Added the creation of a one page html for the whole manual

This commit is contained in:
Ed Ward 2019-01-11 12:58:20 +01:00
parent e2e8e108ac
commit 7f82f0bee9
2 changed files with 94 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -260,6 +260,21 @@ def FindInternalLinks(fs):
linkDict['"@@' + hdr['link'] + '"'] = '"/' + hdr['filename'] + '/"'
linkDict['"@@' + hdr['link'] + '#'] = '"/' + hdr['filename'] + '/index.html#'
return linkDict
# Same as above, but create anchors (for the one-page version)
def FindInternalAnchors(fs):
linkDict = {}
for hdr in fs:
if 'link' in hdr:
linkDict['"@@' + hdr['link'] + '"'] = '"#' + hdr['link'] + '"'
linkDict['"@@' + hdr['link'] + '#'] = '"#' + hdr['link'] + '"'
return linkDict
@ -323,19 +338,47 @@ def BuildList(lst, fs, pagePos, cList):
return content
# Builds the sidebar for the one-page version
def BuildOnePageSidebar(fs):
content = '\n\n<ul style="white-space:nowrap;">\n'
lvl = 0
for i in range(len(fs)):
if 'link' in fs[i]:
anchor = fs[i]['link']
anchor = fs[i]['filename']
while lvl < fs[i]['level']:
content = content + '<ul style="white-space:nowrap;">\n'
lvl = lvl + 1
while lvl > fs[i]['level']:
content = content + '</ul>\n'
lvl = lvl - 1
content = content + '<li><a href="#' + anchor + '">' + fs[i]['title'] + '</a></li>\n'
content = content + '</ul>\n'
return content
# Create link sidebar given a position in the list.
def CreateLinkSidebar(fs, pos, childList):
# Build the list recursively from the top level nodes
#content = BuildList(FindTopLevelNodes(fs), fs, pos, childList)
content = BuildList(FindTopLevelNodes(fs), fs, pos, childList)
# Shove the TOC link in the top...
content = content[:7] + '<dt><a href="/toc/">Table of Contents</a></dt><dd></dd>\n' + content[7:]
# Shove the TOC link and one file link at the top...
content = content[:7] + '<dt><dt><a href="/toc/">Table of Contents</a></dt><dd></dd>\n' + content[7:]
return content
# Preliminaries
# We have command line arguments now, so deal with them
@ -356,6 +399,7 @@ fileCount = 0
levelNums = [0]*6
lastFile = ''
page = ''
onepage = ''
toc = ''
pageNumber = 0
@ -381,6 +425,13 @@ temp.close()
template = template.replace('{{page.bootstrap_path}}', '/bootstrap-3.3.7')
template = template.replace('{{page.page_title}}', 'The Ardour Manual')
# Same as above, but for the One-page version
temp = open('onepage-template.txt')
onepage =
onepage = onepage.replace('{{page.bootstrap_path}}', '/bootstrap-3.3.7')
onepage = onepage.replace('{{page.page_title}}', 'The Ardour Manual')
# Parse out the master docuemnt's structure into a dictionary list
fileStruct = GetFileStructure()
@ -390,6 +441,7 @@ nodeChildren = FindChildren(fileStruct)
# Create a dictionary for translation of internal links to real links
links = FindInternalLinks(fileStruct)
oplinks = FindInternalAnchors(fileStruct)
if not quiet:
print('Found ' + str(len(links)) + ' internal link target', end='')
@ -442,17 +494,31 @@ for header in fileStruct:
# Handle TOC scriblings...
# Handle TOC scriblings and one-page titles...
opl = ''
if 'link' in header:
opl = ' id="' + header['link'] + '"'
opl = ' id="' + header['filename'] + '"'
if level == 0:
toc = toc + '<h2>Part ' + num2roman(levelNums[level]) + ': ' + header['title'] + '</h2>\n';
oph = '<h1' + opl +'>Part ' + num2roman(levelNums[level]) + ': ' + header['title'] + '</h1>\n';
elif level == 1:
toc = toc + ' <p class="chapter">Ch. ' + str(levelNums[level]) + ':&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="/' + header['filename'] + '/">' + header['title'] + '</a></p>\n'
oph = '<h1' + opl +'>Chapter ' + str(levelNums[level]) + ': ' + header['title'] + '</h1>\n';
elif level == 2:
toc = toc + ' <p class="subchapter"><a href="/' + header['filename'] + '/">' + header['title'] + '</a></p>\n'
oph = '<h1' + opl +'>Subchapter ' + str(levelNums[level]) + ': ' + header['title'] + '</h1>\n';
elif level == 3:
toc = toc + ' <p class="section"><a href="/' + header['filename'] + '/">' + header['title'] + '</a></p>\n'
oph = '<h1' + opl +'>Section ' + str(levelNums[level]) + ': ' + header['title'] + '</h1>\n';
elif level == 4:
toc = toc + ' <p class="subsection"><a href="/' + header['filename'] + '/">' + header['title'] + '</a></p>\n'
oph = '<h1' + opl +'>Subsection ' + str(levelNums[level]) + ': ' + header['title'] + '</h1>\n';
# Make the 'this thing contains...' stuff
if HaveChildren(fileStruct, pageNumber):
@ -513,9 +579,6 @@ for header in fileStruct:
content = '[something went wrong]'
# Fix up any internal links
content = FixInternalLinks(links, content, header['title'])
# Add header information to the page if in dev mode
if devmode:
devnote ='<aside style="background-color:indigo; color:white;">'
@ -527,6 +590,23 @@ for header in fileStruct:
devnote = devnote + 'link: ' + header['link'] + '<br>'
content = devnote + '</aside>' + content
# ----- One page version -----
# Fix up any internal links
opcontent = FixInternalLinks(oplinks, content, header['title'])
# Create the link sidebar
opsidebar = BuildOnePageSidebar(fileStruct)
# Set up the actual page from the template
onepage = onepage.replace('{% tree %}', opsidebar)
onepage = onepage.replace('{{ content }}', oph + '\n' + opcontent + '{{ content }}')
# ----- Normal version -----
# Fix up any internal links
content = FixInternalLinks(links, content, header['title'])
# Set up the actual page from the template
if 'style' not in header:
page = re.sub("{% if %}.*\n.*\n{% endif %}.*\n", "", template)
@ -571,5 +651,11 @@ tocFile = open(siteDir + 'toc/index.html', 'w')
# Create the one-page version of the documentation
onepageFile = open(siteDir + 'ardourmanual.html', 'w')
if not quiet:
print('Processed ' + str(fileCount) + ' files.')

View File

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
<input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Search &hellip;" name="q">
<span class="input-group-btn">
<button class="btn btn-default" type="submit"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-search" aria-hidden="true"></span></button>
<button class="btn btn-default" type="button" onclick="window.location.href='/ardourmanual.html'"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-book" aria-hidden="true"></span></button>
<input type="hidden" name="sites" value=""><!-- domain -->