--- layout: default style: luadoc title: Class Reference ---

This documentation is far from complete may be inaccurate and subject to change.


The top-level entry point are ARDOUR:Session and ArdourUI:Editor. Most other Classes are used indirectly starting with a Session function. e.g. Session:get_routes().

A few classes are dedicated to certain script types, e.g. Lua DSP processors have exclusive access to ARDOUR.DSP and ARDOUR:ChanMapping. Action Hooks Scripts to LuaSignal:Set etc.

Detailed documentation (parameter names, method description) is not yet available. Please stay tuned.

Short introduction to Ardour classes

Ardour's structure is object oriented. The main object is the Session. A Session contains Audio Tracks, Midi Tracks and Busses. Audio and Midi tracks are derived from a more general "Track" Object, which in turn is derived from a "Route" (aka Bus). (We say "An Audio Track is-a Track is-a Route"). Tracks contain specifics. For Example a track has-a diskstream (for file i/o).

Operations are performed on objects. One gets a reference to an object and then calls a method. e.g obj = Session:route_by_name("Audio") obj:set_name("Guitar").

Lua automatically follows C++ class inheritance. e.g one can directly call all SessionObject and Route methods on Track object. However lua does not automatically promote objects. A Route object which just happens to be a Track needs to be explicily cast to a Track. Methods for casts are provided with each class. Note that the cast may fail and return a nil reference.

Likewise multiple inheritance is a non-trivial issue in lua. To avoid performance penalties involved with lookups, explicit casts are required in this case. One example is ARDOUR:SessionObject which is-a StatefulDestructible which inhertis from both Stateful and Destructible.

Object lifetimes are managed by the Session. Most Objects cannot be directly created, but one asks the Session to create or destroy them. This is mainly due to realtime constrains: you cannot simply remove a track that is currently processing audio. There are various factory methods for object creation or removal.

Pass by Reference

Since lua functions are closures, C++ methods that pass arguments by reference cannot be used as-is. All parameters passed to a C++ method which uses references are returned as Lua Table. If the C++ method also returns a value it is prefixed. Two parameters are returned: the value and a Lua Table holding the parameters.

void set_ref (int& var, long& val)
	printf ("%d %ld\n", var, val);
	var = 5;
	val = 7;
local var = 0;
ref = set_ref (var, 2);
-- output from C++ printf()
0 2
-- var is still 0 here
print (ref[1], ref[2])
5 7
int set_ref2 (int &var, std::string unused)
	var = 5;
	return 3;
rv, ref = set_ref2 (0, "hello");
print (rv, ref[1], ref[2])
3 5 hello

Pointer Classes

Libardour makes extensive use of reference counted boost::shared_ptr to manage lifetimes. The Lua bindings provide a complete abstration of this. There are no pointers in lua. For example a ARDOUR:Route is a pointer in C++, but lua functions operate on it like it was a class instance.

shared_ptr are reference counted. Once assigned to a lua variable, the C++ object will be kept and remains valid. It is good practice to assign references to lua local variables or reset the variable to nil to drop the ref.

All pointer classes have a isnil () method. This is for two cases: Construction may fail. e.g. ARDOUR.LuaAPI.newplugin() may not be able to find the given plugin and hence cannot create an object.

The second case if for boost::weak_ptr. As opposed to boost::shared_ptr weak-pointers are not reference counted. The object may vanish at any time. If lua code calls a method on a nil object, the interpreter will raise an exception and the script will not continue. This is not unlike a = nil a:test() which results in en error "attempt to index a nil value".

From the lua side of things there is no distinction between weak and shared pointers. They behave identically. Below they're inidicated in orange and have an arrow to indicate the pointer type. Pointer Classes cannot be created in lua scripts. It always requires a call to C++ to create the Object and obtain a reference to it.

Class Documentation


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::Amp >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::Amp >

is-a: ARDOUR:Processor

Applies a declick operation to all audio inputs, passing the same number of audio outputs, and passing through any other types unchanged.

GainControlgain_control ()
boolisnil ()
boolsameinstance (Amp)

Inherited from ARDOUR:Processor

voidactivate ()
boolactive ()
voiddeactivate ()
std::stringdisplay_name ()
ChanCountinput_streams ()
ChanCountoutput_streams ()
Ampto_amp ()
Automatableto_automatable ()
PluginInsertto_insert ()
IOProcessorto_ioprocessor ()
PeakMeterto_meter ()
MonitorProcessorto_monitorprocessor ()
PeakMeterto_peakmeter ()
SideChainto_sidechain ()
UnknownProcessorto_unknownprocessor ()

Inherited from ARDOUR:SessionObject

std::stringname ()
Statefulto_stateful ()
StatefulDestructibleto_statefuldestructible ()


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::AudioBackend >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::AudioBackend >

AudioBackend is an high-level abstraction for interacting with the operating system's audio and midi I/O.

unsigned intbuffer_size ()
std::stringdevice_name ()
std::stringdriver_name ()

override this if this implementation returns true from requires_driver_selection()

floatdsp_load ()

return the fraction of the time represented by the current buffer size that is being used for each buffer process cycle, as a value from 0.0 to 1.0

E.g. if the buffer size represents 5msec and current processing takes 1msec, the returned value should be 0.2.

Implementations can feel free to smooth the values returned over time (e.g. high pass filtering, or its equivalent).

DeviceStatusVectorenumerate_devices ()

Returns a collection of DeviceStatuses identifying devices discovered by this backend since the start of the process.

Any of the names in each DeviceStatus may be used to identify a device in other calls to the backend, though any of them may become invalid at any time.

StringVectorenumerate_drivers ()

If the return value of requires_driver_selection() is true, then this function can return the list of known driver names.

If the return value of requires_driver_selection() is false, then this function should not be called. If it is called its return value is an empty vector of strings.

DeviceStatusVectorenumerate_input_devices ()

Returns a collection of DeviceStatuses identifying input devices discovered by this backend since the start of the process.

Any of the names in each DeviceStatus may be used to identify a device in other calls to the backend, though any of them may become invalid at any time.

DeviceStatusVectorenumerate_output_devices ()

Returns a collection of DeviceStatuses identifying output devices discovered by this backend since the start of the process.

Any of the names in each DeviceStatus may be used to identify a device in other calls to the backend, though any of them may become invalid at any time.

AudioBackendInfoinfo ()

Return the AudioBackendInfo object from which this backend was constructed.

unsigned intinput_channels ()
std::stringinput_device_name ()
boolisnil ()
unsigned intoutput_channels ()
std::stringoutput_device_name ()
unsigned intperiod_size ()
boolsameinstance (AudioBackend)
floatsample_rate ()
intset_buffer_size (unsigned int)

Set the buffer size to be used.

The device is assumed to use a double buffering scheme, so that one buffer's worth of data can be processed by hardware while software works on the other buffer. All known suitable audio APIs support this model (though ALSA allows for alternate numbers of buffers, and CoreAudio doesn't directly expose the concept).

intset_device_name (std::string)

Set the name of the device to be used

intset_driver (std::string)

Returns zero if the backend can successfully use

Should not be used unless the backend returns true from requires_driver_selection()

as the driver, non-zero otherwise.
intset_input_device_name (std::string)

Set the name of the input device to be used if using separate input/output devices.


intset_output_device_name (std::string)

Set the name of the output device to be used if using separate input/output devices.


intset_peridod_size (unsigned int)

Set the period size to be used. must be called before starting the backend.

intset_sample_rate (float)

Set the sample rate to be used

booluse_separate_input_and_output_devices ()

An optional alternate interface for backends to provide a facility to select separate input and output devices.

If a backend returns true then enumerate_input_devices() and enumerate_output_devices() will be used instead of enumerate_devices() to enumerate devices. Similarly set_input/output_device_name() should be used to set devices instead of set_device_name().


C‡: ARDOUR::AudioBackendInfo

Data Members


C‡: ARDOUR::AudioBuffer

Buffer containing audio data.

voidapply_gain (float, long)
boolcheck_silence (unsigned int, unsigned int&)

check buffer for silence

number of frames to check
first non zero sample (if any)

Returns true if all samples are zero

FloatArraydata (long)
voidread_from (FloatArray, long, long, long)
boolsameinstance (AudioBuffer)
voidsilence (long, long)

silence buffer

number of samples to clear
start offset


C‡: ARDOUR::AudioEngine

is-a: ARDOUR:PortManager

BackendVectoravailable_backends ()
std::stringcurrent_backend_name ()
floatget_dsp_load ()
std::stringget_last_backend_error ()
AudioBackendset_backend (std::string, std::string, std::string)
intset_buffer_size (unsigned int)
intset_device_name (std::string)
intset_sample_rate (float)
boolsetup_required ()
intstart (bool)
intstop (bool)

Inherited from ARDOUR:PortManager

intconnect (std::string, std::string)
boolconnected (std::string)
intdisconnect (std::string, std::string)
intdisconnect_port (Port)
LuaTable(int, ...)get_backend_ports (std::string, DataType, PortFlags, StringVector&)
LuaTable(int, ...)get_connections (std::string, StringVector&)
voidget_physical_inputs (DataType, StringVector&, --MISSING (ARDOUR::MidiPortFlags)--, --MISSING (ARDOUR::MidiPortFlags)--)
voidget_physical_outputs (DataType, StringVector&, --MISSING (ARDOUR::MidiPortFlags)--, --MISSING (ARDOUR::MidiPortFlags)--)
Portget_port_by_name (std::string)
Full or short name of port

Returns Corresponding Port or 0.

LuaTable(int, ...)get_ports (DataType, PortList&)
std::stringget_pretty_name_by_name (std::string)
ChanCountn_physical_inputs ()
ChanCountn_physical_outputs ()
boolphysically_connected (std::string)
PortEngineport_engine ()
boolport_is_physical (std::string)


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::AudioPlaylist >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::AudioPlaylist >

is-a: ARDOUR:Playlist

A named object associated with a Session. Objects derived from this class are expected to be destroyed before the session calls drop_references().

boolisnil ()
longread (FloatArray, FloatArray, FloatArray, long, long, unsigned int)
boolsameinstance (AudioPlaylist)

Inherited from ARDOUR:Playlist

voidadd_region (Region, long, float, bool, int)
Regioncombine (RegionList)
unsigned intcount_regions_at (long)
Playlistcut (AudioRangeList&, bool)
DataTypedata_type ()
voidduplicate (Region, long, long, float)
from the beginning of the region to the next beginning
voidduplicate_range (AudioRange&, float)
voidduplicate_until (Region, long, long, long)
from the beginning of the region to the next beginning
the first frame that does _not_ contain a duplicated frame
Regionfind_next_region (long, RegionPoint, int)
longfind_next_region_boundary (long, int)
voidlower_region (Region)
voidlower_region_to_bottom (Region)
unsigned intn_regions ()
voidraise_region (Region)
voidraise_region_to_top (Region)
Regionregion_by_id (ID)
RegionListPtrregion_list ()
RegionListPtrregions_at (long)
RegionListPtrregions_touched (long, long)
Range start.
Range end.

Returns regions which have some part within this range.

RegionListPtrregions_with_end_within (Range)
RegionListPtrregions_with_start_within (Range)
voidremove_region (Region)
voidsplit (long)
voidsplit_region (Region, long, int)
Regiontop_region_at (long)
Regiontop_unmuted_region_at (long)
voiduncombine (Region)
AudioPlaylistto_audioplaylist ()
MidiPlaylistto_midiplaylist ()

Inherited from ARDOUR:SessionObject

std::stringname ()
Statefulto_stateful ()
StatefulDestructibleto_statefuldestructible ()


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::AudioPort >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::AudioPort >

is-a: ARDOUR:Port

boolisnil ()
boolsameinstance (AudioPort)

Inherited from ARDOUR:Port

intconnect (std::string)
boolconnected ()

Returns true if this port is connected to anything

boolconnected_to (std::string)
Port name

Returns true if this port is connected to o, otherwise false.

intdisconnect (std::string)
intdisconnect_all ()
std::stringname ()

Returns Port short name

std::stringpretty_name (bool)

Returns Port human readable name

boolreceives_input ()

Returns true if this Port receives input, otherwise false

boolsends_output ()

Returns true if this Port sends output, otherwise false

AudioPortto_audioport ()
MidiPortto_midiport ()


C‡: ARDOUR::AudioRange

ARDOUR.AudioRange (long, long, unsigned int)
boolequal (AudioRange)
longlength ()
Data Members
unsigned intid


C‡: std::list<ARDOUR::AudioRange >

ARDOUR.AudioRangeList ()
boolempty ()
LuaIteriter ()
voidreverse ()
unsigned longsize ()
LuaTabletable ()


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::AudioRegion >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::AudioRegion >

is-a: ARDOUR:Region

A named object associated with a Session. Objects derived from this class are expected to be destroyed before the session calls drop_references().

AudioSourceaudio_source (unsigned int)
boolisnil ()
boolsameinstance (AudioRegion)
floatscale_amplitude ()
voidset_scale_amplitude (float)

Inherited from ARDOUR:Region

boolat_natural_position ()
boolautomatic ()
boolcan_move ()
boolcaptured ()
voidclear_sync_position ()
boolcovers (long)
voidcut_end (long, int)
voidcut_front (long, int)
DataTypedata_type ()
boolexternal ()
boolhidden ()
boolimport ()
boolis_compound ()
unsigned intlayer ()
longlength ()
boollocked ()
voidlower ()
voidlower_to_bottom ()
StringVectormaster_source_names ()
SourceListmaster_sources ()
voidmove_start (long, int)
voidmove_to_natural_position ()
boolmuted ()
unsigned intn_channels ()
voidnudge_position (long)
boolopaque ()
longposition ()

How the region parameters play together:

POSITION: first frame of the region along the timeline START: first frame of the region within its source(s) LENGTH: number of frames the region represents

boolposition_locked ()
doublequarter_note ()
voidraise ()
voidraise_to_top ()
voidset_hidden (bool)
voidset_initial_position (long)

A gui may need to create a region, then place it in an initial position determined by the user. When this takes place within one gui operation, we have to reset _last_position to prevent an implied move.

voidset_length (long, int)
voidset_locked (bool)
voidset_muted (bool)
voidset_opaque (bool)
voidset_position (long, int)
voidset_position_locked (bool)
voidset_start (long)
voidset_sync_position (long)

Set the region's sync point.

Session time.
voidset_video_locked (bool)
floatshift ()
Sourcesource (unsigned int)
longstart ()
floatstretch ()
boolsync_marked ()
LuaTable(long, ...)sync_offset (int&)
longsync_position ()

Returns Sync position in session time

voidtrim_end (long, int)
voidtrim_front (long, int)
voidtrim_to (long, long, int)
boolvideo_locked ()
boolwhole_file ()
AudioRegionto_audioregion ()
MidiRegionto_midiregion ()
Readableto_readable ()

Inherited from ARDOUR:SessionObject

std::stringname ()
Statefulto_stateful ()
StatefulDestructibleto_statefuldestructible ()


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::AudioSource >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::AudioSource >

is-a: ARDOUR:Source

A named object associated with a Session. Objects derived from this class are expected to be destroyed before the session calls drop_references().

std::stringcaptured_for ()
boolempty ()
boolisnil ()
boolisnil ()
longlength (long)
unsigned intn_channels ()
unsigned intn_channels ()
longread (FloatArray, long, long, int)
longreadable_length ()
longreadable_length ()
boolsameinstance (AudioSource)
boolsameinstance (AudioSource)
floatsample_rate ()
Readableto_readable ()

Inherited from ARDOUR:Source

std::stringancestor_name ()
boolcan_be_analysed ()
booldestructive ()
boolhas_been_analysed ()
longnatural_position ()
longtimeline_position ()
longtimestamp ()
intuse_count ()
boolused ()
boolwritable ()
AudioSourceto_audiosource ()
MidiSourceto_midisource ()

Inherited from ARDOUR:SessionObject

std::stringname ()
Statefulto_stateful ()
StatefulDestructibleto_statefuldestructible ()


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::AudioTrack >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::AudioTrack >

is-a: ARDOUR:Track

A track is an route (bus) with a recordable diskstream and related objects relevant to tracking, playback and editing.

Specifically a track has regions and playlist objects.

boolisnil ()
boolsameinstance (AudioTrack)

Inherited from ARDOUR:Track

Regionbounce (InterThreadInfo&)

bounce track from session start to session end to new region

asynchronous progress report and cancel

Returns a new audio region (or nil in case of error)

Regionbounce_range (long, long, InterThreadInfo&, Processor, bool)

Bounce the given range to a new audio region.

start time (in samples)
end time (in samples)
asynchronous progress report and cancel
the processor to tap the signal off (or nil for the top)
include the given processor in the bounced audio.

Returns a new audio region (or nil in case of error)

boolbounceable (Processor, bool)

Test if the track can be bounced with the given settings. If sends/inserts/returns are present in the signal path or the given track has no audio outputs bouncing is not possible.

the processor to tap the signal off (or nil for the top)
include the given processor in the bounced audio.

Returns true if the track can be bounced, or false otherwise.

boolcan_record ()
Playlistplaylist ()
boolset_name (std::string)
AudioTrackto_audio_track ()
MidiTrackto_midi_track ()

Inherited from ARDOUR:Route

boolactive ()
intadd_processor_by_index (Processor, int, ProcessorStreams, bool)

Add a processor to a route such that it ends up with a given index into the visible processors.

Index to add the processor at, or -1 to add at the end of the list.

Returns 0 on success, non-0 on failure.

booladd_sidechain (Processor)
Ampamp ()
std::stringcomment ()
boolcustomize_plugin_insert (Processor, unsigned int, ChanCount, ChanCount)

enable custom plugin-insert configuration

Processor to customize
number of plugin instances to use (if zero, reset to default)
output port customization
input pins for variable-I/O plugins

Returns true if successful

IOinput ()
Deliverymain_outs ()

the signal processorat at end of the processing chain which produces output

boolmuted ()
ChanCountn_inputs ()
ChanCountn_outputs ()
Processornth_plugin (unsigned int)
Processornth_processor (unsigned int)
Processornth_send (unsigned int)
IOoutput ()
PannerShellpanner_shell ()
PeakMeterpeak_meter ()

************************************************************* Pure interface begins here*************************************************************

intremove_processor (Processor, ProcessorStreams, bool)

remove plugin/processor

processor to remove
error report (index where removal vailed, channel-count why it failed) may be nil
if locking is required (set to true, unless called from RT context with lock)

Returns 0 on success

boolremove_sidechain (Processor)
intreplace_processor (Processor, Processor, ProcessorStreams)

replace plugin/processor with another

processor to remove
processor to substitute the old one with
error report (index where removal vailed, channel-count why it failed) may be nil

Returns 0 on success

boolreset_plugin_insert (Processor)

reset plugin-insert configuration to default, disable customizations.

This is equivalent to calling

 customize_plugin_insert (proc, 0, unused)
Processor to reset

Returns true if successful

voidset_active (bool, void*)
voidset_comment (std::string, void*)
voidset_meter_point (MeterPoint, bool)
boolset_strict_io (bool)
boolsoloed ()
boolstrict_io ()
Processorthe_instrument ()

Return the first processor that accepts has at least one MIDI input and at least one audio output. In the vast majority of cases, this will be "the instrument". This does not preclude other MIDI->audio processors later in the processing chain, but that would be a special case not covered by this utility function.

