diff --git a/include/class-reference.html b/include/class-reference.html index 0a3c4771..f8c20c4e 100644 --- a/include/class-reference.html +++ b/include/class-reference.html @@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C boolequal (AudioRange) longlength () Data Members - longend + long_end unsigned intid longstart @@ -496,6 +496,8 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C + + @@ -505,6 +507,7 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C + @@ -682,7 +685,7 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C - + @@ -691,6 +694,8 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C
AudioSourceaudio_source (unsigned int)
AutomationListenvelope ()
boolenvelope_active ()
boolfade_in_active ()
boolfade_out_active ()
boolisnil ()

Returns the maximum (rms) signal power of the region, or a -1 if the Progress object reports that the process was cancelled.

floatscale_amplitude ()
LuaTable(int, ...)separate_by_channel (RegionVector&)
voidset_envelope_active (bool)
voidset_fade_in_active (bool)
voidset_fade_in_length (long)
voidset_fade_in_shape (FadeShape)
boolset_name (std::string)
intuse_copy_playlist ()
intuse_new_playlist (DataType)
intuse_playlist (DataType, Playlist)
intuse_playlist (DataType, Playlist, bool)
AudioTrackto_audio_track ()
MidiTrackto_midi_track ()
+ + @@ -703,6 +708,8 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C + + @@ -826,6 +833,8 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C
boolactive ()
intadd_aux_send (Route, Processor)

Add an aux send to a route.

route to send to.
Processor to insert before, or 0 to insert at the end.
intadd_foldback_send (Route, bool)
intadd_processor_by_index (Processor, int, ProcessorStreams, bool)

Add a processor to a route such that it ends up with a given index into the visible processors.

Index to add the processor at, or -1 to add at the end of the list.

Returns 0 on success, non-0 on failure.

IOinput ()
Deliverymain_outs ()

the signal processorat at end of the processing chain which produces output

MonitorControlmonitoring_control ()
MonitorStatemonitoring_state ()
boolmuted ()
ChanCountn_inputs ()
ChanCountn_outputs ()
+ + @@ -844,6 +853,8 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C

Inherited from ARDOUR:Automatable

ParameterListall_automatable_params ()

API for Lua binding

AutomationControlautomation_control (Parameter, bool)
boolisnil ()
+ + @@ -975,6 +986,40 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C
ParameterListall_automatable_params ()

API for Lua binding

AutomationControlautomation_control (Parameter, bool)
Slavableto_slavable ()
AudioBufferget_audio (unsigned long)
MidiBufferget_midi (unsigned long)



C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::Bundle >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::Bundle >


A set of `channels', each of which is associated with 0 or more ports. Each channel has a name which can be anything useful, and a data type. Intended for grouping things like, for example, a buss' outputs. `Channel' is a rather overloaded term but I can't think of a better one right now.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
std::stringchannel_name (unsigned int)

Returns Channel name.

boolisnil ()
unsigned intn_total ()
std::stringname ()

Returns Bundle name

ChanCountnchannels ()

Returns Number of channels that this Bundle has

boolports_are_inputs ()
boolports_are_outputs ()
UserBundleto_userbundle ()



C‡: boost::shared_ptr<std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Bundle> > >

+ + + + + + + + + + + +
ARDOUR.BundleListPtr ()
LuaTableadd (LuaTable {Bundle})
Bundleat (unsigned long)
boolempty ()
LuaIteriter ()
voidpush_back (Bundle)
unsigned longsize ()
LuaTabletable ()


C‡: ARDOUR::ChanCount

@@ -1119,8 +1164,10 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C Constructor ℂARDOUR.DSP.Convolver (Session&, std::string, IRChannelConfig, IRSettings) Methods - voidrun_mono (FloatArray, unsigned int) - voidrun_stereo (FloatArray, FloatArray, unsigned int) + voidrun_mono_buffered (FloatArray, unsigned int) + voidrun_mono_no_latency (FloatArray, unsigned int) + voidrun_stereo_buffered (FloatArray, FloatArray, unsigned int) + voidrun_stereo_no_latency (FloatArray, FloatArray, unsigned int)

Inherited from ARDOUR:DSP:Convolution

@@ -1861,6 +1908,7 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C +
longget_delay_in ()
longget_delay_out ()
boolis_foldback ()
voidset_remove_on_disconnect (bool)
InternalSendto_internalsend ()
@@ -1947,7 +1995,7 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C

Location on Timeline - abstract representation for Markers, Loop/Punch Ranges, CD-Markers etc.

