It is possible to play both individual clips and entire cues.

Playing Individual Clips

There are generally two ways to trigger a slot with a clip inside.

  1. Pressing a mouse button over the button to the left of the clip's name (Ardout defaults to Trigger launch style which has a classical triangle playback icon)
  2. Sending a note-on event from an external or a virtual MIDI controller

How Ardour responds to releasing the mouse button or sending a note-off event depends on the trigger launch style. This chapter covers that topic.

Once the clip starts playing, the playback indication panel for that track lights up with some information:

Playback indication
Playback indication

Left to right:

One way to stop a playing clip is to click the square-shaped icon in any of the empty slots in the track of interest.

Ardour allows assigning arbitrary keys on MIDI controllers to trigger cue slots:

  1. Right-click on the trigger slot of interest
  2. Choose MIDI Learn in the newly opened window
  3. Press a key on your MIDI controller

An existing assignment can be remove using the MIDI un-Learn command in the same right-click menu.

Play An Entire Cue

Launching a cue. FIXME

Stopping a cue. FIXME