Amptrim ()
Trackto_track ()

Inherited from ARDOUR:Stripable

AutomationControlcomp_enable_control ()
AutomationControlcomp_makeup_control ()
AutomationControlcomp_mode_control ()
std::stringcomp_mode_name (unsigned int)
AutomationControlcomp_redux_control ()
AutomationControlcomp_speed_control ()
std::stringcomp_speed_name (unsigned int)
AutomationControlcomp_threshold_control ()
unsigned inteq_band_cnt ()
std::stringeq_band_name (unsigned int)
AutomationControleq_enable_control ()
AutomationControleq_freq_control (unsigned int)
AutomationControleq_gain_control (unsigned int)
AutomationControleq_hpf_control ()
AutomationControleq_q_control (unsigned int)
AutomationControleq_shape_control (unsigned int)
GainControlgain_control ()
boolis_auditioner ()
boolis_hidden ()
boolis_master ()
boolis_monitor ()
boolis_selected ()
AutomationControlmaster_send_enable_control ()
MonitorProcessormonitor_control ()
MuteControlmute_control ()
AutomationControlpan_azimuth_control ()
AutomationControlpan_elevation_control ()
AutomationControlpan_frontback_control ()
AutomationControlpan_lfe_control ()
AutomationControlpan_width_control ()
PhaseControlphase_control ()
PresentationInfopresentation_info_ptr ()
AutomationControlrec_enable_control ()
AutomationControlrec_safe_control ()
AutomationControlsend_enable_control (unsigned int)
AutomationControlsend_level_control (unsigned int)
std::stringsend_name (unsigned int)
voidset_presentation_order (unsigned int, bool)
SoloControlsolo_control ()
SoloIsolateControlsolo_isolate_control ()
SoloSafeControlsolo_safe_control ()
GainControltrim_control ()
Routeto_route ()

Inherited from ARDOUR:SessionObject

std::stringname ()
Statefulto_stateful ()
StatefulDestructibleto_statefuldestructible ()


C‡: std::list<boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::AudioTrack> >

ARDOUR.AudioTrackList ()
LuaTableadd (LuaTable {AudioTrack})
boolempty ()
LuaIteriter ()
voidpush_back (AudioTrack)
voidreverse ()
unsigned longsize ()
LuaTabletable ()
voidunique ()


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::Automatable >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::Automatable >

is-a: Evoral:ControlSet

AutomationControlautomation_control (Parameter, bool)
boolisnil ()
boolsameinstance (Automatable)


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::AutomatableSequence<Evoral::Beats> >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::AutomatableSequence<Evoral::Beats> >

is-a: ARDOUR:Automatable

boolisnil ()
boolsameinstance (AutomatableSequence)
Sequenceto_sequence ()

Inherited from ARDOUR:Automatable

AutomationControlautomation_control (Parameter, bool)


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::AutomationControl >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::AutomationControl >

is-a: PBD:Controllable

A PBD::Controllable with associated automation data (AutomationList)

AutomationListalist ()
AutoStateautomation_state ()
AutoStyleautomation_style ()
doubleget_value ()

Get the current effective `user' value based on automation state

boolisnil ()
boolsameinstance (AutomationControl)
voidset_automation_state (AutoState)
voidset_automation_style (AutoStyle)
voidset_value (double, GroupControlDisposition)

Get and Set `internal' value

All derived classes must implement this.

Basic derived classes will ignore

but more sophisticated children, notably those that proxy the value setting logic via an object that is aware of group relationships between this control and others, will find it useful.
voidstart_touch (double)
voidstop_touch (bool, double)
boolwritable ()
Controlto_ctrl ()

Inherited from PBD:Controllable

std::stringname ()

Inherited from PBD:StatefulPtr

voidclear_changes ()

Forget about any changes to this object's properties

IDid ()
OwnedPropertyListproperties ()


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::AutomationList >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::AutomationList >

AutomationList is a stateful wrapper around Evoral::ControlList. It includes session-specifics (such as automation state), control logic (e.g. touch, signals) and acts as proxy to the underlying ControlList which holds the actual data.

XMLNodeget_state ()
boolisnil ()
Commandmemento_command (XMLNode, XMLNode)
boolsameinstance (AutomationList)
booltouch_enabled ()
booltouching ()
boolwriting ()
ControlListlist ()
Statefulto_stateful ()
StatefulDestructibleto_statefuldestructible ()


C‡: std::vector<ARDOUR::AudioBackendInfo const* >

ARDOUR.BackendVector ()
LuaTableadd (ARDOUR::AudioBackendInfo* )
AudioBackendInfoat (unsigned long)
boolempty ()
LuaIteriter ()
voidpush_back (AudioBackendInfo)
unsigned longsize ()
LuaTabletable ()


C‡: ARDOUR::BufferSet

A set of buffers of various types.

These are mainly accessed from Session and passed around as scratch buffers (eg as parameters to run() methods) to do in-place signal processing.

There are two types of counts associated with a BufferSet - available, and the 'use count'. Available is the actual number of allocated buffers (and so is the maximum acceptable value for the use counts).

The use counts are how things determine the form of their input and inform others the form of their output (eg what they did to the BufferSet). Setting the use counts is realtime safe.

ChanCountcount ()
AudioBufferget_audio (unsigned long)
MidiBufferget_midi (unsigned long)
boolsameinstance (BufferSet)


C‡: ARDOUR::ChanCount

A count of channels, possibly with many types.

Operators are defined so this may safely be used as if it were a simple (single-typed) integer count of channels.

ARDOUR.ChanCount (DataType, unsigned int)

Convenience constructor for making single-typed streams (mono, stereo, midi, etc)

data type
number of channels
unsigned intget (DataType)

query channel count for given type

data type

Returns channel count for given type

unsigned intn_audio ()

query number of audio channels

Returns number of audio channels

unsigned intn_midi ()

query number of midi channels

Returns number of midi channels

unsigned intn_total ()

query total channel count of all data types

Returns total channel count (audio + midi)

voidreset ()

zero count of all data types

voidset (DataType, unsigned int)

set channel count for given type

number of channels
data type


C‡: ARDOUR::ChanMapping

A mapping from one set of channels to another. The general form is 1 source (from), many sinks (to). numeric IDs are used to identify sources and sinks.

for plugins this is used to map "plugin-pin" to "audio-buffer"

ARDOUR.ChanMapping ()
ChanCountcount ()
unsigned intget (DataType, unsigned int)

get buffer mapping for given data type and pin

numeric source id
data type

Returns mapped buffer number (or ChanMapping::Invalid)

boolis_monotonic ()

Test if this mapping is monotonic (useful to see if inplace processing is feasible)

Returns true if the map is a strict monotonic set

unsigned intn_total ()
voidset (DataType, unsigned int, unsigned int)

set buffer mapping for given data type

numeric source id
data type


floataccurate_coefficient_to_dB (float)
voidapply_gain_to_buffer (FloatArray, unsigned int, float)
floatcompute_peak (FloatArray, unsigned int, float)
voidcopy_vector (FloatArray, FloatArray, unsigned int)
floatdB_to_coefficient (float)
floatfast_coefficient_to_dB (float)
voidfind_peaks (FloatArray, unsigned int, FloatArray, FloatArray)
floatlog_meter (float)

non-linear power-scale meter deflection

signal power (dB)

Returns deflected value

floatlog_meter_coeff (float)

non-linear power-scale meter deflection

signal value

Returns deflected value

voidmemset (FloatArray, float, unsigned int)

lua wrapper to memset()

voidmix_buffers_no_gain (FloatArray, FloatArray, unsigned int)
voidmix_buffers_with_gain (FloatArray, FloatArray, unsigned int, float)
voidmmult (FloatArray, FloatArray, unsigned int)

matrix multiply multiply every sample of `data' with the corresponding sample at `mult'.

number of samples in data and mmult
LuaTable(...)peaks (FloatArray, float&, float&, unsigned int)
voidprocess_map (BufferSet, ChanMapping, ChanMapping, unsigned int, long, DataType)


C‡: ARDOUR::DSP::Biquad

Biquad Filter

ARDOUR.DSP.Biquad (double)

Instantiate Biquad Filter

voidcompute (Type, double, double, double)

setup filter, compute coefficients

filter type (LowPass, HighPass, etc)
filter frequency
filter quality
filter gain
voidconfigure (double, double, double, double, double)

setup filter, set coefficients directly

floatdB_at_freq (float)

filter transfer function (filter response for spectrum visualization)


Returns gain at given frequency in dB (clamped to -120..+120)

voidreset ()

reset filter state

voidrun (FloatArray, unsigned int)

process audio data

pointer to audio-data
number of samples to process



C/C++ Shared Memory

A convenience class representing a C array of float[] or int32_t[] data values. This is useful for lua scripts to perform DSP operations directly using C/C++ with CPU Hardware acceleration.

Access to this memory area is always 4 byte aligned. The data is interpreted either as float or as int.

This memory area can also be shared between different instances or the same lua plugin (DSP, GUI).

Since memory allocation is not realtime safe it should be allocated during dsp_init() or dsp_configure(). The memory is free()ed automatically when the lua instance is destroyed.

ARDOUR.DSP.DspShm (unsigned long)
voidallocate (unsigned long)

[re] allocate memory in host's memory space

size, total number of float or integer elements to store.
intatomic_get_int (unsigned long)

atomically read integer at offset

This involves a memory barrier. This call is intended for buffers which are shared with another instance.

offset in shared memory region

Returns value at offset

voidatomic_set_int (unsigned long, int)

atomically set integer at offset

This involves a memory barrier. This call is intended for buffers which are shared with another instance.

offset in shared memory region
value to set
voidclear ()

clear memory (set to zero)

FloatArrayto_float (unsigned long)

access memory as float array

offset in shared memory region

Returns float[]

IntArrayto_int (unsigned long)

access memory as integer array

offset in shared memory region

Returns int_32_t[]


C‡: ARDOUR::DSP::FFTSpectrum

ARDOUR.DSP.FFTSpectrum (unsigned int, double)
voidexecute ()

process current data in buffer

floatfreq_at_bin (unsigned int)
floatpower_at_bin (unsigned int, float)


the frequency bin 0 .. window_size / 2
gain factor (set equal to for 1/f normalization)

Returns signal power at given bin (in dBFS)

voidset_data_hann (FloatArray, unsigned int, unsigned int)


C‡: ARDOUR::DSP::LowPass

1st order Low Pass filter

ARDOUR.DSP.LowPass (double, float)

instantiate a LPF

cut-off frequency
voidctrl (FloatArray, float, unsigned int)

filter control data

This is useful for parameter smoothing.

pointer to control-data array
target value
voidproc (FloatArray, unsigned int)

process audio data

pointer to audio-data
number of samples to process
voidreset ()

reset filter state

voidset_cutoff (float)

update filter cut-off frequency

cut-off frequency


C‡: ARDOUR::DataType

A type of Data Ardour is capable of processing.

The majority of this class is dedicated to conversion to and from various other type representations, simple comparison between then, etc. This code is deliberately 'ugly' so other code doesn't have to be.

ARDOUR.DataType (std::string)
DataTypeaudio ()

convenience constructor for DataType::AUDIO with managed lifetime

Returns DataType::AUDIO

DataTypemidi ()

convenience constructor for DataType::MIDI with managed lifetime

Returns DataType::MIDI

DataTypenull ()

convenience constructor for DataType::NIL with managed lifetime

Returns DataType::NIL

char*to_string ()

Inverse of the from-string constructor


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::Delivery >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::Delivery >

is-a: ARDOUR:IOProcessor

A mixer strip element (Processor) with 1 or 2 IO elements.

boolisnil ()
PannerShellpanner_shell ()
boolsameinstance (Delivery)

Inherited from ARDOUR:IOProcessor

IOinput ()
ChanCountnatural_input_streams ()
ChanCountnatural_output_streams ()
IOoutput ()

Inherited from ARDOUR:Processor

voidactivate ()
boolactive ()
voiddeactivate ()
std::stringdisplay_name ()
ChanCountinput_streams ()
ChanCountoutput_streams ()
Ampto_amp ()
Automatableto_automatable ()
PluginInsertto_insert ()
IOProcessorto_ioprocessor ()
PeakMeterto_meter ()
MonitorProcessorto_monitorprocessor ()
PeakMeterto_peakmeter ()
SideChainto_sidechain ()
UnknownProcessorto_unknownprocessor ()

Inherited from ARDOUR:SessionObject

std::stringname ()
Statefulto_stateful ()
StatefulDestructibleto_statefuldestructible ()


C‡: ARDOUR::AudioBackend::DeviceStatus

used to list device names along with whether or not they are currently available.

Data Members


C‡: std::vector<ARDOUR::AudioBackend::DeviceStatus >

ARDOUR.DeviceStatusVector ()
LuaTableadd (LuaTable {DeviceStatus})
DeviceStatusat (unsigned long)
boolempty ()
LuaIteriter ()
voidpush_back (DeviceStatus)
unsigned longsize ()
LuaTabletable ()


C‡: ARDOUR::FluidSynth

ARDOUR.FluidSynth (float, int)

instantiate a Synth

boolload_sf2 (std::string)
boolmidi_event (unsigned char*, unsigned long)
voidpanic ()
unsigned intprogram_count ()
std::stringprogram_name (unsigned int)
boolselect_program (unsigned int, unsigned char)
boolsynth (FloatArray, FloatArray, unsigned int)


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::GainControl >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::GainControl >

is-a: ARDOUR:SlavableAutomationControl,

A PBD::Controllable with associated automation data (AutomationList)

boolisnil ()
boolsameinstance (GainControl)

Inherited from ARDOUR:SlavableAutomationControl,

voidadd_master (AutomationControl)
voidclear_masters ()
intget_boolean_masters ()
doubleget_masters_value ()
voidremove_master (AutomationControl)
boolslaved ()
boolslaved_to (AutomationControl)

Inherited from ARDOUR:AutomationControl

AutomationListalist ()
AutoStateautomation_state ()
AutoStyleautomation_style ()
doubleget_value ()

Get the current effective `user' value based on automation state

voidset_automation_state (AutoState)
voidset_automation_style (AutoStyle)
voidset_value (double, GroupControlDisposition)

Get and Set `internal' value

All derived classes must implement this.

Basic derived classes will ignore

but more sophisticated children, notably those that proxy the value setting logic via an object that is aware of group relationships between this control and others, will find it useful.
voidstart_touch (double)
voidstop_touch (bool, double)
boolwritable ()
Controlto_ctrl ()

Inherited from PBD:Controllable

std::stringname ()

Inherited from PBD:StatefulPtr

voidclear_changes ()

Forget about any changes to this object's properties

IDid ()
OwnedPropertyListproperties ()


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::IO >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::IO >

is-a: ARDOUR:SessionObject

A collection of ports (all input or all output) with connections.

An IO can contain ports of varying types, making routes/inserts/etc with varied combinations of types (eg MIDI and audio) possible.

boolactive ()
intadd_port (std::string, void*, DataType)

Add a port.

Name of port to connect new port to.
Source for emitted ConfigurationChanged signal.
Data type of port. Default value (NIL) will use this IO's default type.
AudioPortaudio (unsigned int)
intconnect (Port, std::string, void*)
intdisconnect (Port, std::string, void*)
intdisconnect_all (void*)
boolhas_port (Port)
boolisnil ()
MidiPortmidi (unsigned int)
ChanCountn_ports ()
Portnth (unsigned int)
boolphysically_connected ()
Portport_by_name (unsigned int)
intremove_port (Port, void*)
boolsameinstance (IO)

Inherited from ARDOUR:SessionObject

std::stringname ()
Statefulto_stateful ()
StatefulDestructibleto_statefuldestructible ()


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::IOProcessor >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::IOProcessor >

is-a: ARDOUR:Processor

A mixer strip element (Processor) with 1 or 2 IO elements.

IOinput ()
boolisnil ()
ChanCountnatural_input_streams ()
ChanCountnatural_output_streams ()
IOoutput ()
boolsameinstance (IOProcessor)

Inherited from ARDOUR:Processor

voidactivate ()
boolactive ()
voiddeactivate ()
std::stringdisplay_name ()
ChanCountinput_streams ()
ChanCountoutput_streams ()
Ampto_amp ()
Automatableto_automatable ()
PluginInsertto_insert ()
IOProcessorto_ioprocessor ()
PeakMeterto_meter ()
MonitorProcessorto_monitorprocessor ()
PeakMeterto_peakmeter ()
SideChainto_sidechain ()
UnknownProcessorto_unknownprocessor ()

Inherited from ARDOUR:SessionObject

std::stringname ()
Statefulto_stateful ()
StatefulDestructibleto_statefuldestructible ()


C‡: ARDOUR::InterThreadInfo

ARDOUR.InterThreadInfo ()
Data Members


C‡: ARDOUR::Location

is-a: PBD:StatefulDestructible

Location on Timeline - abstract representation for Markers, Loop/Punch Ranges, CD-Markers etc.

longend ()
Flagsflags ()
boolis_auto_loop ()
boolis_auto_punch ()
boolis_cd_marker ()
boolis_hidden ()
boolis_mark ()
boolis_range_marker ()
boolis_session_range ()
longlength ()
voidlock ()
boollocked ()
boolmatches (Flags)
intmove_to (long)
std::stringname ()
intset_end (long, bool, bool)

Set end position.

true to force setting, even if the given new end is before the current start.
True to recompute BBT end time from the new given end time.
New end.
intset_length (long, long, bool)
intset_start (long, bool, bool)

Set start position.

New start.
true to force setting, even if the given new start is after the current end.
True to recompute BBT start time from the new given start time.
longstart ()
voidunlock ()

Inherited from PBD:Stateful

voidclear_changes ()

Forget about any changes to this object's properties

IDid ()
OwnedPropertyListproperties ()


C‡: std::list<ARDOUR::Location* >

ARDOUR.LocationList ()
boolempty ()
LuaIteriter ()
voidreverse ()
unsigned longsize ()
LuaTabletable ()


C‡: ARDOUR::Locations

is-a: PBD:StatefulDestructible

A collection of session locations including unique dedicated locations (loop, punch, etc)

Locationauto_loop_location ()
Locationauto_punch_location ()
LuaTable(...)find_all_between (long, long, LocationList&, Flags)
longfirst_mark_after (long, bool)
Locationfirst_mark_at (long, long)
longfirst_mark_before (long, bool)
LocationListlist ()
LuaTable(...)marks_either_side (long, long&, long&)

Look for the `marks' (either locations which are marks, or start/end points of range markers) either side of a frame. Note that if frame is exactly on a `mark', that mark will not be considered for returning as before/after.

Frame to look for.
Filled in with the position of the last `mark' before `frame' (or max_framepos if none exists)
Filled in with the position of the next `mark' after `frame' (or max_framepos if none exists)
voidremove (Location)
Locationsession_range_location ()

Inherited from PBD:Stateful

voidclear_changes ()

Forget about any changes to this object's properties

IDid ()
OwnedPropertyListproperties ()


LuaTablebuild_filename ()
LuaTable(float, ...)get_plugin_insert_param (PluginInsert, unsigned int, bool&)

get a plugin control parameter value

control port to query (starting at 0, including ports of type input and output)
boolean variable contains true or false after call returned. to be checked by caller before using value.

Returns value

LuaTable(float, ...)get_processor_param (Processor, unsigned int, bool&)

get a plugin control parameter value

control port to set (starting at 0, including ports of type input and output))
boolean variable contains true or false after call returned. to be checked by caller before using value.

Returns value

LuaTablehsla_to_rgba ()

A convenience function for colorspace HSL to RGB conversion. All ranges are 0..1


 local r, g, b, a = ARDOUR.LuaAPI.hsla_to_rgba (hue, saturation, luminosity, alpha)

Returns 4 parameters: red, green, blue, alpha (in range 0..1)

Processornew_luaproc (Session, std::string)

create a new Lua Processor (Plugin)

Session Handle
Identifier or Name of the Processor

Returns Processor object (may be nil)

NotePtrnew_noteptr (unsigned char, Beats, Beats, unsigned char, unsigned char)
Processornew_plugin (Session, std::string, PluginType, std::string)

create a new Plugin Instance

Session Handle
Plugin Name, ID or URI
Plugin Type

Returns Processor or nil

PluginInfonew_plugin_info (std::string, PluginType)

search a Plugin

Plugin Name, ID or URI
Plugin Type

Returns PluginInfo or nil if not found

Processornil_proc ()
LuaTableplugin_automation ()

A convenience function to get a Automation Lists and ParamaterDescriptor for a given plugin control.

