Julien "_FrnchFrgg_" RIVAUD f108bf1373 ArdourButton: add text for measuring decoupled from display text
In the normal course of events, an ArdourButton requests just enough
space to display its elements. In particular the size will change when
the text does. Yet, in several cases it is better to avoid layout jittering; until now ArdourButton users manually set a static size on the button at creation time.

Introduce new API to set the text used for measuring the button size
separately from the text that will be displayed. In most cases this
enables the callers to replace

    set_size_request_to_display_given_text(button, text, w, h);

where w and h were hard-coded to cater for other button elements, by


which will make ArdourButton correctly compute the size request in all
cases with its real elements and padding. ArdourButton users can call


to get the size request depend on displayed text (which is the default).
2016-08-20 16:00:46 +02:00

1249 lines
32 KiB

Copyright (C) 2010 Paul Davis
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
#include <pangomm/layout.h>
#include "pbd/compose.h"
#include "pbd/controllable.h"
#include "pbd/error.h"
#include "pbd/stacktrace.h"
#include "gtkmm2ext/utils.h"
#include "gtkmm2ext/rgb_macros.h"
#include "gtkmm2ext/gui_thread.h"
#include "canvas/utils.h"
#include "canvas/colors.h"
#include "ardour_button.h"
#include "tooltips.h"
#include "ui_config.h"
#include "pbd/i18n.h"
#define BASELINESTRETCH (1.25)
#define TRACKHEADERBTNW (3.10)
using namespace Gdk;
using namespace Gtk;
using namespace Glib;
using namespace PBD;
using namespace ARDOUR_UI_UTILS;
using std::max;
using std::min;
using namespace std;
ArdourButton::Element ArdourButton::default_elements = ArdourButton::Element (ArdourButton::Edge|ArdourButton::Body|ArdourButton::Text);
ArdourButton::Element ArdourButton::led_default_elements = ArdourButton::Element (ArdourButton::default_elements|ArdourButton::Indicator);
ArdourButton::Element ArdourButton::just_led_default_elements = ArdourButton::Element (ArdourButton::Edge|ArdourButton::Body|ArdourButton::Indicator);
ArdourButton::ArdourButton (Element e)
: _elements (e)
, _icon (Gtkmm2ext::ArdourIcon::NoIcon)
, _tweaks (Tweaks (0))
, _char_pixel_width (0)
, _char_pixel_height (0)
, _char_avg_pixel_width (0)
, _text_width (0)
, _text_height (0)
, _diameter (0)
, _corner_radius (2.5)
, _corner_mask (0xf)
, _angle(0)
, _xalign(.5)
, _yalign(.5)
, fill_inactive_color (0)
, fill_active_color (0)
, text_active_color(0)
, text_inactive_color(0)
, led_active_color(0)
, led_inactive_color(0)
, led_custom_color (0)
, use_custom_led_color (false)
, convex_pattern (0)
, concave_pattern (0)
, led_inset_pattern (0)
, _led_rect (0)
, _act_on_release (true)
, _led_left (false)
, _distinct_led_click (false)
, _hovering (false)
, _focused (false)
, _fixed_colors_set (false)
, _fallthrough_to_parent (false)
, _layout_ellipsize_width (-1)
, _ellipsis (Pango::ELLIPSIZE_NONE)
, _update_colors (true)
, _pattern_height (0)
, _sizing_text("")
UIConfiguration::instance().ColorsChanged.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ArdourButton::color_handler));
/* This is not provided by gtkmm */
signal_grab_broken_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ArdourButton::on_grab_broken_event));
ArdourButton::ArdourButton (const std::string& str, Element e)
: _elements (e)
, _tweaks (Tweaks (0))
, _char_pixel_width (0)
, _char_pixel_height (0)
, _char_avg_pixel_width (0)
, _text_width (0)
