Editing MIDI can be a tedious task. Ardour allows using a connected MIDI device like a music keyboard or pad controller, or use the mouse. A third option, providing fine-grain control, precision and speed of entry comes from using a custom note entry dialog.
The step entry dialog is accessed via a right click context menu on the rec-enable button, because step entry is related to recording MIDI data. Step editing and recording MIDI via the track's MIDI port cannot happen simultaneously.
The dialog (quite closely modelled on Logic's) contains:
More or less all actions in the step entry dialog can be driven directly from the keyboard, so that moving back and forth from the keyboard to the mouse is not necessary even for complex data insertion.
The default key bindings for this (configured in step_editing.bindings) are:
grave | octave 0 |
1 to 9 | octave 1 to 9 |
0 | octave 10 |
F1 | note length whole |
F2 | note length half |
F3 | note length third |
F4 to F8 | note length quarter to sixtyfourth |
a | insert C |
w | insert C ♯ |
s | insert D |
e | insert D ♯ |
d | insert E |
f | insert F |
t | insert F ♯ |
g | insert G |
y | insert G ♯ |
h | insert A |
u | insert A ♯ |
j | insert B |
Tab | insert rest |
Primary Tab | insert snap rest |
BackSpace | back |
z | note velocity 𝆏𝆏𝆏 |
x | note velocity 𝆏𝆏 |
c | note velocity 𝆏 |
v | note velocity 𝆐𝆏 |
b | note velocity 𝆐𝆑 |
n | note velocity 𝆑 |
m | note velocity 𝆑𝆑 |
comma | note velocity 𝆑𝆑𝆑 |
Up | next note velocity |
Down | prev note velocity |
Primary Up | next note length |
Primary Down | prev note length |
apostrophe | toggle triplet |
period | toggle dotted |
Primary period | no dotted |
bar | toggle chord |