This is equivalent to the following lua code

 function (processor, param_id)
  local plugininsert = processor:to_insert ()
  local plugin = plugininsert:plugin(0)
  local _, t = plugin:get_parameter_descriptor(param_id, ARDOUR.ParameterDescriptor ())
  local ctrl = Evoral.Parameter (ARDOUR.AutomationType.PluginAutomation, 0, param_id)
  local ac = pi:automation_control (ctrl, false)
  local acl = ac:alist()
  return ac:alist(), ac:to_ctrl():list(), t[2]

Example usage: get the third input parameter of first plugin on the given route (Ardour starts counting at zero).

 local al, cl, pd = ARDOUR.LuaAPI.plugin_automation (route:nth_plugin (0), 3)

Returns 3 parameters: AutomationList, ControlList, ParamaterDescriptor

boolset_plugin_insert_param (PluginInsert, unsigned int, float)

set a plugin control-input parameter value

This is a wrapper around set_processor_param which looks up the Processor by plugin-insert.

control-input to set (starting at 0)
value to set

Returns true on success, false on error or out-of-bounds value

boolset_processor_param (Processor, unsigned int, float)

set a plugin control-input parameter value

control-input to set (starting at 0)
value to set

Returns true on success, false on error or out-of-bounds value

voidusleep (unsigned long)


C‡: ARDOUR::LuaAPI::Vamp

ARDOUR.LuaAPI.Vamp (std::string, float)
intanalyze (Readable, unsigned int, Lua-Function)

high-level abstraction to process a single channel of the given Readable.

If the plugin is not yet initialized, initialize() is called.

if is not nil, it is called with the immediate Vamp::Plugin::Features on every process call.

channel to process
lua callback function

Returns 0 on success

boolinitialize ()

initialize the plugin for use with analyze().

This is equivalent to plugin():initialise (1, ssiz, bsiz) and prepares a plugin for analyze. (by preferred step and block sizes are used. if the plugin does not specify them or they're larger than 8K, both are set to 1024)

Manual initialization is only required to set plugin-parameters which depend on prior initialization of the plugin.

 vamp:reset ()
 vamp:initialize ()
 vamp:plugin():setParameter (0, 1.5, nil)
 vamp:analyze (r, 0)
StringVectorlist_plugins ()
Pluginplugin ()
FeatureSetprocess (FloatArrayVector, RealTime)

process given array of audio-samples.

This is a lua-binding for vamp:plugin():process ()

audio-data, the vector must match the configured channel count and hold a complete buffer for every channel as set during plugin():initialise()
timestamp matching the provided buffer.

Returns features extracted from that data (if the plugin is causal)

voidreset ()

call plugin():reset() and clear intialization flag


C‡: ARDOUR::LuaOSC::Address

OSC transmitter

A Class to send OSC messages.

ARDOUR.LuaOSC.Address (std::string)

Construct a new OSC transmitter object

the destination uri e.g. "osc.udp://localhost:7890"
...send (--lua--)

Transmit an OSC message

Path (string) and type (string) must always be given. The number of following args must match the type. Supported types are:

'i': integer (lua number)

'f': float (lua number)

'd': double (lua number)

'h': 64bit integer (lua number)

's': string (lua string)

'c': character (lua string)

'T': boolean (lua bool) -- this is not implicily True, a lua true/false must be given

'F': boolean (lua bool) -- this is not implicily False, a lua true/false must be given

lua arguments: path, types, ...

Returns boolean true if successful, false on error.


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::LuaProc >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::LuaProc >

is-a: ARDOUR:Plugin

A plugin is an external module (usually 3rd party provided) loaded into Ardour for the purpose of digital signal processing.

This class provides an abstraction for methords provided by all supported plugin standards such as presets, name, parameters etc.

Plugins are not used directly in Ardour but always wrapped by a PluginInsert.

boolisnil ()
boolsameinstance (LuaProc)
DspShmshmem ()
LuaTableReftable ()

Inherited from ARDOUR:Plugin

IOPortDescriptiondescribe_io_port (DataType, bool, unsigned int)
std::stringget_docs ()
PluginInfoget_info ()
LuaTable(int, ...)get_parameter_descriptor (unsigned int, ParameterDescriptor&)
std::stringget_parameter_docs (unsigned int)
char*label ()
boolload_preset (PresetRecord)

Set parameters using a preset

char*maker ()
char*name ()
LuaTable(unsigned int, ...)nth_parameter (unsigned int, bool&)
unsigned intparameter_count ()
boolparameter_is_input (unsigned int)
PresetRecordpreset_by_label (std::string)
PresetRecordpreset_by_uri (std::string)
std::stringunique_id ()
LuaProcto_luaproc ()

Inherited from PBD:StatefulPtr

voidclear_changes ()

Forget about any changes to this object's properties

IDid ()
OwnedPropertyListproperties ()


C‡: ARDOUR::LuaTableRef

...get (--lua--)
...set (--lua--)


C‡: ARDOUR::Meter

Meter, or time signature (beats per bar, and which note type is a beat).

ARDOUR.Meter (double, double)
doubledivisions_per_bar ()
doubleframes_per_bar (Tempo, long)
doubleframes_per_grid (Tempo, long)
doublenote_divisor ()


C‡: ARDOUR::MeterSection

is-a: ARDOUR:MetricSection

A section of timeline with a certain Meter.

voidset_beat (double)
voidset_pulse (double)
Meterto_meter ()

Inherited from ARDOUR:MetricSection

doublepulse ()


C‡: ARDOUR::MetricSection

A section of timeline with a certain Tempo or Meter.

doublepulse ()
voidset_pulse (double)


C‡: ARDOUR::MidiBuffer

Buffer containing 8-bit unsigned char (MIDI) data.

voidcopy (MidiBuffer)
boolempty ()
boolpush_back (long, unsigned long, unsigned char*)
boolpush_event (MidiEvent)
voidresize (unsigned long)

Reallocate the buffer used internally to handle at least size_t units of data.

The buffer is not silent after this operation. the capacity argument passed to the constructor must have been non-zero.

boolsameinstance (MidiBuffer)
voidsilence (long, long)

Clear (eg zero, or empty) buffer

unsigned longsize ()
...table (--lua--)


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::MidiModel >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::MidiModel >

is-a: ARDOUR:AutomatableSequence

This is a higher level (than MidiBuffer) model of MIDI data, with separate representations for notes (instead of just unassociated note on/off events) and controller data. Controller data is represented as part of the Automatable base (i.e. in a map of AutomationList, keyed by Parameter). Because of this MIDI controllers and automatable controllers/widgets/etc are easily interchangeable.

voidapply_command (Session, Command)
boolisnil ()
NoteDiffCommandnew_note_diff_command (std::string)

Start a new NoteDiff command.

This has no side-effects on the model or Session, the returned command can be held on to for as long as the caller wishes, or discarded without formality, until apply_command is called and ownership is taken.

boolsameinstance (MidiModel)

Inherited from ARDOUR:AutomatableSequence

Sequenceto_sequence ()

Inherited from ARDOUR:Automatable

AutomationControlautomation_control (Parameter, bool)


C‡: ARDOUR::MidiModel::DiffCommand

is-a: PBD:Command

Base class for Undo/Redo commands and changesets

This class object is only used indirectly as return-value and function-parameter. It provides no methods by itself.

Inherited from PBD:Command

std::stringname ()
voidset_name (std::string)

Inherited from PBD:Stateful

voidclear_changes ()

Forget about any changes to this object's properties

IDid ()
OwnedPropertyListproperties ()


C‡: ARDOUR::MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand

is-a: ARDOUR:MidiModel:DiffCommand

Base class for Undo/Redo commands and changesets

voidadd (NotePtr)
voidremove (NotePtr)

Inherited from PBD:Command

std::stringname ()
voidset_name (std::string)

Inherited from PBD:Stateful

voidclear_changes ()

Forget about any changes to this object's properties

IDid ()
OwnedPropertyListproperties ()


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::MidiPlaylist >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::MidiPlaylist >

is-a: ARDOUR:Playlist

A named object associated with a Session. Objects derived from this class are expected to be destroyed before the session calls drop_references().

boolisnil ()
boolsameinstance (MidiPlaylist)
voidset_note_mode (NoteMode)

Inherited from ARDOUR:Playlist

voidadd_region (Region, long, float, bool, int)
Regioncombine (RegionList)
unsigned intcount_regions_at (long)
Playlistcut (AudioRangeList&, bool)
DataTypedata_type ()
voidduplicate (Region, long, long, float)
from the beginning of the region to the next beginning
voidduplicate_range (AudioRange&, float)
voidduplicate_until (Region, long, long, long)
from the beginning of the region to the next beginning
the first frame that does _not_ contain a duplicated frame
Regionfind_next_region (long, RegionPoint, int)
longfind_next_region_boundary (long, int)
voidlower_region (Region)
voidlower_region_to_bottom (Region)
unsigned intn_regions ()
voidraise_region (Region)
voidraise_region_to_top (Region)
Regionregion_by_id (ID)
RegionListPtrregion_list ()
RegionListPtrregions_at (long)
RegionListPtrregions_touched (long, long)
Range start.
Range end.

Returns regions which have some part within this range.

RegionListPtrregions_with_end_within (Range)
RegionListPtrregions_with_start_within (Range)
voidremove_region (Region)
voidsplit (long)
voidsplit_region (Region, long, int)
Regiontop_region_at (long)
Regiontop_unmuted_region_at (long)
voiduncombine (Region)
AudioPlaylistto_audioplaylist ()
MidiPlaylistto_midiplaylist ()

Inherited from ARDOUR:SessionObject

std::stringname ()
Statefulto_stateful ()
StatefulDestructibleto_statefuldestructible ()


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::MidiPort >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::MidiPort >

is-a: ARDOUR:Port

MidiBufferget_midi_buffer (unsigned int)
boolinput_active ()
boolisnil ()
boolsameinstance (MidiPort)
voidset_input_active (bool)

Inherited from ARDOUR:Port

intconnect (std::string)
boolconnected ()

Returns true if this port is connected to anything

boolconnected_to (std::string)
Port name

Returns true if this port is connected to o, otherwise false.

intdisconnect (std::string)
intdisconnect_all ()
std::stringname ()

Returns Port short name

std::stringpretty_name (bool)

Returns Port human readable name

boolreceives_input ()

Returns true if this Port receives input, otherwise false

boolsends_output ()

Returns true if this Port sends output, otherwise false

AudioPortto_audioport ()
MidiPortto_midiport ()


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::MidiRegion >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::MidiRegion >

is-a: ARDOUR:Region

A named object associated with a Session. Objects derived from this class are expected to be destroyed before the session calls drop_references().

booldo_export (std::string)

Export the MIDI data of the MidiRegion to a new MIDI file (SMF).

boolisnil ()
doublelength_beats ()
MidiSourcemidi_source (unsigned int)
MidiModelmodel ()
boolsameinstance (MidiRegion)
doublestart_beats ()

Inherited from ARDOUR:Region

boolat_natural_position ()
boolautomatic ()
boolcan_move ()
boolcaptured ()
voidclear_sync_position ()
boolcovers (long)
voidcut_end (long, int)
voidcut_front (long, int)
DataTypedata_type ()
boolexternal ()
boolhidden ()
boolimport ()
boolis_compound ()
unsigned intlayer ()
longlength ()
boollocked ()
voidlower ()
voidlower_to_bottom ()
StringVectormaster_source_names ()
SourceListmaster_sources ()
voidmove_start (long, int)
voidmove_to_natural_position ()
boolmuted ()
unsigned intn_channels ()
voidnudge_position (long)
boolopaque ()
longposition ()

How the region parameters play together:

POSITION: first frame of the region along the timeline START: first frame of the region within its source(s) LENGTH: number of frames the region represents

boolposition_locked ()
doublequarter_note ()
voidraise ()
voidraise_to_top ()
voidset_hidden (bool)
voidset_initial_position (long)

A gui may need to create a region, then place it in an initial position determined by the user. When this takes place within one gui operation, we have to reset _last_position to prevent an implied move.

voidset_length (long, int)
voidset_locked (bool)
voidset_muted (bool)
voidset_opaque (bool)
voidset_position (long, int)
voidset_position_locked (bool)
voidset_start (long)
voidset_sync_position (long)

Set the region's sync point.

Session time.
voidset_video_locked (bool)
floatshift ()
Sourcesource (unsigned int)
longstart ()
floatstretch ()
boolsync_marked ()
LuaTable(long, ...)sync_offset (int&)
longsync_position ()

Returns Sync position in session time

voidtrim_end (long, int)
voidtrim_front (long, int)
voidtrim_to (long, long, int)
boolvideo_locked ()
boolwhole_file ()
AudioRegionto_audioregion ()
MidiRegionto_midiregion ()
Readableto_readable ()

Inherited from ARDOUR:SessionObject

std::stringname ()
Statefulto_stateful ()
StatefulDestructibleto_statefuldestructible ()


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::MidiSource >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::MidiSource >

is-a: ARDOUR:Source

Source for MIDI data

boolempty ()
boolisnil ()
longlength (long)
MidiModelmodel ()
boolsameinstance (MidiSource)

Inherited from ARDOUR:Source

std::stringancestor_name ()
boolcan_be_analysed ()
booldestructive ()
boolhas_been_analysed ()
longnatural_position ()
longtimeline_position ()
longtimestamp ()
intuse_count ()
boolused ()
boolwritable ()
AudioSourceto_audiosource ()
MidiSourceto_midisource ()

Inherited from ARDOUR:SessionObject

std::stringname ()
Statefulto_stateful ()
StatefulDestructibleto_statefuldestructible ()


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::MidiTrack >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::MidiTrack >

is-a: ARDOUR:Track

A track is an route (bus) with a recordable diskstream and related objects relevant to tracking, playback and editing.

Specifically a track has regions and playlist objects.

boolisnil ()
boolsameinstance (MidiTrack)

Inherited from ARDOUR:Track

Regionbounce (InterThreadInfo&)

bounce track from session start to session end to new region

asynchronous progress report and cancel

Returns a new audio region (or nil in case of error)

Regionbounce_range (long, long, InterThreadInfo&, Processor, bool)

Bounce the given range to a new audio region.

start time (in samples)
end time (in samples)
asynchronous progress report and cancel
the processor to tap the signal off (or nil for the top)
include the given processor in the bounced audio.

Returns a new audio region (or nil in case of error)

boolbounceable (Processor, bool)

Test if the track can be bounced with the given settings. If sends/inserts/returns are present in the signal path or the given track has no audio outputs bouncing is not possible.

the processor to tap the signal off (or nil for the top)
include the given processor in the bounced audio.

Returns true if the track can be bounced, or false otherwise.

boolcan_record ()
Playlistplaylist ()
boolset_name (std::string)
AudioTrackto_audio_track ()
MidiTrackto_midi_track ()

Inherited from ARDOUR:Route

boolactive ()
intadd_processor_by_index (Processor, int, ProcessorStreams, bool)

Add a processor to a route such that it ends up with a given index into the visible processors.

Index to add the processor at, or -1 to add at the end of the list.

Returns 0 on success, non-0 on failure.

booladd_sidechain (Processor)
Ampamp ()
std::stringcomment ()
boolcustomize_plugin_insert (Processor, unsigned int, ChanCount, ChanCount)

enable custom plugin-insert configuration

Processor to customize
number of plugin instances to use (if zero, reset to default)
output port customization
input pins for variable-I/O plugins

Returns true if successful

IOinput ()
Deliverymain_outs ()

the signal processorat at end of the processing chain which produces output

boolmuted ()
ChanCountn_inputs ()
ChanCountn_outputs ()
Processornth_plugin (unsigned int)
Processornth_processor (unsigned int)
Processornth_send (unsigned int)
IOoutput ()
PannerShellpanner_shell ()
PeakMeterpeak_meter ()

************************************************************* Pure interface begins here*************************************************************

intremove_processor (Processor, ProcessorStreams, bool)

remove plugin/processor

processor to remove
error report (index where removal vailed, channel-count why it failed) may be nil
if locking is required (set to true, unless called from RT context with lock)

Returns 0 on success

boolremove_sidechain (Processor)
intreplace_processor (Processor, Processor, ProcessorStreams)

replace plugin/processor with another

processor to remove
processor to substitute the old one with
error report (index where removal vailed, channel-count why it failed) may be nil

Returns 0 on success

boolreset_plugin_insert (Processor)

reset plugin-insert configuration to default, disable customizations.

This is equivalent to calling

 customize_plugin_insert (proc, 0, unused)
Processor to reset

Returns true if successful

voidset_active (bool, void*)
voidset_comment (std::string, void*)
voidset_meter_point (MeterPoint, bool)
boolset_strict_io (bool)
boolsoloed ()
boolstrict_io ()
Processorthe_instrument ()

Return the first processor that accepts has at least one MIDI input and at least one audio output. In the vast majority of cases, this will be "the instrument". This does not preclude other MIDI->audio processors later in the processing chain, but that would be a special case not covered by this utility function.

Amptrim ()
Trackto_track ()

Inherited from ARDOUR:Stripable

AutomationControlcomp_enable_control ()
AutomationControlcomp_makeup_control ()
AutomationControlcomp_mode_control ()
std::stringcomp_mode_name (unsigned int)
AutomationControlcomp_redux_control ()
AutomationControlcomp_speed_control ()
std::stringcomp_speed_name (unsigned int)
AutomationControlcomp_threshold_control ()
unsigned inteq_band_cnt ()
std::stringeq_band_name (unsigned int)
AutomationControleq_enable_control ()
AutomationControleq_freq_control (unsigned int)
AutomationControleq_gain_control (unsigned int)
AutomationControleq_hpf_control ()
AutomationControleq_q_control (unsigned int)
AutomationControleq_shape_control (unsigned int)
GainControlgain_control ()
boolis_auditioner ()
boolis_hidden ()
boolis_master ()
boolis_monitor ()
boolis_selected ()
AutomationControlmaster_send_enable_control ()
MonitorProcessormonitor_control ()
MuteControlmute_control ()
AutomationControlpan_azimuth_control ()
AutomationControlpan_elevation_control ()
AutomationControlpan_frontback_control ()
AutomationControlpan_lfe_control ()
AutomationControlpan_width_control ()
PhaseControlphase_control ()
PresentationInfopresentation_info_ptr ()
AutomationControlrec_enable_control ()
AutomationControlrec_safe_control ()
AutomationControlsend_enable_control (unsigned int)
AutomationControlsend_level_control (unsigned int)
std::stringsend_name (unsigned int)
voidset_presentation_order (unsigned int, bool)
SoloControlsolo_control ()
SoloIsolateControlsolo_isolate_control ()
SoloSafeControlsolo_safe_control ()
GainControltrim_control ()
Routeto_route ()

Inherited from ARDOUR:SessionObject

std::stringname ()
Statefulto_stateful ()
StatefulDestructibleto_statefuldestructible ()


C‡: std::list<boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::MidiTrack> >

ARDOUR.MidiTrackList ()
LuaTableadd (LuaTable {MidiTrack})
boolempty ()
LuaIteriter ()
voidpush_back (MidiTrack)
voidreverse ()
unsigned longsize ()
LuaTabletable ()
voidunique ()


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::MonitorProcessor >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::MonitorProcessor >

is-a: ARDOUR:Processor

A mixer strip element - plugin, send, meter, etc

Controllablechannel_cut_control (unsigned int)
Controllablechannel_dim_control (unsigned int)
Controllablechannel_polarity_control (unsigned int)
Controllablechannel_solo_control (unsigned int)
boolcut (unsigned int)
boolcut_all ()
Controllablecut_control ()
booldim_all ()
Controllabledim_control ()
floatdim_level ()
Controllabledim_level_control ()
booldimmed (unsigned int)
boolinverted (unsigned int)
boolisnil ()
boolmonitor_active ()
boolmono ()
Controllablemono_control ()
boolsameinstance (MonitorProcessor)
voidset_cut (unsigned int, bool)
voidset_cut_all (bool)
voidset_dim (unsigned int, bool)
voidset_dim_all (bool)
voidset_mono (bool)
voidset_polarity (unsigned int, bool)
voidset_solo (unsigned int, bool)
Controllablesolo_boost_control ()
floatsolo_boost_level ()
boolsoloed (unsigned int)

Inherited from ARDOUR:Processor

voidactivate ()
boolactive ()
voiddeactivate ()
std::stringdisplay_name ()
ChanCountinput_streams ()
ChanCountoutput_streams ()
Ampto_amp ()
Automatableto_automatable ()
PluginInsertto_insert ()
IOProcessorto_ioprocessor ()
PeakMeterto_meter ()
MonitorProcessorto_monitorprocessor ()
PeakMeterto_peakmeter ()
SideChainto_sidechain ()
UnknownProcessorto_unknownprocessor ()

Inherited from ARDOUR:SessionObject

std::stringname ()
Statefulto_stateful ()
StatefulDestructibleto_statefuldestructible ()


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::MuteControl >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::MuteControl >

is-a: ARDOUR:SlavableAutomationControl,

A PBD::Controllable with associated automation data (AutomationList)

boolisnil ()
boolmuted ()
boolmuted_by_self ()
boolsameinstance (MuteControl)

Inherited from ARDOUR:SlavableAutomationControl,

voidadd_master (AutomationControl)
voidclear_masters ()
intget_boolean_masters ()
doubleget_masters_value ()
voidremove_master (AutomationControl)
boolslaved ()
boolslaved_to (AutomationControl)

Inherited from ARDOUR:AutomationControl

AutomationListalist ()
AutoStateautomation_state ()
AutoStyleautomation_style ()
doubleget_value ()

Get the current effective `user' value based on automation state

voidset_automation_state (AutoState)
voidset_automation_style (AutoStyle)
voidset_value (double, GroupControlDisposition)

Get and Set `internal' value

All derived classes must implement this.

