diff --git a/include/patch-change.html b/include/patch-change.html index d0f78f69..ce0a2dbd 100644 --- a/include/patch-change.html +++ b/include/patch-change.html @@ -52,7 +52,57 @@

Names for Patch Numbers: MIDNAM files

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+ MIDNAM files assign human-redable names to the "coordinates" (MSB, LSB, pc) of + instruments and controls of MIDI-devices. Quite some files already come pre-bundled + with Ardour. Should this not be the case for your device, you can add your own (see below). +

+ +

Selecting a device


+ For the proper names to show up in the "Patch Selector"-dialog, you have to assign a + device to your current track. To do so, hover the lower border of the tracks header + (the mouse-cursor will change to a "resize-cursor") and expand it. + You'll see dropdown menus. Select your device in the menu. +

+ +

Adding a custom MIDNAM-file


+ MIDNAM-files are XML-Files. You can edit them using your favorite text-editor. When + doing so, please ensure to change the "Model" of the device, as Ardour will only load + each model once (i.e. it will skip files, if there are clashes). +


+ After you have done modifications to a file, it's a good idea to validate it. This can + be done using the tool xmllint as shown below: +


+$ xmllint --valid --noout myfile.midnam
+$ wget http://www.midi.org/dtds/MIDINameDocument10.dtd
+$ xmllint --dtdvalid MIDINameDocument10.dtd myfile.midnam

+ Once you are satisfied with your file, you have to put it at a location where Ardour + picks it up. The best place would be the (hidden) directory + .config/ardour5/patchfiles/ + in your home-folder. Should the sub-directory patchfiles not exist yet, just + create it. The path and file-names are case-sensitive. The file should end with + ".midnam". +


+ After restarting Ardour, hit the small Log-button in the upper right corner of the + main window. It should say something like: +

[INFO]: Loading 3 MIDI patches from /home/username/.config/ardour5/patchfiles

+ The added device should now show up in the dropdown mentioned in the previous paragraph. +


+ Should the MIDNAM-file be useful for the general public, it would be nice to share it: + Fork the Ardour-project on gitHub by + hitting the "Fork"-Button. Go to the patchfiles-directory (and read the README). +


+ You can upload the file using the Web-Interface. Be sure to select + "Create a new branch for this commit and start a pull request".