- + @@ -2003,6 +2051,8 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C

A collection of session locations including unique dedicated locations (loop, punch, etc)

longend ()
long_end ()
Flagsflags ()
boolis_auto_loop ()
boolis_auto_punch ()
+ + @@ -2013,6 +2063,8 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C + +
Locationadd_range (long, long)

Add new range to the collection

start position
end position

Returns New location object

Locationauto_loop_location ()
Locationauto_punch_location ()
LuaTable(...)find_all_between (long, long, LocationList&, Flags)
Locationmark_at (long, long)
LuaTable(...)marks_either_side (long, long&, long&)

Look for the `marks' (either locations which are marks, or start/end points of range markers) either side of a sample. Note that if sample is exactly on a `mark', that mark will not be considered for returning as before/after.

Frame to look for.
Filled in with the position of the last `mark' before `sample' (or max_samplepos if none exists)
Filled in with the position of the next `mark' after `sample' (or max_samplepos if none exists)
Locationrange_starts_at (long, long, bool)

Return range with closest start pos to the where argument

point to compare with start pos
area around point to search for start pos
(optional) look only for ranges that includes 'where' point

Returns Location object or nil

voidremove (Location)
Locationsession_range_location ()
@@ -2034,6 +2086,9 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C ...color_to_rgba (--lua--)

A convenience function to expand RGBA parameters from an integer

convert a Canvas::Color (uint32_t 0xRRGGBBAA) into double RGBA values which can be passed as parameters to Cairo::Context::set_source_rgba


 local r, g, b, a = ARDOUR.LuaAPI.color_to_rgba (0x88aa44ff)
  cairo_ctx:set_source_rgba (ARDOUR.LuaAPI.color_to_rgba (0x11336699)

Returns 4 parameters: red, green, blue, alpha (in range 0..1)

+ ...desc_scale_points (--lua--) + std::stringdump_untagged_plugins () +

Write a list of untagged plugins to a file, so we can bulk-tag them

Returns path to XML file or empty string on error

std::stringfile_get_contents (std::string) boolfile_test (std::string, FileTest) LuaTable(float, ...)get_plugin_insert_param (PluginInsert, unsigned int, bool&) @@ -2052,6 +2107,8 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C

create a new Plugin Instance

Session Handle
Plugin Name, ID or URI
Plugin Type
name of plugin-preset to load, leave empty "" to not load any preset after instantiation

Returns Processor or nil

PluginInfonew_plugin_info (std::string, PluginType)

search a Plugin

Plugin Name, ID or URI
Plugin Type

Returns PluginInfo or nil if not found

+ Processornew_send (Session, Route, Processor) +

add a new [external] Send to the given Route

Session Handle
Route to add Send to
add send before given processor (or nil_processor to add at the end)
Processornil_proc () NotePtrListnote_list (MidiModel) std::stringpath_get_basename (std::string) @@ -2148,6 +2205,8 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C LuaTable(int, ...)get_parameter_descriptor (unsigned int, ParameterDescriptor&) std::stringget_parameter_docs (unsigned int) char*label () + PresetRecordlast_preset () +

Returns Last preset to be requested; the settings may have been changed since; find out with parameter_changed_since_last_preset.

boolload_preset (PresetRecord)

Set parameters using a preset

char*maker () @@ -2287,6 +2346,8 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C

Inherited from ARDOUR:Automatable

+ + @@ -2598,7 +2659,7 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C - + @@ -2607,6 +2668,8 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C
ParameterListall_automatable_params ()

API for Lua binding

AutomationControlautomation_control (Parameter, bool)
Slavableto_slavable ()
boolset_name (std::string)
intuse_copy_playlist ()
intuse_new_playlist (DataType)
intuse_playlist (DataType, Playlist)
intuse_playlist (DataType, Playlist, bool)
AudioTrackto_audio_track ()
MidiTrackto_midi_track ()
+ + @@ -2619,6 +2682,8 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C + + @@ -2736,6 +2801,62 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C
boolactive ()
intadd_aux_send (Route, Processor)

Add an aux send to a route.

route to send to.
Processor to insert before, or 0 to insert at the end.
intadd_foldback_send (Route, bool)
intadd_processor_by_index (Processor, int, ProcessorStreams, bool)

Add a processor to a route such that it ends up with a given index into the visible processors.

