Phil 69067b9d99 add plugin support for mackie units
Main features: Plugin (Select & Edit)

1.  Plugin Select: When a track is selected that has PluginInserts, pushing the "Plug-In" button on a mackie will list these across the strips. Clicking a vpot of a strip enables editing the parameters of this selected plugin.
2. Plugin Edit: When a Plugin is selected for editing, the input parameters of the plugin are shown across the channel strips and the vpot is assigned the corresponsing AutomationControl for the parameter.

Minor features

- When the number of plugins or the number of parameters exceeds the number of strips available on the surface, one can flip through "pages" of views using the Cursor Left and Right keys (this logic I took from http://www.emagic.de/media/support/content/manuals/LogicControl_en.pdf)
- When in the Plugin Select mode, rearranging the plugins in the mixer strip is reflected on the surface.
- When in Plugin Edit mode, rearranging the plugins in the mixer strip still retains the edit view of the selected plugin (rearranging does not take away the current subview)
 - When removing a plugin in the mixer strip, this is reflected in Plugin Select, while the view jumps to Pan/Surround (the None subview) when in Plugin Edit mode.
- Removing a track resets the subview to None
- When in a Subview that is track-specific (Track, EQ, Send, Plug-In, Inst), selecting a different track retains the subview but updates the channel displays and vpot assignments accordingly. When in Plugin Edit mode for track A, and track B is selected, it changes to Plugin Select mode for track B (if plugins are present).
2020-04-07 14:35:09 -06:00

519 lines
19 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2006-2007 John Anderson
* Copyright (C) 2007-2009 David Robillard <d@drobilla.net>
* Copyright (C) 2007-2017 Paul Davis <paul@linuxaudiosystems.com>
* Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Carl Hetherington <carl@carlh.net>
* Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Len Ovens <len@ovenwerks.net>
* Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Ben Loftis <ben@harrisonconsoles.com>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#ifndef ardour_mackie_control_protocol_h
#define ardour_mackie_control_protocol_h
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <list>
#include <set>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <boost/smart_ptr.hpp>
#include "pbd/abstract_ui.h"
#include "midi++/types.h"
#include "ardour/types.h"
#include "control_protocol/control_protocol.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "midi_byte_array.h"
#include "controls.h"
#include "jog_wheel.h"
#include "timer.h"
#include "device_info.h"
#include "device_profile.h"
#include "subview_modes.h"
namespace ARDOUR {
class AutomationControl;
class Port;
namespace MIDI {
class Port;
namespace ArdourSurface {
namespace Mackie {
class Subview;
class Surface;
class Control;
class SurfacePort;
class Button;
class Strip;
gboolean ipmidi_input_handler (GIOChannel*, GIOCondition condition, void *data);
struct MackieControlUIRequest : public BaseUI::BaseRequestObject {
MackieControlUIRequest () {}
~MackieControlUIRequest () {}
class MackieControlProtocol
: public ARDOUR::ControlProtocol
, public AbstractUI<MackieControlUIRequest>
static const int MODIFIER_OPTION;
static const int MODIFIER_CONTROL;
static const int MODIFIER_SHIFT;
static const int MODIFIER_CMDALT;
static const int MODIFIER_ZOOM;
static const int MODIFIER_SCRUB;
static const int MODIFIER_MARKER;
static const int MODIFIER_NUDGE;
static const int MAIN_MODIFIER_MASK;
enum ViewMode {
enum FlipMode {
Normal, /* fader controls primary, vpot controls secondary */
Mirror, /* fader + vpot control secondary */
Swap, /* fader controls secondary, vpot controls primary */
Zero, /* fader controls primary, but doesn't move, vpot controls secondary */
MackieControlProtocol(ARDOUR::Session &);
virtual ~MackieControlProtocol();
static MackieControlProtocol* instance() { return _instance; }
const Mackie::DeviceInfo& device_info() const { return _device_info; }
Mackie::DeviceProfile& device_profile() { return _device_profile; }
PBD::Signal0<void> DeviceChanged;
PBD::Signal1<void,boost::shared_ptr<Mackie::Surface> > ConnectionChange;
void device_ready ();
int set_active (bool yn);
int set_device (const std::string&, bool force);
void set_profile (const std::string&);
FlipMode flip_mode () const { return _flip_mode; }
ViewMode view_mode () const { return _view_mode; }
boost::shared_ptr<Mackie::Subview> subview() { return _subview; }
bool zoom_mode () const { return modifier_state() & MODIFIER_ZOOM; }
bool metering_active () const { return _metering_active; }
bool is_track (boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Stripable>) const;
bool is_audio_track (boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Stripable>) const;
bool is_midi_track (boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Stripable>) const;
bool is_mapped (boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Stripable>) const;
boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Stripable> first_selected_stripable () const;
void check_fader_automation_state ();
void update_fader_automation_state ();
void set_automation_state (ARDOUR::AutoState);
void set_view_mode (ViewMode);
bool set_subview_mode (Mackie::SubViewMode, boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Stripable>);
bool redisplay_subview_mode ();
void set_flip_mode (FlipMode);
void display_view_mode ();
XMLNode& get_state ();
int set_state (const XMLNode&, int version);
/* Note: because Mackie control is inherently a duplex protocol,
we do not implement get/set_feedback() since this aspect of
support for the protocol is not optional.
