Documenting the Window and Help menus

This commit is contained in:
Ed Ward 2017-01-16 19:38:18 +01:00
parent 178adc8e7d
commit 4a898e4a87
2 changed files with 44 additions and 45 deletions

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@ -2,39 +2,35 @@
title: The Window Menu
<p class="fixme">Describe the items</p>
The <dfn>Window</dfn> menu deals with the layout of the different windows, and their visibility.
<dt>[] Audio/MIDI Setup</dt><dd>Shows the <a href="/working-with-sessions/new-session-dialog/"><kbd class="menu">Audio/MIDI Setup</kbd> window</a>, where the sound system configuration can be modified</dd>
[] Audio/MIDI Setup
[] Tracks and Busses
[] Locations
[] Binding Editor
[] Bundle Manager
[] Big Clock
[] Video Monitor
Midi Tracer
[] Audio Connections
[] MIDI Connections
[] Log
<dt class="sub1">Show</dt><dd>Switches to the Editor view</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Hide</dt><dd>Hides the Editor, hence showing the Mixer when the windows are attached</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Attach</dt><dd>If the Editor window is detached, separated from the main window, attach it back</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Detach</dt><dd>If the Editor is attached to the main window, fetach it (makes the Editor a separated window, usefull for multi-monitor setup)</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Show/Hide/Attach/Detach</dt><dd>Same as for the Editor, for the <em>Mixer</em> window</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Show/Hide/Attach/Detach</dt><dd>Same as for the Editor, for the <em>Preferences</em> window</dd>
<dt>Meterbridge</dt><dd>Shows the <a href="/meters/"><kbd class="menu">Meterbridge</kbd> window</a>, that displays all the tracks' meter at once and their recording status, and is very handy for multitrack recording</dd>
<dt>Scripting</dt><dd>Opens the <a href="/lua-scripting/"><kbd class="menu">Lua Scripting</kbd> window</a>, allowing to edit and run Lua scripts</dd>
<dt>[] Tracks and Busses</dt><dd>Opens the <kbd class="menu">Tracks and Busses</kbd> window, which is a shortcut to many tracks/busses operations (routing, effects, ...)</dd>
<dt>[] Locations</dt><dd><dd>Opens the <a href="/ardours-interface/the-editor/the-editor_s-lists/ranges-and-marks-list/"><kbd class="menu">Ranges and Marks</kbd> window</a>, a single point of control for all range and location markers</dd>
<dt>[] Binding Editor</dt><dd>Opens the <a href="/default-keyboard-bindings/"><kbd class="menu">Key Bindings</kbd> window</a>, which allows for easy creation or modification of any keyboard shortcut</dd>
<dt>[] Bundle Manager</dt><dd>Opens the <kbd class="menu">Bundle Manager</kbd> window, allowing to create and manage <em>Bundles</em>, which are a way to simplify connection management, by defining groups of ports</dd>
<dt>[] Big Clock</dt><dd>Opens the <a href="/ardours-interface/transport-bar-and-times/times/">Main Clock</a> as its own separate (and huge) window, which is helpfull when recording</dd>
<dt>[] Video Monitor</dt><dd>If a <a href="/video-timeline/">video</a> has been imported in the session, opens a video window (namely, <em>Xjadeo</em>), synced to the timeline</dd>
<dt>Midi Tracer</dt><dd>Opens the <kbd class="menu">MIDI Tracer</kbd> window, allowing to follow each and every MIDI message entering or leaving Ardour</dd>
<dt>[] Audio Connections</dt><dd>Opens the <a href="/signal-routing/Patchbay/"><kbd class="menu">Audio Connection Manager</kbd> window</a>, a way to make connections to, from and within Ardour's mixer</dd>
<dt>[] MIDI Connections</dt><dd>Same as above, for the MIDI connections</dd>
<dt>[] Log</dt><dd>Shows the <kbd class="menu">Log</kbd> window, where Ardour lists usefull information, warnings and errors</dd>

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@ -2,15 +2,18 @@
title: The Help Menu
<p class="fixme">Describe the items</p>
The <dfn>Help</dfn> Menu gives acces to usefull information about Ardour.
[] About
User Forums
How to Report a Bug
Report a Bug
Ardour Website
Ardour Development
<dt>[] About</dt><dd>Shows the <kbd class="menu">About Ardour</kbd> window, which contains information about the version, config, authors,and license of Ardour</dd>
<dt>Chat</dt><dd>This is a shortcut to the webchat version of the Freenode IRC channel of Ardour, where the developpers meet, and questions can be asked if the Manual is not enough</dd>
<dt>Manual</dt><dd>Link to a FLOSSManual guide to Ardour</dd>
<dt>Reference</dt><dd>Link to this manual, hosted on</dd>
<dt>User Forums</dt><dd>Link to's user forum</dd>
<dt>How to Report a Bug</dt><dd>Link to an helping page about reporting bugs</dd>
<dt>Report a Bug</dt><dd>Link to Ardour's Mantis bugtracker</dd>
<dt>Ardour Website</dt><dd>Link to Ardour's main and official website</dd>
<dt>Ardour Development</dt><dd>Link to the developpers' part of the official website</dd>