Index to add the processor at, or -1 to add at the end of the list.

Returns 0 on success, non-0 on failure.

IOinput ()
Deliverymain_outs ()

the signal processorat at end of the processing chain which produces output

MonitorControlmonitoring_control ()
MonitorStatemonitoring_state ()
boolmuted ()
ChanCountn_inputs ()
ChanCountn_outputs ()
LuaTabletable ()
voidunique ()



C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::MonitorControl >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::MonitorControl >


is-a: ARDOUR:SlavableAutomationControl


A PBD::Controllable with associated automation data (AutomationList)

+ + + + +
boolisnil ()
MonitorChoicemonitoring_choice ()

Inherited from ARDOUR:SlavableAutomationControl

+ + + + + + + + + +
voidadd_master (AutomationControl)
voidclear_masters ()
intget_boolean_masters ()
doubleget_masters_value ()
voidremove_master (AutomationControl)
boolslaved ()
boolslaved_to (AutomationControl)

Inherited from ARDOUR:AutomationControl

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
AutomationListalist ()
AutoStateautomation_state ()
ParameterDescriptordesc ()
doubleget_value ()

Get `internal' value

Returns raw value as used for the plugin/processor control port

doublelower ()
doublenormal ()
voidset_automation_state (AutoState)
voidset_value (double, GroupControlDisposition)

Set `internal' value

All derived classes must implement this.

Basic derived classes will ignore group_override but more sophisticated children, notably those that proxy the value setting logic via an object that is aware of group relationships between this control and others, will find it useful.

raw numeric value to set
if and how to propagate value to grouped controls
voidstart_touch (double)
voidstop_touch (double)
booltoggled ()
doubleupper ()
boolwritable ()
Controlto_ctrl ()
SlavableAutomationControlto_slavable ()

Inherited from PBD:Controllable

+ + + +
std::stringname ()

Inherited from PBD:StatefulPtr

+ + + + + + +
voidclear_changes ()

Forget about any changes to this object's properties

IDid ()
OwnedPropertyListproperties ()


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::MonitorProcessor >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::MonitorProcessor >

is-a: ARDOUR:Processor

@@ -2974,6 +3095,19 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C floatupper

Maximum value (in Hz, for frequencies)




C‡: std::vector<Evoral::Parameter >

+ + + + + + + + + +
ARDOUR.ParameterList ()
Parameterat (unsigned long)
boolempty ()
LuaIteriter ()
unsigned longsize ()
LuaTabletable ()


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::PeakMeter >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::PeakMeter >

is-a: ARDOUR:Processor

@@ -3166,6 +3300,8 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C std::stringget_parameter_docs (unsigned int) boolisnil () char*label () + PresetRecordlast_preset () +

Returns Last preset to be requested; the settings may have been changed since; find out with parameter_changed_since_last_preset.

boolload_preset (PresetRecord)

Set parameters using a preset

char*maker () @@ -3262,7 +3398,7 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C ARDOUR:ChanCountn_outputs std::stringname std::stringpath - ARDOUR.PluginTypetype + ARDOUR.PluginType_type std::stringunique_id


@@ -3296,7 +3432,7 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C voidenable (bool) boolenabled () unsigned intget_count () - LuaTable(bool, ...)get_stats (unsigned long&, unsigned long&, double&, double&) + LuaTable(bool, ...)get_stats (long&, long&, double&, double&) boolhas_sidechain () ChanMappinginput_map (unsigned int) boolis_channelstrip () @@ -3310,10 +3446,11 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C voidset_input_map (unsigned int, ChanMapping) voidset_output_map (unsigned int, ChanMapping) voidset_thru_map (ChanMapping) + IOsidechain_input () longsignal_latency () boolstrict_io_configured () ChanMappingthru_map () - PluginTypetype () + PluginType_type () boolwrite_immediate_event (EventType, unsigned long, unsigned char*)

