2021-04-17 08:43:05 -07:00

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The region list shows all the regions in the session, with infos about them
in a tabular form. Any column caption can be clicked to sort the list
according to the clicked value:
<table class="dl">
<tr><th>Name</th><td>The name of the region, can be modified by double-clicking it</td></tr>
<tr><th># Ch</th><td>Number of channels for an audio region (0 for MIDI)</td></tr>
<tr><th>Tags</th><td>User-added tag text, can be modified by double clicking it</td></tr>
<tr><th>Start</th><td>position of the start of the region on the global timeline</td></tr>
<tr><th>Length</th><td>duration of the region</td></tr>
The time format used for <em>Start</em> and <em>Length</em> follows the <a href="@@editing-clocks">Primary Clock</a> one.
At the right of the list are four columns of flags that can be altered:
<table class="dl">
<tr><th>&square; L</th>
<td>whether the region position is locked, so that it cannot be moved.</td></tr>
<tr><th>&square; G</th>
<td>whether the region's position is &lsquo;glued&rsquo; to bars and beats.
If so, the region will stay at the same position in bars and beats even if the tempo and/or time signature change.</td></tr>
<tr><th>&square; M</th>
<td>whether the region is muted, so that it will not be heard.</td></tr>
<tr><th>&square; O</th>
<td>whether the region is opaque; opaque regions &lsquo;block&rsquo; regions below them from being heard, whereas &lsquo;transparent&rsquo; regions have their contents mixed with whatever is underneath. </td></tr>
Hovering the mouse pointer over a column heading shows a tool-tip which can be handy to remember what the columns are for.
A handy feature of the region list is that its regions can be dragged and dropped into a suitable track in the session.