Documenting the Edit menu

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Ed Ward 2017-01-15 19:26:30 +01:00
parent 5bf6277c93
commit 70571db0ef

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@ -2,132 +2,106 @@
title: The Edit Menu
<p class="fixme">Describe the items</p>
The <dfn>Edit</dfn> menu groups together the actions related to the edition, and so will be mostly used while in Editor mode.
<dt>Undo (<em>action</em>)</dt><dd>Reverts the last editing operation, namely <em>action</em></dd>
<dt>Redo</dt><dd>Does the last editing operation again, after an Undo</dd>
<dt>Undo Selection Change</dt><dd>Reverts the last selection operation</dd>
<dt>Redo Selection Change</dt><dd>Does the last selection operation again after an Undo Selection Change</dd>
Undo (action)
Undo Selection Change
Redo Selection Change
Select All Objects
Select All Tracks
Deselect All
Invert Selection
Set Range to Loop Range
Set Range to Punch Range
Set Range to Selected Regions
Select All After Edit Point
Select All Before Edit Point
Select All Overlapping Edit Range
Select All Inside Edit Range
Select All in Punch Range
Select All in Loop Range
Move Range Start to Previous Region Boundary
Move Range Start to Next Region Boundary
Move Range End to Previous Region Boundary
Move Range End to Next Region Boundary
Start Range
Finish Range
Select Next Track or Bus
Select Previous Track or Bus
Separate Under
Separate Using Loop Range
Separate Using Punch Range
Align Start
Align Start Relative
Align End
Align End Relative
Align Sync
Align Sync Relative
Fade Range Selection
Set Fade In Length
[] Fade In
Set Fade Out Length
[] Fade Out
Remove Last Capture
Edit point
Change Edit Point
Change Edit Point Including Marker
Snap Mode
() No Grid
() Grid
() Magnetic
Next Snap Mode
Next Snap Choice
Previous Snap Choice
Next Musical Snap Choice
Previous Musical Snap Choice
Snap To
Snap to CD Frame
Snap to Timecode Frame
Snap to Timecode Second
Snap to Timecode Minute
Snap to Second
Snap to Minute
Snap to One Twenty Eighths
Snap to Sixty Fourths
Snap to Thirty Seconds
Snap to Twenty Eighths
Snap to Twenty Fourths
Snap to Twentieths
Snap to Sixteenths
Snap to Fourteenths
Snap to Twelfths
Snap to Tenths
Snap to Eighths
Snap to Sevenths
Snap to Sixths
Snap to Fifths
Snap to Quarters
Snap to Thirds
Snap to Halves
Snap to Beat
Snap to Bar
Snap to Mark
Snap to Region Start
Snap to Region End
Snap to Regions Sync
Snap to Region Boundaries
Set Tempo from Region = Bar
Set Tempo from Edit Range = Bar
[] Smart Object Mode
Scripted Actions
[] Script Manager
Unset #1
Unset #2
Unset #3
Unset #4
Unset #5
Unset #6
Unset #7
Unset #8
Unset #9
<dt>Cut</dt><dd>Deletes the current selection, but puts it in memory ready to be pasted</dd>
<dt>Copy</dt><dd>Copies the current selection to memory</dd>
<dt>Paste</dt><dd>Pastes the memory at the <a href="/ardours-interface/the-editor/the-toolbar/the-edit-point-control/">edit point</a>, after a Cut or Copy operation</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Select All Objects</dt><dd>Selects all the regions and automation pints in the session</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Select All Tracks</dt><dd>Selects all the tracks, busses and control masters in the session</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Deselect All</dt><dd>Deselects all objects or tracks, nothing is selected</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Invert Selection</dt><dd>Select the previously unselected regions, and deselect the previously selected ones</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Set Range to Loop Range</dt><dd>Creates a range selection on the selected tracks, based on the selected loop markers, and switches to <a href="/ardours-interface/the-editor/the-toolbar/the-toolbox/">Range Mode tool</a></dd>
<dt class="sub1">Set Range to Punch Range</dt><dd>Same as above, based on the selected punch markers</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Set Range to Selected Regions</dt><dd>Same as above, based on the selected regions (i.e. from the start of the earliest region to the end of the latest one)</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Select All After Edit Point</dt><dd>Select all the regions and automation points that exist after the Edit Point, even if the region starts before it. If some tracks are selected, only selects on these tracks.</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Select All Before Edit Point</dt><dd>Same as above, but before the Edit point (i.e. to the left of it)</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Select All Overlapping Edit Range</dt><dd>Select all the regions and automation points of which at least a part is in the current selection range</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Select All Inside Edit Range</dt><dd>Selects all the regions that are completely inside the selection range, i.e. their start and end are inside the range. If some tracks are selected, only selects on these tracks.</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Select All in Punch Range</dt><dd>Selects all the regions of which a part in in the punch range. If some tracks are selected, only selects on these tracks.</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Select All in Loop Range</dt><dd>Same as above, based on the loop range</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Move Range Start to Previous Region Boundary</dt><dd>Extends the left boundary of the range to the left to the next region start or end. The region must be in the range.</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Move Range Start to Next Region Boundary</dt><dd>Same as above, to the right (reduces the selection)</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Move Range End to Previous Region Boundary</dt><dd>Same as above, with the right edge of the range, to the left (reduces the selection)</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Move Range End to Next Region Boundary</dt><dd>Same as above, with the right edge, to the right (extends the selection)</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Start Range</dt><dd>Sets the left edge of the range to the Edit point</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Finish Range</dt><dd>Sets the right edge of the range to the Edit point</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Select Next Track or Bus</dt><dd>Select the track or bus under the currently selected one. If multiple tracks are selected, only the first one is considered</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Select Previous Track or Bus</dt><dd>Same as above, with the track/bus above the first one selected.</dd>
<dt>Delete</dt><dd>Deletes all that is currently selected</dd>
