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2013-01-29 19:26:36 -05:00
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title: Aux Sends
<h2>What is an Aux</h2>
<p>Using auxes involves two distinct components of Ardour's mixer. One is an aux bus, which is just a normal Ardour bus that has no inputs arriving from the outside world. The other is an aux send, which is a secondary signal routing out of a track (or bus) that delivers the signal it receives to a separate aux bus. The output of the aux bus may be delivered to entirely separate hardware outputs (e.g. for headphone or monitor wedge mixes), or returned to the main mix after some common FX are applied to the signal on the bus. </p>
<p>Common uses for aux sends include:</p>
<li>Applying real time FX (either with plugins or external FX) to a submix
<li>Creating headphone or monitor wedge mixes for performers to listen to
<li>Consolidating volume control of a submix under a single fader (though there are other ways to do this)
<p>It may be useful to <a href="/signal-routing/comparing-aux-sends-and-subgroups">compare and contrast</a> the use of aux sends with <a href="/signal-routing/subgrouping">subgrouping</a>.</p>
<h2>Adding a new aux bus</h2>
<p>Choose <code>Session &gt; Add New Track or Bus</code>. In the New Track &amp; Bus dialog, select "Busses" in the Track/Bus selector at the upper right.</p>
<h2>Adding a send to an aux bus</h2>
<p>Context-click on the processor box for the track you want to send to the bus, and choose <code>New Aux Send</code>. From the submenu, choose the bus you want to send to. A send will be added (and will be visible in the processor box). Note that the submenu may be empty if there are no aux busses.</p>
<h3>Pre-fader and Post-fader Aux Sends</h3>
<p>Depending on whether you context-click above or below the fader in the processor box, the new aux send can be placed before or after the fader in the channel strip. Post-fader aux sends are typically used when using an aux for shared signal processing (FX), so that the adjusting the main fader on a channel alters how much signal goes to the FX bus. Aux sends are placed pre-fader so that the level sent to the bus is controlled <em>only</em> by the send, not the main fader - this is typical when constructing headphone/monitor wedge mixes. </p>
<h2>Adding a new aux bus and sending a Track Group to it</h2>
<p>You can add aux sends to all members of a group and connect them to a new aux bus with a single click. After creating the track group (and adding tracks to it), context-click on the group tab and choose either <code>Add New Aux Bus (pre-fader)</code> or <code>Add New Aux Bus (post-fader)</code>. A new aux bus will be created, and a new aux send added to every member of the track group that connects to the new aux bus.</p>
<h2>Altering Send Levels</h2>
<p>You can alter the amount of the signal received by a send that it delivers to the bus it connects to. There are two approaches to this:</p>
<h3>Use the Send Fader</h3>
<p>Every send has a small horizontal fader that can be adjusted in the usual way. It is not very big and so this can be a little unsatisfactory if you want very fine control over the send level. </p>
<h3>Mapping the Main Fader</h3>
<p>Double-clicking on the send in the processor box will allow you to use the "big" fader of the mixer strip to control the send. The visual appearance of the mixer strip will change to reflect this. Double-click the send again to revert back to normal function for the strip.</p>
<h3>Map Aux Sends To Main Faders</h3>
<p>Pressing the button marked "Aux Sends" on a aux bus will alter the channel strip for every track/bus that feeds the aux bus. Many aspects of the strip will become insensitive and/or change their visual appearance. More importantly, the main fader of the affected channel strips will now control the send level and <strong>not</strong> the track gain. This gives a larger, more configurable control to alter the level. Click the "Aux Sends" button of the aux bus again to revert the channel strips to their normal use.</p>
<h2>Bypassing Sends</h2>
<p>Clicking on the small "led" in the send display in the processor box of the channel strip will enable/disable the send. When disabled, only silence will be delivered by this track to the aux bus. When enabled, the signal arriving at the send will be delivered to the aux bus.</p>
<h2>Send Panning</h2>
<p>In the current version of Ardour, sends share the same panning as the main outs of a track. This is scheduled to change in the future.</p>