typos in the Main menu section, grouping 2 pages about Keybindings

This commit is contained in:
Ed Ward 2017-01-17 08:20:38 +01:00
parent 4a898e4a87
commit 5ec7bdd29f
10 changed files with 32 additions and 360 deletions

View File

@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
layout: default
title: Key Bindings
Almost every available function in Ardour can be executed via a
<dfn>key binding</dfn> or <dfn><abbr title="Open Sound
Control">OSC</abbr></dfn> command. There are many more functions
available than there are keys on even the largest current computer
keyboards, so only a subset of them are bound to keys by default.
<h2>Key bindings for menu items</h2>
Existing key bindings in menus are listed on the right side of the
menu items.
To create a custom key binding for a menu item quickly, navigate to
the relevant (sub-) menu, hover over the item with the mouse and press
the desired combination of modifiers and key.
<p class="warning">
Ardour will silently re-assign the binding if you use a key
combination that is already in use, possibly removing a standard
keyboard shortcut without warning you. That might lead to confusion
when you ask other users for help, and they explain something in terms
of a standard key binding, which will then have a completely
different effect on your system.
<h2>Key binding editor</h2>
For a complete overview of all existing keyboard bindings, go to
<kbd class="menu">Window &gt; Key Bindings</kbd>. This widget will let
you view and edit even those functions that are not available in the menu,
and even remove key bindings altogether.

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@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
layout: default
title: Selection Techniques
Ardour follows the conventions used by most other computer software
(including other DAWs) for <dfn>selecting objects</dfn> in the
<abbr title="Graphical User Interface">GUI</abbr>.
<h2>Selecting individual objects</h2>
Clicking on an object (sometimes on a particular part of its
on-screen representation) will select the object, and deselect other
similar objects.
<h2>Selecting multiple (similar) objects</h2>
A <kbd class="mod1 mouse">left</kbd> click on an object toggles its
<samp>selected</samp> status, so using <kbd class="mod1 mouse">left</kbd>
on a series of objects will select (or deselect) each one of them. You can
construct completely arbitrary selections with this technique.
<h2>Selecting a range of objects</h2>
In cases where the idea of "select all objects between this one and that
one" makes sense, you can select one object and then click
<kbd class="mod3 mouse">left</kbd> on another to select both of them as
well as all objects in between.
<h2>Time range selection</h2>
To select a time <dfn>range</dfn> in the Editor,
click <kbd class="mouse">Left</kbd> and drag the mouse.
A <kbd class="mod1 mouse">Left</kbd> drag then lets you create other
ranges and a <kbd class="mod3 mouse">left</kbd> click extends a range
to cover a wider area.
<h2>Selection Undo</h2>
The set of objects (including time range) that are selected at any one
time is known as the selection.
Each time you select or deselect an object, the new selection is stored in an
undo/redo stack.
This stack is cleared each time the content of the timeline changes.
If you have built up a complex selection and then accidentally cleared it,
choosing <kbd class="menu">Edit &gt; Undo Selection Change</kbd> will restore your
previous selection.
If you then decide that you had in fact made the correct change, choosing
<kbd class="menu">Edit &gt; Redo Selection Change</kbd> will take you back
to where you were before you chose <kbd class="menu">Edit &gt; Undo Selection Change</kbd>.

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@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
layout: default
title: Tooltips
By default, Ardour will show helpful <dfn>tooltips</dfn> about
the purpose and use of each <abbr title="Graphical User
Interface">GUI</abbr> element if you position the pointer
over it and hover there for a short while.
These little pop-up messages can be a good way to discover the
purpose of many aspects of the GUI.
Pop-ups can be distracting for experienced users, who may opt to
disable them via <kbd class="optoff">Edit &gt; Preferences &gt; GUI &gt;
Show tooltip if mouse hovers over a control</kbd>.

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@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
layout: default
title: Undo/Redo for Editing
While editing, it happens that you apply an unintended change, or make
a choice one that you later decide was wrong. All changes to the
arrangement of session components (regions, control points) along the
timeline can be <dfn>undone</dfn> (and <dfn>redone</dfn> if necessary).
The default keybindings are <kbd class="mod1">Z</kbd> for Undo and
<kbd class="mod1">R</kbd> for Redo. These match the conventions of most
other applications that provide undo/redo.
Changes are also saved to the <dfn>session history</dfn> file, so that
undo/redo is possible even if you close the session and reopen it later,
even if you quit Ardour in between.
The maximum number of changes that can be undone can be configured under
<kbd class="menu">Edit &gt; Preferences &gt; Misc &gt; Undo</kbd>.
The maximum number of changes stored in the history file is a separate
parameter, and can also be set in the same place.
<p class="note">
In addition to the normal undo (which works only on actions that change
the timeline), there is a <dfn>visual undo</dfn> which will revert any
command that affects the display of the editor window. Its shortcut is
<kbd class="mod3">Z</kbd>.
There is also an undo for selection. See
<a href="/ardours-interface/basic-gui-operations/selection-techniques/">Selection Techniques</a> for more information.

