--- layout: default title: Controlling Track Ordering ---

Ardour does not impose any particular ordering of tracks and busses in either the editor or mixer windows. The default arrangement is as follows:

Editor Default Arrangement

Mixer Default Arrangement

Synchronized Editor and Mixer Window Ordering

The ordering within the editor and mixer windows is synchronized: if you reorder in one window, the ordering in the other window will change.

Reordering Specific Tracks...

... in the Editor Window, via the Keyboard

Select the tracks you want to move. Then use Track > Move Selected Tracks Up () or Track > Move Selected Tracks Down () to move the selected track(s) up or down in the editor window.

... in the Editor Window, via Drag-n-Drop

Make the Editor Lists visible. Select the Tracks & Busses tab. In the Tracks & Busses side panel, you can freely drag-and-drop tracks and busses into any order you prefer.

... in the Mixer Window, via Drag-n-Drop

Within the "Strips" pane (Mixer window, top left), you can freely drag-and-drop tracks and busses into any order you prefer.

"Collecting" Group Members

Tracks and Busses that are members of a group can be reordered so that they display contiguously within the Editor and Mixer windows. Context-click on the group tab and choose "Collect".

... via Adding New Tracks

When adding new tracks, the current selection determines their initial order. If one or several tracks are selected, new tracks will be placed after the rightmost (in the mixer) or bottom-most (in the editor) selected track. If no tracks are selected, new tracks will be last in the track order.


Because new tracks are automatically selected, you can quickly reorder them in the editor window via the keyboard (see above).

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