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The <dfn>Plugin Manager</dfn> provides a convenient interface to various
operations on plugins and is the primary troubleshooting tools when something
goes wrong with plugins. It works on both physical plugin files and
the plugins index.
<figure class=center>
<img src="/images/plugin-manager.png" alt="The Plugin Manager window" width="100%" />
<figcaption class=center>The Plugin Manager window</figcaption>
<h2>What is a plugins index?</h2>
For each type of a plugin (e.g. VST3 or LV2) there are pre-configured paths
where these plugins are located. Every time Ardour runs, it re-scans plugins
in these paths and recreates an index — a kind of inventory of available
plugins. Whenever you open the <a href="@@plugin-selector">Plugin Selector</a>
dialog, Ardour reads the list of available plugins from that index and
displays them for you to pick.
Re-scanning paths is important because it's common for plugins to change on
the disk (e.g. when you installed a newer version) or get removed (when you
don't need a plugin anymore). Sometimes plugins get corrupted due to
a hardware failure. Indexing them often helps identifying issues early on,
and the Plugin Manager helps reviewing the general state of affairs with
<h2>Plugins info</h2>
The main part of the Plugin Manager window is the table where all plugins known
to Ardour are listed. You can use it to both view information about a plugin and
control some of its aspects:
<table class="dl">
<td>Ardour will displays the status of every plug-in file. See below
for more information</td>
<td>Do not load this plugin file at all</td>
<td>Set or unset the Favorite status for a plugin</td>
<td>Load this plugin file, but do not show it in the Plugin Selector</td>
<td>The name of the API this plugin has been built with:
VST2, VST3, AU, LADSPA, LV2</td>
<td>Displays the file name for LADSPA, VST2, and VST3, as well as
the ID for LV2 and AU</td>
<td>User-visible name of the plugin</td>
<td>Developer of team of developers who created the plugin</td>
<td>Metadata that classifies the plugin by type,
e.g. 'instrument|synth' or 'analyser'</td>
The Status field specifically has the following options:
<table class="dl">
<td>The plugin file has loaded without any issues and the information
in the cache about it is up to date</td>
<td>The plugin file has just been discovered and successfully loaded
for the first time</td>
<td>The plugin file changed on the disk, the plugin cache has been updated
accordingly, the plugin file loaded successfully</td>
<td>VST2 if corresponding VST3 exists. same for LV1 when LV2 exists</td>
<td>There was a problem loading the plugin file</td>
<td>A VSTx/AU plugin changed on the disk but hasn't been re-scanned
by Ardour yet</td>
<td>Scan the plugin failed. Typical reasons are 32/64-bit mismatch,
attempt to load a .dll on Linux or a .dylib on Windows</td>
The <kbd class="menu">Plugin Count</kbd> section in the sidebar provides
basic information on available plugins: how many plugins of every supported
type are available through Ardour in total, how many failed to load, and
how many are missing.
<h2>Scan actions</h2>