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MIDI (or Musical Instrument Digital Interface) is a method of representing
musical concepts in a form suitable for use in computers. MIDI defines 16
different <dfn>channels</dfn>, along which messages are passed to instruments
or synthesizers that understand the MIDI protocol; notes are played by
sending appropriately crafted <dfn>NoteOn</dfn> messages that are followed
by <dfn>NoteOff</dfn> messages. MIDI channels can be manipulated with
special <dfn>controller</dfn> messages to alter the pitch of instruments, or
their volume or timbre, and they can also tell the instrument or synthesizer
what sound to play using <dfn>Program Change</dfn> and <dfn>Bank Select</dfn>
<p class="note">
Typically Program Change and Bank Select messages are collectively referred to by the singular term <dfn>Patch Change</dfn>.
<h2>Key features of Ardour MIDI handling</h2>
MIDI, just like audio, exists in regions. MIDI regions behave like audio
regions: they can be moved, trimmed, copied (cloned), or deleted. Ardour
allows either editing MIDI (or audio) regions, or MIDI region content (the
notes), but never both at the same time. The <kbd>e</kbd> key
(by default) sets <a href="@@toolbox#edit-internal">Internal Edit</a> Mode,
which allows the editing of MIDI data in a given region.
All MIDI I/O is done either by ALSA or JACK (depending on which backend was chosen when starting Ardour), for sample accurate timing and maximal efficiency when communicating with external software synthesizers.
Every MIDI track has its own JACK MIDI port for input; it may have an
arbitrary combination of audio and MIDI outputs, depending on the signal
processing in the track; the full flexibility of JACK connectivity is
present for MIDI just as it is for audio.
Full automation for MIDI tracks, integrated with the handling of all MIDI
<abbr title="Continuous Controller">CC</abbr> data for each track.
Controllers (CC data) can be set to discrete or continuous modes; the
latter will linearly interpolate between control points and send additional
<h2>Notable differences compared to other DAWs and sequencers</h2>
Fader (volume) control currently operates on transmitted MIDI data, not by
sending CC #7.
All note/data editing is per-region. There are no cross-region operations at
this time.
By default, copying a MIDI region creates a <dfn>deep link</dfn>&mdash;both
regions share the same data source, and edits to the contents of one will
affect the other. Breaking this link is done by selecting <kbd
class="menu">MIDI &gt; Unlink from other copies</kbd> from the region
context menu, after which the selected region(s) will have their own copies
of <em>only</em> the data that they visually display on screen. The region
will no longer be trimmable back to its original length after an Unlink
operation, and the operation cannot be undone.