Inherited from ARDOUR:Processor

@@ -3692,6 +3829,7 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C boolget_auto_analyse_audio () boolget_auto_connect_standard_busses () boolget_auto_input_does_talkback () + boolget_auto_return_after_rewind_ffwd () AutoReturnTargetget_auto_return_target_list () boolget_automation_follows_regions () floatget_automation_interval_msecs () @@ -3705,6 +3843,7 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C boolget_conceal_lv1_if_lv2_exists () boolget_conceal_vst2_if_vst3_exists () boolget_copy_demo_sessions () + intget_cpu_dma_latency () boolget_create_xrun_marker () FadeShapeget_default_fade_shape () std::stringget_default_session_parent_dir () @@ -3772,6 +3911,7 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C unsigned intget_periodic_safety_backup_interval () boolget_periodic_safety_backups () PFLPositionget_pfl_position () + unsigned intget_plugin_cache_version () std::stringget_plugin_path_lxvst () std::stringget_plugin_path_vst () std::stringget_plugin_path_vst3 () @@ -3791,6 +3931,7 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C RegionSelectionAfterSplitget_region_selection_after_split () boolget_replicate_missing_region_channels () boolget_reset_default_speed_on_stop () + boolget_rewind_ffwd_like_tape_decks () boolget_run_all_transport_masters_always () boolget_save_history () intget_saved_history_depth () @@ -3801,6 +3942,7 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C boolget_show_solo_mutes () boolget_show_video_export_info () boolget_show_video_server_dialog () + boolget_show_vst3_micro_edit_inline () ShuttleBehaviourget_shuttle_behaviour () floatget_shuttle_max_speed () floatget_shuttle_speed_factor () @@ -3838,6 +3980,7 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C std::stringget_video_server_url () intget_vst_scan_timeout () std::stringget_windows_pingback_url () + boolget_work_around_jack_no_copy_optimization () std::stringget_xjadeo_binary () boolset_afl_position (AFLPosition) boolset_all_safe (bool) @@ -3851,6 +3994,7 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C boolset_auto_analyse_audio (bool) boolset_auto_connect_standard_busses (bool) boolset_auto_input_does_talkback (bool) + boolset_auto_return_after_rewind_ffwd (bool) boolset_auto_return_target_list (AutoReturnTarget) boolset_automation_follows_regions (bool) boolset_automation_interval_msecs (float) @@ -3864,6 +4008,7 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C boolset_conceal_lv1_if_lv2_exists (bool) boolset_conceal_vst2_if_vst3_exists (bool) boolset_copy_demo_sessions (bool) + boolset_cpu_dma_latency (int) boolset_create_xrun_marker (bool) boolset_default_fade_shape (FadeShape) boolset_default_session_parent_dir (std::string) @@ -3931,6 +4076,7 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C boolset_periodic_safety_backup_interval (unsigned int) boolset_periodic_safety_backups (bool) boolset_pfl_position (PFLPosition) + boolset_plugin_cache_version (unsigned int) boolset_plugin_path_lxvst (std::string) boolset_plugin_path_vst (std::string) boolset_plugin_path_vst3 (std::string) @@ -3950,6 +4096,7 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C boolset_region_selection_after_split (RegionSelectionAfterSplit) boolset_replicate_missing_region_channels (bool) boolset_reset_default_speed_on_stop (bool) + boolset_rewind_ffwd_like_tape_decks (bool) boolset_run_all_transport_masters_always (bool) boolset_save_history (bool) boolset_saved_history_depth (int) @@ -3960,6 +4107,7 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C boolset_show_solo_mutes (bool) boolset_show_video_export_info (bool) boolset_show_video_server_dialog (bool) + boolset_show_vst3_micro_edit_inline (bool) boolset_shuttle_behaviour (ShuttleBehaviour) boolset_shuttle_max_speed (float) boolset_shuttle_speed_factor (float) @@ -3997,6 +4145,7 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C boolset_video_server_url (std::string) boolset_vst_scan_timeout (int) boolset_windows_pingback_url (std::string) + boolset_work_around_jack_no_copy_optimization (bool) boolset_xjadeo_binary (std::string) Properties ARDOUR.AFLPositionafl_position @@ -4011,6 +4160,7 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C boolauto_analyse_audio boolauto_connect_standard_busses boolauto_input_does_talkback + boolauto_return_after_rewind_ffwd ARDOUR.AutoReturnTargetauto_return_target_list boolautomation_follows_regions floatautomation_interval_msecs @@ -4024,6 +4174,7 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C boolconceal_lv1_if_lv2_exists boolconceal_vst2_if_vst3_exists boolcopy_demo_sessions + intcpu_dma_latency boolcreate_xrun_marker ARDOUR.FadeShapedefault_fade_shape std::stringdefault_session_parent_dir @@ -4091,6 +4242,7 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C unsigned intperiodic_safety_backup_interval boolperiodic_safety_backups ARDOUR.PFLPositionpfl_position + unsigned intplugin_cache_version std::stringplugin_path_lxvst std::stringplugin_path_vst std::stringplugin_path_vst3 @@ -4110,6 +4262,7 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C ARDOUR.RegionSelectionAfterSplitregion_selection_after_split boolreplicate_missing_region_channels boolreset_default_speed_on_stop + boolrewind_ffwd_like_tape_decks boolrun_all_transport_masters_always boolsave_history intsaved_history_depth @@ -4120,6 +4273,7 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C boolshow_solo_mutes boolshow_video_export_info boolshow_video_server_dialog + boolshow_vst3_micro_edit_inline ARDOUR.ShuttleBehaviourshuttle_behaviour floatshuttle_max_speed floatshuttle_speed_factor @@ -4157,6 +4311,7 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C std::stringvideo_server_url intvst_scan_timeout std::stringwindows_pingback_url + boolwork_around_jack_no_copy_optimization std::stringxjadeo_binary

