The visible note range in a MIDI track can be controlled in two principle ways: the note scroomer, or the scroll wheel of your mouse.

Using the scroomer

The scroomer offers two kinds of control. You can "grab" it in the middle and move it up or down - this adjusts the absolute note range displayed up or down. Alternatively you can "grab" the top or bottom handle of the scroomer, and move that up or down - this adjusts the extent of the note range displayed.

MIDI scroomer
MIDI scroomer

Using your scroll wheel

Several scroll operations can be used to control the visible note range:

  • In internal edit mode, with no notes selected, unmodified scrolling will move the visible range up and down.
  • scroll will increase and decrease the visible range (zoom out and in)
  • scroll will expand either the top or bottom of the visible note range (depending on scroll direction). Think of this as "show me higher pitches" or "show me lower pitches".