An engineer reading and using audio level meters compares to a musician reading or writing sheet-music. Just like there are virtuoso musicians who can't read a single note, there are great sound-engineers who just go by their ears and produce great mixes and masters without ever looking at a single meter.
Yet, if you want to work in or with the broadcast industry, it is usually unavoidable to use meters.
Audio level meters are very powerful tools that are useful in every part of the entire production chain:
A general treatise on metering is beyond the scope of this manual. It is a complex subject with a history... For background information and further reading we recommend:
There are different metering standards, most of which are available in Ardour. In short:
Various conventions for DPM fall-off times and dBFS line-up level can be chosen in Edit > Preferences > GUI.
These loudness and metering standards provide a common point of reference which is used by broadcasters in particular so that the interchange of material is uniform across their sphere of influence, regardless of the equipment used to play it back.
For home recording, there is no real need for this level of interoperability, and these meters are only strictly required when working in or with the broadcast industry. However, IEC-type meters have certain characteristics (rise-time, ballistics) that make them useful outside the context of broadcast.
Their specification is very exact, and consquently, there are no customizable parameters.
Meters are available in various places in ardour:
They all share the same configuration and color-theme which is available in preferences and the theme-manager. Settings for the Peak and RMS+Peak meters as well as VU meter standards are found in Edit > Preferences > GUI > Metering.
The type of meter and the metering point (the place in the signal chain where the meter taps the signal) are configurable in the context menu of each meter. Depending on the Edit > Preferences > GUI > Mixer Strip settings, the metering point is also accessible via a button in each Mixer strip.
Regardless of meter type and standard the meter display will highlight red if the signal on the given channel exceeds the configured peak threshold.
Left on the peak-indicator button resets the
peak-hold indicator of a single channel.
Left resets a whole group, and
Left resets all meters.
The figure on the left shows all available meter-types in Ardour 3.4 when fed with a -18 dBFS 1 kHz sine wave.
Due to layout concerns and consistent look&feel all meters available in Ardour itself are bar-graph type meters. Corresponding needle-style meters — which take up more visual screen space — are available as LV2 plugins (see image on the right): meters.lv2.