Update Lua scripting landing page

Remove outdated examples, which are maintained in the source-tree.
This commit is contained in:
Robin Gareus 2020-04-20 23:54:07 +02:00
parent 36d28ea0e6
commit 9d6a862fef
Signed by: rgareus
GPG Key ID: A090BCE02CF57F04

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@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ Close ties with the underlying C++ components is where the power of scripting co
A script can orchestrate interaction of lower-level components which take the bulk of the CPU time of the final program.
At the time of writing Ardour integrates Lua 5.3.2: <a href="http://www.lua.org/manual/5.3/manual.html">Lua 5.3 reference
At the time of writing Ardour integrates Lua 5.3.5: <a href="http://www.lua.org/manual/5.3/manual.html">Lua 5.3 reference
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ function factory (params)
a = a + n_samples
if (a &gt; timeout * Session:frame_rate()) then
Session:request_transport_speed(0.0, true)
Session:request_transport_speed (0.0, true, ARDOUR.TransportRequestSource.TRS_UI)
@ -347,77 +347,13 @@ Fully functional, yet still in a prototyping stage:
-<h2 id="Examples">Examples</h2>
-<p>Please see the example <a href="https://github.com/Ardour/ardour/tree/master/share/scripts">scripts included with the source-code</a>.
All the files that start with a leading underscore are not inlcluded with releases, but are intended as example snippets.</p>
<h2 id="Examples">Examples</h2>
<p>Apart from the <a href="https://github.com/Ardour/ardour/tree/master/scripts">scripts included with the source-code</a>
here are a few examples without further comments...
<h3 id="Editor Console Examples">Editor Console Examples</h3>
<pre><code class="lua">
print (Session:route_by_remote_id(1):name())
a = Session:route_by_remote_id(1);
print (a:name());
for i, v in ipairs(Session:unknown_processors():table()) do print(v) end
for i, v in ipairs(Session:get_tracks():table()) do print(v:name()) end
for t in Session:get_tracks():iter() do print(t:name()) end
for r in Session:get_routes():iter() do print(r:name()) end
Session:tempo_map():add_tempo(ARDOUR.Tempo(100,4), Timecode.BBT_TIME(4,1,0))
files = C.StringVector();
pos = -1
Editor:do_import(files, Editing.ImportDistinctFiles, Editing.ImportAsTrack, ARDOUR.SrcQuality.SrcBest, pos, ARDOUR.PluginInfo())
#or in one line:
Editor:do_import(C.StringVector():add({"/path/to/file.wav"}), Editing.ImportDistinctFiles, Editing.ImportAsTrack, ARDOUR.SrcQuality.SrcBest, -1, ARDOUR.PluginInfo())
# called when a new session is loaded:
function new_session (name) print("NEW SESSION:", name) end
# read/set/describe a plugin parameter
route = Session:route_by_remote_id(1)
processor = route:nth_plugin(0)
plugininsert = processor:to_insert()
plugin = plugininsert:plugin(0)
print (plugin:label())
print (plugin:parameter_count())
x = ARDOUR.ParameterDescriptor ()
_, t = plugin:get_parameter_descriptor(2, x) -- port #2
paramdesc = t[2]
print (paramdesc.lower)
ctrl = Evoral.Parameter(ARDOUR.AutomationType.PluginAutomation, 0, 2)
ac = plugininsert:automation_control(ctrl, false)
print (ac:get_value ())
ac:set_value(1.0, PBD.GroupControlDisposition.NoGroup)
# the same using a convenience wrapper:
route = Session:route_by_remote_id(1)
proc = t:nth_plugin (i)
ARDOUR.LuaAPI.set_processor_param (proc, 2, 1.0)
<h3 id="Commandline Session">Commandline Session</h3>
<h2 id="Commandline Session">Commandline Session</h2>
<p>The standalone tool <code>luasession</code> allows one to access an Ardour session directly from the commandline.
It can also be used as #! interpreter for scripted sessions.
Interaction is limited by the fact that most actions in Ardour are provided by the Editor GUI.
<code>luasession</code> provides only two special functions <code>load_session</code> and <code>close_session</code> and
@ -433,16 +369,23 @@ print (AudioEngine:current_backend_name())
for i,_ in backend:enumerate_devices():iter() do print (i.name) end
backend:set_input_device_name("HDA Intel PCH")
backend:set_output_device_name("HDA Intel PCH")
backend:set_device_name("HDA Intel PCH")
print (backend:buffer_size())
print (AudioEngine:get_last_backend_error())
s = load_session ("/home/rgareus/Documents/ArdourSessions/lua2/", "lua2")
s:request_transport_speed (1.0)
assert (s)
s:request_transport_speed (1.0, true, ARDOUR.TransportRequestSource.TRS_UI)
print (s:transport_rolling())
ARDOUR.LuaAPI.usleep (10 * 1000000) -- 10 seconds