This is mostly a simple lexical search+replace but the absence of operator< for
std::weak_ptr<T> leads to some complications, particularly with Evoral::Sequence
and ExportPortChannel.
This commit fixes an issue where if your controller was currently on a
bank not near the first few tracks, and you then deleted tracks, the
controller bank buttons would appear unresponsive because of the
"if (initial >= sorted.size())" check in switch_banks().
This would occur when the difference between the _initial_bank and
whatever sorted.size() returns was greater than or equal to strip_cnt.
For example, if your _initial_bank was 48, your strip_cnt was 24 and you
had 24 tracks after the deletion, then the above conditional would evaluate
to true and exit out of switch_banks BEFORE actually switching the bank,
effectively stranding the controller unless you added enough tracks back.
Adds function to clear solo and (with shift) mute all channels.Adds
function to save and (with shift) save as. Adds function to toggle all
processors on selected track. Adds functions to select track to the
left/right. Adds function to add marker and (with shift) remove marker at
playhead. Adds function to undo without needing shift modifier.
Adds a function to go to the next and previous marker. Adds a function to
redo (without requiring a shift modifier). Adds a function to open a
Adds a device profile for iCon Platform M+ controller and new function
that flips between editor and mixer window. This function is mapped to
"mixer" button on controller.
If the wrong device profile is selected (ex Xtouch One) but another device
is connected (Xtouch), it is possible to have a master fader on the
device, but not in the code. This would then cause a crash when the
master fader was touched.
This just protects from a wrong configuration.
Main features: Plugin (Select & Edit)
1. Plugin Select: When a track is selected that has PluginInserts, pushing the "Plug-In" button on a mackie will list these across the strips. Clicking a vpot of a strip enables editing the parameters of this selected plugin.
2. Plugin Edit: When a Plugin is selected for editing, the input parameters of the plugin are shown across the channel strips and the vpot is assigned the corresponsing AutomationControl for the parameter.
Minor features
- When the number of plugins or the number of parameters exceeds the number of strips available on the surface, one can flip through "pages" of views using the Cursor Left and Right keys (this logic I took from
- When in the Plugin Select mode, rearranging the plugins in the mixer strip is reflected on the surface.
- When in Plugin Edit mode, rearranging the plugins in the mixer strip still retains the edit view of the selected plugin (rearranging does not take away the current subview)
- When removing a plugin in the mixer strip, this is reflected in Plugin Select, while the view jumps to Pan/Surround (the None subview) when in Plugin Edit mode.
- Removing a track resets the subview to None
- When in a Subview that is track-specific (Track, EQ, Send, Plug-In, Inst), selecting a different track retains the subview but updates the channel displays and vpot assignments accordingly. When in Plugin Edit mode for track A, and track B is selected, it changes to Plugin Select mode for track B (if plugins are present).
Generated by tools/f2s. Some hand-editing will be required in a few places to fix up comments related to timecode
and video in order to keep the legible