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The <dfn>Goups List</dfn> allows to quickly manage the <a href="/working-with-tracks/track-and-bus-groups/">groups</a>
of the session, and make use of them.
Each group has a <kbd class="option">Show</kbd> checkbox to quickly toggle their visibility. Clicking an already
selected group allows to rename it.
The context menu, reached by <kbd class="mouse">right</kbd> clicking a group,
allows for multiple mixing actions:
<dt>Create New Group From&hellip;</dt><dd>Creates a new group based on some track properties. The choice is:
<li><kbd class="menu">Selection&hellip;</kbd> to create a group of all selected tracks</li>
<li><kbd class="menu">Record Enabled&hellip;</kbd> to create a group of all the tracks that are record enabled</li>
<li><kbd class="menu">Soloed&hellip;</kbd> to create a group of all the soloed tracks</li>
<dt>Create New Group with Master From&hellip;</dt><dd>Acts exactly as the previous choice, but also creates a Control Master tied to these tracks.</dd>
<dt>Assign Selection to Control Master&hellip;</dt><dd>Allows to link all the selected tracks to a chosen Control Master, whether or not they belong to a group.</dd>
<dt>Assign Record Enabled to Control Master&hellip;</dt><dd>Allows to link all the record armed tracks to a chosen Control Master.</dd>
<dt>Assign Soloed to Control Master&hellip;</dt><dd>Allows to link all the soloed tracks to a chosen Control Master.</dd>
<dt>Enable All Groups</dt><dd>Enable all the groups, i.e. their selected properties are synchronized.</dd>
<dt>Disable All Groups</dt><dd>Disable all the groups, i.e. changing a property in a track won't affect the others.</dd>
When a group is selected, <kbd class="mouse">right</kbd> clicking it adds the following menu entries:
<dt>Create New Group with Master From&hellip;</dt><dd>Acts exactly as the previous choice, but also creates a Control Master tied to these tracks.</dd>
<dt>Edit Group&hellip;</dt><dd>Shows the <kbd class="menu">Track/bus Group</kbd> <a href="/working-with-tracks/track-and-bus-groups/">window</a>.</dd>
<dt>Collect Group</dt><dd>Rearranges the tracks/busses order to visualy group together the tracks belonging to the same group.</dd>
<dt>Remove Group</dt><dd>Deletes the group (but not the tracks/busses belongidng to this group).</dd>
<dt>Assign Group to Control Master&hellip;</dt><dd>Allows to link all the tracks in the group to a chosen VCA.</dd>
<dt>Add/Remove Subgroup Bus</dt><dd>Creates/removes a new bus connected to the Master, and send the output of all the tracks in the group to this new bus.</dd>
<dt>Add New Aux Bus (pre/post-fader)</dt><dd>Creates a new bus connected to the Master, and create <a href="/signal-routing/aux-sends/">Aux Sends</a> (pre or post-fader) in all the tracks in the group to this new bus.</dd>
The <kbd class="menu">&plus;</kbd> button under the list allows the creation of an (empty) group,
while the <kbd class="menu">&minus;</kbd> button deletes the selected group (but not the tracks in
this group).