Robin Gareus
We must not assume that the host sends values within the the range nor that the enum is always an integer.
397 lines
12 KiB
397 lines
12 KiB
ardour {
["type"] = "dsp",
name = "a-High/Low Pass Filter",
category = "Filter",
license = "GPLv2",
author = "Ardour Team",
description = [[High and Low Pass Filter with de-zipped controls, written in Ardour-Lua]]
function dsp_ioconfig ()
-- allow any number of I/O as long as port-count matches
{ audio_in = -1, audio_out = -1},
function dsp_params ()
{ ["type"] = "input", name = "High Pass Steepness", min = 0, max = 4, default = 1, enum = true, scalepoints =
["Off"] = 0,
["12dB/oct"] = 1,
["24dB/oct"] = 2,
["36dB/oct"] = 3,
["48dB/oct"] = 4,
{ ["type"] = "input", name = "High Pass Cut off frequency", min = 5, max = 20000, default = 100, unit="Hz", logarithmic = true },
{ ["type"] = "input", name = "High Pass Resonance", min = 0.1, max = 6, default = .707, logarithmic = true },
{ ["type"] = "input", name = "Low Pass Steepness", min = 0, max = 4, default = 1, enum = true, scalepoints =
["Off"] = 0,
["12dB/oct"] = 1,
["24dB/oct"] = 2,
["36dB/oct"] = 3,
["48dB/oct"] = 4,
{ ["type"] = "input", name = "Low Pass Cut off frequency", min = 20, max = 20000, default = 18000, unit="Hz", logarithmic = true },
{ ["type"] = "input", name = "Low Pass Resonance", min = 0.1, max = 6, default = .707, logarithmic = true },
-- these globals are *not* shared between DSP and UI
local hp = {} -- the biquad high-pass filter instances (DSP)
local lp = {} -- the biquad high-pass filter instances (DSP)
local filt = nil -- the biquad filter instance (GUI, response)
local cur = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} -- current parameters
local lpf = 0.03 -- parameter low-pass filter time-constant
local chn = 0 -- channel/filter count
local lpf_chunk = 0 -- chunk size for audio processing when interpolating parameters
local max_freq = 20000
local mem = nil -- memory x-fade buffer
function dsp_init (rate)
-- allocate some mix-buffer
mem = ARDOUR.DSP.DspShm (8192)
-- max allowed cut-off frequency
max_freq = .499 * rate
-- create a table of objects to share with the GUI
local tbl = {}
tbl['samplerate'] = rate
tbl['max_freq'] = max_freq
self:table ():set (tbl)
-- Parameter smoothing: we want to filter out parameter changes that are
-- faster than 15Hz, and interpolate between parameter values.
-- For performance reasons, we want to ensure that two consecutive values
-- of the interpolated "steepness" are less that 1 apart. By choosing the
-- interpolation chunk size to be 64 in most cases, but 32 if the rate is
-- strictly less than 22kHz (there's only 8kHz in standard rates), we can
-- ensure that steepness interpolation will never change the parameter by
-- more than ~0.86.
lpf_chunk = 64
if rate < 22000 then lpf_chunk = 32 end
-- We apply a discrete version of the standard RC low-pass, with a cutoff
-- frequency of 15Hz. For more information about the underlying math, see
-- (here Δt is lpf_chunk / rate)
local R = 2 * math.pi * lpf_chunk * 15 -- Hz
lpf = R / (R + rate)
function dsp_configure (ins, outs)
assert (ins:n_audio () == outs:n_audio ())
local tbl = self:table ():get () -- get shared memory table
chn = ins:n_audio ()
cur = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
hp = {}
lp = {}
collectgarbage ()
for c = 1, chn do
hp[c] = {}
lp[c] = {}
-- initialize filters
-- A different Biquad is needed for each pass and channel because they
-- remember the last two samples seen during the last call of Biquad:run().
-- For continuity these have to come from the previous audio chunk of the
-- same channel and pass and would be clobbered if the same Biquad was
-- called several times by cycle.
