focus Right</th><td>Same, with the right of the screen</td></tr>
<tr><thclass="sub1">Zoom Focus Center</th><td>Same, with the center of the screen</td></tr>
<tr><thclass="sub1">Zoom Focus Playhead</th><td>Sets the playhead as the focus point of the zoom, i.e. the point in time that will stay fixed</td></tr>
<tr><thclass="sub1">Zoom Focus Mouse</th><td>Same as above, with the mouse pointer</td></tr>
<tr><thclass="sub1">Zoom Focus Edit Point</th><td>Same as above, with the Edit Point</td></tr>
<tr><thclass="sub1">Next Zoom Focus</th><td>Circles between the previous modes</td></tr>
<tr><thclass="sub1">[] Min:Sec</th><td>Shows (when checked) or hides a line in <ahref="@@ruler">the Ruler</a> with the time formatted as Hours:Minutes:Seconds.Milliseconds</td></tr>
<tr><thclass="sub1">[] Video</th><td>Shows / hides the Video timeline, where frames of the video are shown for syncing purposes</td></tr>
<tr><th>Video Monitor</th>
<tr><thclass="sub1">Original Size</th><td>When the <ahref="@@video-timeline-and-monitoring">Video Monitor</a> is active, resets its size to the original size, i.e. 1 pixel in the video is 1 pixel on screen</td></tr>
<tr><thclass="sub1">[] Letterbox</th><td>When checked, forces the ratio (width/height) to be the one of the original video. If unchecked, the video will be stretched to fit the window</td></tr>
<tr><thclass="sub1">[] Always on Top</th><td>Stays above all other windows, enabling to work in Ardour without the video windows to be hidden in the background</td></tr>
<tr><thclass="sub1">[] Timecode</th><td>When checked, displays a Timecode over the video, in the Hours:Minutes:Seconds:Frames format</td></tr>
<tr><thclass="sub1">[] Frame number</th><td>When checked, shows the absolute frame number inside the video, i.e. this image is the <em>n</em>th of the video</td></tr>
<tr><thclass="sub1">[] Timecode Background</th><td>Adds a black background to the timecode for readability</td></tr>
<tr><thclass="sub1">Scroll Tracks Down</th><td>Scrolls the view toward the bottom of the session from one screen (vertically, so along tracks)</td></tr>
<tr><thclass="sub1">Scroll Tracks Up</th><td>Same as above, towards the top</td></tr>
<tr><thclass="sub1">Scroll Forward</th><td>Scrolls the view toward the right of the session from one screen (horizontally, so along time)</td></tr>
<tr><thclass="sub1">Scroll Backward</th><td>Same as above, to the left</td></tr>
<tr><thclass="sub1">Save View <em>n</em></th><td>Saves the position on the timeline in the memory, horizontally and vertically (along time and tracks)</td></tr>
<tr><thclass="sub1">Go to View <em>n</em></th><td>Loads and displays a saved position (see above)</td></tr>
<tr><th>[] Show Editor Mixer</th><td>When checked, the selected tracks' mixer strip is displayed on the left of the editor window, allowing for a quick access to e.g. effects and routing</td></tr>
<tr><th>[] Show Editor List</th><td>In the Editor window, shows the <ahref="@@editor-lists">Editor List</a>, giving access to a number of handy lists (regions, tracks, …)</td></tr>
<tr><th>[] Show Summary</th><td>If checked, in the Editor, shows the <ahref="@@summary">Summary</a>, allowing a faster navigation in the session</td></tr>
<tr><th>[] Mixer: Show Mixer List</th><td>In the Mixer view, shows the Mixer list, giving access to some handy lists (<ahref="@@favorite-plugins-window">Favorite plugins</a>, <ahref="@@strips-list">The Strip list</a>,…)</td></tr>
<tr><th>[] Mixer: Show VCAs</th><td>In the Mixer view, shows the VCA Strips if there are any</td></tr>
<tr><th>[] Mixer: Show Monitor Section</th><td>If the <kbdclass="option">Use monitoring section on this session</kbd> has been checked in the <ahref="@@session-properties#properties-monitoring">Session Properties window</a>, shows or hides the Monitor Section in the Mixer</td></tr>
<tr><th>[] Mixer: Show Foldback Strip</th><td>In the Mixer view, shows the Foldback Strip if there are any</td></tr>