, _text_height (0)
, _diameter (0)
, _corner_radius (2.5)
, _corner_mask (0xf)
, _angle(0)
, _xalign(.5)
, _yalign(.5)
, fill_inactive_color (0)
, fill_active_color (0)
, text_active_color(0)
, text_inactive_color(0)
, led_active_color(0)
, led_inactive_color(0)
, led_custom_color (0)
, use_custom_led_color (false)
, convex_pattern (0)
, concave_pattern (0)
, led_inset_pattern (0)
, _led_rect (0)
, _act_on_release (true)
, _led_left (false)
, _distinct_led_click (false)
, _hovering (false)
, _focused (false)
, _fixed_colors_set (false)
, _fallthrough_to_parent (false)
, _layout_ellipsize_width (-1)
, _ellipsis (Pango::ELLIPSIZE_NONE)
, _update_colors (true)
, _pattern_height (0)
, _sizing_text("")
set_text (str);
UIConfiguration::instance().ColorsChanged.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ArdourButton::color_handler));
UIConfiguration::instance().DPIReset.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ArdourButton::on_name_changed));
/* This is not provided by gtkmm */
signal_grab_broken_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ArdourButton::on_grab_broken_event));
delete _led_rect;
if (convex_pattern) {
cairo_pattern_destroy (convex_pattern);
if (concave_pattern) {
cairo_pattern_destroy (concave_pattern);
if (led_inset_pattern) {
cairo_pattern_destroy (led_inset_pattern);
ArdourButton::set_layout_font (const Pango::FontDescription& fd)
ensure_layout ();
if (_layout) {
_layout->set_font_description (fd);
queue_resize ();
ArdourButton::set_text (const std::string& str)
if (_text == str) {
_text = str;
if (!is_realized()) {
ensure_layout ();
if (_layout && _layout->get_text() != _text) {
_layout->set_text (_text);
/* on_size_request() will fill in _text_width/height
* so queue it even if _sizing_text != "" */
queue_resize ();
ArdourButton::set_sizing_text (const std::string& str)
if (_sizing_text == str) {
_sizing_text = str;
if (!is_realized()) {
ensure_layout ();
if (_layout) {
queue_resize ();
ArdourButton::set_angle (const double angle)
_angle = angle;
ArdourButton::set_alignment (const float xa, const float ya)
_xalign = xa;
_yalign = ya;
/* TODO make this a dedicated function elsewhere.
* Option 1:
* virtual ArdourButton::render_vector_icon()
* ArdourIconButton::render_vector_icon
* Option 2:
* ARDOUR_UI_UTILS::render_vector_icon()
ArdourButton::render (cairo_t* cr, cairo_rectangle_t *)
uint32_t text_color;
uint32_t led_color;
const float corner_radius = std::max(2.f, _corner_radius * UIConfiguration::instance().get_ui_scale());
if (_update_colors) {
set_colors ();
if (get_height() != _pattern_height) {
build_patterns ();
if ( active_state() == Gtkmm2ext::ExplicitActive ) {
text_color = text_active_color;
led_color = led_active_color;
} else {
text_color = text_inactive_color;
led_color = led_inactive_color;
if (use_custom_led_color) {
led_color = led_custom_color;
void (*rounded_function)(cairo_t*, double, double, double, double, double);
switch (_corner_mask) {
case 0x1: /* upper left only */
rounded_function = Gtkmm2ext::rounded_top_left_rectangle;
case 0x2: /* upper right only */
rounded_function = Gtkmm2ext::rounded_top_right_rectangle;
case 0x3: /* upper only */
rounded_function = Gtkmm2ext::rounded_top_rectangle;
/* should really have functions for lower right, lower left,
lower only, but for now, we don't
rounded_function = Gtkmm2ext::rounded_rectangle;
// draw edge (filling a rect underneath, rather than stroking a border on top, allows the corners to be lighter-weight.
