2017-02-21 14:59:29 -06:00

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<figure class=right>
<img src="/images/automation-lane1.png">
<figcaption class=center>A typical automation lane.</figcaption>
An <dfn>automation lane</dfn> is similar to a track in that it holds data
that can be played back; however, unlike a track, it is not an independent
entity&mdash;it is always attached to the track that it controls. Automation
lanes also contain zero to one <dfn>automation curves</dfn>. Each lane
controls one and only one parameter of the track it is attached to.
Every track will have at least five automation lanes associated with it:
trim, fader, mute, and pan (which consists of two lanes: L/R and Width); it
can possibly have many more if there are any processors associated with it.
All these lanes are automatically attached to the track but hidden, and
initially they are all empty (have no automation curves in them).
<figure class=center>
<img src="/images/automation-multi-lane1.png">
<figcaption class=center>An example of a track with three lanes of automation (fader &amp; pan).</figcaption>
Automation lanes typically have the following controls:
<li>A hide button (square button with an "X" inside)</li>
<li>A horizontal fader</li>
<li>An <dfn>automation mode</dfn> selector</li>
The hide button, as the name implies, hides the automation lane. The
horizontal fader controls the level of the parameter that the lane controls;
manipulating this while in <kbd class=menu>Write</kbd> or <kbd
class=menu>Touch</kbd> mode during playback will make changes to the lane's
automation curve. The automation mode selector selects which mode the lane is
in (<kbd class=menu>Manual</kbd>, <kbd class=menu>Play</kbd>, <kbd
class=menu>Write</kbd>, or <kbd class=menu>Touch</kbd>).
<p class=note>
The hide button will only hide the lane; it does not remove it from the
track. The automation lane never really goes away&mdash;the closest one can
get to that is to clear the automation curve and hide the lane.