2020-03-27 09:15:36 -07:00

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It is sometimes desirable to work only with a set of strips out of the whole
list of available strips. This could be in any case where there is more than
one engineer and one of them is responsible for only a group of strips such
as all percussion, all sound effects, choir only, orchestra only, etc.
<p class="note">
New Ardour 6.0
After a strip is added to the custom strip list, it will retain the same
SSID for the life of the session so long as banking is not used. If a strip
is removed it will leave a gap in the SSID list. Custom strip lists do
not survive a session reload and need to be recreated at session start.
<p class="note">
A custom strip list will only affect the surface that sets it. Any
other surface will continue to operate on all strips or may have it's
own set of custom strips.
The commands below control the use of a custom strip set.
<table class="dl">
<tr><th><kbd class="osc">/strip/listen <em>ssid</em> <em>...</em></kbd></th>
<td>where <em>ssid</em> is an integer or list of integers representing
tracks to add to the custom track list</td></tr>
<tr><th><kbd class="osc">/strip/ignore <em>ssid</em> <em>...</em></kbd></th>
<td>where <em>ssid</em> is an integer or list of integers representing
tracks to remove from the custom track list</td></tr>
<tr><th><kbd class="osc">/strip/custom/mode <em>mode</em></kbd></th>
<td>where <em>mode</em> is an integer representing the desired mode
of custom strips.</td></tr>
<tr><th><kbd class="osc">/strip/custom/clear </kbd></th>
<td>disables custom strips and clears the previously set custom strip list</td></tr>
<h2>Setting up a custom strip set</h2>
The control surface may set up a custom strip list all at once or one
strip at a time. A control surface that uses banking would probably
be best served by setting up one strip at a time, while one that does
no banking (bank_size = 0) and uses <code>/strip/list</code> would
probably be best served by having them all selected at once.
<p>One at a time example:</p>
<code>/strip/listen 2</code>
<p>adds strip 2 to custom strip list</p>
<p>Many at a time example:</p>
<code>/strip/listen 2 4 6 8</code>
<p>Adds strips 2, 4, 6 and 8 to the custom strip list</p>
<p class="note">
<code>/strip/listen</code> will only work with custom enable turned off.
Using <code>/strip/listen</code> while in custom mode will have no effect.
<h2>Using the custom strip set</h2>
Once the custom strip set has been set up as shown above, it must be enabled.
This is done from the control surface with the <code>/strip/custom/mode <em>mode</em></code>
OSC command. <em>Mode</em> may be <em>0</em>: Off, <em>1</em>: Use custom
strip set in selected order or <em>2</em>: Use custom strip set
in mixer order. <code>/strip/list</code> will now show the custom strip list
and and its SSIDs. No more strips may be added to the custom strip list while
in custom mode. To add more strips to the end of the list, first send the
<code>/strip/custom/mode 0</code> then more strips can be added to the end
of the list. After adding the next strips send the
<code>/strip/custom/mode <em>mode</em></code>
to re-enable custom mode. It is possible to switch back and forth between
normal and custom mode as desired.
<h3>Custom Strip ordering</h3>
The ordering of strips in the custom strip set is affected by both the
custom <code>mode</code> and the <code>bank_size</code> setting for the
<p class="note">
A <code>bank_size</code> of <em>0</em> is also described as having
banking turned off. In such a case all strips are shown.
<h4>Mode 0</h4>
Custom mode <em>Off</em>. All strips will be used as set by
<h4>Mode 1</h4>
If <code>mode</code> is set to <em>1</em> the custom strip ordering
is always "first come, first served". That is,
<code>/strip/listen 2 4</code> followed by <code>/strip/listen 1 3</code>
will result in strip 2 showing as SSID 1 , strip 4 as SSID 2, strip 1
as SSID 3 and strip 3 as SSID 4 when in custom mode <em>1</em>. Once these SSID are set
in this way, they will remain linked to this SSID with banking turned off and
will at least remain in the same order with banking on.
<h4>Mode 2</h4>
If <code>mode</code> is set to <em>2</em> the custom strip ordering
will be set to mixer order and any deleted strips will not leave
a blank strip in the set.
<h4>With banking on</h4>
If <code>bank_size</code> is set to greater than <em>0</em>, Then
banking is turned on. In this case <code>strip_types</code> will
be honored and only strips from the custom strip set that match
<code>strip_types</code> will be shown in a bank. However, the
order that the strips appear will still be affected by the
<h2>Removing a strip from the custom strip list</h2>
<code>/strip/ignore ssid</code> will remove that strip from the
custom strip list if custom strip use is enabled. In <code>mode</code>
<em>1</em> there will be a blank strip at that SSID and all other
SSIDs will remain the same for no banking. With banking
in use, <code>strip_types</code> are honored and so removed strips
which have no type, will not be shown.
<code>/strip/custom/clear</code> will remove
all strips and SSIDs allowing custom strip lists to be restarted from
SSID 1. Custom <code>mode</code> will be set to <em>0</em>.