if ((_elements & (Body|Edge)) == (Body|Edge)) {
rounded_function (cr, 0, 0, get_width(), get_height(), corner_radius + 1.5);
cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0, 0, 0, 1);
// background fill
if ((_elements & Body)==Body) {
rounded_function (cr, 1, 1, get_width() - 2, get_height() - 2, corner_radius);
if (active_state() == Gtkmm2ext::ImplicitActive && !((_elements & Indicator)==Indicator)) {
ArdourCanvas::set_source_rgba (cr, fill_inactive_color);
cairo_fill (cr);
} else if ( (active_state() == Gtkmm2ext::ExplicitActive) && !((_elements & Indicator)==Indicator) ) {
//background color
ArdourCanvas::set_source_rgba (cr, fill_active_color);
cairo_fill (cr);
} else { //inactive, or it has an indicator
//background color
ArdourCanvas::set_source_rgba (cr, fill_inactive_color);
cairo_fill (cr);
// IMPLICIT ACTIVE: draw a border of the active color
if ((_elements & Body)==Body) {
if (active_state() == Gtkmm2ext::ImplicitActive && !((_elements & Indicator)==Indicator)) {
cairo_set_line_width (cr, 2.0);
rounded_function (cr, 2, 2, get_width() - 4, get_height() - 4, corner_radius-0.5);
ArdourCanvas::set_source_rgba (cr, fill_active_color);
cairo_stroke (cr);
//show the "convex" or "concave" gradient
if (!_flat_buttons && (_elements & Body)==Body) {
if ( active_state() == Gtkmm2ext::ExplicitActive && ( !((_elements & Indicator)==Indicator) || use_custom_led_color) ) {
cairo_set_source (cr, concave_pattern);
Gtkmm2ext::rounded_rectangle (cr, 1, 1, get_width() - 2, get_height() - 2, corner_radius);
cairo_fill (cr);
} else {
cairo_set_source (cr, convex_pattern);
Gtkmm2ext::rounded_rectangle (cr, 1, 1, get_width() - 2, get_height() - 2, corner_radius);
cairo_fill (cr);
//Pixbuf, if any
if (_pixbuf) {
double x = rint((get_width() - _pixbuf->get_width()) * .5);
const double y = rint((get_height() - _pixbuf->get_height()) * .5);
#if 0 // DEBUG style (print on hover)
if (_hovering || (_elements & Inactive)) {
printf("%s: p:%dx%d (%dx%d)\n",
_pixbuf->get_width(), _pixbuf->get_height(),
get_width(), get_height());
if (_elements & Menu) {
//if this is a DropDown with an icon, then we need to
//move the icon left slightly to accomomodate the arrow
x -= _diameter - 2;
cairo_rectangle (cr, x, y, _pixbuf->get_width(), _pixbuf->get_height());
gdk_cairo_set_source_pixbuf (cr, _pixbuf->gobj(), x, y);
cairo_fill (cr);
else /* VectorIcons are exclusive to Pixbuf Icons */
if (_elements & VectorIcon) {
Gtkmm2ext::ArdourIcon::render (cr, _icon, get_width(), get_height(), active_state(), text_color);
const int text_margin = char_pixel_width();
// Text, if any
if (!_pixbuf && ((_elements & Text)==Text) && !_text.empty()) {
#if 0 // DEBUG style (print on hover)
if (_hovering || (_elements & Inactive)) {
bool layout_font = true;
Pango::FontDescription fd = _layout->get_font_description();
if (fd.gobj() == NULL) {
layout_font = false;
fd = get_pango_context()->get_font_description();
printf("%s: f:%dx%d aw:%.3f bh:%.0f t:%dx%d (%dx%d) %s\"%s\"\n",
char_pixel_width(), char_pixel_height(), char_avg_pixel_width(),
ceil(char_pixel_height() * BASELINESTRETCH),
_text_width, _text_height,
get_width(), get_height(),
layout_font ? "L:" : "W:",
cairo_save (cr);
cairo_rectangle (cr, 2, 1, get_width() - 4, get_height() - 2);
cairo_new_path (cr);
ArdourCanvas::set_source_rgba (cr, text_color);
const double text_ypos = (get_height() - _text_height) * .5;
if (_elements & Menu) {
// always left align (dropdown)
cairo_move_to (cr, text_margin, text_ypos);
pango_cairo_show_layout (cr, _layout->gobj());
} else if ( (_elements & Indicator) == Indicator) {
// left/right align depending on LED position
if (_led_left) {
cairo_move_to (cr, text_margin + _diameter + .5 * char_pixel_width(), text_ypos);
} else {
cairo_move_to (cr, text_margin, text_ypos);
pango_cairo_show_layout (cr, _layout->gobj());
} else {
/* centered text otherwise */
double ww, wh;
double xa, ya;
ww = get_width();
wh = get_height();
cairo_save (cr);
cairo_rotate(cr, _angle * M_PI / 180.0);
cairo_device_to_user(cr, &ww, &wh);
xa = (ww - _text_width) * _xalign;
ya = (wh - _text_height) * _yalign;
/* quick hack for left/bottom alignment at -90deg
* TODO this should be generalized incl rotation.