for k = 1,4 do
hp[c][k] = ARDOUR.DSP.Biquad (tbl['samplerate'])
lp[c][k] = ARDOUR.DSP.Biquad (tbl['samplerate'])
function santize_params (ctrl)
-- don't allow manual cross-fades. enforce enums
ctrl[1] = math.floor(ctrl[1] + .5)
ctrl[4] = math.floor(ctrl[4] + .5)
-- high pass, clamp range
ctrl[2] = math.min (max_freq, math.max (5, ctrl[2]))
ctrl[3] = math.min (6, math.max (0.1, ctrl[3]))
-- low pass, clamp range
ctrl[5] = math.min (max_freq, math.max (20, ctrl[5]))
ctrl[6] = math.min (6, math.max (0.1, ctrl[6]))
return ctrl
-- helper functions for parameter interpolation
function param_changed (ctrl)
for p = 1,6 do
if ctrl[p] ~= cur[p] then
return true
return false
function low_pass_filter_param (old, new, limit)
if math.abs (old - new) < limit then
return new
return old + lpf * (new - old)
-- apply parameters, re-compute filter coefficients if needed
function apply_params (ctrl)
if not param_changed (ctrl) then
-- low-pass filter ctrl parameter values, smooth transition
cur[1] = low_pass_filter_param (cur[1], ctrl[1], 0.05) -- HP order x-fade
cur[2] = low_pass_filter_param (cur[2], ctrl[2], 1.0) -- HP freq/Hz
cur[3] = low_pass_filter_param (cur[3], ctrl[3], 0.01) -- HP quality
cur[4] = low_pass_filter_param (cur[4], ctrl[4], 0.05) -- LP order x-fade
cur[5] = low_pass_filter_param (cur[5], ctrl[5], 1.0) -- LP freq/Hz
cur[6] = low_pass_filter_param (cur[6], ctrl[6], 0.01) -- LP quality
for c = 1, chn do
for k = 1,4 do
hp[c][k]:compute (ARDOUR.DSP.BiquadType.HighPass, cur[2], cur[3], 0)
lp[c][k]:compute (ARDOUR.DSP.BiquadType.LowPass, cur[5], cur[6], 0)
-- the actual DSP callback
function dsp_run (ins, outs, n_samples)
assert (n_samples < 8192)
assert (#ins == chn)
local ctrl = santize_params (CtrlPorts:array ())
local changed = false
local siz = n_samples
local off = 0
-- if a parameter was changed, process at most lpf_chunk samples
-- at a time and interpolate parameters until the current settings
-- match the target values
if param_changed (ctrl) then
changed = true
siz = lpf_chunk
while n_samples > 0 do
if changed then apply_params (ctrl) end
if siz > n_samples then siz = n_samples end
local ho = math.floor(cur[1])
local lo = math.floor(cur[4])
-- process all channels
for c = 1, #ins do
-- High Pass
local xfade = cur[1] - ho
-- prepare scratch memory
ARDOUR.DSP.copy_vector (mem:to_float (off), ins[c]:offset (off), siz)
-- run at least |ho| biquads...
for k = 1,ho do
hp[c][k]:run (mem:to_float (off), siz)
ARDOUR.DSP.copy_vector (outs[c]:offset (off), mem:to_float (off), siz)
-- mix the output of |ho| biquads (with weight |1-xfade|)
-- with the output of |ho+1| biquads (with weight |xfade|)
if xfade > 0 then
ARDOUR.DSP.apply_gain_to_buffer (outs[c]:offset (off), siz, 1 - xfade)
hp[c][ho+1]:run (mem:to_float (off), siz)
ARDOUR.DSP.mix_buffers_with_gain (outs[c]:offset (off), mem:to_float (off), siz, xfade)
-- also run the next biquad because it needs to have the correct state
-- in case it start affecting the next chunck of output. Higher order
-- ones are guaranteed not to be needed for the next run because the
-- interpolated order won't increase more than 0.86 in one step thanks
-- to the choice of the value of |lpf|.
if ho + 2 <= 4 then hp[c][ho+2]:run (mem:to_float (off), siz) end
elseif ho + 1 <= 4 then
-- run the next biquad in case it is used next chunk
hp[c][ho+1]:run (mem:to_float (off), siz)
-- Low Pass
xfade = cur[4] - lo
-- prepare scratch memory (from high pass output)
ARDOUR.DSP.copy_vector (mem:to_float (off), outs[c]:offset (off), siz)
-- run at least |lo| biquads...
for k = 1,lo do
lp[c][k]:run (mem:to_float (off), siz)
ARDOUR.DSP.copy_vector (outs[c]:offset (off), mem:to_float (off), siz)
-- mix the output of |lo| biquads (with weight |1-xfade|)
-- with the output of |lo+1| biquads (with weight |xfade|)
if xfade > 0 then
ARDOUR.DSP.apply_gain_to_buffer (outs[c]:offset (off), siz, 1 - xfade)
lp[c][lo+1]:run (mem:to_float (off), siz)
ARDOUR.DSP.mix_buffers_with_gain (outs[c]:offset (off), mem:to_float (off), siz, xfade)
-- also run the next biquad in case it start affecting the next
-- chunck of output.
