
744 lines
20 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Carl Hetherington <carl@carlh.net>
* Copyright (C) 2010-2017 Paul Davis <paul@linuxaudiosystems.com>
* Copyright (C) 2013 John Emmas <john@creativepost.co.uk>
* Copyright (C) 2013 Tim Mayberry <mojofunk@gmail.com>
* Copyright (C) 2015-2019 Robin Gareus <robin@gareus.org>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#include <cmath>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "pbd/compose.h"
#include "pbd/debug_rt_alloc.h"
#include "pbd/pthread_utils.h"
#include "temporal/superclock.h"
#include "temporal/tempo.h"
#include "ardour/audioengine.h"
#include "ardour/debug.h"
#include "ardour/graph.h"
#include "ardour/io_plug.h"
#include "ardour/process_thread.h"
#include "ardour/route.h"
#include "ardour/rt_task.h"
#include "ardour/rt_tasklist.h"
#include "ardour/session.h"
#include "ardour/types.h"
#include "pbd/i18n.h"
using namespace ARDOUR;
using namespace PBD;
using namespace std;
static Graph* graph = 0;
extern "C" {
alloc_allowed ()
return !graph->in_process_thread ();
Graph::Graph (Session& session)
: SessionHandleRef (session)
, _execution_sem ("graph_execution", 0)
, _callback_start_sem ("graph_start", 0)
, _callback_done_sem ("graph_done", 0)
, _graph_empty (true)
, _graph_chain (0)
_terminal_refcnt.store (0);
_terminate.store (0);
_n_workers.store (0);
_idle_thread_cnt.store (0);
_trigger_queue_size.store (0);
/* pre-allocate memory */
_trigger_queue.reserve (1024);
ARDOUR::AudioEngine::instance ()->Running.connect_same_thread (engine_connections, boost::bind (&Graph::reset_thread_list, this));
ARDOUR::AudioEngine::instance ()->Stopped.connect_same_thread (engine_connections, boost::bind (&Graph::engine_stopped, this));
ARDOUR::AudioEngine::instance ()->Halted.connect_same_thread (engine_connections, boost::bind (&Graph::engine_stopped, this));
reset_thread_list ();
graph = this;
pbd_alloc_allowed = &::alloc_allowed;
Graph::engine_stopped ()
#ifndef NDEBUG
cerr << "Graph::engine_stopped. n_thread: " << AudioEngine::instance ()->process_thread_count () << endl;
if (AudioEngine::instance ()->process_thread_count () != 0) {
drop_threads ();
/** Set up threads for running the graph */
Graph::reset_thread_list ()
uint32_t num_threads = how_many_dsp_threads ();
uint32_t n_workers = _n_workers.load();
/* don't bother doing anything here if we already have the right
* number of threads.
if (AudioEngine::instance ()->process_thread_count () == num_threads) {
Glib::Threads::Mutex::Lock lm (_session.engine ().process_lock ());
if (n_workers > 0) {
drop_threads ();
/* Allow threads to run */
_terminate.store (0);
if (AudioEngine::instance ()->create_process_thread (boost::bind (&Graph::main_thread, this)) != 0) {
throw failed_constructor ();
for (uint32_t i = 1; i < num_threads; ++i) {
if (AudioEngine::instance ()->create_process_thread (boost::bind (&Graph::helper_thread, this))) {
throw failed_constructor ();
while (_n_workers.load() + 1 != num_threads) {
sched_yield ();
Graph::n_threads () const
return 1 + _n_workers.load();
Graph::session_going_away ()
drop_threads ();
/* now drop all references on the nodes. */
_trigger_queue_size.store (0);
_trigger_queue.clear ();
_graph_chain = 0;
Graph::drop_threads ()
/* Flag threads to terminate */
_terminate.store (1);
/* Wake-up sleeping threads */
uint32_t tc = _idle_thread_cnt.load();
assert (tc == _n_workers.load());
for (guint i = 0; i < tc; ++i) {
_execution_sem.signal ();
/* and the main thread */
_callback_start_sem.signal ();
/* join process threads */
AudioEngine::instance ()->join_process_threads ();
_n_workers.store (0);
_idle_thread_cnt.store (0);
/* signal main process thread if it's waiting for an already terminated thread */
_callback_done_sem.signal ();
/* reset semaphores.