Basic derived classes will ignore

but more sophisticated children, notably those that proxy the value setting logic via an object that is aware of group relationships between this control and others, will find it useful.
voidstart_touch (double)
voidstop_touch (bool, double)
boolwritable ()
Controlto_ctrl ()

Inherited from PBD:Controllable

std::stringname ()

Inherited from PBD:StatefulPtr

voidclear_changes ()

Forget about any changes to this object's properties

IDid ()
OwnedPropertyListproperties ()


C‡: PBD::OwnedPropertyList

is-a: ARDOUR:PropertyList

A variant of PropertyList that does not delete its property list in its destructor. Objects with their own Properties store them in an OwnedPropertyList to avoid having them deleted at the wrong time.

This class object is only used indirectly as return-value and function-parameter. It provides no methods by itself.


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::PannerShell >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::PannerShell >

is-a: ARDOUR:SessionObject

Class to manage panning by instantiating and controlling an appropriate Panner object for a given in/out configuration.

boolbypassed ()
boolisnil ()
boolsameinstance (PannerShell)
voidset_bypassed (bool)

Inherited from ARDOUR:SessionObject

std::stringname ()
Statefulto_stateful ()
StatefulDestructibleto_statefuldestructible ()


C‡: ARDOUR::ParameterDescriptor

is-a: Evoral:ParameterDescriptor

Descriptor of a parameter or control.

Essentially a union of LADSPA, VST and LV2 info.

ARDOUR.ParameterDescriptor ()
std::stringmidi_note_name (unsigned char)
Data Members

Inherited from Evoral:ParameterDescriptor

Evoral.ParameterDescriptor ()
Data Members

Minimum value (in Hz, for frequencies)


Default value


True iff parameter is boolean


Maximum value (in Hz, for frequencies)


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::PeakMeter >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::PeakMeter >

is-a: ARDOUR:Processor

Meters peaks on the input and stores them for access.

boolisnil ()
floatmeter_level (unsigned int, MeterType)
voidreset_max ()
boolsameinstance (PeakMeter)
voidset_type (MeterType)

Inherited from ARDOUR:Processor

voidactivate ()
boolactive ()
voiddeactivate ()
std::stringdisplay_name ()
ChanCountinput_streams ()
ChanCountoutput_streams ()
Ampto_amp ()
Automatableto_automatable ()
PluginInsertto_insert ()
IOProcessorto_ioprocessor ()
PeakMeterto_meter ()
MonitorProcessorto_monitorprocessor ()
PeakMeterto_peakmeter ()
SideChainto_sidechain ()
UnknownProcessorto_unknownprocessor ()

Inherited from ARDOUR:SessionObject

std::stringname ()
Statefulto_stateful ()
StatefulDestructibleto_statefuldestructible ()


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::PhaseControl >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::PhaseControl >

is-a: ARDOUR:AutomationControl

A PBD::Controllable with associated automation data (AutomationList)

boolinverted (unsigned int)
boolisnil ()
boolsameinstance (PhaseControl)
voidset_phase_invert (unsigned int, bool)
Audio channel index.
true to invert phase, otherwise false.

Inherited from ARDOUR:AutomationControl

AutomationListalist ()
AutoStateautomation_state ()
AutoStyleautomation_style ()
doubleget_value ()

Get the current effective `user' value based on automation state

voidset_automation_state (AutoState)
voidset_automation_style (AutoStyle)
voidset_value (double, GroupControlDisposition)

Get and Set `internal' value

All derived classes must implement this.

Basic derived classes will ignore

but more sophisticated children, notably those that proxy the value setting logic via an object that is aware of group relationships between this control and others, will find it useful.
voidstart_touch (double)
voidstop_touch (bool, double)
boolwritable ()
Controlto_ctrl ()

Inherited from PBD:Controllable

std::stringname ()

Inherited from PBD:StatefulPtr

voidclear_changes ()

Forget about any changes to this object's properties

IDid ()
OwnedPropertyListproperties ()


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::Playlist >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::Playlist >

is-a: ARDOUR:SessionObject

A named object associated with a Session. Objects derived from this class are expected to be destroyed before the session calls drop_references().

voidadd_region (Region, long, float, bool, int)
Regioncombine (RegionList)
unsigned intcount_regions_at (long)
Playlistcut (AudioRangeList&, bool)
DataTypedata_type ()
voidduplicate (Region, long, long, float)
from the beginning of the region to the next beginning
voidduplicate_range (AudioRange&, float)
voidduplicate_until (Region, long, long, long)
from the beginning of the region to the next beginning
the first frame that does _not_ contain a duplicated frame
Regionfind_next_region (long, RegionPoint, int)
longfind_next_region_boundary (long, int)
boolisnil ()
voidlower_region (Region)
voidlower_region_to_bottom (Region)
unsigned intn_regions ()
voidraise_region (Region)
voidraise_region_to_top (Region)
Regionregion_by_id (ID)
RegionListPtrregion_list ()
RegionListPtrregions_at (long)
RegionListPtrregions_touched (long, long)
Range start.
Range end.

Returns regions which have some part within this range.

RegionListPtrregions_with_end_within (Range)
RegionListPtrregions_with_start_within (Range)
voidremove_region (Region)
boolsameinstance (Playlist)
voidsplit (long)
voidsplit_region (Region, long, int)
Regiontop_region_at (long)
Regiontop_unmuted_region_at (long)
voiduncombine (Region)
AudioPlaylistto_audioplaylist ()
MidiPlaylistto_midiplaylist ()

Inherited from ARDOUR:SessionObject

std::stringname ()
Statefulto_stateful ()
StatefulDestructibleto_statefuldestructible ()


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::Plugin >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::Plugin >

is-a: PBD:StatefulDestructiblePtr

A plugin is an external module (usually 3rd party provided) loaded into Ardour for the purpose of digital signal processing.

This class provides an abstraction for methords provided by all supported plugin standards such as presets, name, parameters etc.

Plugins are not used directly in Ardour but always wrapped by a PluginInsert.

IOPortDescriptiondescribe_io_port (DataType, bool, unsigned int)
std::stringget_docs ()
PluginInfoget_info ()
LuaTable(int, ...)get_parameter_descriptor (unsigned int, ParameterDescriptor&)
std::stringget_parameter_docs (unsigned int)
boolisnil ()
char*label ()
boolload_preset (PresetRecord)

Set parameters using a preset

char*maker ()
char*name ()
LuaTable(unsigned int, ...)nth_parameter (unsigned int, bool&)
unsigned intparameter_count ()
boolparameter_is_input (unsigned int)
PresetRecordpreset_by_label (std::string)
PresetRecordpreset_by_uri (std::string)
boolsameinstance (Plugin)
std::stringunique_id ()
LuaProcto_luaproc ()

Inherited from PBD:StatefulPtr

voidclear_changes ()

Forget about any changes to this object's properties

IDid ()
OwnedPropertyListproperties ()


C‡: ARDOUR::Plugin::IOPortDescription

Data Members
unsigned intgroup_channel


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::PluginInsert::PluginControl >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::PluginInsert::PluginControl >

is-a: ARDOUR:AutomationControl

A control that manipulates a plugin parameter (control port).

boolisnil ()
boolsameinstance (PluginControl)

Inherited from ARDOUR:AutomationControl

AutomationListalist ()
AutoStateautomation_state ()
AutoStyleautomation_style ()
doubleget_value ()

Get the current effective `user' value based on automation state

voidset_automation_state (AutoState)
voidset_automation_style (AutoStyle)
voidset_value (double, GroupControlDisposition)

Get and Set `internal' value

All derived classes must implement this.

Basic derived classes will ignore

but more sophisticated children, notably those that proxy the value setting logic via an object that is aware of group relationships between this control and others, will find it useful.
voidstart_touch (double)
voidstop_touch (bool, double)
boolwritable ()
Controlto_ctrl ()

Inherited from PBD:Controllable

std::stringname ()

Inherited from PBD:StatefulPtr

voidclear_changes ()

Forget about any changes to this object's properties

IDid ()
OwnedPropertyListproperties ()


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::PluginInfo >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::PluginInfo >

ARDOUR.PluginInfo ()
PresetVectorget_presets (bool)
boolis_instrument ()
boolisnil ()
boolsameinstance (PluginInfo)
Data Members


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::PluginInsert >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::PluginInsert >

is-a: ARDOUR:Processor

Plugin inserts: send data through a plugin

voidactivate ()
voiddeactivate ()
ChanMappinginput_map (unsigned int)
boolisnil ()
ChanCountnatural_input_streams ()
ChanCountnatural_output_streams ()
ChanMappingoutput_map (unsigned int)
Pluginplugin (unsigned int)
boolsameinstance (PluginInsert)
voidset_input_map (unsigned int, ChanMapping)
voidset_output_map (unsigned int, ChanMapping)
boolstrict_io_configured ()

Inherited from ARDOUR:Processor

boolactive ()
std::stringdisplay_name ()
ChanCountinput_streams ()
ChanCountoutput_streams ()
Ampto_amp ()
Automatableto_automatable ()
PluginInsertto_insert ()
IOProcessorto_ioprocessor ()
PeakMeterto_meter ()
MonitorProcessorto_monitorprocessor ()
PeakMeterto_peakmeter ()
SideChainto_sidechain ()
UnknownProcessorto_unknownprocessor ()

Inherited from ARDOUR:SessionObject

std::stringname ()
Statefulto_stateful ()
StatefulDestructibleto_statefuldestructible ()


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::Port >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::Port >

intconnect (std::string)
boolconnected ()

Returns true if this port is connected to anything

boolconnected_to (std::string)
Port name

Returns true if this port is connected to o, otherwise false.

intdisconnect (std::string)
intdisconnect_all ()
boolisnil ()
std::stringname ()

Returns Port short name

std::stringpretty_name (bool)

Returns Port human readable name

boolreceives_input ()

Returns true if this Port receives input, otherwise false

boolsameinstance (Port)
boolsends_output ()

Returns true if this Port sends output, otherwise false

AudioPortto_audioport ()
MidiPortto_midiport ()


C‡: ARDOUR::PortEngine

PortEngine is an abstract base class that defines the functionality required by Ardour.

A Port is basically an endpoint for a datastream (which can either be continuous, like audio, or event-based, like MIDI). Ports have buffers associated with them into which data can be written (if they are output ports) and from which data can be read (if they input ports). Ports can be connected together so that data written to an output port can be read from an input port. These connections can be 1:1, 1:N OR N:1.

Ports may be associated with software only, or with hardware. Hardware related ports are often referred to as physical, and correspond to some relevant physical entity on a hardware device, such as an audio jack or a MIDI connector. Physical ports may be potentially asked to monitor their inputs, though some implementations may not support this.

Most physical ports will also be considered "terminal", which means that data delivered there or read from there will go to or comes from a system outside of the PortEngine implementation's control (e.g. the analog domain for audio, or external MIDI devices for MIDI). Non-physical ports can also be considered "terminal". For example, the output port of a software synthesizer is a terminal port, because the data contained in its buffer does not and cannot be considered to come from any other port - it is synthesized by its owner.

Ports also have latency associated with them. Each port has a playback latency and a capture latency:

capture latency: how long since the data read from the buffer of a port arrived at at a terminal port. The data will have come from the "outside world" if the terminal port is also physical, or will have been synthesized by the entity that owns the terminal port.

playback latency: how long until the data written to the buffer of port will reach a terminal port.

For more detailed questions about the PortEngine API, consult the JACK API documentation, on which this entire object is based.

This class object is only used indirectly as return-value and function-parameter. It provides no methods by itself.


C‡: std::list<boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Port> >

ARDOUR.PortList ()
boolempty ()
LuaIteriter ()
voidreverse ()
unsigned longsize ()
LuaTabletable ()


C‡: ARDOUR::PortManager

intconnect (std::string, std::string)
boolconnected (std::string)
intdisconnect (std::string, std::string)
intdisconnect_port (Port)
LuaTable(int, ...)get_backend_ports (std::string, DataType, PortFlags, StringVector&)
LuaTable(int, ...)get_connections (std::string, StringVector&)
voidget_physical_inputs (DataType, StringVector&, --MISSING (ARDOUR::MidiPortFlags)--, --MISSING (ARDOUR::MidiPortFlags)--)
voidget_physical_outputs (DataType, StringVector&, --MISSING (ARDOUR::MidiPortFlags)--, --MISSING (ARDOUR::MidiPortFlags)--)
Portget_port_by_name (std::string)
Full or short name of port

Returns Corresponding Port or 0.

LuaTable(int, ...)get_ports (DataType, PortList&)
std::stringget_pretty_name_by_name (std::string)
ChanCountn_physical_inputs ()
ChanCountn_physical_outputs ()
boolphysically_connected (std::string)
PortEngineport_engine ()
boolport_is_physical (std::string)


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::PortSet >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::PortSet >

An ordered list of Ports, possibly of various types.

This allows access to all the ports as a list, ignoring type, or accessing the nth port of a given type. Note that port(n) and nth_audio_port(n) may NOT return the same port.

Each port is held twice; once in a per-type vector of vectors (_ports) and once in a vector of all port (_all_ports). This is to speed up the fairly common case of iterating over all ports.

voidadd (Port)
voidclear ()

Remove all ports from the PortSet. Ports are not deregistered with the engine, it's the caller's responsibility to not leak here!

boolcontains (Port)
boolempty ()
boolisnil ()
unsigned longnum_ports (DataType)
Portport (DataType, unsigned long)

nth port of type t, or nth port if t = NIL

data type
port index
boolremove (Port)
boolsameinstance (PortSet)


C‡: ARDOUR::PresentationInfo

is-a: PBD:Stateful

Base class for objects with saveable and undoable state

unsigned intcolor ()
unsigned intorder ()
voidset_color (unsigned int)

Inherited from PBD:Stateful

voidclear_changes ()

Forget about any changes to this object's properties

IDid ()
OwnedPropertyListproperties ()


C‡: ARDOUR::Plugin::PresetRecord

ARDOUR.PresetRecord ()
Data Members


C‡: std::vector<ARDOUR::Plugin::PresetRecord >

ARDOUR.PresetVector ()
LuaTableadd (LuaTable {PresetRecord})
PresetRecordat (unsigned long)
boolempty ()
LuaIteriter ()
voidpush_back (PresetRecord)
unsigned longsize ()
LuaTabletable ()


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::Processor >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::Processor >

is-a: ARDOUR:SessionObject

A mixer strip element - plugin, send, meter, etc

voidactivate ()
boolactive ()
voiddeactivate ()
std::stringdisplay_name ()
ChanCountinput_streams ()
boolisnil ()
ChanCountoutput_streams ()
boolsameinstance (Processor)
Ampto_amp ()
Automatableto_automatable ()
PluginInsertto_insert ()
IOProcessorto_ioprocessor ()
PeakMeterto_meter ()
MonitorProcessorto_monitorprocessor ()
PeakMeterto_peakmeter ()
SideChainto_sidechain ()
UnknownProcessorto_unknownprocessor ()

Inherited from ARDOUR:SessionObject

std::stringname ()
Statefulto_stateful ()
StatefulDestructibleto_statefuldestructible ()


C‡: std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Processor> >

ARDOUR.ProcessorVector ()
LuaTableadd (LuaTable {Processor})
Processorat (unsigned long)
boolempty ()
LuaIteriter ()
voidpush_back (Processor)
unsigned longsize ()
LuaTabletable ()


C‡: PBD::PropertyDescriptor<bool>

This class object is only used indirectly as return-value and function-parameter. It provides no methods by itself.


C‡: PBD::PropertyDescriptor<float>

This class object is only used indirectly as return-value and function-parameter. It provides no methods by itself.


C‡: PBD::PropertyDescriptor<long>

This class object is only used indirectly as return-value and function-parameter. It provides no methods by itself.


C‡: PBD::PropertyChange

A list of IDs of Properties that have changed in some situation or other

boolcontainsBool (BoolProperty)
boolcontainsFloat (FloatProperty)
boolcontainsFramePos (FrameposProperty)


C‡: PBD::PropertyList

A list of properties, mapped using their ID

This class object is only used indirectly as return-value and function-parameter. It provides no methods by itself.


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::Readable >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::Readable >

boolisnil ()
unsigned intn_channels ()
longread (FloatArray, long, long, int)
longreadable_length ()
boolsameinstance (Readable)


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::Region >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::Region >

is-a: ARDOUR:SessionObject

A named object associated with a Session. Objects derived from this class are expected to be destroyed before the session calls drop_references().

boolat_natural_position ()
boolautomatic ()
boolcan_move ()
boolcaptured ()
voidclear_sync_position ()
boolcovers (long)
voidcut_end (long, int)
voidcut_front (long, int)
DataTypedata_type ()
boolexternal ()
boolhidden ()
boolimport ()
boolis_compound ()
boolisnil ()
unsigned intlayer ()
longlength ()
boollocked ()
voidlower ()
voidlower_to_bottom ()
StringVectormaster_source_names ()
SourceListmaster_sources ()
voidmove_start (long, int)
voidmove_to_natural_position ()
boolmuted ()
unsigned intn_channels ()
voidnudge_position (long)
boolopaque ()
longposition ()

How the region parameters play together:

POSITION: first frame of the region along the timeline START: first frame of the region within its source(s) LENGTH: number of frames the region represents

boolposition_locked ()
doublequarter_note ()
voidraise ()
voidraise_to_top ()
boolsameinstance (Region)
voidset_hidden (bool)
voidset_initial_position (long)

A gui may need to create a region, then place it in an initial position determined by the user. When this takes place within one gui operation, we have to reset _last_position to prevent an implied move.

voidset_length (long, int)
voidset_locked (bool)
voidset_muted (bool)
voidset_opaque (bool)
voidset_position (long, int)
voidset_position_locked (bool)
voidset_start (long)
voidset_sync_position (long)

Set the region's sync point.

Session time.
voidset_video_locked (bool)
floatshift ()
Sourcesource (unsigned int)
longstart ()
floatstretch ()
boolsync_marked ()
LuaTable(long, ...)sync_offset (int&)
longsync_position ()

Returns Sync position in session time

voidtrim_end (long, int)
voidtrim_front (long, int)
voidtrim_to (long, long, int)
boolvideo_locked ()
boolwhole_file ()
AudioRegionto_audioregion ()
MidiRegionto_midiregion ()
Readableto_readable ()

Inherited from ARDOUR:SessionObject

std::stringname ()
Statefulto_stateful ()
StatefulDestructibleto_statefuldestructible ()


C‡: ARDOUR::RegionFactory

Regionregion_by_id (ID)


C‡: std::list<boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Region> >

ARDOUR.RegionList ()
boolempty ()
LuaIteriter ()
voidreverse ()
unsigned longsize ()
LuaTabletable ()


C‡: boost::shared_ptr<std::list<boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Region> > >

ARDOUR.RegionListPtr ()
LuaTableadd (LuaTable {Region})
boolempty ()
LuaIteriter ()
voidpush_back (Region)
voidreverse ()
unsigned longsize ()
LuaTabletable ()
voidunique ()


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::Route >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::Route >

is-a: ARDOUR:Stripable

A named object associated with a Session. Objects derived from this class are expected to be destroyed before the session calls drop_references().

boolactive ()
intadd_processor_by_index (Processor, int, ProcessorStreams, bool)

Add a processor to a route such that it ends up with a given index into the visible processors.

Index to add the processor at, or -1 to add at the end of the list.

