
284 lines
7.1 KiB

/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */
QM DSP Library
Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary, University of London.
This file 2005-2006 Christian Landone.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file
COPYING included with this distribution for more information.
#include "DetectionFunction.h"
#include <cstring>
// Construction/Destruction
DetectionFunction::DetectionFunction( DFConfig Config ) :
m_magHistory = NULL;
m_phaseHistory = NULL;
m_phaseHistoryOld = NULL;
m_magPeaks = NULL;
initialise( Config );
void DetectionFunction::initialise( DFConfig Config )
m_dataLength = Config.frameLength;
m_halfLength = m_dataLength/2 + 1;
m_DFType = Config.DFType;
m_stepSize = Config.stepSize;
m_dbRise = Config.dbRise;
m_whiten = Config.adaptiveWhitening;
m_whitenRelaxCoeff = Config.whiteningRelaxCoeff;
m_whitenFloor = Config.whiteningFloor;
if (m_whitenRelaxCoeff < 0) m_whitenRelaxCoeff = 0.9997;
if (m_whitenFloor < 0) m_whitenFloor = 0.01;
m_magHistory = new double[ m_halfLength ];
memset(m_magHistory,0, m_halfLength*sizeof(double));
m_phaseHistory = new double[ m_halfLength ];
memset(m_phaseHistory,0, m_halfLength*sizeof(double));
m_phaseHistoryOld = new double[ m_halfLength ];
memset(m_phaseHistoryOld,0, m_halfLength*sizeof(double));
m_magPeaks = new double[ m_halfLength ];
memset(m_magPeaks,0, m_halfLength*sizeof(double));
m_phaseVoc = new PhaseVocoder(m_dataLength, m_stepSize);
m_magnitude = new double[ m_halfLength ];
m_thetaAngle = new double[ m_halfLength ];
m_unwrapped = new double[ m_halfLength ];
m_window = new Window<double>(HanningWindow, m_dataLength);
m_windowed = new double[ m_dataLength ];
void DetectionFunction::deInitialise()
delete [] m_magHistory ;
delete [] m_phaseHistory ;
delete [] m_phaseHistoryOld ;
delete [] m_magPeaks ;
delete m_phaseVoc;
delete [] m_magnitude;
delete [] m_thetaAngle;
delete [] m_windowed;
delete [] m_unwrapped;
delete m_window;
double DetectionFunction::processTimeDomain(const double *samples)
m_window->cut(samples, m_windowed);
m_magnitude, m_thetaAngle, m_unwrapped);
if (m_whiten) whiten();
return runDF();
double DetectionFunction::processFrequencyDomain(const double *reals,
const double *imags)
m_phaseVoc->processFrequencyDomain(reals, imags,
m_magnitude, m_thetaAngle, m_unwrapped);
if (m_whiten) whiten();
return runDF();
void DetectionFunction::whiten()
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_halfLength; ++i) {
double m = m_magnitude[i];
if (m < m_magPeaks[i]) {
m = m + (m_magPeaks[i] - m) * m_whitenRelaxCoeff;
if (m < m_whitenFloor) m = m_whitenFloor;
m_magPeaks[i] = m;
m_magnitude[i] /= m;
double DetectionFunction::runDF()
double retVal = 0;
switch( m_DFType )
case DF_HFC:
retVal = HFC( m_halfLength, m_magnitude);
retVal = specDiff( m_halfLength, m_magnitude);
// Using the instantaneous phases here actually provides the
// same results (for these calculations) as if we had used
// unwrapped phases, but without the possible accumulation of
// phase error over time
retVal = phaseDev( m_halfLength, m_thetaAngle);
retVal = complexSD( m_halfLength, m_magnitude, m_thetaAngle);
retVal = broadband( m_halfLength, m_magnitude);
return retVal;
double DetectionFunction::HFC(unsigned int length, double *src)
unsigned int i;
double val = 0;
for( i = 0; i < length; i++)
val += src[ i ] * ( i + 1);
return val;
double DetectionFunction::specDiff(unsigned int length, double *src)
unsigned int i;
double val = 0.0;
double temp = 0.0;
double diff = 0.0;
for( i = 0; i < length; i++)
temp = fabs( (src[ i ] * src[ i ]) - (m_magHistory[ i ] * m_magHistory[ i ]) );
diff= sqrt(temp);
// (See note in phaseDev below.)
val += diff;
m_magHistory[ i ] = src[ i ];
return val;
double DetectionFunction::phaseDev(unsigned int length, double *srcPhase)
unsigned int i;
double tmpPhase = 0;
double tmpVal = 0;
double val = 0;
double dev = 0;
for( i = 0; i < length; i++)
tmpPhase = (srcPhase[ i ]- 2*m_phaseHistory[ i ]+m_phaseHistoryOld[ i ]);
dev = MathUtilities::princarg( tmpPhase );
// A previous version of this code only counted the value here
// if the magnitude exceeded 0.1. My impression is that
// doesn't greatly improve the results for "loud" music (so
// long as the peak picker is reasonably sophisticated), but
// does significantly damage its ability to work with quieter
// music, so I'm removing it and counting the result always.
// Same goes for the spectral difference measure above.
tmpVal = fabs(dev);
val += tmpVal ;
m_phaseHistoryOld[ i ] = m_phaseHistory[ i ] ;
m_phaseHistory[ i ] = srcPhase[ i ];
return val;
double DetectionFunction::complexSD(unsigned int length, double *srcMagnitude, double *srcPhase)
unsigned int i;
double val = 0;
double tmpPhase = 0;
double tmpReal = 0;
double tmpImag = 0;
double dev = 0;
ComplexData meas = ComplexData( 0, 0 );
ComplexData j = ComplexData( 0, 1 );
for( i = 0; i < length; i++)
tmpPhase = (srcPhase[ i ]- 2*m_phaseHistory[ i ]+m_phaseHistoryOld[ i ]);
dev= MathUtilities::princarg( tmpPhase );
meas = m_magHistory[i] - ( srcMagnitude[ i ] * exp( j * dev) );
tmpReal = real( meas );
tmpImag = imag( meas );
val += sqrt( (tmpReal * tmpReal) + (tmpImag * tmpImag) );
m_phaseHistoryOld[ i ] = m_phaseHistory[ i ] ;
m_phaseHistory[ i ] = srcPhase[ i ];
m_magHistory[ i ] = srcMagnitude[ i ];
return val;
double DetectionFunction::broadband(unsigned int length, double *src)
double val = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
double sqrmag = src[i] * src[i];
if (m_magHistory[i] > 0.0) {
double diff = 10.0 * log10(sqrmag / m_magHistory[i]);
if (diff > m_dbRise) val = val + 1;
m_magHistory[i] = sqrmag;
return val;
double* DetectionFunction::getSpectrumMagnitude()
return m_magnitude;