static bool probe();
static void* request_factory (uint32_t);
mutable Glib::Threads::Mutex surfaces_lock;
typedef std::list<boost::shared_ptr<Mackie::Surface> > Surfaces;
Surfaces surfaces;
boost::shared_ptr<Mackie::Surface> get_surface_by_raw_pointer (void*) const;
boost::shared_ptr<Mackie::Surface> nth_surface (uint32_t) const;
uint32_t global_index (Mackie::Strip&);
uint32_t global_index_locked (Mackie::Strip&);
std::list<boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Bundle> > bundles ();
void set_master_on_surface_strip (uint32_t surface, uint32_t strip);
void set_monitor_on_surface_strip (uint32_t surface, uint32_t strip);
uint32_t n_strips (bool with_locked_strips = true) const;
bool has_editor () const { return true; }
void* get_gui () const;
void tear_down_gui ();
void handle_button_event (Mackie::Surface&, Mackie::Button& button, Mackie::ButtonState);
void notify_subview_stripable_deleted ();
void notify_stripable_removed ();
void notify_routes_added (ARDOUR::RouteList &);
void notify_vca_added (ARDOUR::VCAList &);
void notify_presentation_info_changed(PBD::PropertyChange const &);
void recalibrate_faders ();
void toggle_backlight ();
void set_touch_sensitivity (int);
/// rebuild the current bank. Called on route or vca added/removed and
/// presentation info changed.
void refresh_current_bank();
// button-related signals
void notify_record_state_changed();
void notify_transport_state_changed();
void notify_loop_state_changed();
void notify_metering_state_changed();
// mainly to pick up punch-in and punch-out
void notify_parameter_changed(std::string const &);
void notify_solo_active_changed(bool);
/// Turn timecode on and beats off, or vice versa, depending
/// on state of _timecode_type
void update_timecode_beats_led();
/// this is called to generate the midi to send in response to a button press.
void update_led(Mackie::Surface&, Mackie::Button & button, Mackie::LedState);
void update_global_button (int id, Mackie::LedState);
void update_global_led (int id, Mackie::LedState);
ARDOUR::Session & get_session() { return *session; }
samplepos_t transport_sample() const;
int modifier_state() const { return _modifier_state; }
int main_modifier_state() const { return _modifier_state & MAIN_MODIFIER_MASK; }
typedef std::list<boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::AutomationControl> > ControlList;
void add_down_button (ARDOUR::AutomationType, int surface, int strip);
void remove_down_button (ARDOUR::AutomationType, int surface, int strip);
ControlList down_controls (ARDOUR::AutomationType, uint32_t pressed);
void add_down_select_button (int surface, int strip);
void remove_down_select_button (int surface, int strip);
void select_range (uint32_t pressed);
int16_t ipmidi_base() const { return _ipmidi_base; }
void set_ipmidi_base (int16_t);
void ping_devices ();
// shut down the surface
void close();
// This sets up the notifications and sets the
// controls to the correct values
void update_surfaces();
// connects global (not strip) signals from the Session to here
// so the surface can be notified of changes from the other UIs.