* currently only 'user' of this API is meter_strip.cc
if (_xalign < 0) xa = ceil(.5 + (ww * fabs(_xalign) + text_margin));
cairo_move_to (cr, xa, ya);
pango_cairo_update_layout(cr, _layout->gobj());
pango_cairo_show_layout (cr, _layout->gobj());
cairo_restore (cr);
cairo_restore (cr);
//Menu "triangle"
if (_elements & Menu) {
const float trih = ceil(_diameter * .5);
const float triw2 = ceil(.577 * _diameter * .5); // 1/sqrt(3) Equilateral triangle
//menu arrow
cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 1, 1, 1, 0.4);
cairo_move_to(cr, get_width() - triw2 - 3. , rint((get_height() + trih) * .5));
cairo_rel_line_to(cr, -triw2, -trih);
cairo_rel_line_to(cr, 2. * triw2, 0);
cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 1, 1, 1, 0.4);
cairo_move_to(cr, get_width() - triw2 - 3 , rint((get_height() + trih) * .5));
cairo_rel_line_to(cr, .5 - triw2, .5 - trih);
cairo_rel_line_to(cr, 2. * triw2 - 1, 0);
cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0, 0, 0, 0.8);
cairo_set_line_width(cr, 1);
//Indicator LED
if (_elements & Indicator) {
cairo_save (cr);
/* move to the center of the indicator/led */
if (_elements & Text) {
int led_xoff = ceil(char_pixel_width() + _diameter * .5);
if (_led_left) {
cairo_translate (cr, led_xoff, get_height() * .5);
} else {
cairo_translate (cr, get_width() - led_xoff, get_height() * .5);
} else {
cairo_translate (cr, get_width() * .5, get_height() * .5);
if (!_flat_buttons) {
cairo_arc (cr, 0, 0, _diameter * .5, 0, 2 * M_PI);
cairo_set_source (cr, led_inset_pattern);
cairo_fill (cr);
//black ring
cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0, 0, 0);
cairo_arc (cr, 0, 0, _diameter * .5 - 1 * UIConfiguration::instance().get_ui_scale(), 0, 2 * M_PI);
//led color
ArdourCanvas::set_source_rgba (cr, led_color);
cairo_arc (cr, 0, 0, _diameter * .5 - 3 * UIConfiguration::instance().get_ui_scale(), 0, 2 * M_PI);
cairo_restore (cr);
// a transparent overlay to indicate insensitivity
if ((visual_state() & Gtkmm2ext::Insensitive)) {
rounded_function (cr, 0, 0, get_width(), get_height(), corner_radius);
uint32_t ins_color = UIConfiguration::instance().color ("gtk_background");
ArdourCanvas::set_source_rgb_a (cr, ins_color, 0.6);
cairo_fill (cr);
// if requested, show hovering
if (UIConfiguration::instance().get_widget_prelight()
&& !((visual_state() & Gtkmm2ext::Insensitive))) {
if (_hovering) {
rounded_function (cr, 1, 1, get_width() - 2, get_height() - 2, corner_radius);
cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0.905, 0.917, 0.925, 0.2);
cairo_fill (cr);
//user is currently pressing the button. dark outline helps to indicate this
if (_grabbed && !(_elements & (Inactive|Menu))) {
rounded_function (cr, 1, 1, get_width() - 2, get_height() - 2, corner_radius);
cairo_set_line_width(cr, 2);
cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, .5);
cairo_stroke (cr);
//some buttons (like processor boxes) can be selected (so they can be deleted). Draw a selection indicator
if (visual_state() & Gtkmm2ext::Selected) {
cairo_set_line_width(cr, 1);
cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 1, 0, 0, 0.8);
rounded_function (cr, 0.5, 0.5, get_width() - 1, get_height() - 1, corner_radius);
cairo_stroke (cr);
//I guess this means we have keyboard focus. I don't think this works currently
//A: yes, it's keyboard focus and it does work when there's no editor window
// (the editor is always the first receiver for KeyDown).
// It's needed for eg. the engine-dialog at startup or after closing a sesion.
