
55 lines
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title: Reordering Tracks
The <dfn>track ordering</dfn> of the Editor and Mixer is <dfn>synchronized</dfn>: if you
reorder in one window, the ordering in the other window will follow.
<h2>Reordering in the Editor Window</h2>
Select the tracks you want to move. Then use<br />
<kbd class="menu">Track &gt; Move Selected Tracks Up</kbd>
(shortcut: <kbd class="mod1">&uarr;</kbd>) or<br />
<kbd class="menu">Track &gt; Move Selected Tracks Down</kbd>
(shortcut: <kbd class="mod1">&darr;</kbd>).
Alternatively, you can use the <kbd class="menu">Tracks &amp; Busses</kbd>
panel of the
<a href="/ardours-interface/introducing-the-editor-window/editor-lists/">Editor
Lists</a>, if visible.
Here, you can freely drag-and-drop tracks and busses into any order you prefer.
<h2>Reordering in the Mixer Window</h2>
Within the <kbd class="menu">Strips</kbd> pane at the top left of the
Mixer window, you can freely drag-and-drop tracks and busses into any
desired order.
<h2>"Collecting" Group Members</h2>
Tracks and Busses that are members of a group can be reordered so that they
display contiguously within the Editor and Mixer windows. Context-click on
the group tab and choose <kbd class="menu">Collect</kbd>.
<h2>Ordering of New Tracks</h2>
When <dfn>adding new tracks</dfn>, the current selection determines their
placement. New tracks will be placed after the rightmost (in the mixer) or
bottom-most (in the editor) selected track. If no tracks are selected, new
tracks will be added at the end.
<p class="note">
Because new tracks are automatically selected, you can quickly reorder them
in the editor window via the keyboard shortcuts after adding them (see above).
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