Returns 0 on success, non-0 on failure.

booladd_sidechain (Processor)
Ampamp ()
std::stringcomment ()
boolcustomize_plugin_insert (Processor, unsigned int, ChanCount, ChanCount)

enable custom plugin-insert configuration

Processor to customize
number of plugin instances to use (if zero, reset to default)
output port customization
input pins for variable-I/O plugins

Returns true if successful

IOinput ()
boolisnil ()
Deliverymain_outs ()

the signal processorat at end of the processing chain which produces output

boolmuted ()
ChanCountn_inputs ()
ChanCountn_outputs ()
Processornth_plugin (unsigned int)
Processornth_processor (unsigned int)
Processornth_send (unsigned int)
IOoutput ()
PannerShellpanner_shell ()
PeakMeterpeak_meter ()

************************************************************* Pure interface begins here*************************************************************

intremove_processor (Processor, ProcessorStreams, bool)

remove plugin/processor

processor to remove
error report (index where removal vailed, channel-count why it failed) may be nil
if locking is required (set to true, unless called from RT context with lock)

Returns 0 on success

boolremove_sidechain (Processor)
intreplace_processor (Processor, Processor, ProcessorStreams)

replace plugin/processor with another

processor to remove
processor to substitute the old one with
error report (index where removal vailed, channel-count why it failed) may be nil

Returns 0 on success

boolreset_plugin_insert (Processor)

reset plugin-insert configuration to default, disable customizations.

This is equivalent to calling

 customize_plugin_insert (proc, 0, unused)
Processor to reset

Returns true if successful

boolsameinstance (Route)
voidset_active (bool, void*)
voidset_comment (std::string, void*)
voidset_meter_point (MeterPoint, bool)
boolset_name (std::string)
boolset_strict_io (bool)
boolsoloed ()
boolstrict_io ()
Processorthe_instrument ()

Return the first processor that accepts has at least one MIDI input and at least one audio output. In the vast majority of cases, this will be "the instrument". This does not preclude other MIDI->audio processors later in the processing chain, but that would be a special case not covered by this utility function.

Amptrim ()
Trackto_track ()

Inherited from ARDOUR:Stripable

AutomationControlcomp_enable_control ()
AutomationControlcomp_makeup_control ()
AutomationControlcomp_mode_control ()
std::stringcomp_mode_name (unsigned int)
AutomationControlcomp_redux_control ()
AutomationControlcomp_speed_control ()
std::stringcomp_speed_name (unsigned int)
AutomationControlcomp_threshold_control ()
unsigned inteq_band_cnt ()
std::stringeq_band_name (unsigned int)
AutomationControleq_enable_control ()
AutomationControleq_freq_control (unsigned int)
AutomationControleq_gain_control (unsigned int)
AutomationControleq_hpf_control ()
AutomationControleq_q_control (unsigned int)
AutomationControleq_shape_control (unsigned int)
GainControlgain_control ()
boolis_auditioner ()
boolis_hidden ()
boolis_master ()
boolis_monitor ()
boolis_selected ()
AutomationControlmaster_send_enable_control ()
MonitorProcessormonitor_control ()
MuteControlmute_control ()
AutomationControlpan_azimuth_control ()
AutomationControlpan_elevation_control ()
AutomationControlpan_frontback_control ()
AutomationControlpan_lfe_control ()
AutomationControlpan_width_control ()
PhaseControlphase_control ()
PresentationInfopresentation_info_ptr ()
AutomationControlrec_enable_control ()
AutomationControlrec_safe_control ()
AutomationControlsend_enable_control (unsigned int)
AutomationControlsend_level_control (unsigned int)
std::stringsend_name (unsigned int)
voidset_presentation_order (unsigned int, bool)
SoloControlsolo_control ()
SoloIsolateControlsolo_isolate_control ()
SoloSafeControlsolo_safe_control ()
GainControltrim_control ()
Routeto_route ()

Inherited from ARDOUR:SessionObject

std::stringname ()
Statefulto_stateful ()
StatefulDestructibleto_statefuldestructible ()


C‡: ARDOUR::Route::ProcessorStreams

A record of the stream configuration at some point in the processor list. Used to return where and why an processor list configuration request failed.

ARDOUR.Route.ProcessorStreams ()


C‡: ARDOUR::RouteGroup

A group identifier for routes.

RouteGroups permit to define properties which are shared among all Routes that use the given identifier.

A route can at most be in one group.

This class object is only used indirectly as return-value and function-parameter. It provides no methods by itself.


C‡: std::list<boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Route> >

ARDOUR.RouteList ()
boolempty ()
LuaIteriter ()
voidreverse ()
unsigned longsize ()
LuaTabletable ()


C‡: boost::shared_ptr<std::list<boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Route> > >

ARDOUR.RouteListPtr ()
LuaTableadd (LuaTable {Route})
boolempty ()
LuaIteriter ()
voidpush_back (Route)
voidreverse ()
unsigned longsize ()
LuaTabletable ()
voidunique ()


C‡: ARDOUR::Session

Ardour Session

voidabort_reversible_command ()

abort an open undo command This must only be called after begin_reversible_command ()

boolactively_recording ()
voidadd_command (Command)
StatefulDiffCommandadd_stateful_diff_command (StatefulDestructiblePtr)

create an StatefulDiffCommand from the given object and add it to the stack.

This function must only be called after begin_reversible_command. Failing to do so may lead to a crash.

the object to diff

Returns the allocated StatefulDiffCommand (already added via add_command)

voidbegin_reversible_command (std::string)

begin collecting undo information

This call must always be followed by either begin_reversible_command() or commit_reversible_command()

human readable name for the undo operation
SessionConfigurationcfg ()
voidcommit_reversible_command (Command)

finalize an undo command and commit pending transactions

This must only be called after begin_reversible_command ()

(additional) command to add
Controllablecontrollable_by_id (ID)
longcurrent_end_frame ()
longcurrent_start_frame ()
voiddisable_record (bool, bool)
AudioEngineengine ()
longframe_rate ()

"actual" sample rate of session, set by current audioengine rate, pullup/down etc.

doubleframes_per_timecode_frame ()
unsigned intget_block_size ()
boolget_play_loop ()
Routeget_remote_nth_route (unsigned int)
Stripableget_remote_nth_stripable (unsigned int, Flag)
RouteListPtrget_routes ()
BufferSetget_scratch_buffers (ChanCount, bool)
BufferSetget_silent_buffers (ChanCount)
RouteListPtrget_tracks ()
voidgoto_end ()
voidgoto_start (bool)
longlast_transport_start ()
Locationslocations ()
Routemaster_out ()
voidmaybe_enable_record ()
Routemonitor_out ()
std::stringname ()
RouteListnew_audio_route (int, int, RouteGroup, unsigned int, std::string, Flag, unsigned int)
AudioTrackListnew_audio_track (int, int, RouteGroup, unsigned int, std::string, unsigned int, TrackMode)
RouteListnew_midi_route (RouteGroup, unsigned int, std::string, PluginInfo, PresetRecord, Flag, unsigned int)
MidiTrackListnew_midi_track (ChanCount, ChanCount, PluginInfo, PresetRecord, RouteGroup, unsigned int, std::string, unsigned int, TrackMode)
RouteListnew_route_from_template (unsigned int, unsigned int, std::string, std::string, PlaylistDisposition)
longnominal_frame_rate ()

"native" sample rate of session, regardless of current audioengine rate, pullup/down etc

std::stringpath ()
Processorprocessor_by_id (ID)
RecordStaterecord_status ()
voidrequest_locate (long, bool)
voidrequest_play_loop (bool, bool)
voidrequest_stop (bool, bool)
voidrequest_transport_speed (double, bool)
Routeroute_by_id (ID)
Routeroute_by_name (std::string)
Routeroute_by_selected_count (unsigned int)
intsave_state (std::string, bool, bool, bool)

save session

name of the session (use an empty string for the current name)
save a 'recovery', not full state (default: false)
switch to given snapshot after saving (default: false)
save a session template (default: false)

Returns zero on success

voidscripts_changed ()
voidset_dirty ()
std::stringsnap_name ()
Sourcesource_by_id (ID)
TempoMaptempo_map ()
booltimecode_drop_frames ()
longtimecode_frames_per_hour ()
doubletimecode_frames_per_second ()
Tracktrack_by_diskstream_id (ID)
longtransport_frame ()
booltransport_rolling ()
doubletransport_speed ()
StringListunknown_processors ()
longworst_input_latency ()
longworst_output_latency ()
longworst_playback_latency ()
longworst_track_latency ()


C‡: ARDOUR::SessionConfiguration

is-a: PBD:Configuration

Base class for objects with saveable and undoable state

std::stringget_audio_search_path ()
boolget_auto_input ()
boolget_auto_play ()
boolget_auto_return ()
unsigned intget_destructive_xfade_msecs ()
boolget_external_sync ()
boolget_glue_new_markers_to_bars_and_beats ()
boolget_glue_new_regions_to_bars_and_beats ()
InsertMergePolicyget_insert_merge_policy ()
boolget_jack_time_master ()
unsigned intget_meterbridge_label_height ()
boolget_midi_copy_is_fork ()
std::stringget_midi_search_path ()
SampleFormatget_native_file_data_format ()
HeaderFormatget_native_file_header_format ()
boolget_punch_in ()
boolget_punch_out ()
std::stringget_raid_path ()
boolget_realtime_export ()
boolget_show_busses_on_meterbridge ()
boolget_show_group_tabs ()
boolget_show_master_on_meterbridge ()
boolget_show_midi_on_meterbridge ()
boolget_show_monitor_on_meterbridge ()
boolget_show_mute_on_meterbridge ()
boolget_show_name_on_meterbridge ()
boolget_show_rec_on_meterbridge ()
boolget_show_region_fades ()
boolget_show_solo_on_meterbridge ()
boolget_show_summary ()
std::stringget_slave_timecode_offset ()
unsigned intget_subframes_per_frame ()
std::stringget_take_name ()
TimecodeFormatget_timecode_format ()
std::stringget_timecode_generator_offset ()
longget_timecode_offset ()
boolget_timecode_offset_negative ()
boolget_track_name_number ()
boolget_track_name_take ()
boolget_use_monitor_fades ()
boolget_use_region_fades ()
boolget_use_transport_fades ()
boolget_use_video_file_fps ()
boolget_use_video_sync ()
floatget_video_pullup ()
boolget_videotimeline_pullup ()
doubleget_wave_amplitude_zoom ()
unsigned shortget_wave_zoom_factor ()
boolset_audio_search_path (std::string)
boolset_auto_input (bool)
boolset_auto_play (bool)
boolset_auto_return (bool)
boolset_destructive_xfade_msecs (unsigned int)
boolset_external_sync (bool)
boolset_glue_new_markers_to_bars_and_beats (bool)
boolset_glue_new_regions_to_bars_and_beats (bool)
boolset_insert_merge_policy (InsertMergePolicy)
boolset_jack_time_master (bool)
boolset_meterbridge_label_height (unsigned int)
boolset_midi_copy_is_fork (bool)
boolset_midi_search_path (std::string)
boolset_native_file_data_format (SampleFormat)
boolset_native_file_header_format (HeaderFormat)
boolset_punch_in (bool)
boolset_punch_out (bool)
boolset_raid_path (std::string)
boolset_realtime_export (bool)
boolset_show_busses_on_meterbridge (bool)
boolset_show_group_tabs (bool)
boolset_show_master_on_meterbridge (bool)
boolset_show_midi_on_meterbridge (bool)
boolset_show_monitor_on_meterbridge (bool)
boolset_show_mute_on_meterbridge (bool)
boolset_show_name_on_meterbridge (bool)
boolset_show_rec_on_meterbridge (bool)
boolset_show_region_fades (bool)
boolset_show_solo_on_meterbridge (bool)
boolset_show_summary (bool)
boolset_slave_timecode_offset (std::string)
boolset_subframes_per_frame (unsigned int)
boolset_take_name (std::string)
boolset_timecode_format (TimecodeFormat)
boolset_timecode_generator_offset (std::string)
boolset_timecode_offset (long)
boolset_timecode_offset_negative (bool)
boolset_track_name_number (bool)
boolset_track_name_take (bool)
boolset_use_monitor_fades (bool)
boolset_use_region_fades (bool)
boolset_use_transport_fades (bool)
boolset_use_video_file_fps (bool)
boolset_use_video_sync (bool)
boolset_video_pullup (float)
boolset_videotimeline_pullup (bool)
boolset_wave_amplitude_zoom (double)
boolset_wave_zoom_factor (unsigned short)
unsigned intdestructive_xfade_msecs
unsigned intmeterbridge_label_height
unsigned intsubframes_per_frame
unsigned shortwave_zoom_factor

Inherited from PBD:Stateful

voidclear_changes ()

Forget about any changes to this object's properties

IDid ()
OwnedPropertyListproperties ()


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::SessionObject >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::SessionObject >

A named object associated with a Session. Objects derived from this class are expected to be destroyed before the session calls drop_references().

boolisnil ()
std::stringname ()
boolsameinstance (SessionObject)
Statefulto_stateful ()
StatefulDestructibleto_statefuldestructible ()


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::SideChain >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::SideChain >

is-a: ARDOUR:IOProcessor

A mixer strip element (Processor) with 1 or 2 IO elements.

boolisnil ()
boolsameinstance (SideChain)

Inherited from ARDOUR:IOProcessor

IOinput ()
ChanCountnatural_input_streams ()
ChanCountnatural_output_streams ()
IOoutput ()

Inherited from ARDOUR:Processor

voidactivate ()
boolactive ()
voiddeactivate ()
std::stringdisplay_name ()
ChanCountinput_streams ()
ChanCountoutput_streams ()
Ampto_amp ()
Automatableto_automatable ()
PluginInsertto_insert ()
IOProcessorto_ioprocessor ()
PeakMeterto_meter ()
MonitorProcessorto_monitorprocessor ()
PeakMeterto_peakmeter ()
SideChainto_sidechain ()
UnknownProcessorto_unknownprocessor ()

Inherited from ARDOUR:SessionObject

std::stringname ()
Statefulto_stateful ()
StatefulDestructibleto_statefuldestructible ()


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::SlavableAutomationControl >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::SlavableAutomationControl >

is-a: ARDOUR:AutomationControl

A PBD::Controllable with associated automation data (AutomationList)

voidadd_master (AutomationControl)
voidclear_masters ()
intget_boolean_masters ()
doubleget_masters_value ()
boolisnil ()
voidremove_master (AutomationControl)
boolsameinstance (SlavableAutomationControl,)
boolslaved ()
boolslaved_to (AutomationControl)

Inherited from ARDOUR:AutomationControl

AutomationListalist ()
AutoStateautomation_state ()
AutoStyleautomation_style ()
doubleget_value ()

Get the current effective `user' value based on automation state

voidset_automation_state (AutoState)
voidset_automation_style (AutoStyle)
voidset_value (double, GroupControlDisposition)

Get and Set `internal' value

All derived classes must implement this.

Basic derived classes will ignore

but more sophisticated children, notably those that proxy the value setting logic via an object that is aware of group relationships between this control and others, will find it useful.
voidstart_touch (double)
voidstop_touch (bool, double)
boolwritable ()
Controlto_ctrl ()

Inherited from PBD:Controllable

std::stringname ()

Inherited from PBD:StatefulPtr

voidclear_changes ()

Forget about any changes to this object's properties

IDid ()
OwnedPropertyListproperties ()


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::SoloControl >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::SoloControl >

is-a: ARDOUR:SlavableAutomationControl,

A PBD::Controllable with associated automation data (AutomationList)

boolcan_solo ()
boolisnil ()
boolsameinstance (SoloControl)
boolself_soloed ()
boolsoloed ()

Inherited from ARDOUR:SlavableAutomationControl,

voidadd_master (AutomationControl)
voidclear_masters ()
intget_boolean_masters ()
doubleget_masters_value ()
voidremove_master (AutomationControl)
boolslaved ()
boolslaved_to (AutomationControl)

Inherited from ARDOUR:AutomationControl

AutomationListalist ()
AutoStateautomation_state ()
AutoStyleautomation_style ()
doubleget_value ()

Get the current effective `user' value based on automation state

voidset_automation_state (AutoState)
voidset_automation_style (AutoStyle)
voidset_value (double, GroupControlDisposition)

Get and Set `internal' value

All derived classes must implement this.

Basic derived classes will ignore

but more sophisticated children, notably those that proxy the value setting logic via an object that is aware of group relationships between this control and others, will find it useful.
voidstart_touch (double)
voidstop_touch (bool, double)
boolwritable ()
Controlto_ctrl ()

Inherited from PBD:Controllable

std::stringname ()

Inherited from PBD:StatefulPtr

voidclear_changes ()

Forget about any changes to this object's properties

IDid ()
OwnedPropertyListproperties ()


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::SoloIsolateControl >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::SoloIsolateControl >

is-a: ARDOUR:SlavableAutomationControl,

A PBD::Controllable with associated automation data (AutomationList)

boolisnil ()
boolsameinstance (SoloIsolateControl)
boolself_solo_isolated ()
boolsolo_isolated ()

Inherited from ARDOUR:SlavableAutomationControl,

voidadd_master (AutomationControl)
voidclear_masters ()
intget_boolean_masters ()
doubleget_masters_value ()
voidremove_master (AutomationControl)
boolslaved ()
boolslaved_to (AutomationControl)

Inherited from ARDOUR:AutomationControl

AutomationListalist ()
AutoStateautomation_state ()
AutoStyleautomation_style ()
doubleget_value ()

Get the current effective `user' value based on automation state

voidset_automation_state (AutoState)
voidset_automation_style (AutoStyle)
voidset_value (double, GroupControlDisposition)

Get and Set `internal' value

All derived classes must implement this.

Basic derived classes will ignore

but more sophisticated children, notably those that proxy the value setting logic via an object that is aware of group relationships between this control and others, will find it useful.
voidstart_touch (double)
voidstop_touch (bool, double)
boolwritable ()
Controlto_ctrl ()

Inherited from PBD:Controllable

std::stringname ()

Inherited from PBD:StatefulPtr

voidclear_changes ()

Forget about any changes to this object's properties

IDid ()
OwnedPropertyListproperties ()


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::SoloSafeControl >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::SoloSafeControl >

is-a: ARDOUR:SlavableAutomationControl,

A PBD::Controllable with associated automation data (AutomationList)

boolisnil ()
boolsameinstance (SoloSafeControl)
boolsolo_safe ()

Inherited from ARDOUR:SlavableAutomationControl,

voidadd_master (AutomationControl)
voidclear_masters ()
intget_boolean_masters ()
doubleget_masters_value ()
voidremove_master (AutomationControl)
boolslaved ()
boolslaved_to (AutomationControl)

Inherited from ARDOUR:AutomationControl

AutomationListalist ()
AutoStateautomation_state ()
AutoStyleautomation_style ()
doubleget_value ()

Get the current effective `user' value based on automation state

voidset_automation_state (AutoState)
voidset_automation_style (AutoStyle)
voidset_value (double, GroupControlDisposition)

Get and Set `internal' value

All derived classes must implement this.

Basic derived classes will ignore

but more sophisticated children, notably those that proxy the value setting logic via an object that is aware of group relationships between this control and others, will find it useful.
voidstart_touch (double)
voidstop_touch (bool, double)
boolwritable ()
Controlto_ctrl ()

Inherited from PBD:Controllable

std::stringname ()

Inherited from PBD:StatefulPtr

voidclear_changes ()

Forget about any changes to this object's properties

IDid ()
OwnedPropertyListproperties ()


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::Source >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::Source >

is-a: ARDOUR:SessionObject

A named object associated with a Session. Objects derived from this class are expected to be destroyed before the session calls drop_references().

std::stringancestor_name ()
boolcan_be_analysed ()
booldestructive ()
boolempty ()
boolhas_been_analysed ()
boolisnil ()
longlength (long)
longnatural_position ()
boolsameinstance (Source)
longtimeline_position ()
longtimestamp ()
intuse_count ()
boolused ()
boolwritable ()
AudioSourceto_audiosource ()
MidiSourceto_midisource ()

Inherited from ARDOUR:SessionObject

std::stringname ()
Statefulto_stateful ()
StatefulDestructibleto_statefuldestructible ()


C‡: std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Source> >

ARDOUR.SourceList ()
LuaTableadd (LuaTable {Source})
Sourceat (unsigned long)
boolempty ()
LuaIteriter ()
voidpush_back (Source)
unsigned longsize ()
LuaTabletable ()


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::Stripable >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::Stripable >

is-a: ARDOUR:SessionObject

A named object associated with a Session. Objects derived from this class are expected to be destroyed before the session calls drop_references().

