jedslater cd424ba51a Various manual edits
Typo fixes, improving readability, conforming to the style guide, etc.
2018-02-18 13:23:47 -08:00

49 lines
1.9 KiB

When <dfn>copying a MIDI region</dfn>, Ardour has to decide whether to make the
copy refer to the same data as the original or not. If it does refer
to the same data, then editing either the copy or the original will
affect the both of them. If it refers to an independent copy of the
data then each one can be edited without affecting the other.
<h2>Changing dependent/independent copying for the entire session</h2>
<kbd class="menu">Sesson &gt; Properties &gt; Misc &gt; MIDI region copies are
independent</kbd> can be used to control the default behaviour when
making a copy of a MIDI region.
When enabled, every new copy of a MIDI
region results in a copy being made of the MIDI data used by the
region, and the new copy of the region will refer to that data.
When disabled, every new copy of a MIDI region will refer to the same
MIDI data, and thus editing any copy will change the contents of all
of them.
Changing the status of this option has no effect on the existing
dependent/independent status of existing region copies.
<h2>Making an existing copy of a MIDI region independent</h2>
<kbd class="mouse">Right</kbd> clicking on the MIDI region to be independent
then selecting <kbd class="menu">MIDI &gt; Unlink From Other Copies</kbd>
makes it independent: the copy is now using its own version of the data, and
edits to the copy will affect only the copy. Other copies will continue to
share data.
<p class="note">
Note that the copied data only covers the extent of the region when
the copy is made. If the region was already trimmed and then a copy
is made, an independent copy will have no access to data that is
earlier or later than the bounds of the region it was copied
from. Put differently, making an independent copy of a trimmed
MIDI region only retains the visible part of it.