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Ardour supports multiple type of markers, all designed for particular tasks:
single markers that define a location, single markers that change a value,
paired markers that define a range on a timeline etc.
<h2>Creating New Markers</h2>
There are several ways to create markers in Ardour.
The most common way is to right-click over a ruler and select a menu item
called like <kbd class="menu">New Loop Range</kbd> (for the
<kbd class="title">Loop/Punch Ranges</kbd> ruler) or
<kbd class="menu">New Tempo</kbd> (for the
<kbd class="title">Tempo</kbd> ruler).
<img width="50%" src="/images/new-range-markers.gif" alt="Adding a New Range Marker">
Adding a New Range Marker
Some of the markers can be created from context menus on the canvas.
E.g. range markers can be created by creating a range, opening the context
(right-click) menu and choosing <kbd class="menu">Add Range Markers</kbd>.
Additionally, location markers and range markers can be created from the
<kbd class="title">Ranges&nbsp;&amp; Marks</kbd> sidebar by clicking
<kbd class="title">Ranges&nbsp;&amp; Marks</kbd> or
<kbd class="title">Ranges&nbsp;&amp; Marks</kbd> respectively.
<h2>Moving Markers</h2>
Once a single or a paired marker has been added, it can be moved around.
<h3>Single marker</h3>
<kbd class="mouse">Left</kbd>-clicking and dragging moves a single marker to a
new location on the timeline.
Additionally, markers can be moved to playhead position by right-clicking and
choosing the <kbd class="menu">Move Mark to Playhead</kbd> menu item.
<h3>Multiple markers</h3>
It is possible to move multiple markers by the same distance. <kbd
class="mouse mod1">Left</kbd>-clicking each discreet marker, or <kbd
class="mouse mod3">Left</kbd>-clicking the first and last markers of a range
of markers selects them, then dragging one to a new location will move all
selected markers together.
<p class="note">
The markers are bounded by the zero point on the timeline. In other words, the
first marker in the selection cannot move to the left of zero on the timeline.
<h3>Both ends of a range marker</h3>
By <kbd class="mod1 mouse">left</kbd>-dragging either end of the range marker,
the other end will move by the same distance.
<h2>Renaming Markers</h2>
Some markers on the ruler can have unique names: location markers, CD markers,
range markers. Double-clicking on them opens a dialog where a different name
can be submitted.
<img width="50%" src="/images/renaming-a-marker.gif" alt="Renaming a Marker">
Renaming a Marker
Alternatively, right-clicking on a marker will open a context menu with a menu
item called <kbd class="title">Rename...</kbd> or
<kbd class="title">Rename Range...</kbd>, depending on the type of the marker.
The same dialog for submitting a new name will appear.
<h2>Editing Marker's Properties</h2>
Markers on rulers such as <kbd class="title">Time Signature</kbd> or
<kbd class="title">Tempo</kbd> don't have unique names, however they do have
other properties that can be edited. The principle is the same as with
renaming: double-clicking on a marker or right-clicking and choosing the
<kbd class="title">Edit...</kbd> menu item.
<h2>Hiding Markers</h2>
Most marker types can be temporarily hidden from the ruler if the user chooses
to do so. The user interface for that is available in the
<kbd class="title">Ranges&nbsp;&amp; Marks</kbd> sidebar: it is a simple
<kbd class="title">Hide</kbd> checkbox for each marker.
2013-01-29 19:26:36 -05:00
<img width="50%" src="/images/regions-and-marks.png" alt="Hiding Markers">
Hiding Markers
Clicking the respective <kbd class="title">Hide</kbd> checkbox again will
reveal the marker on the ruler again.
<h2>Removing Markers</h2>
There are three ways to permanently delete a marker. The first one is to
right-click the marker of choice, then select
<kbd class="menu">Remove</kbd> in the menu.
<img width="50%" src="/images/remove-a-marker.png" alt="Removing a Location Marker">
Removing a Location Marker
The second one is to click a marker to select it, keep hovering the mouse
pointer, then press <kbd class="key">Del</kbd>.
The third way is to click the markers' <kbd class="button">x</kbd> button in
the <em>Ranges&nbsp;&amp; Marks</em> sidebar.
<h2>Additional Actions</h2>
Depending on the type of a marker additional actions are possible, such as
moving the playhead to a location marker's position or zooming to a range
saved with range markers. This is covered in dedicated subchapters for
respective ruler/marker types.