if (_focused) {
rounded_function (cr, 1.5, 1.5, get_width() - 3, get_height() - 3, corner_radius);
cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0.905, 0.917, 0.925, 0.8);
double dashes = 1;
cairo_set_dash (cr, &dashes, 1, 0);
cairo_set_line_cap (cr, CAIRO_LINE_CAP_BUTT);
cairo_set_line_width (cr, 1.0);
cairo_stroke (cr);
cairo_set_dash (cr, 0, 0, 0);
ArdourButton::set_corner_radius (float r)
_corner_radius = r;
CairoWidget::set_dirty ();
CairoWidget::on_realize ();
ensure_layout ();
if (_layout) {
if (_layout->get_text() != _text) {
_layout->set_text (_text);
queue_resize ();
ArdourButton::on_size_request (Gtk::Requisition* req)
req->width = req->height = 0;
CairoWidget::on_size_request (req);
if (_diameter == 0) {
const float newdia = rintf (11.f * UIConfiguration::instance().get_ui_scale());
if (_diameter != newdia) {
_pattern_height = 0;
_diameter = newdia;
if (_elements & Text) {
_layout->set_text (_text);
/* render() needs the size of the displayed text */
_layout->get_pixel_size (_text_width, _text_height);
if (_tweaks & OccasionalText) {
/* size should not change based on presence or absence
* of text.
} else { //if (!_text.empty() || !_sizing_text.empty()) {
req->height = std::max(req->height, (int) ceil(char_pixel_height() * BASELINESTRETCH + 1.0));
req->width += rint(1.75 * char_pixel_width()); // padding
if (!_sizing_text.empty()) {
_layout->set_text (_sizing_text); /* use sizing text */
int sizing_text_width = 0, sizing_text_height = 0;
_layout->get_pixel_size (sizing_text_width, sizing_text_height);
req->width += sizing_text_width;
if (!_sizing_text.empty()) {
_layout->set_text (_text); /* restore display text */
/* XXX hack (surprise). Deal with two common rotation angles */
if (_angle == 90 || _angle == 270) {
/* do not swap text width or height because we rely on
these being the un-rotated values in ::render()
swap (req->width, req->height);
} else {
_text_width = 0;
_text_height = 0;
if (_pixbuf) {
req->width += _pixbuf->get_width() + char_pixel_width();
req->height = std::max(req->height, _pixbuf->get_height() + 4);
if (_elements & Indicator) {
req->width += lrint (_diameter) + char_pixel_width();
req->height = std::max (req->height, (int) lrint (_diameter) + 4);
if ((_elements & Menu)) {
req->width += _diameter + 4;
if (_elements & VectorIcon) {
assert(!(_elements & Text));
const int wh = std::max (6., std::max (rint (TRACKHEADERBTNW * char_avg_pixel_width()), ceil (char_pixel_height() * BASELINESTRETCH + 1.)));
req->width += wh;
req->height = std::max(req->height, wh);
/* Tweaks to mess the nice stuff above up again. */
if (_tweaks & TrackHeader) {
// forget everything above and just use a fixed square [em] size
// "TrackHeader Buttons" are single letter (usually uppercase)
// a SizeGroup is much less efficient (lots of gtk work under the hood for each track)
const int wh = std::max (rint (TRACKHEADERBTNW * char_avg_pixel_width()), ceil (char_pixel_height() * BASELINESTRETCH + 1.));
req->width = wh;
req->height = wh;
else if (_tweaks & Square) {
// currerntly unused (again)
if (req->width < req->height)
req->width = req->height;
if (req->height < req->width)
req->height = req->width;
} else if (_text_width > 0 && !(_elements & (Menu | Indicator))) {
// properly centered text for those elements that are centered
// (no sub-pixel offset)
if ((req->width - _text_width) & 1) { ++req->width; }
if ((req->height - _text_height) & 1) { ++req->height; }
#if 0
printf("REQ: %s: %dx%d\n", get_name().c_str(), req->width, req->height);
* This sets the colors used for rendering based on the name of the button, and
* thus uses information from the GUI config data.
ArdourButton::set_colors ()
_update_colors = false;
if (_fixed_colors_set == 0x3) {
std::string name = get_name();
bool failed = false;
if (!(_fixed_colors_set & 0x1)) {
fill_active_color = UIConfiguration::instance().color (string_compose ("%1: fill active", name), &failed);
if (failed) {
fill_active_color = UIConfiguration::instance().color ("generic button: fill active");
if (!(_fixed_colors_set & 0x2)) {
fill_inactive_color = UIConfiguration::instance().color (string_compose ("%1: fill", name), &failed);
if (failed) {
fill_inactive_color = UIConfiguration::instance().color ("generic button: fill");
text_active_color = ArdourCanvas::contrasting_text_color (fill_active_color);
text_inactive_color = ArdourCanvas::contrasting_text_color (fill_inactive_color);
led_active_color = UIConfiguration::instance().color (string_compose ("%1: led active", name), &failed);
if (failed) {
led_active_color = UIConfiguration::instance().color ("generic button: led active");
/* The inactive color for the LED is just a fairly dark version of the
* active color.
