This commit swizzles (replaces) NSView::displayIfNeeded to allow us to stop redraws of plugin
windows if the Glib idle timer fires less often then every 40msec. The next 10 plugin redraws
(for all plugin windows combined) will be skipped. Heuristics will likely need some adjustments
This prevents a memory leak: The session is closed.
The session-butler drops memory pool trash. The Engine keeps running.
Once the AudioEngine is taken down (sample-rate switch, or at exit),
the backend process-thread is terminated but there is no trash-can anymore.
If there are unprocessed SessionEvents, this calls
free_per_thread_pool() -> cp->parent()->add_to_trash (cp).
"parent()" in this case the trash-can the butler emptied.
When adding a processor, the processor may add ports leading to
a call to jack_port_register(). while Ardour holds a WritertLock on the
processor-list (this commit removes this WriterLock).
with jack2 that results in a graph-reorder callback (WHY?)
jack2 issues that graph-reorder in a separate thread BUT
port-registration does not return until the graph-reorder is complete.
On Ardour's side, graph_reordered() calls Session::resort_routes ()
which eventually checks Route::direct_feeds_according_to_reality()
which needs a ReadLock on the processor-list to check I/O.
Since jack_port_register() does not return, this constitutes a deadlock.
Why does jack_port_register() trigger a graph-order in jack2?
No connections are made.
..and why does it block jack_port_register() from returning if
that graph-order callback is in a different thread?
Allow to re-use Midi buffers for GUI communication. Honor
resize-port extension for all Atom Sequence buffers.
(following example of
Tested on Apple Multiban Comp, Apple Dynamics Proc, AU Sampler, Zebra2 and Zebralette.
Still have a 1-2 pixel white border at lower and right edge after window is dragged larger.
Also, debug output.
debatable, since most of them are not "help/tool info" but rather
"current value display".
Then again tooltip is tooltip and can be annoying or not wanted.
ARDOUR_UI::load_session()'s loading_message() shows the splash in
all cases. But only the initial ARDOUR_UI::starting() does destroy it.
In some cases we got away because the Engine Dialog pops back the
splash and the dialog is never destroyed (only hidden).
It's not until ~Dialog that the splash is displayed again (if it exists).