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@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
layout: default
title: Using the Mouse
Throughout this manual, the term <dfn>click</dfn> refers to the act of pressing
and releasing the <kbd class="mouse">Left</kbd> mouse button. This action is used to select objects, activate
buttons, turn choices on and off, pop up menus and so forth.<br />
On touch surfaces, it also corresponds to a single, one-finger tap on
the GUI.
<h2>Right Clicking</h2>
The term <dfn>right-click</dfn> refers to the act of pressing and releasing
the <kbd class="mouse">Right</kbd> mouse button.
This action is used to pop up <dfn>context menus</dfn> (hence the term
"context click", which you will also see). It is also used by default in
combination with the shift key to delete objects within the editor
<p class="note mac">
Some mice designed for use with Mac OS X may have only one button. By
convention, pressing and holding the Control key while clicking is
interpreted as a right-click by many application..
<h2>Middle Clicking</h2>
A <dfn>middle-click</dfn> refers to the act of pressing and releasing the
<kbd class="mouse">Middle</kbd> mouse button. Not all all mice have a middle click button
(see the <a href="/setting-up-your-system/mouse/">Mouse</a> chapter for
details). Sometimes the scroll wheel acts as a clickable middle button.
This action is used for time-constrained region copying and mapping MIDI
<p class="note">
Internally, your operating system may identify the mouse buttons as
<kbd class="mouse">Button1</kbd>, <kbd class="mouse">Button2</kbd>, and
<kbd class="mouse">Button3</kbd>, respectively. It may be possible to
invert the order of buttons to accommodate left-handed users, or to re-assign
them arbitrarily. This manual assumes the canonical order.
<h2>Double Clicking</h2>
A <dfn>double click</dfn> refers to two rapid press/release cycles on the
leftmost mouse button. The time interval between the two actions that
determines whether this is seen as two clicks or one double click is
controlled by your system preferences, not by Ardour.
A <dfn>drag</dfn> primarily refers to the act of pressing the leftmost
mouse button, moving the mouse with the button held down, and then
releasing the button. On touch surfaces, this term also corresponds to
a single one-finger touch-move-release action.
Ardour also uses the middle mouse button for certain kinds of drags,
which will be referred to as <dfn>middle-drag</dfn>.
There are many actions in Ardour that can be carried out using a mouse
button in combination with a <dfn>modifier key</dfn>. When the manual
refers to <kbd class="mod1 mouse">Left</kbd>, it means that you should first
press the <kbd class="mod1"></kbd> key, carry out a left click
while <kbd class="mod1"></kbd> is held down, and then finally release the key.
Available modifiers depend on your platform:
<h3>Linux Modifiers</h3>
<li><kbd>Ctrl</kbd> (Control)</li>
<p class="warning">
The following section is almost certainly wrong. Will need to be checked
and rewritten asap.
Mod2 typically corresponds to the <kbd>NumLock</kbd> key on many systems.
On most Linux systems, there are no keys that will function as modifiers
Mod3, Mod4 or Mod5 by default, but they can be setup using
<dfn>xmodmap(1)</dfn>. This can be rather useful.
<h3>OS X Modifiers</h3>
<li><kbd>Cmd</kbd> (Command, "windmill")</li>
<li><kbd>Ctrl</kbd> (Control)</li>
<li><kbd>Alt</kbd> (Option)</li>
<h2>Scroll Wheel</h2>
Ardour can make good use of a <dfn>scroll wheel</dfn> on your mouse, which can be
utilized for a variety of purposes. Scroll wheels generate vertical
scroll events, <kbd class="mouse">&uArr;</kbd> (ScrollUp) and
<kbd class="mouse">&dArr;</kbd> (ScrollDown). Some also emit horizontal
events, <kbd class="mouse">&lArr;</kbd> (ScrollLeft) and
<kbd class="mouse">&rArr;</kbd> (ScrollRight).
When appropriate, Ardour will differentiate between these two different
scroll axes. Otherwise it will interpret ScrollDown and ScrollLeft as
equivalent and similarly interpret ScrollUp and ScrollRight as equivalent.
Typically, scroll wheel input is used to adjust
<dfn>continuous controls</dfn> such as faders and knobs, or to scroll
vertically or horizontally inside a window.

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@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
layout: default
title: Cut and Paste Operations
The <dfn>clipboard</dfn> is a holder for various kinds of objects (regions,
control events, plugins) that is used during <dfn>cut-and-paste
A <dfn>cut</dfn> operation removes selected objects and places them in the
clipboard. The existing contents of the clipboard are overwriten.<br />
The default key binding is <kbd class="mod1">x</kbd>.
A <dfn>copy</dfn> of the selected objects are placed in clipboard. There is
no effect on the selected objects themselves. The existing contents of the
clipboard are overwritten. <br />
The default key binding is <kbd class="mod1">c</kbd>.
The current contents of the clipboard are <dfn>paste</dfn>d (inserted)
into the session, using the current <dfn>edit point</dfn> as the
destination. The contents of the clipboard remain unchanged &mdash; you
can paste the same item multiple times. <br />
The default key binding is <kbd class="mod1">v</kbd>.