Inherited from PBD:Stateful

@@ -4455,6 +4610,8 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C + + @@ -4468,6 +4625,8 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C + + @@ -4685,6 +4844,7 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C +
boolactive ()
intadd_aux_send (Route, Processor)

Add an aux send to a route.

route to send to.
Processor to insert before, or 0 to insert at the end.
intadd_foldback_send (Route, bool)
intadd_processor_by_index (Processor, int, ProcessorStreams, bool)

Add a processor to a route such that it ends up with a given index into the visible processors.

Index to add the processor at, or -1 to add at the end of the list.

Returns 0 on success, non-0 on failure.

boolisnil ()
Deliverymain_outs ()

the signal processorat at end of the processing chain which produces output

MonitorControlmonitoring_control ()
MonitorStatemonitoring_state ()
boolmuted ()
ChanCountn_inputs ()
ChanCountn_outputs ()
longget_delay_out ()
boolis_foldback ()
boolisnil ()
voidset_remove_on_disconnect (bool)
InternalSendto_internalsend ()
@@ -4750,6 +4910,8 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C

Ardour Session

+ + @@ -4762,9 +4924,12 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C + + + @@ -4808,9 +4973,11 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C + + @@ -5583,7 +5750,7 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C - + @@ -5592,6 +5759,8 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C
boolabort_empty_reversible_command ()

Abort reversible commend IFF no undo changes have been collected.

Returns true if undo operation was aborted.

voidabort_reversible_command ()

abort an open undo command This must only be called after begin_reversible_command ()

boolactively_recording ()

create an StatefulDiffCommand from the given object and add it to the stack.

This function must only be called after begin_reversible_command. Failing to do so may lead to a crash.

the object to diff

Returns the allocated StatefulDiffCommand (already added via add_command)

voidbegin_reversible_command (std::string)

begin collecting undo information

This call must always be followed by either begin_reversible_command() or commit_reversible_command()

human readable name for the undo operation
BundleListPtrbundles ()
voidcancel_all_solo ()
SessionConfigurationcfg ()
voidclear_all_solo_state (RouteListPtr)
boolcollected_undo_commands ()

Test if any undo commands were added since the call to begin_reversible_command ()

This is is useful to determine if an undoable action was performed before adding additional information (e.g. selection changes) to the undo transaction.