AutomationControlcomp_enable_control ()
AutomationControlcomp_makeup_control ()
AutomationControlcomp_mode_control ()
std::stringcomp_mode_name (unsigned int)
AutomationControlcomp_redux_control ()
AutomationControlcomp_speed_control ()
std::stringcomp_speed_name (unsigned int)
AutomationControlcomp_threshold_control ()
unsigned inteq_band_cnt ()
std::stringeq_band_name (unsigned int)
AutomationControleq_enable_control ()
AutomationControleq_freq_control (unsigned int)
AutomationControleq_gain_control (unsigned int)
AutomationControleq_hpf_control ()
AutomationControleq_q_control (unsigned int)
AutomationControleq_shape_control (unsigned int)
GainControlgain_control ()
boolis_auditioner ()
boolis_hidden ()
boolis_master ()
boolis_monitor ()
boolis_selected ()
boolisnil ()
AutomationControlmaster_send_enable_control ()
MonitorProcessormonitor_control ()
MuteControlmute_control ()
AutomationControlpan_azimuth_control ()
AutomationControlpan_elevation_control ()
AutomationControlpan_frontback_control ()
AutomationControlpan_lfe_control ()
AutomationControlpan_width_control ()
PhaseControlphase_control ()
PresentationInfopresentation_info_ptr ()
AutomationControlrec_enable_control ()
AutomationControlrec_safe_control ()
boolsameinstance (Stripable)
AutomationControlsend_enable_control (unsigned int)
AutomationControlsend_level_control (unsigned int)
std::stringsend_name (unsigned int)
voidset_presentation_order (unsigned int, bool)
SoloControlsolo_control ()
SoloIsolateControlsolo_isolate_control ()
SoloSafeControlsolo_safe_control ()
GainControltrim_control ()
Routeto_route ()

Inherited from ARDOUR:SessionObject

std::stringname ()
Statefulto_stateful ()
StatefulDestructibleto_statefuldestructible ()


C‡: ARDOUR::Tempo

Tempo, the speed at which musical time progresses (BPM).

ARDOUR.Tempo (double, double)
Note Types per minute
Note Type (default `4': quarter note)
doubleframes_per_note_type (long)

audio samples per note type. if you want an instantaneous value for this, use TempoMap::frames_per_quarter_note_at() instead.

doubleframes_per_quarter_note (long)

audio samples per quarter note. if you want an instantaneous value for this, use TempoMap::frames_per_quarter_note_at() instead.

doublenote_type ()
doublenote_types_per_minute ()
doublequarter_notes_per_minute ()


C‡: ARDOUR::TempoMap

Tempo Map - mapping of timecode to musical time. convert audio-samples, sample-rate to Bar/Beat/Tick, Meter/Tempo

MeterSectionadd_meter (Meter, double, BBT_TIME, PositionLockStyle)
TempoSectionadd_tempo (Tempo, double, long, Type, PositionLockStyle)
BBT_TIMEbbt_at_frame (long)

Returns the BBT time corresponding to the supplied frame position.

the position in audio samples.

Returns the BBT time at the frame position .

doubleexact_beat_at_frame (long, int)
doubleexact_qn_at_frame (long, int)
MeterSectionmeter_section_at_beat (double)
MeterSectionmeter_section_at_frame (long)
TempoSectiontempo_section_at_frame (long)


C‡: ARDOUR::TempoSection

is-a: ARDOUR:MetricSection

A section of timeline with a certain Tempo.

doublec_func ()

Inherited from ARDOUR:MetricSection

doublepulse ()
voidset_pulse (double)


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::Track >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::Track >

is-a: ARDOUR:Route

A track is an route (bus) with a recordable diskstream and related objects relevant to tracking, playback and editing.

Specifically a track has regions and playlist objects.

Regionbounce (InterThreadInfo&)

bounce track from session start to session end to new region

asynchronous progress report and cancel

Returns a new audio region (or nil in case of error)

Regionbounce_range (long, long, InterThreadInfo&, Processor, bool)

Bounce the given range to a new audio region.

start time (in samples)
end time (in samples)
asynchronous progress report and cancel
the processor to tap the signal off (or nil for the top)
include the given processor in the bounced audio.

Returns a new audio region (or nil in case of error)

boolbounceable (Processor, bool)

Test if the track can be bounced with the given settings. If sends/inserts/returns are present in the signal path or the given track has no audio outputs bouncing is not possible.

the processor to tap the signal off (or nil for the top)
include the given processor in the bounced audio.

Returns true if the track can be bounced, or false otherwise.

boolcan_record ()
boolisnil ()
Playlistplaylist ()
boolsameinstance (Track)
boolset_name (std::string)
AudioTrackto_audio_track ()
MidiTrackto_midi_track ()

Inherited from ARDOUR:Route

boolactive ()
intadd_processor_by_index (Processor, int, ProcessorStreams, bool)

Add a processor to a route such that it ends up with a given index into the visible processors.

Index to add the processor at, or -1 to add at the end of the list.

Returns 0 on success, non-0 on failure.

booladd_sidechain (Processor)
Ampamp ()
std::stringcomment ()
boolcustomize_plugin_insert (Processor, unsigned int, ChanCount, ChanCount)

enable custom plugin-insert configuration

Processor to customize
number of plugin instances to use (if zero, reset to default)
output port customization
input pins for variable-I/O plugins

Returns true if successful

IOinput ()
Deliverymain_outs ()

the signal processorat at end of the processing chain which produces output

boolmuted ()
ChanCountn_inputs ()
ChanCountn_outputs ()
Processornth_plugin (unsigned int)
Processornth_processor (unsigned int)
Processornth_send (unsigned int)
IOoutput ()
PannerShellpanner_shell ()
PeakMeterpeak_meter ()

************************************************************* Pure interface begins here*************************************************************

intremove_processor (Processor, ProcessorStreams, bool)

remove plugin/processor

processor to remove
error report (index where removal vailed, channel-count why it failed) may be nil
if locking is required (set to true, unless called from RT context with lock)

Returns 0 on success

boolremove_sidechain (Processor)
intreplace_processor (Processor, Processor, ProcessorStreams)

replace plugin/processor with another

processor to remove
processor to substitute the old one with
error report (index where removal vailed, channel-count why it failed) may be nil

Returns 0 on success

boolreset_plugin_insert (Processor)

reset plugin-insert configuration to default, disable customizations.

This is equivalent to calling

 customize_plugin_insert (proc, 0, unused)
Processor to reset

Returns true if successful

voidset_active (bool, void*)
voidset_comment (std::string, void*)
voidset_meter_point (MeterPoint, bool)
boolset_strict_io (bool)
boolsoloed ()
boolstrict_io ()
Processorthe_instrument ()

Return the first processor that accepts has at least one MIDI input and at least one audio output. In the vast majority of cases, this will be "the instrument". This does not preclude other MIDI->audio processors later in the processing chain, but that would be a special case not covered by this utility function.

Amptrim ()
Trackto_track ()

Inherited from ARDOUR:Stripable

AutomationControlcomp_enable_control ()
AutomationControlcomp_makeup_control ()
AutomationControlcomp_mode_control ()
std::stringcomp_mode_name (unsigned int)
AutomationControlcomp_redux_control ()
AutomationControlcomp_speed_control ()
std::stringcomp_speed_name (unsigned int)
AutomationControlcomp_threshold_control ()
unsigned inteq_band_cnt ()
std::stringeq_band_name (unsigned int)
AutomationControleq_enable_control ()
AutomationControleq_freq_control (unsigned int)
AutomationControleq_gain_control (unsigned int)
AutomationControleq_hpf_control ()
AutomationControleq_q_control (unsigned int)
AutomationControleq_shape_control (unsigned int)
GainControlgain_control ()
boolis_auditioner ()
boolis_hidden ()
boolis_master ()
boolis_monitor ()
boolis_selected ()
AutomationControlmaster_send_enable_control ()
MonitorProcessormonitor_control ()
MuteControlmute_control ()
AutomationControlpan_azimuth_control ()
AutomationControlpan_elevation_control ()
AutomationControlpan_frontback_control ()
AutomationControlpan_lfe_control ()
AutomationControlpan_width_control ()
PhaseControlphase_control ()
PresentationInfopresentation_info_ptr ()
AutomationControlrec_enable_control ()
AutomationControlrec_safe_control ()
AutomationControlsend_enable_control (unsigned int)
AutomationControlsend_level_control (unsigned int)
std::stringsend_name (unsigned int)
voidset_presentation_order (unsigned int, bool)
SoloControlsolo_control ()
SoloIsolateControlsolo_isolate_control ()
SoloSafeControlsolo_safe_control ()
GainControltrim_control ()
Routeto_route ()

Inherited from ARDOUR:SessionObject

std::stringname ()
Statefulto_stateful ()
StatefulDestructibleto_statefuldestructible ()


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::UnknownProcessor >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::UnknownProcessor >

is-a: ARDOUR:Processor

A stub Processor that can be used in place of a `real' one that cannot be created for some reason; usually because it requires a plugin which is not present. UnknownProcessors are special-cased in a few places, notably in route configuration and signal processing, so that on encountering them configuration or processing stops.

When a Processor is missing from a Route, the following processors cannot be configured, as the missing Processor's output port configuration is unknown.

The main utility of the UnknownProcessor is that it allows state to be preserved, so that, for example, loading and re-saving a session on a machine without a particular plugin will not corrupt the session.

boolisnil ()
boolsameinstance (UnknownProcessor)

Inherited from ARDOUR:Processor

voidactivate ()
boolactive ()
voiddeactivate ()
std::stringdisplay_name ()
ChanCountinput_streams ()
ChanCountoutput_streams ()
Ampto_amp ()
Automatableto_automatable ()
PluginInsertto_insert ()
IOProcessorto_ioprocessor ()
PeakMeterto_meter ()
MonitorProcessorto_monitorprocessor ()
PeakMeterto_peakmeter ()
SideChainto_sidechain ()
UnknownProcessorto_unknownprocessor ()

Inherited from ARDOUR:SessionObject

std::stringname ()
Statefulto_stateful ()
StatefulDestructibleto_statefuldestructible ()


C‡: std::list<boost::weak_ptr<ARDOUR::AudioSource> >

ARDOUR.WeakAudioSourceList ()
boolempty ()
LuaIteriter ()
voidreverse ()
unsigned longsize ()
LuaTabletable ()


C‡: std::list<boost::weak_ptr<ARDOUR::Route> >

ARDOUR.WeakRouteList ()
boolempty ()
LuaIteriter ()
voidreverse ()
unsigned longsize ()
LuaTabletable ()


C‡: std::list<boost::weak_ptr<ARDOUR::Source> >

ARDOUR.WeakSourceList ()
boolempty ()
LuaIteriter ()
voidreverse ()
unsigned longsize ()
LuaTabletable ()


std::stringhttp_get (std::string)
ProcessorVectorprocessor_selection ()


C‡: ArdourMarker

Location Marker

Editor ruler representation of a location marker or range on the timeline.

std::stringname ()
longposition ()
Typetype ()


C‡: std::list<ArdourMarker* >

ArdourUI.ArdourMarkerList ()
LuaTableadd (ArdourMarker* )
boolempty ()
LuaIteriter ()
voidpush_back (ArdourMarker)
voidreverse ()
unsigned longsize ()
LuaTabletable ()
voidunique ()


C‡: PublicEditor

This class contains just the public interface of the Editor class, in order to decouple it from the private implementation, so that callers of PublicEditor need not be recompiled if private methods or member variables change.

voidaccess_action (std::string, std::string)
voidadd_location_from_playhead_cursor ()
voidcenter_screen (long)
voidconsider_auditioning (Region)

Possibly start the audition of a region. If

is 0, or not an AudioRegion any current audition is cancelled. If we are currently auditioning
will start.
Region to consider.
the audition will be cancelled. Otherwise an audition of
MouseModecurrent_mouse_mode ()

Returns The current mouse mode (gain, object, range, timefx etc.) (defined in editing_syms.h)

longcurrent_page_samples ()
voiddeselect_all ()
LuaTable(...)do_embed (StringVector, ImportDisposition, ImportMode, long&, PluginInfo)
LuaTable(...)do_import (StringVector, ImportDisposition, ImportMode, SrcQuality, long&, PluginInfo)

Import existing media

booldragging_playhead ()

Returns true if the playhead is currently being dragged, otherwise false

MouseModeeffective_mouse_mode ()
voidexport_audio ()

Open main export dialog

voidexport_range ()

Open export dialog with current range pre-selected

voidexport_selection ()

Open export dialog with current selection pre-selected

LuaTable(Location, ...)find_location_from_marker (ArdourMarker, bool&)
ArdourMarkerfind_marker_from_location_id (ID, bool)
boolfollow_playhead ()

Returns true if the editor is following the playhead

longget_current_zoom ()
Selectionget_cut_buffer ()
unsigned intget_grid_beat_divisions (long)
LuaTable(Beats, ...)get_grid_type_as_beats (bool&, long)
LuaTable(long, ...)get_nudge_distance (long, long&)
longget_paste_offset (long, unsigned int, long)
LuaTable(...)get_pointer_position (double&, double&)
Selectionget_selection ()
LuaTable(bool, ...)get_selection_extents (long&, long&)
boolget_smart_mode ()
intget_videotl_bar_height ()
doubleget_y_origin ()
ZoomFocusget_zoom_focus ()
voidgoto_nth_marker (int)
longleftmost_sample ()
voidmaximise_editing_space ()
voidmaybe_locate_with_edit_preroll (long)
voidmouse_add_new_marker (long, bool)
voidnew_region_from_selection ()
voidoverride_visible_track_count ()
longpixel_to_sample (double)
voidplay_selection ()
voidplay_with_preroll ()
voidredo (unsigned int)

Redo some transactions.

Number of transaction to redo.
voidremove_last_capture ()
voidremove_location_at_playhead_cursor ()
voidremove_tracks ()
voidreset_x_origin (long)
voidreset_y_origin (double)
voidreset_zoom (long)
voidrestore_editing_space ()
doublesample_to_pixel (long)
boolscroll_down_one_track (bool)
voidscroll_tracks_down_line ()
voidscroll_tracks_up_line ()
boolscroll_up_one_track (bool)
voidselect_all_tracks ()
voidseparate_region_from_selection ()
voidset_follow_playhead (bool, bool)

Set whether the editor should follow the playhead.

true to follow playhead, otherwise false.
true to reset the editor view to show the playhead (if yn == true), otherwise false.
voidset_loop_range (long, long, std::string)
voidset_mouse_mode (MouseMode, bool)

Set the mouse mode (gain, object, range, timefx etc.)

Mouse mode (defined in editing_syms.h)
Perform the effects of the change even if no change is required (ie even if the current mouse mode is equal to
voidset_punch_range (long, long, std::string)
voidset_show_measures (bool)
voidset_snap_mode (SnapMode)

Set the snap mode.

Snap mode (defined in editing_syms.h)
voidset_snap_threshold (double)

Set the snap threshold.

Snap threshold in `units'.
voidset_stationary_playhead (bool)
voidset_video_timeline_height (int)
voidset_zoom_focus (ZoomFocus)
boolshow_measures ()
SnapModesnap_mode ()
SnapTypesnap_type ()
boolstationary_playhead ()
voidstem_export ()

Open stem export dialog

voidtemporal_zoom_step (bool)
voidtoggle_meter_updating ()
voidtoggle_ruler_video (bool)
voidtoggle_xjadeo_proc (int)
voidundo (unsigned int)

Undo some transactions.

Number of transactions to undo.
doublevisible_canvas_height ()


C‡: MarkerSelection

is-a: ArdourUI:ArdourMarkerList

This class object is only used indirectly as return-value and function-parameter. It provides no methods by itself.

Inherited from ArdourUI:ArdourMarkerList

ArdourUI.ArdourMarkerList ()
LuaTableadd (ArdourMarker* )
boolempty ()
LuaIteriter ()
voidpush_back (ArdourMarker)
voidreverse ()
unsigned longsize ()
LuaTabletable ()
voidunique ()


C‡: RegionSelection

Class to represent list of selected regions.

voidclear_all ()

Empty this RegionSelection.

longend_frame ()
unsigned longn_midi_regions ()
RegionListregionlist ()
longstart ()


C‡: Selection

The Selection class holds lists of selected items (tracks, regions, etc. etc.).

voidclear ()

Clear everything from the Selection

voidclear_all ()
boolempty (bool)

check if all selections are empty

also check object internals (e.g midi notes, automation points), when false only check objects.

Returns true if nothing is selected.

Data Members


C‡: TimeSelection

is-a: ARDOUR:AudioRangeList

longend_frame ()
longlength ()
longstart ()

Inherited from ARDOUR:AudioRangeList

ARDOUR.AudioRangeList ()
boolempty ()
LuaIteriter ()
voidreverse ()
unsigned longsize ()
LuaTabletable ()


C‡: TrackSelection

is-a: ArdourUI:TrackViewList

This class object is only used indirectly as return-value and function-parameter. It provides no methods by itself.

Inherited from ArdourUI:TrackViewList

RouteListroutelist ()


C‡: TrackViewList

RouteListroutelist ()


C‡: unsigned char*

LuaMetaTablearray ()
LuaTableget_table ()
unsigned char*offset (unsigned int)
boolsameinstance (unsigned char*)
voidset_table (LuaTable {unsigned char})


C‡: std::vector<double >

C.DoubleVector ()
LuaTableadd (LuaTable {double})
doubleat (unsigned long)
boolempty ()
LuaIteriter ()
voidpush_back (double)
unsigned longsize ()
LuaTabletable ()


C‡: float*

LuaMetaTablearray ()
LuaTableget_table ()
FloatArrayoffset (unsigned int)
boolsameinstance (FloatArray)
voidset_table (LuaTable {float})


C‡: std::vector<float* >

C.FloatArrayVector ()
LuaTableadd (LuaTable {FloatArray})
FloatArrayat (unsigned long)
boolempty ()
LuaIteriter ()
voidpush_back (FloatArray)
unsigned longsize ()
LuaTabletable ()


C‡: std::vector<float >

C.FloatVector ()
LuaTableadd (LuaTable {float})
floatat (unsigned long)
boolempty ()
LuaIteriter ()
voidpush_back (float)
unsigned longsize ()
LuaTabletable ()


C‡: int*

LuaMetaTablearray ()
LuaTableget_table ()
IntArrayoffset (unsigned int)
boolsameinstance (IntArray)
voidset_table (LuaTable {int})


C‡: std::list<std::string >

C.StringList ()
LuaTableadd (LuaTable {std::string})
boolempty ()
LuaIteriter ()
voidpush_back (std::string)
voidreverse ()
unsigned longsize ()
LuaTabletable ()
voidunique ()


C‡: std::vector<std::string >

C.StringVector ()
LuaTableadd (LuaTable {std::string})
std::stringat (unsigned long)
boolempty ()
LuaIteriter ()
voidpush_back (std::string)
unsigned longsize ()
LuaTabletable ()


C‡: Cairo::Context

Context is the main class used to draw in cairomm. It contains the current state of the rendering device, including coordinates of yet to be drawn shapes.

In the simplest case, create a Context with its target Surface, set its drawing options (line width, color, etc), create shapes with methods like move_to() and line_to(), and then draw the shapes to the Surface using methods such as stroke() or fill().

Context is a reference-counted object that should be used via Cairo::RefPtr.

voidarc (double, double, double, double, double)

Adds a circular arc of the given radius to the current path. The arc is centered at (xc, yc), begins at angle1 and proceeds in the direction of increasing angles to end at angle2. If angle2 is less than angle1 it will be progressively increased by 2*M_PI until it is greater than angle1.

If there is a current point, an initial line segment will be added to the path to connect the current point to the beginning of the arc. If this initial line is undesired, it can be avoided by calling begin_new_sub_path() before calling arc().

Angles are measured in radians. An angle of 0 is in the direction of the positive X axis (in user-space). An angle of M_PI/2.0 radians (90 degrees) is in the direction of the positive Y axis (in user-space). Angles increase in the direction from the positive X axis toward the positive Y axis. So with the default transformation matrix, angles increase in a clockwise direction.

( To convert from degrees to radians, use degrees * (M_PI / 180.0). )

This function gives the arc in the direction of increasing angles; see arc_negative() to get the arc in the direction of decreasing angles.

The arc is circular in user-space. To achieve an elliptical arc, you can scale the current transformation matrix by different amounts in the X and Y directions. For example, to draw an ellipse in the box given by x, y, width, height:

 context->translate(x, y);
 context->scale(width / 2.0, height / 2.0);
 context->arc(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2 * M_PI);
X position of the center of the arc
Y position of the center of the arc
the radius of the arc
the start angle, in radians
the end angle, in radians
voidarc_negative (double, double, double, double, double)

Adds a circular arc of the given radius to the current path. The arc is centered at (xc, yc), begins at angle1 and proceeds in the direction of decreasing angles to end at angle2. If angle2 is greater than angle1 it will be progressively decreased by 2*M_PI until it is greater than angle1.

See arc() for more details. This function differs only in the direction of the arc between the two angles.

X position of the center of the arc
Y position of the center of the arc
the radius of the arc
the start angle, in radians
the end angle, in radians
voidbegin_new_path ()

Clears the current path. After this call there will be no current point.

voidbegin_new_sub_path ()

Begin a new subpath. Note that the existing path is not affected. After this call there will be no current point.

In many cases, this call is not needed since new subpaths are frequently started with move_to().

A call to begin_new_sub_path() is particularly useful when beginning a new subpath with one of the arc() calls. This makes things easier as it is no longer necessary to manually compute the arc's initial coordinates for a call to move_to().


voidclip ()

Establishes a new clip region by intersecting the current clip region with the current Path as it would be filled by fill() and according to the current fill rule.

After clip(), the current path will be cleared from the cairo Context.

The current clip region affects all drawing operations by effectively masking out any changes to the surface that are outside the current clip region.

Calling clip() can only make the clip region smaller, never larger. But the current clip is part of the graphics state, so a temporary restriction of the clip region can be achieved by calling clip() within a save()/restore() pair. The only other means of increasing the size of the clip region is reset_clip().


voidclip_preserve ()

Establishes a new clip region by intersecting the current clip region with the current path as it would be filled by fill() and according to the current fill rule.

Unlike clip(), clip_preserve preserves the path within the cairo Context.



voidclose_path ()

Adds a line segment to the path from the current point to the beginning of the current subpath, (the most recent point passed to move_to()), and closes this subpath. After this call the current point will be at the joined endpoint of the sub-path.

The behavior of close_path() is distinct from simply calling line_to() with the equivalent coordinate in the case of stroking. When a closed subpath is stroked, there are no caps on the ends of the subpath. Instead, there is a line join connecting the final and initial segments of the subpath.

If there is no current point before the call to close_path(), this function will have no effect.

voidcurve_to (double, double, double, double, double, double)

Adds a cubic Bezier spline to the path from the current point to position (x3, y3) in user-space coordinates, using (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) as the control points. After this call the current point will be (x3, y3).

If there is no current point before the call to curve_to() this function will behave as if preceded by a call to move_to(x1, y1).

the X coordinate of the first control point
the Y coordinate of the first control point
the X coordinate of the second control point
the Y coordinate of the second control point
the X coordinate of the end of the curve
the Y coordinate of the end of the curve
voidfill ()

A drawing operator that fills the current path according to the current fill rule, (each sub-path is implicitly closed before being filled). After fill(), the current path will be cleared from the cairo context.



voidfill_preserve ()

A drawing operator that fills the current path according to the current fill rule, (each sub-path is implicitly closed before being filled). Unlike fill(), fill_preserve() preserves the path within the cairo Context.



voidline_to (double, double)

Adds a line to the path from the current point to position (x, y) in user-space coordinates. After this call the current point will be (x, y).

If there is no current point before the call to line_to() this function will behave as move_to(x, y).

the X coordinate of the end of the new line
the Y coordinate of the end of the new line
voidmove_to (double, double)

If the current subpath is not empty, begin a new subpath. After this call the current point will be (x, y).

the X coordinate of the new position
the Y coordinate of the new position
voidpaint ()

A drawing operator that paints the current source everywhere within the current clip region.

voidpaint_with_alpha (double)

A drawing operator that paints the current source everywhere within the current clip region using a mask of constant alpha value alpha. The effect is similar to paint(), but the drawing is faded out using the alpha value.

an alpha value, between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque)
voidrectangle (double, double, double, double)

Adds a closed-subpath rectangle of the given size to the current path at position (x, y) in user-space coordinates.

This function is logically equivalent to:

 context->move_to(x, y);
 context->rel_line_to(width, 0);
 context->rel_line_to(0, height);
 context->rel_line_to(-width, 0);
the X coordinate of the top left corner of the rectangle
the Y coordinate to the top left corner of the rectangle
the width of the rectangle
the height of the rectangle
voidrel_curve_to (double, double, double, double, double, double)

Relative-coordinate version of curve_to(). All offsets are relative to the current point. Adds a cubic Bezier spline to the path from the current point to a point offset from the current point by (dx3, dy3), using points offset by (dx1, dy1) and (dx2, dy2) as the control points. After this call the current point will be offset by (dx3, dy3).

Given a current point of (x, y),

 rel_curve_to(dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2, dx3, dy3)

is logically equivalent to

 curve_to(x + dx1, y + dy1, x + dx2, y + dy2, x + dx3, y + dy3).

It is an error to call this function with no current point. Doing so will cause this to shutdown with a status of CAIRO_STATUS_NO_CURRENT_POINT. Cairomm will then throw an exception.

the X offset to the first control point
the Y offset to the first control point
the X offset to the second control point
the Y offset to the second control point
the X offset to the end of the curve
the Y offset to the end of the curve
voidrel_line_to (double, double)

Relative-coordinate version of line_to(). Adds a line to the path from the current point to a point that is offset from the current point by (dx, dy) in user space. After this call the current point will be offset by (dx, dy).

Given a current point of (x, y),

 rel_line_to(dx, dy)

is logically equivalent to

 line_to(x + dx, y + dy).

It is an error to call this function with no current point. Doing so will cause this to shutdown with a status of CAIRO_STATUS_NO_CURRENT_POINT. Cairomm will then throw an exception.

the X offset to the end of the new line
the Y offset to the end of the new line
voidrel_move_to (double, double)

If the current subpath is not empty, begin a new subpath. After this call the current point will offset by (x, y).

Given a current point of (x, y),

 rel_move_to(dx, dy)

is logically equivalent to

 move_to(x + dx, y + dy)

It is an error to call this function with no current point. Doing so will cause this to shutdown with a status of CAIRO_STATUS_NO_CURRENT_POINT. Cairomm will then throw an exception.

the X offset
the Y offset
voidreset_clip ()

Reset the current clip region to its original, unrestricted state. That is, set the clip region to an infinitely large shape containing the target surface. Equivalently, if infinity is too hard to grasp, one can imagine the clip region being reset to the exact bounds of the target surface.

Note that code meant to be reusable should not call reset_clip() as it will cause results unexpected by higher-level code which calls clip(). Consider using save() and restore() around clip() as a more robust means of temporarily restricting the clip region.

voidrestore ()

Restores cr to the state saved by a preceding call to save() and removes that state from the stack of saved states.


voidrotate (double)

Modifies the current transformation matrix (CTM) by rotating the user-space axes by angle radians. The rotation of the axes takes places after any existing transformation of user space. The rotation direction for positive angles is from the positive X axis toward the positive Y axis.

angle (in radians) by which the user-space axes will be rotated
voidsave ()

Makes a copy of the current state of the Context and saves it on an internal stack of saved states. When restore() is called, it will be restored to the saved state. Multiple calls to save() and restore() can be nested; each call to restore() restores the state from the matching paired save().

It isn't necessary to clear all saved states before a cairo_t is freed. Any saved states will be freed when the Context is destroyed.


voidscale (double, double)

Modifies the current transformation matrix (CTM) by scaling the X and Y user-space axes by sx and sy respectively. The scaling of the axes takes place after any existing transformation of user space.

scale factor for the X dimension
scale factor for the Y dimension
voidset_dash (DoubleVector, double)

Sets the dash pattern to be used by stroke(). A dash pattern is specified by dashes, an array of positive values. Each value provides the user-space length of altenate "on" and "off" portions of the stroke. The offset specifies an offset into the pattern at which the stroke begins.

Each "on" segment will have caps applied as if the segment were a separate sub-path. In particular, it is valid to use an "on" length of 0.0 with Cairo::LINE_CAP_ROUND or Cairo::LINE_CAP_SQUARE in order to distributed dots or squares along a path.

Note: The length values are in user-space units as evaluated at the time of stroking. This is not necessarily the same as the user space at the time of set_dash().

If dashes is empty dashing is disabled. If the size of dashes is 1, a symmetric pattern is assumed with alternating on and off portions of the size specified by the single value in dashes.

It is invalid for any value in dashes to be negative, or for all values to be 0. If this is the case, an exception will be thrown

an array specifying alternate lengths of on and off portions
an offset into the dash pattern at which the stroke should start
voidset_font_size (double)

Sets the current font matrix to a scale by a factor of size, replacing any font matrix previously set with set_font_size() or set_font_matrix(). This results in a font size of size user space units. (More precisely, this matrix will result in the font's em-square being a by size square in user space.)

If text is drawn without a call to set_font_size(), (nor set_font_matrix() nor set_scaled_font()), the default font size is 10.0.

the new font size, in user space units)
voidset_line_cap (LineCap)

Sets the current line cap style within the cairo Context. See LineCap for details about how the available line cap styles are drawn.

As with the other stroke parameters, the current line cap style is examined by stroke(), stroke_extents(), and stroke_to_path(), but does not have any effect during path construction.

The default line cap style is Cairo::LINE_CAP_BUTT.

a line cap style, as a LineCap
voidset_line_join (LineJoin)

Sets the current line join style within the cairo Context. See LineJoin for details about how the available line join styles are drawn.

As with the other stroke parameters, the current line join style is examined by stroke(), stroke_extents(), and stroke_to_path(), but does not have any effect during path construction.

The default line join style is Cairo::LINE_JOIN_MITER.

a line joint style, as a LineJoin
voidset_line_width (double)

Sets the current line width within the cairo Context. The line width specifies the diameter of a pen that is circular in user-space, (though device-space pen may be an ellipse in general due to scaling/shear/rotation of the CTM).

Note: When the description above refers to user space and CTM it refers to the user space and CTM in effect at the time of the stroking operation, not the user space and CTM in effect at the time of the call to set_line_width(). The simplest usage makes both of these spaces identical. That is, if there is no change to the CTM between a call to set_line_width() and the stroking operation, then one can just pass user-space values to set_line_width() and ignore this note.

As with the other stroke parameters, the current line cap style is examined by stroke(), stroke_extents(), and stroke_to_path(), but does not have any effect during path construction.

The default line width value is 2.0.

a line width, as a user-space value
voidset_operator (Operator)

Sets the compositing operator to be used for all drawing operations. See Operator for details on the semantics of each available compositing operator.

a compositing operator, specified as a Operator
voidset_source_rgb (double, double, double)

Sets the source pattern within the Context to an opaque color. This opaque color will then be used for any subsequent drawing operation until a new source pattern is set.

The color components are floating point numbers in the range 0 to 1. If the values passed in are outside that range, they will be clamped.



red component of color
green component of color
blue component of color
voidset_source_rgba (double, double, double, double)

Sets the source pattern within the Context to a translucent color. This color will then be used for any subsequent drawing operation until a new source pattern is set.

The color and alpha components are floating point numbers in the range 0 to 1. If the values passed in are outside that range, they will be clamped.



red component of color
green component of color
blue component of color
alpha component of color
voidshow_text (std::string)

A drawing operator that generates the shape from a string of UTF-8 characters, rendered according to the current font_face, font_size (font_matrix), and font_options.

This function first computes a set of glyphs for the string of text. The first glyph is placed so that its origin is at the current point. The origin of each subsequent glyph is offset from that of the previous glyph by the advance values of the previous glyph.

After this call the current point is moved to the origin of where the next glyph would be placed in this same progression. That is, the current point will be at the origin of the final glyph offset by its advance values. This allows for easy display of a single logical string with multiple calls to show_text().

Note: The show_text() function call is part of what the cairo designers call the "toy" text API. It is convenient for short demos and simple programs, but it is not expected to be adequate for serious text-using applications. See show_glyphs() for the "real" text display API in cairo.

a string containing text encoded in UTF-8
voidstroke ()

A drawing operator that strokes the current Path according to the current line width, line join, line cap, and dash settings. After stroke(), the current Path will be cleared from the cairo Context.






Note: Degenerate segments and sub-paths are treated specially and provide a useful result. These can result in two different situations:

1. Zero-length "on" segments set in set_dash(). If the cap style is Cairo::LINE_CAP_ROUND or Cairo::LINE_CAP_SQUARE then these segments will be drawn as circular dots or squares respectively. In the case of Cairo::LINE_CAP_SQUARE, the orientation of the squares is determined by the direction of the underlying path.

2. A sub-path created by move_to() followed by either a close_path() or one or more calls to line_to() to the same coordinate as the move_to(). If the cap style is Cairo::LINE_CAP_ROUND then these sub-paths will be drawn as circular dots. Note that in the case of Cairo::LINE_CAP_SQUARE a degenerate sub-path will not be drawn at all, (since the correct orientation is indeterminate).

In no case will a cap style of Cairo::LINE_CAP_BUTT cause anything to be drawn in the case of either degenerate segments or sub-paths.

voidstroke_preserve ()

A drawing operator that strokes the current Path according to the current line width, line join, line cap, and dash settings. Unlike stroke(), stroke_preserve() preserves the Path within the cairo Context.






voidtranslate (double, double)

Modifies the current transformation matrix (CTM) by translating the user-space origin by (tx, ty). This offset is interpreted as a user-space coordinate according to the CTM in place before the new call to translate. In other words, the translation of the user-space origin takes place after any existing transformation.

amount to translate in the X direction
amount to translate in the Y direction
voidunset_dash ()

This function disables a dash pattern that was set with set_dash()


C‡: LuaCairo::ImageSurface

wrap RefPtr< Cairo::ImageSurface >

Image surfaces provide the ability to render to memory buffers either allocated by cairo or by the calling code. The supported image formats are those defined in Cairo::Format.

Cairo.ImageSurface (Format, int, int)
Contextcontext ()

Returns a context object to perform operations on the surface

intget_height ()

Gets the height of the ImageSurface in pixels

intget_stride ()

Returns the stride of the image surface in bytes (or 0 if surface is not an image surface). The stride is the distance in bytes from the beginning of one row of the image data to the beginning of the next row.

intget_width ()

Gets the width of the ImageSurface in pixels

voidset_as_source (Context, int, int)


C‡: LuaCairo::PangoLayout

Cairo.PangoLayout (Context, std::string)
EllipsizeModeget_ellipsize ()

Gets the type of ellipsization being performed for layout. See set_ellipsize()

Use is_ellipsized() to query whether any paragraphs were actually ellipsized.

Returns The current ellipsization mode for layout.

...get_pixel_size (--lua--)

Determines the logical width and height of a Pango::Layout in device units.

std::stringget_text ()

Gets the text in the layout. The returned text should not be freed or modified.

Returns The text in the layout.

WrapModeget_wrap ()

Gets the wrap mode for the layout.

Use is_wrapped() to query whether any paragraphs were actually wrapped.

Returns Active wrap mode.

boolis_ellipsized ()

Queries whether the layout had to ellipsize any paragraphs.

This returns true if the ellipsization mode for layout is not Pango::ELLIPSIZE_NONE, a positive width is set on layout, and there are paragraphs exceeding that width that have to be ellipsized.

Returns true if any paragraphs had to be ellipsized, false otherwise.

boolis_wrapped ()

Queries whether the layout had to wrap any paragraphs.

This returns true if a positive width is set on layout, ellipsization mode of layout is set to Pango::ELLIPSIZE_NONE, and there are paragraphs exceeding the layout width that have to be wrapped.

Returns true if any paragraphs had to be wrapped, false otherwise.

voidset_ellipsize (EllipsizeMode)

Sets the type of ellipsization being performed for layout. Depending on the ellipsization mode ellipsize text is removed from the start, middle, or end of text so they fit within the width and height of layout set with set_width() and set_height().

If the layout contains characters such as newlines that force it to be layed out in multiple paragraphs, then whether each paragraph is ellipsized separately or the entire layout is ellipsized as a whole depends on the set height of the layout. See set_height() for details.

The new ellipsization mode for layout.
voidset_markup (std::string)

Sets the layout text and attribute list from marked-up text (see markup format). Replaces the current text and attribute list.

Some marked-up text.
voidset_text (std::string)

Set the text of the layout.

The text for the layout.
voidset_width (int)

Sets the width to which the lines of the Pango::Layout should wrap or ellipsized. The default value is -1: no width set.

The desired width in Pango units, or -1 to indicate that no wrapping or ellipsization should be performed.
voidset_wrap (WrapMode)

Sets the wrap mode; the wrap mode only has effect if a width is set on the layout with set_width(). To turn off wrapping, set the width to -1.

The wrap mode.
voidshow_in_cairo_context (Context)


C‡: Evoral::Beats

Musical time in beats.

Evoral.Beats (double)

Create from a real number of beats.

doubleto_double ()


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< Evoral::Control >, boost::weak_ptr< Evoral::Control >

Base class representing some kind of (automatable) control; a fader's gain, for example, or a compressor plugin's threshold.

The class knows the Evoral::Parameter that it is controlling, and has a list of values for automation.

boolisnil ()
ControlListlist ()
boolsameinstance (Control)


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< Evoral::ControlList >, boost::weak_ptr< Evoral::ControlList >

A list (sequence) of time-stamped values for a control

voidadd (double, double, bool, bool)

add automation events

absolute time in samples
parameter value
if true, add guard-points
if true, add an initial point if the list is empty
voidclear (double, double)

remove all automation events between the given time range

start of range (inclusive) in audio samples
end of range (inclusive) in audio samples
doubleeval (double)

query value at given time (takes a read-lock, not safe while writing automation)

absolute time in samples

Returns parameter value

boolin_write_pass ()
InterpolationStyleinterpolation ()

query interpolation style of the automation data

Returns Interpolation Style

boolisnil ()
LuaTable(double, ...)rt_safe_eval (double, bool&)

realtime safe version of eval, may fail if read-lock cannot be taken

absolute time in samples
boolean reference if returned value is valid

Returns parameter value

boolsameinstance (ControlList)
voidset_interpolation (InterpolationStyle)

set the interpolation style of the automation data

interpolation style
voidthin (double)

Thin the number of events in this list.

The thinning factor corresponds to the area of a triangle computed between three points in the list (time-difference * value-difference). If the area is large, it indicates significant non-linearity between the points.

Time is measured in samples, value is usually normalized to 0..1.

During automation recording we thin the recorded points using this value. If a point is sufficiently co-linear with its neighbours (as defined by the area of the triangle formed by three of them), we will not include it in the list. The larger the value, the more points are excluded, so this effectively measures the amount of thinning to be done.

area-size (default: 20)
voidtruncate_end (double)

truncate the event list after the given time

last event to include
voidtruncate_start (double)

truncate the event list to the given time

overall length


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< Evoral::ControlSet >, boost::weak_ptr< Evoral::ControlSet >

boolisnil ()
boolsameinstance (ControlSet)


C‡: Evoral::Event<long>

unsigned char*buffer ()
voidclear ()
voidset_buffer (unsigned int, unsigned char*, bool)
unsigned intsize ()
longtime ()


C‡: Evoral::MIDIEvent<long>

is-a: Evoral:Event

unsigned charchannel ()
voidset_channel (unsigned char)
voidset_type (unsigned char)
unsigned chartype ()

Inherited from Evoral:Event

unsigned char*buffer ()
voidclear ()
voidset_buffer (unsigned int, unsigned char*, bool)
unsigned intsize ()
longtime ()


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< Evoral::Note<Evoral::Beats> >, boost::weak_ptr< Evoral::Note<Evoral::Beats> >

unsigned charchannel ()
boolisnil ()
Beatslength ()
unsigned charnote ()
unsigned charoff_velocity ()
boolsameinstance (NotePtr)
Beatstime ()
unsigned charvelocity ()


C‡: Evoral::Parameter

ID of a [play|record|automate]able parameter.

