Separate Snap from Grid. Lots of naming changes.
Multiple simultaneous snap options allowed. Grid is one of the possible Snap options.
Grid uses the same data as the rulers. Replace complicated tempo_lines with simple grid_lines.
The Grid is zoom-scale-sensitive along with the rulers. If you are zoomed out, grid becomes coarser.
Snapped Cursor is a line that follows the edit point, and indicates where the operation will occur.
This replaces and extends the line that appears with the Cut tool.
New associated preferences: snap_threshold and show_snap_cursor.
Add option to use ArduorButton as standalone Toggle/Checkbox.
Usually ArdourButton relegates this to Actions or is backed by Config.
This allows to use the Button as standalone Toggle, get_active()
It should maybe be a derived Class, but ArdourButton is already beyond
* update current search when toggling search_ignore_checkbox
* take filter-view into account when changing plugin-status,
immediately hide hidden or un-favorerd plugins from view.
* default to "effects only"
* tag-file is loaded early on (before scanning plugin) retain factory
set tag from file, don't use plugin-categories.
* load user plugin-tag file after factory plugin-tag file
* accept " ,\n" as separator
* produce only " " as separator
* squelch error message for empty-string tokenization
* clean up code, use existing API methods for lower-case transform
This is a squashed commit of various 'nutag' topic branch commits:
* re-layout plugin-manager
* remove category, add tags
* combine I/O columns in list.
* update filter to search name and tags
* move plugin-meta-data (status, tag) into dedicated sub-dir
* load/save space separated tags
* pre-seed tags with plugin-category (if unset)
* breaking API change: PluginStatusesChanged() signal includes change