* This is somewhat ugly, yet if a thread is killed (e.g jackd terminates
* abnormally), some semaphores are still unlocked.
#ifndef NDEBUG
int d1 = _execution_sem.reset ();
int d2 = _callback_start_sem.reset ();
int d3 = _callback_done_sem.reset ();
cerr << "Graph::drop_threads() sema-counts: " << d1 << ", " << d2 << ", " << d3 << endl;
_execution_sem.reset ();
_callback_start_sem.reset ();
_callback_done_sem.reset ();
Graph::prep ()
if (!_graph_chain) {
_graph_empty = true;
node_list_t::iterator i;
for (auto const& i : _graph_chain->_nodes_rt) {
i->prep (_graph_chain);
_graph_empty = false;
assert (_trigger_queue_size.load() == 0);
assert (_graph_empty != (_graph_chain->_n_terminal_nodes > 0));
if (_trigger_queue.capacity () < _graph_chain->_nodes_rt.size ()) {
_trigger_queue.reserve (_graph_chain->_nodes_rt.size ());
_terminal_refcnt.store (_graph_chain->_n_terminal_nodes);
/* Trigger the initial nodes for processing, which are the ones at the `input' end */
for (auto const& i : _graph_chain->_init_trigger_list) {
_trigger_queue_size.fetch_add (1);
_trigger_queue.push_back (i.get ());
Graph::trigger (ProcessNode* n)
_trigger_queue_size.fetch_add (1);
_trigger_queue.push_back (n);
/** Called when a node at the `output' end of the chain (ie one that has no-one to feed)
* is finished.
Graph::reached_terminal_node ()
if (PBD::atomic_dec_and_test (_terminal_refcnt)) {
/* We have run all the nodes that are at the `output' end of
* the graph, so there is nothing more to do this time around.
assert (_trigger_queue_size.load() == 0);
/* Notify caller */
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::ProcessThreads, string_compose ("%1 cycle done.\n", pthread_name ()));
_callback_done_sem.signal ();
/* Ensure that all background threads are idle.
* When freewheeling there may be an immediate restart:
* If there are more threads than CPU cores, some worker-
* threads may only be "on the way" to become idle.
uint32_t n_workers = _n_workers.load();
while (_idle_thread_cnt.load() != n_workers) {
sched_yield ();
/* Block until the a process callback */
_callback_start_sem.wait ();
if (_terminate.load ()) {
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::ProcessThreads, string_compose ("%1 prepare new cycle.\n", pthread_name ()));
/* Prepare next cycle:
* - Reset terminal reference count
* - queue initial nodes
prep ();
if (_graph_empty && !_terminate.load ()) {
goto again;
/* .. continue in worker-thread */
/** Called by both the main thread and all helpers. */
Graph::run_one ()
ProcessNode* to_run = NULL;
if (_terminate.load ()) {
if (_trigger_queue.pop_front (to_run)) {
/* Wake up idle threads, but at most as many as there's
* work in the trigger queue that can be processed by
* other threads.
* This thread as not yet decreased _trigger_queue_size.
uint32_t idle_cnt = _idle_thread_cnt.load();
uint32_t work_avail = _trigger_queue_size.load();
uint32_t wakeup = std::min (idle_cnt + 1, work_avail);
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::ProcessThreads, string_compose ("%1 signals %2 threads\n", pthread_name (), wakeup));
for (guint i = 1; i < wakeup; ++i) {
_execution_sem.signal ();
while (!to_run) {
/* Wait for work, fall asleep */
_idle_thread_cnt.fetch_add (1);
assert (_idle_thread_cnt.load() <= _n_workers.load());
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::ProcessThreads, string_compose ("%1 goes to sleep\n", pthread_name ()));
_execution_sem.wait ();
if (_terminate.load ()) {
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::ProcessThreads, string_compose ("%1 is awake\n", pthread_name ()));
PBD::atomic_dec_and_test (_idle_thread_cnt);
/* Try to find some work to do */
_trigger_queue.pop_front (to_run);
/* Update the thread-local tempo map ptr.
* Doing this here is problematic, since it can result in each thread,
* using a different tempo-map in a given cycle. And even different maps
* in the same cycle for different routes.