Returns true if undo operation is valid but empty

voidcommit_reversible_command (Command)

finalize an undo command and commit pending transactions

This must only be called after begin_reversible_command ()

(additional) command to add
Controllablecontrollable_by_id (ID)
Processorprocessor_by_id (ID)
RecordStaterecord_status ()
voidremove_route_group (RouteGroup)
intrename (std::string)
voidrequest_bounded_roll (long, long)
voidrequest_locate (long, LocateTransportDisposition, TransportRequestSource)
voidrequest_play_loop (bool, bool)
voidrequest_roll (TransportRequestSource)
voidrequest_stop (bool, bool, TransportRequestSource)
voidrequest_transport_speed (double, bool, TransportRequestSource)
voidreset_xrun_count ()
boolset_name (std::string)
intuse_copy_playlist ()
intuse_new_playlist (DataType)
intuse_playlist (DataType, Playlist)
intuse_playlist (DataType, Playlist, bool)
AudioTrackto_audio_track ()
MidiTrackto_midi_track ()
+ + @@ -5604,6 +5773,8 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C + + @@ -5755,6 +5926,30 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C
boolactive ()
intadd_aux_send (Route, Processor)

Add an aux send to a route.

route to send to.
Processor to insert before, or 0 to insert at the end.
intadd_foldback_send (Route, bool)
intadd_processor_by_index (Processor, int, ProcessorStreams, bool)

Add a processor to a route such that it ends up with a given index into the visible processors.

Index to add the processor at, or -1 to add at the end of the list.

Returns 0 on success, non-0 on failure.

IOinput ()
Deliverymain_outs ()

the signal processorat at end of the processing chain which produces output

MonitorControlmonitoring_control ()
MonitorStatemonitoring_state ()
boolmuted ()
ChanCountn_inputs ()
ChanCountn_outputs ()
Statefulto_stateful ()
StatefulDestructibleto_statefuldestructible ()



C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::UserBundle >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::UserBundle >


is-a: ARDOUR:Bundle


A set of `channels', each of which is associated with 0 or more ports. Each channel has a name which can be anything useful, and a data type. Intended for grouping things like, for example, a buss' outputs. `Channel' is a rather overloaded term but I can't think of a better one right now.

+ + + +
boolisnil ()

Inherited from ARDOUR:Bundle

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +
std::stringchannel_name (unsigned int)

Returns Channel name.

unsigned intn_total ()
std::stringname ()

Returns Bundle name

ChanCountnchannels ()

Returns Number of channels that this Bundle has

boolports_are_inputs ()
boolports_are_outputs ()
UserBundleto_userbundle ()


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::VCA >, boost::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::VCA >

is-a: ARDOUR:Stripable

@@ -5964,7 +6159,7 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C Methods std::stringname () longposition () - Typetype () + Type_type ()


C‡: std::list<ArdourMarker* >

@@ -5999,17 +6194,16 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C voidadd_location_mark (long) TrackViewListaxis_views_from_routes (RouteListPtr) voidcenter_screen (long) + voidclear_grouped_playlists (RouteUI) voidclear_playlist (Playlist) - voidclear_playlists (RouteUI) voidconsider_auditioning (Region)

Possibly start the audition of a region.

If r is 0, or not an AudioRegion any current audition is cancelled. If we are currently auditioning r , the audition will be cancelled. Otherwise an audition of r will start.

Region to consider auditioning
- voidcopy_playlists (RouteUI) MouseModecurrent_mouse_mode ()

Returns The current mouse mode (gain, object, range, timefx etc.) (defined in editing_syms.h)

longcurrent_page_samples () voiddeselect_all () LuaTable(...)do_embed (StringVector, ImportDisposition, ImportMode, long&, PluginInfo) - LuaTable(...)do_import (StringVector, ImportDisposition, ImportMode, SrcQuality, MidiTrackNameSource, MidiTempoMapDisposition, long&, PluginInfo) + LuaTable(...)do_import (StringVector, ImportDisposition, ImportMode, SrcQuality, MidiTrackNameSource, MidiTempoMapDisposition, long&, PluginInfo, bool)

Import existing media

booldragging_playhead ()

