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<h2>Adding tracks</h2>
It's possible to add tracks in the <dfn>Cue</dfn> window the usual way,
either by double-clicking on the free space in the canvas or
by choosing the <kbd class="menu">Track &gt; Add Track, Bus, or VCA</kbd>
menu item. The important part is to enable the
<kbd class="option">Show on Cue Page</kbd> checkbox in the newly
opened dialog.
Alternatively, it's possible to drop an existing audio or MIDI file into
the empty part of the canvas to automatically create the cue track
and fill the first empty trigger slot with it.
Trigger slots not only work as a drag-and-drop target, they also
work as a drag-and-drop sources. It's possible to drag the contents
of an existing trigger slot into the empty part of the canvas to create
a new track and fill the first slot with the contents of the original
slot. It's also possible to drag and drop the contents of one slot into
another in case you want to use the same clip with some variations
(e.g. a custom follow length).
<h2>Loading clips to slots</h2>
There are several ways to load a clip into a trigger slot:
From right click menu: right-click over a trigger slot, choose
<kbd class="menu">Load</kbd>, select an audio or a MIDI file.
From <dfn>Clip Properties</dfn> box: click the
<kbd class="button">Load</kbd> button, select an audio or a MIDI file.
From the <dfn>Clips</dfn> library: choose an audio or a MIDI file,
listen to it before adding, then pick, drag towards the grid and drop
into a trigger slot.
From the <dfn>Regions</dfn> list: choose a region, drag it towards
the grid and drop it into a trigger slot.
From the timeline: select a region, right-click, choose
<kbd class="menu">{Region Name} > Bounce (with processing)</kbd> or
<kbd class="menu">{Region Name} > Bounce (without processing)</kbd>,
then enable the <kbd class="option">Bounce to Trigger Slot</kbd> checkbox
and choose the cue.
The type of data must match the type of tracks a clip is being inserted to.
E.g. it's impossible to place a MIDI clip into a trigger slot of an audio