The Session Properties window
The Session Properties window

Session properties control aspects of the workflow or configuration that pertain to the current session only; these settings are initially set from the template used to create the session. They can be found in Session > Properties, and are stored in the session file.

Settings can be searched for using the input box in the lower left corner of the Preferences window. Typing in a keyword and pressing Enter will open the Preferences pages where the first occurence of the keyword is available, the setting will be highlighted. Pressing Enter again will highlight the next occurence (where available).

Preferences are grouped by category:





Change how sound is stored on disk. These options do not change how sound is handled internally.


These options add file locations that will be searched to find the audio and midi files used by the session. This is useful when the files have been imported into the session but not copied into the session.


This tab is used to change how Ardour names recorded regions.


Provides options affecting monitoring.


This tab changes what controls are displayed in the Meterbridge that is available in the Window > Meterbridge menu.


This tab has several things that don't fit on the other tabs.