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2017-02-21 15:55:11 -05:00
In order to understand how automation in Ardour works, it is necessary to
understand the five states of automation. They are:
<kbd class=menu>Manual</kbd>,
<kbd class=menu>Play</kbd>,
<kbd class=menu>Write</kbd>,
<kbd class=menu>Touch</kbd>,
and <kbd class=menu>Latch</kbd>.
2017-02-21 15:55:11 -05:00
<figure class=right>
<img src="/images/automation-modes1.png">
<figcaption class=center>The automation state menu.</figcaption>
2017-02-21 15:55:11 -05:00
<kbd class=menu>Manual</kbd> state is basically analogous to a processor's
bypass switch. Whenever an automation lane is in this state, it is inactive
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and any level that is manually set for controlling the lane's parameter will
persist during playback like normal.
<p class=note>
In Ardour, every track and processor parameter is initially set to <kbd
class=menu>Manual</kbd> state.
2017-02-21 15:55:11 -05:00
<kbd class=menu>Play</kbd> state tells Ardour to use the automation curve in
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the automation lane to control the level of the parameter controlled by the
lane <em>during playback</em>. The control that normally sets the parameter
will be <em>unresponsive to manual input</em> and will move automatically in
accord with the lane's automation curve during playback.
<kbd class=menu>Write</kbd> state allows continuous, dynamic setting of a
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control during playback; all such settings are written to the lane the
control is in. This defines the lane's automation curve in the interval being
played, and overwrites any existing automation curve in the lane being
manipulated. As this might be sometimes dangerous, this state is automatically
changed to <kbd class=menu>Touch</kbd> state when playing is stopped.
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<kbd class=menu>Touch</kbd> state is similar to <kbd class=menu>Write</kbd>
state, except it only overwrites sections of a lane's automation curve when
2017-02-21 15:55:11 -05:00
the control is changed in some way. This allows for changing only the parts
of an automation curve that are desired to be changed, while leaving the rest
<kbd class=menu>Latch</kbd> state is similar to <kbd class=menu>Touch</kbd>
state as it will also change automation when the control is changed in some way
during session play back.
But additionally it will overwrite the automation curve with the last
value that it was changed to until play-back is stopped