When using the export-tool, the very first callback may already be
freewheeling. In this case the first call to the butler also happens
directly from the freewheel process-callback and initial session events
are handled there. Setting PostTransportAdjustPlaybackBuffering
took the process-lock, which caused a deadlock:
Glib::Threads::Mutex::Lock::Lock(Glib::Threads::Mutex&) at /usr/include/glibmm-2.4/glibmm/threads.h:687
ARDOUR::Session::butler_transport_work() at ../libs/ardour/session_transport.cc:1157
ARDOUR::Session::process_export_fw(unsigned int) at ../libs/ardour/session_export.cc:303
ARDOUR::AudioEngine::process_callback(unsigned int) at ../libs/ardour/audioengine.cc:486
ARDOUR::DummyAudioBackend::main_process_thread() at ../libs/backends/dummy/dummy_audiobackend.cc:951
mmacosx-version-min also needs to be set during linking, otherwise
the Finder will not allow to launch the application on older systems
"The application requires os X 10.XX or later"
(with XX being the build-host's OS version), even though
Ardour can be started from a terminal on target due to correct
This fixes an issues with missing monitor-sends when creating
a session from a template with monitor-section, or when creating
tracks from a route-template.
VST3PluginInfo holds a shared_ptr reference to
VST3PluginModule. In order to cleanly unload a plugin, all
references have to be dropped.
Unloading a plugin cleanly before exit is needed in some
cases (e.g. Waves shell otherwise crashes)
When exporting long sessions with freewheeling, pulseaudio
may meanwhile suspend the corked audio device. The "FAIL_ON_SUSPEND"
option then prevents ardour to uncork it after export, and the
audio-backend is halted.
*PluginInfo::load() eventually calls `plugin->set_info()`
which depends on a valid PluginPtr. The method needs to return
early if `plugin` is unset or null.