ArdourCanvas::HSV inactive (led_active_color);
inactive.v = 0.35;
led_inactive_color = inactive.color ();
* This sets the colors used for rendering based on two fixed values, rather
* than basing them on the button name, and thus information in the GUI config
* data.
void ArdourButton::set_fixed_colors (const uint32_t color_active, const uint32_t color_inactive)
set_active_color (color_active);
set_inactive_color (color_inactive);
void ArdourButton::set_active_color (const uint32_t color)
_fixed_colors_set |= 0x1;
fill_active_color = color;
unsigned char r, g, b, a;
UINT_TO_RGBA(color, &r, &g, &b, &a);
double white_contrast = (max (double(r), 255.) - min (double(r), 255.)) +
(max (double(g), 255.) - min (double(g), 255.)) +
(max (double(b), 255.) - min (double(b), 255.));
double black_contrast = (max (double(r), 0.) - min (double(r), 0.)) +
(max (double(g), 0.) - min (double(g), 0.)) +
(max (double(b), 0.) - min (double(b), 0.));
text_active_color = (white_contrast > black_contrast) ?
RGBA_TO_UINT(255, 255, 255, 255) : /* use white */
RGBA_TO_UINT( 0, 0, 0, 255); /* use black */
/* XXX what about led colors ? */
CairoWidget::set_dirty ();
void ArdourButton::set_inactive_color (const uint32_t color)
_fixed_colors_set |= 0x2;
fill_inactive_color = color;
unsigned char r, g, b, a;
UINT_TO_RGBA(color, &r, &g, &b, &a);
double white_contrast = (max (double(r), 255.) - min (double(r), 255.)) +
(max (double(g), 255.) - min (double(g), 255.)) +
(max (double(b), 255.) - min (double(b), 255.));
double black_contrast = (max (double(r), 0.) - min (double(r), 0.)) +
(max (double(g), 0.) - min (double(g), 0.)) +
(max (double(b), 0.) - min (double(b), 0.));
text_inactive_color = (white_contrast > black_contrast) ?
RGBA_TO_UINT(255, 255, 255, 255) : /* use white */
RGBA_TO_UINT( 0, 0, 0, 255); /* use black */
/* XXX what about led colors ? */
CairoWidget::set_dirty ();
ArdourButton::build_patterns ()
if (convex_pattern) {
cairo_pattern_destroy (convex_pattern);
convex_pattern = 0;
if (concave_pattern) {
cairo_pattern_destroy (concave_pattern);
concave_pattern = 0;
if (led_inset_pattern) {
cairo_pattern_destroy (led_inset_pattern);
led_inset_pattern = 0;
//convex gradient
convex_pattern = cairo_pattern_create_linear (0.0, 0, 0.0, get_height());
cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba (convex_pattern, 0.0, 0,0,0, 0.0);
cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba (convex_pattern, 1.0, 0,0,0, 0.35);
//concave gradient
concave_pattern = cairo_pattern_create_linear (0.0, 0, 0.0, get_height());
cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba (concave_pattern, 0.0, 0,0,0, 0.5);
cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba (concave_pattern, 0.7, 0,0,0, 0.0);
led_inset_pattern = cairo_pattern_create_linear (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, _diameter);
cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba (led_inset_pattern, 0, 0,0,0, 0.4);
cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba (led_inset_pattern, 1, 1,1,1, 0.7);
_pattern_height = get_height() ;
ArdourButton::set_led_left (bool yn)
_led_left = yn;
ArdourButton::on_button_press_event (GdkEventButton *ev)
focus_handler (this);
if (ev->button == 1 && (_elements & Indicator) && _led_rect && _distinct_led_click) {
if (ev->x >= _led_rect->x && ev->x < _led_rect->x + _led_rect->width &&
ev->y >= _led_rect->y && ev->y < _led_rect->y + _led_rect->height) {
return true;
if (binding_proxy.button_press_handler (ev)) {
return true;
_grabbed = true;
CairoWidget::set_dirty ();
if (ev->button == 1 && !_act_on_release) {
if (_action) {
_action->activate ();
return true;
if (_fallthrough_to_parent)
return false;
return true;
ArdourButton::on_button_release_event (GdkEventButton *ev)
if (ev->button == 1 && _hovering && (_elements & Indicator) && _led_rect && _distinct_led_click) {