Temporal::TempoMap::fetch ();
/* Process the graph-node */
PBD::atomic_dec_and_test (_trigger_queue_size);
to_run->run (_graph_chain);
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::ProcessThreads, string_compose ("%1 has finished run_one()\n", pthread_name ()));
Graph::helper_thread ()
_n_workers.fetch_add (1);
uint32_t id = _n_workers.load();
/* This is needed for ARDOUR::Session requests called from rt-processors
* in particular Lua scripts may do cross-thread calls */
if (!SessionEvent::has_per_thread_pool ()) {
char name[64];
snprintf (name, 64, "RT-%u-%p", id, (void*)DEBUG_THREAD_SELF);
pthread_set_name (name);
SessionEvent::create_per_thread_pool (name, 64);
PBD::notify_event_loops_about_thread_creation (pthread_self (), name, 64);
suspend_rt_malloc_checks ();
ProcessThread* pt = new ProcessThread ();
resume_rt_malloc_checks ();
pt->get_buffers ();
while (!_terminate.load ()) {
run_one ();
pt->drop_buffers ();
delete pt;
/** Here's the main graph thread */
Graph::main_thread ()
/* first time setup */
suspend_rt_malloc_checks ();
ProcessThread* pt = new ProcessThread ();
/* This is needed for ARDOUR::Session requests called from rt-processors
* in particular Lua scripts may do cross-thread calls */
if (!SessionEvent::has_per_thread_pool ()) {
char name[64];
snprintf (name, 64, "RT-main-%p", (void*)DEBUG_THREAD_SELF);
pthread_set_name (name);
SessionEvent::create_per_thread_pool (name, 64);
PBD::notify_event_loops_about_thread_creation (pthread_self (), name, 64);
resume_rt_malloc_checks ();
pt->get_buffers ();
/* Wait for initial process callback */
_callback_start_sem.wait ();
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::ProcessThreads, "main thread is awake\n");
if (_terminate.load ()) {
pt->drop_buffers ();
delete (pt);
/* Bootstrap the trigger-list
* (later this is done by Graph_reached_terminal_node) */
prep ();
if (_graph_empty && !_terminate.load ()) {
_callback_done_sem.signal ();
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::ProcessThreads, "main thread sees graph done, goes back to sleep\n");
goto again;
/* After setup, the main-thread just becomes a normal worker */
while (!_terminate.load ()) {
run_one ();
pt->drop_buffers ();
delete (pt);
Graph::process_routes (std::shared_ptr<GraphChain> chain, pframes_t nframes, samplepos_t start_sample, samplepos_t end_sample, bool& need_butler)
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::ProcessThreads, string_compose ("graph execution from %1 to %2 = %3\n", start_sample, end_sample, nframes));
if (_terminate.load ()) {
return 0;
_graph_chain = chain.get ();
_process_nframes = nframes;
_process_start_sample = start_sample;
_process_end_sample = end_sample;
_process_mode = Roll;
_process_retval = 0;
_process_need_butler = false;
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::ProcessThreads, "wake graph for non-silent process\n");
_callback_start_sem.signal ();
_callback_done_sem.wait ();
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::ProcessThreads, "graph execution complete\n");
need_butler = _process_need_butler;
return _process_retval;
Graph::routes_no_roll (std::shared_ptr<GraphChain> chain, pframes_t nframes, samplepos_t start_sample, samplepos_t end_sample, bool non_rt_pending)
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::ProcessThreads, string_compose ("no-roll graph execution from %1 to %2 = %3\n", start_sample, end_sample, nframes));
if (_terminate.load ()) {
return 0;
_graph_chain = chain.get ();
_process_nframes = nframes;
_process_start_sample = start_sample;
_process_end_sample = end_sample;
_process_mode = NoRoll;
_process_retval = 0;
_process_need_butler = false;
_process_non_rt_pending = non_rt_pending;
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::ProcessThreads, "wake graph for no-roll process\n");
_callback_start_sem.signal ();
_callback_done_sem.wait ();
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::ProcessThreads, "graph execution complete\n");
return _process_retval;
Graph::silence_routes (std::shared_ptr<GraphChain> chain, pframes_t nframes)
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::ProcessThreads, string_compose ("silence graph execution from %1 for = %2\n", nframes));
if (_terminate.load ()) {
return 0;
_graph_chain = chain.get ();
_process_nframes = nframes;
_process_mode = Silence;
_process_retval = 0;
_process_need_butler = false;