Returns true if the playhead is currently being dragged, otherwise false

@@ -6047,7 +6241,10 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C voidmaximise_editing_space () voidmaybe_locate_with_edit_preroll (long) voidmouse_add_new_marker (long, bool) - voidnew_playlists (RouteUI) + voidnew_playlists_for_all_tracks (bool) + voidnew_playlists_for_armed_tracks (bool) + voidnew_playlists_for_grouped_tracks (RouteUI, bool) + voidnew_playlists_for_selected_tracks (bool) voidnew_region_from_selection () voidoverride_visible_track_count () longpixel_to_sample (double) @@ -6302,6 +6499,7 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C unsigned intget_action_table_columns () boolget_all_floating_windows_are_dialogs () boolget_allow_non_quarter_pulse () + boolget_automation_edit_cancels_auto_hide () boolget_autoplay_files () boolget_autoscroll_editor () boolget_blink_alert_indicators () @@ -6325,6 +6523,8 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C boolget_grid_follows_internal () boolget_hiding_groups_deactivates_groups () std::stringget_icon_set () + --MISSING (ARDOUR::InputMeterLayout)--get_input_meter_layout () + boolget_input_meter_scopes () std::stringget_keyboard_layout () std::stringget_keyboard_layout_name () boolget_link_region_and_track_selection () @@ -6362,6 +6562,7 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C boolget_show_mini_timeline () boolget_show_name_highlight () boolget_show_plugin_scan_window () + boolget_show_region_cue_markers () boolget_show_region_gain () boolget_show_region_name () boolget_show_region_xrun_markers () @@ -6410,6 +6611,7 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C boolset_action_table_columns (unsigned int) boolset_all_floating_windows_are_dialogs (bool) boolset_allow_non_quarter_pulse (bool) + boolset_automation_edit_cancels_auto_hide (bool) boolset_autoplay_files (bool) boolset_autoscroll_editor (bool) boolset_blink_alert_indicators (bool) @@ -6433,6 +6635,8 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C boolset_grid_follows_internal (bool) boolset_hiding_groups_deactivates_groups (bool) boolset_icon_set (std::string) + boolset_input_meter_layout (--MISSING (ARDOUR::InputMeterLayout)--) + boolset_input_meter_scopes (bool) boolset_keyboard_layout (std::string) boolset_keyboard_layout_name (std::string) boolset_link_region_and_track_selection (bool) @@ -6470,6 +6674,7 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C boolset_show_mini_timeline (bool) boolset_show_name_highlight (bool) boolset_show_plugin_scan_window (bool) + boolset_show_region_cue_markers (bool) boolset_show_region_gain (bool) boolset_show_region_name (bool) boolset_show_region_xrun_markers (bool) @@ -6519,6 +6724,7 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C unsigned intaction_table_columns boolall_floating_windows_are_dialogs boolallow_non_quarter_pulse + boolautomation_edit_cancels_auto_hide boolautoplay_files boolautoscroll_editor boolblink_alert_indicators @@ -6542,6 +6748,8 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C boolgrid_follows_internal boolhiding_groups_deactivates_groups std::stringicon_set + --MISSING (ARDOUR::InputMeterLayout)--input_meter_layout + boolinput_meter_scopes std::stringkeyboard_layout std::stringkeyboard_layout_name boollink_region_and_track_selection @@ -6579,6 +6787,7 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C boolshow_mini_timeline boolshow_name_highlight boolshow_plugin_scan_window + boolshow_region_cue_markers boolshow_region_gain boolshow_region_name boolshow_region_xrun_markers @@ -7018,7 +7227,7 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C voidset_type (unsigned char) unsigned intsize () longtime () - unsigned chartype () + unsigned char_type ()


C‡: boost::shared_ptr< Evoral::Note<Temporal::Beats> >, boost::weak_ptr< Evoral::Note<Temporal::Beats> >

@@ -7043,7 +7252,7 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C Methods unsigned charchannel () unsigned intid () - unsigned inttype () + unsigned int_type ()


C‡: Evoral::ParameterDescriptor

@@ -7689,6 +7898,10 @@ Pointer Classes cannot be created in Lua scripts. It always requires a call to C
  • Vamp.Plugin.OutputDescriptor.SampleType.FixedSampleRate
  • Vamp.Plugin.OutputDescriptor.SampleType.VariableSampleRate
  • +








    - + -
    Ardour 6.6  -  Mon, 22 Feb 2021 01:58:19 +0100
    Ardour 6.8  -  Fri, 02 Jul 2021 03:08:22 +0200