if lo + 2 <= 4 then lp[c][lo+2]:run (mem:to_float (off), siz) end
elseif lo + 1 <= 4 then
-- run the next biquad in case it is used next chunk
lp[c][lo+1]:run (mem:to_float (off), siz)
n_samples = n_samples - siz
off = off + siz
if changed then
-- notify display
self:queue_draw ()
--- inline display
function round (n)
return math.floor (n + .5)
function freq_at_x (x, w)
-- frequency in Hz at given x-axis pixel
return 20 * 1000 ^ (x / w)
function x_at_freq (f, w)
-- x-axis pixel for given frequency, power-scale
return w * math.log (f / 20.0) / math.log (1000.0)
function db_to_y (db, h)
-- y-axis gain mapping
if db < -60 then db = -60 end
if db > 12 then db = 12 end
return -.5 + round (0.2 * h) - h * db / 60
function grid_db (ctx, w, h, db)
-- draw horizontal grid line
-- note that a cairo pixel at Y spans [Y - 0.5 to Y + 0.5]
local y = -.5 + round (db_to_y (db, h))
ctx:move_to (0, y)
ctx:line_to (w, y)
ctx:stroke ()
function grid_freq (ctx, w, h, f)
-- draw vertical grid line
local x = -.5 + round (x_at_freq (f, w))
ctx:move_to (x, 0)
ctx:line_to (x, h)
ctx:stroke ()
function response (ho, lo, f)
-- calculate transfer function response for given
-- hi/po pass order at given frequency [Hz]
local db = ho * filt['hp']:dB_at_freq (f)
return db + lo * filt['lp']:dB_at_freq (f)
function render_inline (ctx, w, max_h)
if not filt then
local tbl = self:table ():get () -- get shared memory table
-- instantiate filter (to calculate the transfer function's response)
filt = {}
filt['hp'] = ARDOUR.DSP.Biquad (tbl['samplerate'])
filt['lp'] = ARDOUR.DSP.Biquad (tbl['samplerate'])
max_freq = tbl['max_freq']
local ctrl = santize_params (CtrlPorts:array ())
-- set filter coefficients if they have changed
if param_changed (ctrl) then
for k = 1,6 do cur[k] = ctrl[k] end
filt['hp']:compute (ARDOUR.DSP.BiquadType.HighPass, cur[2], cur[3], 0)
filt['lp']:compute (ARDOUR.DSP.BiquadType.LowPass, cur[5], cur[6], 0)
-- calc height of inline display
local h = 1 | math.ceil (w * 9 / 16) -- use 16:9 aspect, odd number of y pixels
if (h > max_h) then h = max_h end -- but at most max-height
-- ctx is a context
-- clear background
ctx:rectangle (0, 0, w, h)
ctx:set_source_rgba (.2, .2, .2, 1.0)
ctx:fill ()
ctx:rectangle (0, 0, w, h)
ctx:clip ()
-- set line width: 1px
ctx:set_line_width (1.0)
-- draw grid
local dash3 = C.DoubleVector ()
local dash2 = C.DoubleVector ()
dash2:add ({1, 2})
dash3:add ({1, 3})
ctx:set_dash (dash2, 2) -- dotted line: 1 pixel 2 space
ctx:set_source_rgba (.5, .5, .5, .8)
grid_db (ctx, w, h, 0)
ctx:set_dash (dash3, 2) -- dashed line: 1 pixel 3 space
ctx:set_source_rgba (.5, .5, .5, .5)
grid_db (ctx, w, h, -12)
grid_db (ctx, w, h, -24)
grid_db (ctx, w, h, -36)
grid_freq (ctx, w, h, 100)
grid_freq (ctx, w, h, 1000)
grid_freq (ctx, w, h, 10000)
ctx:unset_dash ()
-- draw transfer function line
local ho = math.floor(cur[1])
local lo = math.floor(cur[4])
ctx:set_source_rgba (.8, .8, .8, 1.0)
ctx:move_to (-.5, db_to_y (response(ho, lo, freq_at_x (0, w)), h))
for x = 1,w do
local db = response(ho, lo, freq_at_x (x, w))
ctx:line_to (-.5 + x, db_to_y (db, h))
-- stoke a line, keep the path
ctx:stroke_preserve ()
-- fill area to zero under the curve
ctx:line_to (w, -.5 + round (db_to_y (0, h)))
ctx:line_to (0, -.5 + round (db_to_y (0, h)))
ctx:close_path ()
ctx:set_source_rgba (.5, .5, .5, .5)
ctx:fill ()
return {w, h}