Mixer Scenes are a convenient way to keep multiple variations of a mix with the same set of tracks, busses, and plugins. In a recording studio environment, you can use it to quickly navigate between versions of a mix. In a broadcasting situation, it's a convenient way to quickly "add" a new mic when another guest joins a conversation.
The user interface is located in the bottom left part of the Mixer window.
You can store a new mixer scene, recall it, overwrite it, rename it, or clear it. All interactions involve right-clicking, middle-clicking, or left-clicking a button with a number that represents a scene.
As part of a mixer scene, you can store and recall only the controls that you can automate:
Mixer scenes do not cover:
All mixer scenes are enumerated in the user interface. Hover the mouse pointer over an unused scene slot, right-click, then select Store.
When you create a new mixer scene, the name defaults to the timestamp of the moment you are creating this scene. Instead, you can give scenes meaningful names. That way you can reopen a session months later and be able to tell which scene corresponds to which variation of the mix.
To switch to an existing mixer scene (i.e. to recall it), simply left-click on the button with the scene number.
If you want to quickly compare the current scene against a different one, hover the numbered button of the other scene, middle-click it and hold. Release the mouse button when you're done comparing.
You can rename a scene at any time later. Right-click over the button with scene's number, choose Rename, the enter a new name in the newly opened dialog.
If you don't need a scene anymore or if you want to reserve it for something else in the future, you can clear it. Right-click over the button with scene's number, and choose Clear. This will empty the scene slot.
If the scene you've just cleared was the one currently loaded, all positions of faders, panners etc. will remain intact. You can continue making further adjustments.
If you made some adjustments and want them to be saved into an existing scene, simply choose Store in the right-click menu for that scene. Ardour will ask your confirmation for overwriting it and will suggest renaming the scene (clicking the Store button without changing the name will effectively keep the old name).
Ardour only exposes 8 mixer scenes in the user interface for simplicity's sake. However the actual number of scenes is larger. There are two ways to work around that and store, recall, and clear more mixer scenes: