2013-01-30 00:26:36 +00:00

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The Ardour Manual

This is the project that generates the static ardour manual website available at

The site is built using ruby (I use 1.9.3) and [Jekyll]]( (a ruby gem). You should be able to just install ruby and then gem install jekyll. There are no other dependencies.

To generate the site and run it up locally you can do something like:

git clone <repo-url>
cd ardour-manual
ruby export.rb
jekyll --server

To upload it (assuming your ssh key has been put on the server) you run:


Strucuture of the content

There are 2 different types of content:

  • special manual content
  • normal content

Special manual content

This is content that ends up as part of the tree on the left.

The raw content is in _manual directory and has a naming convention as follows:

# content for a page at<slug>/

   ^          ^     ^
   |          |     |
   |          |   extension is removed later
   |          |        
   |     ends up as part of URL
 only used for ordering

# a folder for subcontent is like this


# more things can then go in here for<slug>/<slug2>/


So, for example:

this file                  appears at
------------               ------------

01_main.html               /main/

01_main/01_subpage.html    /main/subpage/

Normal content

This is anything else, css files, images, fixed pages, layouts. This content lives in the source directory.

Content processing

Three types of content can have special processing done.

  • .html files
  • .md files
  • .textile files

All special files should also have a special header at the top too:

layout: default
title: Some Very Wordy and Expressive Title
menu_title: Some Title

<p>My Actual Content</p>