A parameter is defined by (type, id, channel). Type is an integer which can be used in any way by the application (e.g. cast to a custom enum, map to/from a URI, etc). ID is type specific (e.g. MIDI controller #).

This class defines a < operator which is a strict weak ordering, so Parameter may be stored in a std::set, used as a std::map key, etc.

Evoral.Parameter (unsigned int, unsigned char, unsigned int)
unsigned charchannel ()
unsigned intid ()
unsigned inttype ()


C‡: Evoral::ParameterDescriptor

Description of the value range of a parameter or control.

Evoral.ParameterDescriptor ()
Data Members

Minimum value (in Hz, for frequencies)


Default value


True iff parameter is boolean


Maximum value (in Hz, for frequencies)


C‡: Evoral::Range<long>

Evoral.Range (long, long)
Data Members


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< Evoral::Sequence<Evoral::Beats> >, boost::weak_ptr< Evoral::Sequence<Evoral::Beats> >

is-a: Evoral:ControlSet

boolisnil ()
boolsameinstance (Sequence)


C‡: std::bitset<47ul>

LuaSignal.Set ()
LuaTableadd (47ul)
boolany ()
unsigned longcount ()
boolnone ()
Setreset ()
Setset (unsigned long, bool)
unsigned longsize ()
LuaTabletable ()
booltest (unsigned long)


boolopen_uri (std::string)
boolopen_uri (std::string)


C‡: Command

is-a: PBD:StatefulDestructible

Base class for Undo/Redo commands and changesets

std::stringname ()
voidset_name (std::string)

Inherited from PBD:Stateful

voidclear_changes ()

Forget about any changes to this object's properties

IDid ()
OwnedPropertyListproperties ()


C‡: PBD::Configuration

is-a: PBD:Stateful

Base class for objects with saveable and undoable state

This class object is only used indirectly as return-value and function-parameter. It provides no methods by itself.

Inherited from PBD:Stateful

voidclear_changes ()

Forget about any changes to this object's properties

IDid ()
OwnedPropertyListproperties ()


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< PBD::Controllable >, boost::weak_ptr< PBD::Controllable >

is-a: PBD:StatefulDestructiblePtr

This is a pure virtual class to represent a scalar control.

Note that it contains no storage/state for the controllable thing that it represents. Derived classes must provide set_value()/get_value() methods, which will involve (somehow) an actual location to store the value.

In essence, this is an interface, not a class.

Without overriding upper() and lower(), a derived class will function as a control whose value can range between 0 and 1.0.

doubleget_value ()
boolisnil ()
std::stringname ()
boolsameinstance (Controllable)

Inherited from PBD:StatefulPtr

voidclear_changes ()

Forget about any changes to this object's properties

IDid ()
OwnedPropertyListproperties ()



a unique ID to identify objects numerically

PBD.ID (std::string)
std::stringto_s ()


C‡: std::vector<PBD::ID >

PBD.IdVector ()
LuaTableadd (LuaTable {ID})
IDat (unsigned long)
boolempty ()
LuaIteriter ()
voidpush_back (ID)
unsigned longsize ()
LuaTabletable ()


C‡: PBD::RingBufferNPT<unsigned char>

PBD.RingBuffer8 (unsigned long)
voidincrement_read_ptr (unsigned long)
voidincrement_write_ptr (unsigned long)
unsigned longread (unsigned char*, unsigned long)
unsigned longread_space ()
voidreset ()
unsigned longwrite (unsigned char*, unsigned long)
unsigned longwrite_one (unsigned char)
unsigned longwrite_space ()


C‡: PBD::RingBufferNPT<float>

PBD.RingBufferF (unsigned long)
voidincrement_read_ptr (unsigned long)
voidincrement_write_ptr (unsigned long)
unsigned longread (FloatArray, unsigned long)
unsigned longread_space ()
voidreset ()
unsigned longwrite (FloatArray, unsigned long)
unsigned longwrite_one (float)
unsigned longwrite_space ()


C‡: PBD::RingBufferNPT<int>

PBD.RingBufferI (unsigned long)
voidincrement_read_ptr (unsigned long)
voidincrement_write_ptr (unsigned long)
unsigned longread (IntArray, unsigned long)
unsigned longread_space ()
voidreset ()
unsigned longwrite (IntArray, unsigned long)
unsigned longwrite_one (int)
unsigned longwrite_space ()


C‡: PBD::Stateful

Base class for objects with saveable and undoable state

voidclear_changes ()

Forget about any changes to this object's properties

IDid ()
OwnedPropertyListproperties ()


C‡: PBD::StatefulDestructible

is-a: PBD:Stateful

Base class for objects with saveable and undoable state with destruction notification

This class object is only used indirectly as return-value and function-parameter. It provides no methods by itself.

Inherited from PBD:Stateful

voidclear_changes ()

Forget about any changes to this object's properties

IDid ()
OwnedPropertyListproperties ()


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< PBD::StatefulDestructible >, boost::weak_ptr< PBD::StatefulDestructible >

is-a: PBD:StatefulPtr

Base class for objects with saveable and undoable state with destruction notification

boolisnil ()
boolsameinstance (StatefulDestructible)

Inherited from PBD:StatefulPtr

voidclear_changes ()

Forget about any changes to this object's properties

IDid ()
OwnedPropertyListproperties ()


C‡: PBD::StatefulDiffCommand

is-a: PBD:Command

A Command which stores its action as the differences between the before and after state of a Stateful object.

boolempty ()
voidundo ()

Inherited from PBD:Command

std::stringname ()
voidset_name (std::string)

Inherited from PBD:Stateful

voidclear_changes ()

Forget about any changes to this object's properties

IDid ()
OwnedPropertyListproperties ()


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< PBD::Stateful >, boost::weak_ptr< PBD::Stateful >

Base class for objects with saveable and undoable state

voidclear_changes ()

Forget about any changes to this object's properties

IDid ()
boolisnil ()
OwnedPropertyListproperties ()
boolsameinstance (Stateful)


C‡: XMLNode

std::stringname ()


C‡: Timecode::BBT_Time

Bar, Beat, Tick Time (i.e. Tempo-Based Time)

Timecode.BBT_TIME (unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int)
Data Members
unsigned intbars
unsigned intbeats
unsigned intticks


C‡: Vamp::Plugin

is-a: Vamp:PluginBase

Vamp::Plugin is a base class for plugin instance classes that provide feature extraction from audio or related data.

In most cases, the input will be audio and the output will be a stream of derived data at a lower sampling resolution than the input.

Note that this class inherits several abstract methods from PluginBase. These must be implemented by the subclass.


Feature extraction plugins are managed differently from real-time plugins (such as VST effects). The main difference is that the parameters for a feature extraction plugin are configured before the plugin is used, and do not change during use.

1. Host constructs the plugin, passing it the input sample rate. The plugin may do basic initialisation, but should not do anything computationally expensive at this point. You must make sure your plugin is cheap to construct, otherwise you'll seriously affect the startup performance of almost all hosts. If you have serious initialisation to do, the proper place is in initialise() (step 5).

2. Host may query the plugin's available outputs.

3. Host queries programs and parameter descriptors, and may set some or all of them. Parameters that are not explicitly set should take their default values as specified in the parameter descriptor. When a program is set, the parameter values may change and the host will re-query them to check.

4. Host queries the preferred step size, block size and number of channels. These may all vary depending on the parameter values. (Note however that you cannot make the number of distinct outputs dependent on parameter values.)

5. Plugin is properly initialised with a call to initialise. This fixes the step size, block size, and number of channels, as well as all of the parameter and program settings. If the values passed in to initialise do not match the plugin's advertised preferred values from step 4, the plugin may refuse to initialise and return false (although if possible it should accept the new values). Any computationally expensive setup code should take place here.

6. Host finally checks the number of values, resolution, extents etc per output (which may vary depending on the number of channels, step size and block size as well as the parameter values).

7. Host will repeatedly call the process method to pass in blocks of input data. This method may return features extracted from that data (if the plugin is causal).

8. Host will call getRemainingFeatures exactly once, after all the input data has been processed. This may return any non-causal or leftover features.

9. At any point after initialise was called, the host may optionally call the reset method and restart processing. (This does not mean it can change the parameters, which are fixed from initialise until destruction.)

A plugin does not need to handle the case where setParameter or selectProgram is called after initialise has been called. It's the host's responsibility not to do that. Similarly, the plugin may safely assume that initialise is called no more than once.

InputDomaingetInputDomain ()

Get the plugin's required input domain.

If this is TimeDomain, the samples provided to the process() function (below) will be in the time domain, as for a traditional audio processing plugin.

If this is FrequencyDomain, the host will carry out a windowed FFT of size equal to the negotiated block size on the data before passing the frequency bin data in to process(). The input data for the FFT will be rotated so as to place the origin in the centre of the block. The plugin does not get to choose the window type -- the host will either let the user do so, or will use a Hanning window.

unsigned longgetMaxChannelCount ()

Get the maximum supported number of input channels.

unsigned longgetMinChannelCount ()

Get the minimum supported number of input channels.

OutputListgetOutputDescriptors ()

Get the outputs of this plugin. An output's index in this list is used as its numeric index when looking it up in the FeatureSet returned from the process() call.

unsigned longgetPreferredBlockSize ()

Get the preferred block size (window size -- the number of sample frames passed in each block to the process() function). This should be called before initialise().

A plugin that can handle any block size may return 0. The final block size will be set in the initialise() call.

unsigned longgetPreferredStepSize ()

Get the preferred step size (window increment -- the distance in sample frames between the start frames of consecutive blocks passed to the process() function) for the plugin. This should be called before initialise().

A plugin may return 0 if it has no particular interest in the step size. In this case, the host should make the step size equal to the block size if the plugin is accepting input in the time domain. If the plugin is accepting input in the frequency domain, the host may use any step size. The final step size will be set in the initialise() call.

FeatureSetgetRemainingFeatures ()

After all blocks have been processed, calculate and return any remaining features derived from the complete input.

std::stringgetType ()

Used to distinguish between Vamp::Plugin and other potential sibling subclasses of PluginBase. Do not reimplement this function in your subclass.

boolinitialise (unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long)

Initialise a plugin to prepare it for use with the given number of input channels, step size (window increment, in sample frames) and block size (window size, in sample frames).

The input sample rate should have been already specified at construction time.

Return true for successful initialisation, false if the number of input channels, step size and/or block size cannot be supported.

voidreset ()

Reset the plugin after use, to prepare it for another clean run. Not called for the first initialisation (i.e. initialise must also do a reset).

Inherited from Vamp:PluginBase

std::stringgetCopyright ()

Get the copyright statement or licensing summary for the plugin. This can be an informative text, without the same presentation constraints as mentioned for getMaker above.

std::stringgetCurrentProgram ()

Get the current program.

std::stringgetDescription ()

Get a human-readable description for the plugin, typically a line of text that may optionally be displayed in addition to the plugin's "name". May be empty if the name has said it all already.

Example: "Detect and count zero crossing points"

std::stringgetIdentifier ()

Get the computer-usable name of the plugin. This should be reasonably short and contain no whitespace or punctuation characters. It may only contain the characters [a-zA-Z0-9_-]. This is the authoritative way for a program to identify a plugin within a given library.

This text may be visible to the user, but it should not be the main text used to identify a plugin to the user (that will be the name, below).

Example: "zero_crossings"

std::stringgetMaker ()

Get the name of the author or vendor of the plugin in human-readable form. This should be a short identifying text, as it may be used to label plugins from the same source in a menu or similar.

std::stringgetName ()

Get a human-readable name or title of the plugin. This should be brief and self-contained, as it may be used to identify the plugin to the user in isolation (i.e. without also showing the plugin's "identifier").

Example: "Zero Crossings"

floatgetParameter (std::string)

Get the value of a named parameter. The argument is the identifier field from that parameter's descriptor.

ParameterListgetParameterDescriptors ()

Get the controllable parameters of this plugin.

intgetPluginVersion ()

Get the version number of the plugin.

StringVectorgetPrograms ()

Get the program settings available in this plugin. A program is a named shorthand for a set of parameter values; changing the program may cause the plugin to alter the values of its published parameters (and/or non-public internal processing parameters). The host should re-read the plugin's parameter values after setting a new program.

The programs must have unique names.

voidselectProgram (std::string)

Select a program. (If the given program name is not one of the available programs, do nothing.)

voidsetParameter (std::string, float)

Set a named parameter. The first argument is the identifier field from that parameter's descriptor.


C‡: Vamp::Plugin::Feature

Data Members

Duration of the output feature. This is mandatory if the output has VariableSampleRate or FixedSampleRate and hasDuration is true, and unused otherwise.


True if an output feature has a specified duration. This is optional if the output has VariableSampleRate or FixedSampleRate, and and unused if the output has OneSamplePerStep.


True if an output feature has its own timestamp. This is mandatory if the output has VariableSampleRate, optional if the output has FixedSampleRate, and unused if the output has OneSamplePerStep.


Label for the sample of this feature.


Timestamp of the output feature. This is mandatory if the output has VariableSampleRate or if the output has FixedSampleRate and hasTimestamp is true, and unused otherwise.


Results for a single sample of this feature. If the output hasFixedBinCount, there must be the same number of values as the output's binCount count.


C‡: std::vector<Vamp::Plugin::Feature >

Vamp.Plugin.FeatureList ()
LuaTableadd (LuaTable {Feature})
Featureat (unsigned long)
boolempty ()
LuaIteriter ()
voidpush_back (Feature)
unsigned longsize ()
LuaTabletable ()


C‡: std::map<int, std::vector<Vamp::Plugin::Feature > > > >

Vamp.Plugin.FeatureSet ()
LuaTableadd (LuaTable {Feature})
...at (--lua--)
voidclear ()
unsigned longcount (int)
boolempty ()
LuaIteriter ()
unsigned longsize ()
LuaTabletable ()


C‡: Vamp::Plugin::OutputDescriptor

Data Members
unsigned longbinCount

The number of values per result of the output. Undefined if hasFixedBinCount is false. If this is zero, the output is point data (i.e. only the time of each output is of interest, the value list will be empty).


The (human-readable) names of each of the bins, if appropriate. This is always optional.


A human-readable short text describing the output. May be empty if the name has said it all already. Example: "The number of zero crossing points per processing block"


True if the returned results for this output are known to have a duration field.


True if the output has the same number of values per sample for every output sample. Outputs for which this is false are unlikely to be very useful in a general-purpose host.


True if the results in each output bin fall within a fixed numeric range (minimum and maximum values). Undefined if binCount is zero.


The name of the output, in computer-usable form. Should be reasonably short and without whitespace or punctuation, using the characters [a-zA-Z0-9_-] only. Example: "zero_crossing_count"


True if the output values are quantized to a particular resolution. Undefined if binCount is zero.


Maximum value of the results in the output. Undefined if hasKnownExtents is false or binCount is zero.


Minimum value of the results in the output. Undefined if hasKnownExtents is false or binCount is zero.


Quantization resolution of the output values (e.g. 1.0 if they are all integers). Undefined if isQuantized is false or binCount is zero.


Sample rate of the output results, as samples per second. Undefined if sampleType is OneSamplePerStep.

If sampleType is VariableSampleRate and this value is non-zero, then it may be used to calculate a resolution for the output (i.e. the "duration" of each sample, in time, will be 1/sampleRate seconds). It's recommended to set this to zero if that behaviour is not desired.


Positioning in time of the output results.


The unit of the output, in human-readable form.


C‡: std::vector<Vamp::Plugin::OutputDescriptor >

Vamp.Plugin.OutputList ()
LuaTableadd (LuaTable {OutputDescriptor})
OutputDescriptorat (unsigned long)
boolempty ()
LuaIteriter ()
voidpush_back (OutputDescriptor)
unsigned longsize ()
LuaTabletable ()


C‡: Vamp::PluginBase

A base class for plugins with optional configurable parameters, programs, etc. The Vamp::Plugin is derived from this, and individual Vamp plugins should derive from that.

This class does not provide the necessary interfaces to instantiate or run a plugin. It only specifies an interface for retrieving those controls that the host may wish to show to the user for editing. It could meaningfully be subclassed by real-time plugins or other sorts of plugin as well as Vamp plugins.

std::stringgetCopyright ()

Get the copyright statement or licensing summary for the plugin. This can be an informative text, without the same presentation constraints as mentioned for getMaker above.

std::stringgetCurrentProgram ()

Get the current program.

std::stringgetDescription ()

Get a human-readable description for the plugin, typically a line of text that may optionally be displayed in addition to the plugin's "name". May be empty if the name has said it all already.

Example: "Detect and count zero crossing points"

std::stringgetIdentifier ()

Get the computer-usable name of the plugin. This should be reasonably short and contain no whitespace or punctuation characters. It may only contain the characters [a-zA-Z0-9_-]. This is the authoritative way for a program to identify a plugin within a given library.

This text may be visible to the user, but it should not be the main text used to identify a plugin to the user (that will be the name, below).

Example: "zero_crossings"

std::stringgetMaker ()

Get the name of the author or vendor of the plugin in human-readable form. This should be a short identifying text, as it may be used to label plugins from the same source in a menu or similar.

std::stringgetName ()

Get a human-readable name or title of the plugin. This should be brief and self-contained, as it may be used to identify the plugin to the user in isolation (i.e. without also showing the plugin's "identifier").

Example: "Zero Crossings"

floatgetParameter (std::string)

Get the value of a named parameter. The argument is the identifier field from that parameter's descriptor.

ParameterListgetParameterDescriptors ()

Get the controllable parameters of this plugin.

intgetPluginVersion ()

Get the version number of the plugin.

StringVectorgetPrograms ()

Get the program settings available in this plugin. A program is a named shorthand for a set of parameter values; changing the program may cause the plugin to alter the values of its published parameters (and/or non-public internal processing parameters). The host should re-read the plugin's parameter values after setting a new program.

The programs must have unique names.

std::stringgetType ()

Get the type of plugin. This is to be implemented by the immediate subclass, not by actual plugins. Do not attempt to implement this in plugin code.

voidselectProgram (std::string)

Select a program. (If the given program name is not one of the available programs, do nothing.)

voidsetParameter (std::string, float)

Set a named parameter. The first argument is the identifier field from that parameter's descriptor.


C‡: Vamp::PluginBase::ParameterDescriptor

Data Members

The default value of the parameter. The plugin should ensure that parameters have this value on initialisation (i.e. the host is not required to explicitly set parameters if it wants to use their default values).


A human-readable short text describing the parameter. May be empty if the name has said it all already.


The name of the parameter, in computer-usable form. Should be reasonably short, and may only contain the characters [a-zA-Z0-9_-].


True if the parameter values are quantized to a particular resolution.


The maximum value of the parameter.


The minimum value of the parameter.


The human-readable name of the parameter.


Quantization resolution of the parameter values (e.g. 1.0 if they are all integers). Undefined if isQuantized is false.


The unit of the parameter, in human-readable form.


Names for the quantized values. If isQuantized is true, this may either be empty or contain one string for each of the quantize steps from minValue up to maxValue inclusive. Undefined if isQuantized is false.

If these names are provided, they should be shown to the user in preference to the values themselves. The user may never see the actual numeric values unless they are also encoded in the names.


C‡: std::vector<Vamp::PluginBase::ParameterDescriptor >

Vamp.PluginBase.ParameterList ()
LuaTableadd (LuaTable {ParameterDescriptor})
ParameterDescriptorat (unsigned long)
boolempty ()
LuaIteriter ()
voidpush_back (ParameterDescriptor)
unsigned longsize ()
LuaTabletable ()


C‡: Vamp::RealTime

RealTime represents time values to nanosecond precision with accurate arithmetic and frame-rate conversion functions.

Vamp.RealTime (int, int)
RealTimeframe2RealTime (long, unsigned int)
intmsec ()
longrealTime2Frame (RealTime, unsigned int)
std::stringtoString ()

Return a human-readable debug-type string to full precision (probably not a format to show to a user directly)

intusec ()
Data Members















































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Ardour 5.4-399-gb2aaffa  -  Sat, 19 Nov 2016 22:56:15 +0100