2013-01-30 00:26:36 +00:00

15 lines
750 B

layout: default
title: Working with Ardour-built Plugin Editors
<p>If a plugins does not have its own editor/GUI, Ardour will construct one from a small set of common control elements. Ardour will do this even for plugins that have their own, if you disable <code>Edit &gt; Preferences &gt; GUI &gt; Use Plugins' own interface instead of Ardour's</code> </p>
<p>To view a plugin editor, double-click on the plugin within the <a href="/working-with-plugins/the-processor-box">processor box</a>. A new window will appear showing the editor/GUI for the plugin.</p>
<h2>Adjusting parameter sliders</h2>
<h2>Resetting a value to its default</h2>
<p>Shift-click on the controller.</p>
<h2>Automation Controls</h2>