void connect_session_signals();
// set all controls to their zero position
void zero_all();
Fetch the set of Stripables to be considered for control by the
surface. Excluding master, hidden and control routes, and inactive routes
typedef std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Stripable> > Sorted;
Sorted get_sorted_stripables();
// bank switching
int switch_banks (uint32_t first_remote_id, bool force = false);
void prev_track ();
void next_track ();
// also called from poll_automation to update timecode display
void update_timecode_display();
std::string format_bbt_timecode (ARDOUR::samplepos_t now_sample);
std::string format_timecode_timecode (ARDOUR::samplepos_t now_sample);
void do_request (MackieControlUIRequest*);
int stop ();
void thread_init ();
bool stripable_is_locked_to_strip (boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Stripable>) const;
struct ButtonHandlers {
Mackie::LedState (MackieControlProtocol::*press) (Mackie::Button&);
Mackie::LedState (MackieControlProtocol::*release) (Mackie::Button&);
ButtonHandlers (Mackie::LedState (MackieControlProtocol::*p) (Mackie::Button&),
Mackie::LedState (MackieControlProtocol::*r) (Mackie::Button&))
: press (p)
, release (r) {}
typedef std::map<Mackie::Button::ID,ButtonHandlers> ButtonMap;
static MackieControlProtocol* _instance;
bool profile_exists (std::string const&) const;
Mackie::DeviceInfo _device_info;
Mackie::DeviceProfile _device_profile;
sigc::connection periodic_connection;
sigc::connection redisplay_connection;
sigc::connection hui_connection;
uint32_t _current_initial_bank;
PBD::ScopedConnectionList audio_engine_connections;
PBD::ScopedConnectionList session_connections;
PBD::ScopedConnectionList stripable_connections;
PBD::ScopedConnectionList gui_connections;
PBD::ScopedConnectionList fader_automation_connections;
// timer for two quick marker left presses
Mackie::Timer _frm_left_last;
// last written timecode string
std::string _timecode_last;
samplepos_t _sample_last;
// Which timecode are we displaying? BBT or Timecode
ARDOUR::AnyTime::Type _timecode_type;
// Bundle to represent our input ports
boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Bundle> _input_bundle;
// Bundle to represent our output ports
boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Bundle> _output_bundle;
void* _gui;
bool _scrub_mode;
FlipMode _flip_mode;
ViewMode _view_mode;
boost::shared_ptr<Mackie::Subview> _subview;
int _current_selected_track;
int _modifier_state;
ButtonMap button_map;
int16_t _ipmidi_base;
bool needs_ipmidi_restart;
bool _metering_active;
bool _initialized;
XMLNode* configuration_state;
int state_version;
int _last_bank[9];
bool marker_modifier_consumed_by_button;
bool nudge_modifier_consumed_by_button;
boost::shared_ptr<ArdourSurface::Mackie::Surface> _master_surface;
struct ipMIDIHandler {
MackieControlProtocol* mcp;
MIDI::Port* port;
friend struct ipMIDIHandler; /* is this necessary */
friend gboolean ArdourSurface::ipmidi_input_handler (GIOChannel*, GIOCondition condition, void *data);
int create_surfaces ();
bool periodic();
bool redisplay();
bool hui_heartbeat ();
void build_gui ();
bool midi_input_handler (Glib::IOCondition ioc, MIDI::Port* port);
void clear_ports ();
void clear_surfaces ();
void force_special_stripable_to_strip (boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Stripable> r, uint32_t surface, uint32_t strip_number);
void build_button_map ();
void stripable_selection_changed ();
int ipmidi_restart ();
void initialize ();
int set_device_info (const std::string& device_name);
void update_configuration_state ();
/* MIDI port connection management */
PBD::ScopedConnection port_connection;
void connection_handler (boost::weak_ptr<ARDOUR::Port>, std::string name1, boost::weak_ptr<ARDOUR::Port>, std::string name2, bool);
typedef std::set<uint32_t> DownButtonList;
typedef std::map<ARDOUR::AutomationType,DownButtonList> DownButtonMap;
DownButtonMap _down_buttons;
DownButtonList _down_select_buttons;
void pull_stripable_range (DownButtonList&, ARDOUR::StripableList&, uint32_t pressed);
/* implemented button handlers */
Mackie::LedState stop_press(Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState stop_release(Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState play_press(Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState play_release(Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState record_press(Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState record_release(Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState loop_press(Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState loop_release(Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState rewind_press(Mackie::Button & button);
Mackie::LedState rewind_release(Mackie::Button & button);
Mackie::LedState ffwd_press(Mackie::Button & button);
Mackie::LedState ffwd_release(Mackie::Button & button);
Mackie::LedState cursor_up_press (Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState cursor_up_release (Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState cursor_down_press (Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState cursor_down_release (Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState cursor_left_press (Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState cursor_left_release (Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState cursor_right_press (Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState cursor_right_release (Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState left_press(Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState left_release(Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState right_press(Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState right_release(Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState channel_left_press(Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState channel_left_release(Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState channel_right_press(Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState channel_right_release(Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState marker_press(Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState marker_release(Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState save_press(Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState save_release(Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState timecode_beats_press(Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState timecode_beats_release(Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState zoom_press(Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState zoom_release(Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState scrub_press(Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState scrub_release(Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState undo_press (Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState undo_release (Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState shift_press (Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState shift_release (Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState option_press (Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState option_release (Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState control_press (Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState control_release (Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState cmd_alt_press (Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState cmd_alt_release (Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState pan_press (Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState pan_release (Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState plugin_press (Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState plugin_release (Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState eq_press (Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState eq_release (Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState dyn_press (Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState dyn_release (Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState flip_press (Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState flip_release (Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState name_value_press (Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState name_value_release (Mackie::Button &);
// Mackie::LedState F1_press (Mackie::Button &);
// Mackie::LedState F1_release (Mackie::Button &);
// Mackie::LedState F2_press (Mackie::Button &);
// Mackie::LedState F2_release (Mackie::Button &);
// Mackie::LedState F3_press (Mackie::Button &);
// Mackie::LedState F3_release (Mackie::Button &);
// Mackie::LedState F4_press (Mackie::Button &);
// Mackie::LedState F4_release (Mackie::Button &);
// Mackie::LedState F5_press (Mackie::Button &);
// Mackie::LedState F5_release (Mackie::Button &);
// Mackie::LedState F6_press (Mackie::Button &);
// Mackie::LedState F6_release (Mackie::Button &);
// Mackie::LedState F7_press (Mackie::Button &);
// Mackie::LedState F7_release (Mackie::Button &);
// Mackie::LedState F8_press (Mackie::Button &);
// Mackie::LedState F8_release (Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState touch_press (Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState touch_release (Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState enter_press (Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState enter_release (Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState cancel_press (Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState cancel_release (Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState user_a_press (Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState user_a_release (Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState user_b_press (Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState user_b_release (Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState fader_touch_press (Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState fader_touch_release (Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState master_fader_touch_press (Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState master_fader_touch_release (Mackie::Button &);
Mackie::LedState read_press (Mackie::Button&);
Mackie::LedState read_release (Mackie::Button&);
Mackie::LedState write_press (Mackie::Button&);
Mackie::LedState write_release (Mackie::Button&);
Mackie::LedState clearsolo_press (Mackie::Button&);
Mackie::LedState clearsolo_release (Mackie::Button&);
Mackie::LedState track_press (Mackie::Button&);
Mackie::LedState track_release (Mackie::Button&);
Mackie::LedState send_press (Mackie::Button&);
Mackie::LedState send_release (Mackie::Button&);
Mackie::LedState miditracks_press (Mackie::Button&);
Mackie::LedState miditracks_release (Mackie::Button&);
Mackie::LedState inputs_press (Mackie::Button&);
Mackie::LedState inputs_release (Mackie::Button&);
Mackie::LedState audiotracks_press (Mackie::Button&);
Mackie::LedState audiotracks_release (Mackie::Button&);
Mackie::LedState audioinstruments_press (Mackie::Button&);
Mackie::LedState audioinstruments_release (Mackie::Button&);
Mackie::LedState aux_press (Mackie::Button&);
Mackie::LedState aux_release (Mackie::Button&);
Mackie::LedState busses_press (Mackie::Button&);
Mackie::LedState busses_release (Mackie::Button&);
Mackie::LedState outputs_press (Mackie::Button&);
Mackie::LedState outputs_release (Mackie::Button&);
Mackie::LedState user_press (Mackie::Button&);
Mackie::LedState user_release (Mackie::Button&);
Mackie::LedState trim_press (Mackie::Button&);
Mackie::LedState trim_release (Mackie::Button&);
Mackie::LedState latch_press (Mackie::Button&);
Mackie::LedState latch_release (Mackie::Button&);
Mackie::LedState grp_press (Mackie::Button&);
Mackie::LedState grp_release (Mackie::Button&);
Mackie::LedState nudge_press (Mackie::Button&);
Mackie::LedState nudge_release (Mackie::Button&);
Mackie::LedState drop_press (Mackie::Button&);
Mackie::LedState drop_release (Mackie::Button&);
Mackie::LedState replace_press (Mackie::Button&);
Mackie::LedState replace_release (Mackie::Button&);
Mackie::LedState click_press (Mackie::Button&);
Mackie::LedState click_release (Mackie::Button&);
Mackie::LedState view_press (Mackie::Button&);
Mackie::LedState view_release (Mackie::Button&);
Mackie::LedState bank_release (Mackie::Button&, uint32_t bank_num);
} // namespace
#endif // ardour_mackie_control_protocol_h