The site is built using ruby (I use 1.9[.3]) and [Jekyll]( (a ruby gem). You should be able to just install ruby and then `gem install jekyll` to get it up and running.
`import.rb` (which gets the content from drupal) requires the `nokogiri` gem, but there are no other dependencies for the jekyll part (just the things required by jekyll itself).
It should then be available at [localhost:4000](http://localhost:4000)
### Import content from drupal
This will pull the content from the [ardour drupal manual]( and turn it into the format used in `_manual/`. You shouldn't really need to run this.
The `title` field will end up as an `h1` in the right panel. The `menu_title` is what is used in the menu tree on the left (if not preset it will default to using `title`).
### `.html` files
These are almost normal html, but extended with [Liquid templates]( There are a couple of special tags created for this project.
-`{% tree %}` is what shows the manual structure in the left column
-`{% children %}` shows the immediate list of children for a page
## manual.rb plugin
Much of the functionality comes from `_plugins/manual.rb` - it takes the _manual format_ (contained in `_manual/`) and mushes it around a bit into a tmp directory before letting jekyll do it's normal thing. It's all hooked into the jekyll command so no special actions are required.
This is to enable the directory tree to be understood, child page lists to be constructed, clean URLs, and the correct ordering of pages maintained.
### Clean URLs
To allow the clean URLs (no `.html` extension) _and_ to support simple hosting (no `.htaccess` or apache configuration required) each page ends up in it's own directory with an `index.html` page for the content.
E.g. `02_main/05_more/02_blah.html` after all processing is complete would end up in `_site/main/more/blah/index.html`.
The page format contained in the `_manual/` directory is different to the final rendered output (see special `_manual` content above) to make it simple to create content (you don't need to think about the `index.html` files).