if (ev->x >= _led_rect->x && ev->x < _led_rect->x + _led_rect->width &&
ev->y >= _led_rect->y && ev->y < _led_rect->y + _led_rect->height) {
signal_led_clicked(ev); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
return true;
_grabbed = false;
CairoWidget::set_dirty ();
if (ev->button == 1 && _hovering) {
signal_clicked ();
if (_act_on_release) {
if (_action) {
_action->activate ();
return true;
if (_fallthrough_to_parent)
return false;
return true;
ArdourButton::set_distinct_led_click (bool yn)
_distinct_led_click = yn;
setup_led_rect ();
ArdourButton::color_handler ()
_update_colors = true;
CairoWidget::set_dirty ();
ArdourButton::on_size_allocate (Allocation& alloc)
CairoWidget::on_size_allocate (alloc);
setup_led_rect ();
ArdourButton::set_controllable (boost::shared_ptr<Controllable> c)
watch_connection.disconnect ();
binding_proxy.set_controllable (c);
ArdourButton::watch ()
boost::shared_ptr<Controllable> c (binding_proxy.get_controllable ());
if (!c) {
warning << _("button cannot watch state of non-existing Controllable\n") << endmsg;
c->Changed.connect (watch_connection, invalidator(*this), boost::bind (&ArdourButton::controllable_changed, this), gui_context());
ArdourButton::controllable_changed ()
float val = binding_proxy.get_controllable()->get_value();
if (fabs (val) >= 0.5f) {
set_active_state (Gtkmm2ext::ExplicitActive);
} else {
unset_active_state ();
CairoWidget::set_dirty ();
ArdourButton::set_related_action (RefPtr<Action> act)
Gtkmm2ext::Activatable::set_related_action (act);
if (_action) {
action_tooltip_changed ();
Glib::RefPtr<ToggleAction> tact = Glib::RefPtr<ToggleAction>::cast_dynamic (_action);
if (tact) {
action_toggled ();
tact->signal_toggled().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ArdourButton::action_toggled));
_action->connect_property_changed ("sensitive", sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ArdourButton::action_sensitivity_changed));
_action->connect_property_changed ("visible", sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ArdourButton::action_visibility_changed));
_action->connect_property_changed ("tooltip", sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ArdourButton::action_tooltip_changed));
ArdourButton::action_toggled ()
Glib::RefPtr<ToggleAction> tact = Glib::RefPtr<ToggleAction>::cast_dynamic (_action);
if (tact) {
if (tact->get_active()) {
set_active_state (Gtkmm2ext::ExplicitActive);
} else {
unset_active_state ();
ArdourButton::on_style_changed (const RefPtr<Gtk::Style>&)
_update_colors = true;
CairoWidget::set_dirty ();
ArdourButton::on_name_changed ()
_char_pixel_width = 0;
_char_pixel_height = 0;
_diameter = 0;
_update_colors = true;
if (is_realized()) {
queue_resize ();
ArdourButton::setup_led_rect ()
if (!(_elements & Indicator)) {
delete _led_rect;
_led_rect = 0;
if (!_led_rect) {
_led_rect = new cairo_rectangle_t;
if (_elements & Text) {
if (_led_left) {
_led_rect->x = char_pixel_width();
} else {
_led_rect->x = get_width() - char_pixel_width() + _diameter;
} else {
/* centered */
_led_rect->x = .5 * get_width() - _diameter;
_led_rect->y = .5 * (get_height() - _diameter);
_led_rect->width = _diameter;
_led_rect->height = _diameter;
ArdourButton::set_image (const RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf>& img)
_pixbuf = img;
if (is_realized()) {
queue_resize ();
ArdourButton::set_active_state (Gtkmm2ext::ActiveState s)
bool changed = (_active_state != s);
CairoWidget::set_active_state (s);
if (changed) {
_update_colors = true;
CairoWidget::set_dirty ();
ArdourButton::set_visual_state (Gtkmm2ext::VisualState s)
bool changed = (_visual_state != s);
CairoWidget::set_visual_state (s);
if (changed) {
_update_colors = true;
CairoWidget::set_dirty ();
ArdourButton::on_focus_in_event (GdkEventFocus* ev)
