When embedding external files. the same file is queued twice for peak-file
generation. Since there are two peak_thread_work threas in SourceFactory,
this can lead to inconsistent/missing peaks.
TODO: fix the actual cause, duplicate call to setup_peakfile():
#0 ARDOUR::SourceFactory::setup_peakfile (s=..., async=true) at ../libs/ardour/source_factory.cc:116
#1 0x00007ffff6c2552f in ARDOUR::SourceFactory::createExternal (type=..., s=..., path="/tmp/CB_bass_Track08.wav", chn=0, flags=(unknown: 0), announce=true, defer_peaks=true)
at ../libs/ardour/source_factory.cc:254
#2 0x0000000000886f50 in Editor::embed_sndfiles (this=0x3810340, paths=std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {...}, multifile=false, check_sample_rate=@0x7fffffffc2df: true,
disposition=Editing::ImportDistinctFiles, mode=Editing::ImportAsTrack, pos=@0x7fffffffc458: -1, target_regions=1, target_tracks=-1, track=..., instrument=...)
at ../gtk2_ardour/editor_audio_import.cc:630
#3 0x0000000000885c7c in Editor::do_embed (this=0x3810340, paths=std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {...}, import_as=Editing::ImportDistinctFiles, mode=Editing::ImportAsTrack,
pos=@0x7fffffffc458: -1, instrument=...) at ../gtk2_ardour/editor_audio_import.cc:414
#4 0x0000000000e93aeb in SoundFileOmega::do_something (this=0x490f530, action=-5) at ../gtk2_ardour/sfdb_ui.cc:1983
#0 ARDOUR::SourceFactory::setup_peakfile (s=..., async=true) at ../libs/ardour/source_factory.cc:116
#1 0x0000000000888954 in Editor::add_sources (this=0x3810340, paths=std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {...}, sources=std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {...},
pos=@0x7fffffffc458: 0, disposition=Editing::ImportDistinctFiles, mode=Editing::ImportAsTrack, target_regions=1, target_tracks=-1, track=..., instrument=...)
at ../gtk2_ardour/editor_audio_import.cc:883
#2 0x0000000000887131 in Editor::embed_sndfiles (this=0x3810340, paths=std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {...}, multifile=false, check_sample_rate=@0x7fffffffc2df: true,
disposition=Editing::ImportDistinctFiles, mode=Editing::ImportAsTrack, pos=@0x7fffffffc458: 0, target_regions=1, target_tracks=-1, track=..., instrument=...)
at ../gtk2_ardour/editor_audio_import.cc:653
#3 0x0000000000885c7c in Editor::do_embed (this=0x3810340, paths=std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {...}, import_as=Editing::ImportDistinctFiles, mode=Editing::ImportAsTrack,
pos=@0x7fffffffc458: 0, instrument=...) at ../gtk2_ardour/editor_audio_import.cc:414
#4 0x0000000000e93aeb in SoundFileOmega::do_something (this=0x490f530, action=-5) at ../gtk2_ardour/sfdb_ui.cc:1983
Not doing so can make source or object files appear multiple times in
the list of files to be compiled or linked, e.g. when doing './waf build
install', subsequently leading to linker errors.
1) freeze a track
2) Session Cleanup > Cleanup unused sources
2a) confirm playlist deletion
3) quit, reload -> track is no longer frozen
because _freeze_record.playlist is missing.
session is in an odd state.
Grouped "checkbox" preferences together, reducing visual clutter.
Some widget settings affected the visibility/sensitivity of other widgets.
In some cases they were not adjacent; this has been fixed.
Added some additional grouping headers.
This has been tested on four devices:
- A RME HDSP Multiface
- A Yamaha AG06
- A Focusrite 2i2
- A built-in soundcard running ASIO4ALL
The HDSP and the AG06 only return one buffer size when queried so the preferred
size is used as before.
The Focusrite returns a min corresponding to the position of the slider in the
control dialog and the max is 1024. The granularity is 1 so this means that the
number of values needs to be reduced for the current UI design with a combo
box so the granularity is increased until there are around 8-9 buffer sizes to
choose from evenly spaced between min and max(but we could easily change this
if the UI changes etc).
The ASIO4ALL driver returns a min of 64 and a max of 2048 and a granularity of
8. So where the minimum buffer size and granularity is a power of 2 use only
buffer sizes that are power of 2.
If the driver returns different values for min and max it is not currently
possible to indicate which is the driver preferred value. A checkbox or other
UI element could be added to the AudioSetup dialog to only use the preferred
value but that is more work and perhaps not necessary.