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@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
layout: default
title: Deleting Objects
Within the Editor window (and to some extent within the Mixer window too),
there are several techniques for <dfn>deleting</dfn> objects (regions,
control points, and more).
<h2>Using the mouse and keyboard</h2>
Select the object(s) and then press the <kbd>Del</kbd> key.
This does <strong>not</strong> put the deleted object(s) into the cut
buffer, so they cannot be pasted elsewhere.
<h2>Using normal cut and paste shortcuts</h2>
Select the object(s) and then press <kbd class="mod1">x</kbd>. This puts
the deleted object(s) into the cut buffer so that they could be pasted
<h2>Using just the mouse</h2>
By default, <kbd class="mouse">Shift Right</kbd> will delete the
clicked-upon object. Like the Del key, this does <strong>not</strong>
put the deleted object(s) into the cut buffer.
The modifier and mouse button used for this can be controlled via
<kbd class="menu">Edit &gt; Preferences &gt; User Interaction &gt;
Delete using ...</kbd>. Any modifier and mouse button combination can
be used.

View File

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ title: The Transport Menu
<dt class="sub1">To Next Region Sync</dt><dd>Moves the currently selected to the next region sync point (by default : beginning or end of the region)</dd>
<dt class="sub1">To Previous Region Sync</dt><dd>Same, to the left</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Add Mark from Playhead</dt><dd>Creates a Marker at he position of the playhead</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Add Mark from Playhead</dt><dd>Creates a Marker at the position of the playhead</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Remove Mark at Playhead</dt><dd>Removes any marker at the position of the playhead</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Toggle Mark at Playhead</dt><dd>Combine the 2 previous : if a marker exists, deletes it, otherwise create it</dd>

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@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ title: The Edit Menu
<dt>Scripted Actions</dt><dd></dd>
<dt class="sub1">[] Script Manager</dt><dd>Shows the <a href="/lua-scripting/">Script manager</a>, allowing to use and manage the Lua scripts in the session</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Unset #<em>n</em></dt><dd>Desactivate the <em>n</em>th script</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Unset #<em>n</em></dt><dd>Deactivate the <em>n</em>th script</dd>
<dt>Preferences</dt><dd>Displays the <a href="/preferences-and-session-properties/preferences-dialog/">Preferences</a> panels, allowing to change Ardour's behaviour</dd>

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@ -2,35 +2,55 @@
layout: default
title: Default Keyboard Bindings
menu-title: Key Bindings
Almost every available function in Ardour can be bound to a keyboard
shortcut (and those few that cannot will usually respond to an <a
title="Open Sound Control">OSC</abbr> command</a>). Ardour comes with a
title="Open Sound Control">OSC</abbr> command</a>). Ardour comes with a
rich set of default <dfn>key bindings</dfn> for the most commonly used
<p>These bindings strive to be <dfn>mnemonic</dfn>, that is, easy and intuitive
to remember, and follow widely accepted conventions. As a general rule,
the first letter of an operation will be used for as a shortcut, if
available. This does not necessarily lead to the best ergonomics for
rapid editing &mdash; there are alternative binding sets for that &mdash;
but it does make it simpler for newcomers to remember some of the most
<p>These bindings strive to be <dfn>mnemonic</dfn>, that is, easy and intuitive
to remember, and follow widely accepted conventions. As a general rule,
the first letter of an operation will be used for as a shortcut, if
available. This does not necessarily lead to the best ergonomics for
rapid editing &mdash; there are alternative binding sets for that &mdash;
but it does make it simpler for newcomers to remember some of the most
useful ones, for example<br />
<kbd>S</kbd> for <kbd class="menu">Region &gt; Edit &gt; Split"</kbd>
or<br />
<kbd>P</kbd> for <kbd class="menu">Transport &gt; Playhead &gt; Playhead to Mouse</kbd>.
Almost every key binding in Ardour can be changed in
Existing key bindings in menus are listed on the right side of the
menu items. To create a custom key binding for a menu item quickly, navigate to
the relevant (sub-) menu, hover over the item with the mouse and press
the desired combination of modifiers and key.
<p class="warning">
Ardour will silently re-assign the binding if you use a key
combination that is already in use, possibly removing a standard
keyboard shortcut without warning you. That might lead to confusion
when you ask other users for help, and they explain something in terms
of a standard key binding, which will then have a completely
different effect on your system.
Almost every key binding in Ardour can be looked for and/or changed in
<kbd class="menu">Window &gt; Key Bindings</kbd>.
The conventions for using modifier keys (<kbd class="mod1">&nbsp;</kbd>, <kbd
class="mod2">&nbsp;</kbd>, <kbd class="mod3">&nbsp;</kbd> etc.) differ among platforms, so we
class="mod2">&nbsp;</kbd>, <kbd class="mod3">&nbsp;</kbd> etc.) differ among platforms, so we
provide different default bindings for each.
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