<dt>Crop</dt><dd>Cuts the parts of the regions that are outside the range boundaries. Only applies on the regions that belong at least in part to the range.</dd>
<dt>Split/Separate</dt><dd>Cuts the selected regions at the edit points, separating them in two regions</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Separate Under</dt><dd>Removes all the parts of the regions that are under the selected one. Once done, the selected region is alone on its part of the track.</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Separate Using Loop Range</dt><dd>Cuts the selected regions or the regions on the selected tracks along the Loop range's start and end markers. If nothing is selected, acts on all tracks at once.</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Separate Using Punch Range</dt><dd>Same as above, with the Punch range markers</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Align Start</dt><dd>Moves the selected regions to align the beginning of the regions to the Edit point</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Align Start Relative</dt><dd>When multiple regions are selected, moves all the regions together as a block to align the beginning of the earliest one to the Edit point.</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Align End</dt><dd>Moves the selected regions to align the end of the regions to the Edit point</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Align End Relative</dt><dd>When multiple regions are selected, moves all the regions together as a block to align the end of the latest one to the Edit point.</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Align Sync</dt><dd>Moves the selected regions to align the Sync point of the regions to the Edit point</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Align Sync Relative</dt><dd>When multiple regions are selected, moves all the regions together as a block to align the earliest Sync point to the Edit point.</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Fade Range Selection</dt><dd>For all the regions that either begin or end in the range, create a fade in or out on the regions length.</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Set Fade In Length</dt><dd>If the edit point is withing the region boundaries, adjusts selected audio regions' fade in to end at the edit point.</dd>
<dt class="sub1">[] Fade In</dt><dd>Toggles the fade in on the selected region on or off</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Set Fade Out Length</dt><dd>Same as above, for the fade out</dd>
<dt class="sub1">[] Fade Out</dt><dd>Toggles the fade out on the selected region on or off</dd>
<dt>Remove Last Capture</dt><dd>Destroy the last recording. A prompt reminds the user this <em>cannot</em> be undone.</dd>
<dt>Edit point</dt>
<dt class="sub1">Change Edit Point</dt><dd>Toggles between the mouse and the playhead as the Edit point</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Change Edit Point Including Marker</dt><dd>Toggles between the mouse, the playhead and marker as the Edit point</dd>
<dt>Snap Mode</dt>
<dt class="sub1">() No Grid</dt><dd>Disables <a href="/ardours-interface/the-editor/the-toolbar/the-grid-controls/">snapping</a>, i.e. allows free movement of regions and boundaries</dd>
<dt class="sub1">() Grid</dt><dd>Forces snapping, so any move of region boundary will be lined to the grid as chosen</dd>
<dt class="sub1">() Magnetic</dt><dd>If the movement of the region or boundary happens near a grid line, snaps, otherwise, allow free movement</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Next Snap Mode</dt><dd>Toggles between the No Grid, Grid and Magnetic snap modes</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Next Snap Choice</dt><dd>Circles through the snap choices, as detailed below</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Previous Snap Choice</dt><dd>Circles through the snap choices, as detailed below, in reverse order</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Next Musical Snap Choice</dt><dd>Circles through the musical snap choices, e.g. those expressed in bars and beats</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Previous Musical Snap Choice</dt><dd>Same as previous, but in reverse order</dd>
<dt>Snap To</dt>
<dt class="sub1">Snap to CD Frame</dt><dd>The grid unit will be 1/75th of a second</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Snap to Timecode Frame/Second/Minute</dt><dd>The grid unit will be based on the timecode settings for the session</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Snap to Second/Minute</dt><dd>The grid unit will be based on absolute times</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Snap to <em>n</em>th</dt><dd>The grid unit will be 1/<em>n</em> beats and will depend on the tempo and meter in effect at that point in the timeline.</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Snap to Beat</dt><dd>Same as above, whole beat</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Snap to Bar</dt><dd>Same as above, whole bar</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Snap to Mark</dt><dd>The grid will be made of markers</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Snap to Region Start</dt><dd>No grid, the regions will snap to the closest region start on any track</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Snap to Region End</dt><dd>Same as above with the regions' ends</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Snap to Regions Sync</dt><dd>Same as above, with the Sync points (by default, start of the region)</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Snap to Region Boundaries</dt><dd>Same as above, for both the starts and ends of regions</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Set Tempo from Region = Bar</dt><dd>Computes the tempo so that the duration of the first selected region is 1 bar. Ardour prompts if the user wants it to be the global tempo, or a tempo marker at the beginning of the region used</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Set Tempo from Edit Range = Bar</dt><dd>Same thing, with the current Range instead of a region</dd>
<dt>[] Smart Object Mode</dt><dd>Toggles the Smart Mode, allowing the mouse to be in Range Mode in the upper half of a region, and in Grab Mode in the lower half</dd>
<dt>Scripted Actions</dt><dd></dd>
<dt class="sub1">[] Script Manager</dt><dd>Shows the <a href="/lua-scripting/">Script manager</a>, allowing to use and manage the Lua scripts in the session</dd>
<dt class="sub1">Unset #<em>n</em></dt><dd>Desactivate the <em>n</em>th script</dd>
<dt>Preferences</dt><dd>Displays the <a href="/preferences-and-session-properties/preferences-dialog/">Preferences</a> panels, allowing to change Ardour's behaviour</dd>