_focused = true;
CairoWidget::set_dirty ();
return CairoWidget::on_focus_in_event (ev);
ArdourButton::on_focus_out_event (GdkEventFocus* ev)
_focused = false;
CairoWidget::set_dirty ();
return CairoWidget::on_focus_out_event (ev);
ArdourButton::on_key_release_event (GdkEventKey *ev) {
if (_focused &&
(ev->keyval == GDK_space || ev->keyval == GDK_Return))
if (_action) {
_action->activate ();
return true;
return CairoWidget::on_key_release_event (ev);
ArdourButton::on_enter_notify_event (GdkEventCrossing* ev)
_hovering = (_elements & Inactive) ? false : true;
if (UIConfiguration::instance().get_widget_prelight()) {
CairoWidget::set_dirty ();
return CairoWidget::on_enter_notify_event (ev);
ArdourButton::on_leave_notify_event (GdkEventCrossing* ev)
_hovering = false;
if (UIConfiguration::instance().get_widget_prelight()) {
CairoWidget::set_dirty ();
return CairoWidget::on_leave_notify_event (ev);
ArdourButton::on_grab_broken_event(GdkEventGrabBroken* grab_broken_event) {
/* Our implicit grab due to a button_press was broken by another grab:
* the button will not get any button_release event if the mouse leaves
* while the grab is taken, so unpress ourselves */
_grabbed = false;
CairoWidget::set_dirty ();
return true;
ArdourButton::set_tweaks (Tweaks t)
if (_tweaks != t) {
_tweaks = t;
if (is_realized()) {
queue_resize ();
ArdourButton::action_sensitivity_changed ()
if (_action->property_sensitive ()) {
set_visual_state (Gtkmm2ext::VisualState (visual_state() & ~Gtkmm2ext::Insensitive));
} else {
set_visual_state (Gtkmm2ext::VisualState (visual_state() | Gtkmm2ext::Insensitive));
ArdourButton::set_layout_ellipsize_width (int w)
if (_layout_ellipsize_width == w) {
_layout_ellipsize_width = w;
if (!_layout) {
if (_layout_ellipsize_width > 3 * PANGO_SCALE) {
_layout->set_width (_layout_ellipsize_width - 3 * PANGO_SCALE);
if (is_realized ()) {
queue_resize ();
ArdourButton::set_text_ellipsize (Pango::EllipsizeMode e)
if (_ellipsis == e) {
_ellipsis = e;
if (!_layout) {
if (_layout_ellipsize_width > 3 * PANGO_SCALE) {
_layout->set_width (_layout_ellipsize_width - 3 * PANGO_SCALE);
if (is_realized ()) {
queue_resize ();
ArdourButton::ensure_layout ()
if (!_layout) {
ensure_style ();
_layout = Pango::Layout::create (get_pango_context());
if (_layout_ellipsize_width > 3 * PANGO_SCALE) {
_layout->set_width (_layout_ellipsize_width - 3* PANGO_SCALE);
ArdourButton::recalc_char_pixel_geometry ()
if (_char_pixel_height > 0 && _char_pixel_width > 0) {
// NB. this is not static, since the geometry is different
// depending on the font used.
int w, h;
std::string x = _("ABCDEFGHIJLKMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789");
_layout->set_text (x);
_layout->get_pixel_size (w, h);
_char_pixel_height = std::max(4, h);
// number of actual chars in the string (not bytes)
// Glib to the rescue.
Glib::ustring gx(x);
_char_avg_pixel_width = w / (float)gx.size();
_char_pixel_width = std::max(4, (int) ceil (_char_avg_pixel_width));
_layout->set_text (_text);
ArdourButton::action_visibility_changed ()
if (_action->property_visible ()) {
show ();
} else {
hide ();
ArdourButton::action_tooltip_changed ()
string str = _action->property_tooltip().get_value();
set_tooltip (*this, str);
ArdourButton::set_elements (Element e)
_elements = e;
CairoWidget::set_dirty ();
ArdourButton::add_elements (Element e)
_elements = (ArdourButton::Element) (_elements | e);
CairoWidget::set_dirty ();
ArdourButton::set_icon (Gtkmm2ext::ArdourIcon::Icon i)
_icon = i;
_elements = (ArdourButton::Element) ((_elements | ArdourButton::VectorIcon) & ~ArdourButton::Text);
CairoWidget::set_dirty ();
ArdourButton::set_custom_led_color (uint32_t c, bool useit)
if (led_custom_color == c && use_custom_led_color == useit) {
led_custom_color = c;
use_custom_led_color = useit;
CairoWidget::set_dirty ();