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::ProcessThreads, "wake graph for silence process\n");
_callback_start_sem.signal ();
_callback_done_sem.wait ();
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::ProcessThreads, "graph execution complete\n");
return _process_retval;
Graph::process_io_plugs (std::shared_ptr<GraphChain> chain, pframes_t nframes, samplepos_t start_sample)
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::ProcessThreads, string_compose ("IOPlug graph execution at %1 for %2\n", start_sample, nframes));
if (_terminate.load ()) {
return 0;
_graph_chain = chain.get ();
_process_nframes = nframes;
_process_start_sample = start_sample;
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::ProcessThreads, "wake graph for IOPlug processing\n");
_callback_start_sem.signal ();
_callback_done_sem.wait ();
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::ProcessThreads, "graph execution complete\n");
return _process_retval;
Graph::process_one_route (Route* route)
bool need_butler = false;
int retval;
assert (route);
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::ProcessThreads, string_compose ("%1 runs route %2\n", pthread_name (), route->name ()));
switch (_process_mode) {
case Roll:
retval = route->roll (_process_nframes, _process_start_sample, _process_end_sample, need_butler);
case NoRoll:
retval = route->no_roll (_process_nframes, _process_start_sample, _process_end_sample, _process_non_rt_pending);
case Silence:
retval = 0;
route->silence (_process_nframes);
if (retval) {
_process_retval = retval;
if (need_butler) {
_process_need_butler = true; // -> atomic
Graph::process_one_ioplug (IOPlug* ioplug)
ioplug->connect_and_run (_process_start_sample, _process_nframes);
Graph::in_process_thread () const
return AudioEngine::instance ()->in_process_thread ();
/* ****************************************************************************/
Graph::process_tasklist (RTTaskList const& rt)
assert (_trigger_queue_size.load() == 0);
std::vector<RTTask> const& tasks = rt.tasks ();
if (tasks.empty ()) {
_trigger_queue_size.store (tasks.size ());
_terminal_refcnt.store (tasks.size ());
_graph_empty = false;
for (auto const& t : tasks) {
_trigger_queue.push_back (const_cast<RTTask*>(&t));
_graph_chain = 0;
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::ProcessThreads, "wake graph for RTTask processing\n");
_callback_start_sem.signal ();
_callback_done_sem.wait ();
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::ProcessThreads, "graph execution complete\n");
/* ****************************************************************************/
GraphChain::GraphChain (GraphNodeList const& nodelist, GraphEdges const& edges)
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Graph, string_compose ("GraphChain constructed in thread:%1\n", pthread_name ()));
/* This will become the number of nodes that do not feed any other node;
* once we have processed this number of those nodes, we have finished.
_n_terminal_nodes = 0;
/* copy nodelist to _nodes_rt, prepare GraphNodes for this graph */
for (auto const& ni : nodelist) {
RCUWriter<GraphActivision::ActivationMap> wa (ni->_activation_set);
RCUWriter<GraphActivision::RefCntMap> wr (ni->_init_refcount);
std::shared_ptr<GraphActivision::ActivationMap> ma (wa.get_copy ());
std::shared_ptr<GraphActivision::RefCntMap> mr (wr.get_copy ());
(*mr)[this] = 0;
(*ma)[this].clear ();
_nodes_rt.push_back (ni);
/* now add refs for the connections. */
for (auto const& ni : _nodes_rt) {
/* The nodes that are directly fed by ni */
set<GraphVertex> fed_from_r = edges.from (ni);
/* Hence whether ni has an output, or is otherwise a terminal node */
bool const has_output = !fed_from_r.empty ();
/* Set up ni's activation set */
if (has_output) {
std::shared_ptr<GraphActivision::ActivationMap const> m (ni->_activation_set.reader ());
for (auto const& i : fed_from_r) {
auto mm = const_cast<GraphActivision::ActivationMap*> (&(*m));
auto it = (*mm)[this].insert (i);
assert (it.second);
/* Increment the refcount of any node that we directly feed */
std::shared_ptr<GraphActivision::RefCntMap const> a ((*it.first)->_init_refcount.reader ());
auto aa = const_cast<GraphActivision::RefCntMap*> (&(*a));
(*aa)[this] += 1;
/* ni has an input if there are some incoming edges to r in the graph */
bool const has_input = !edges.has_none_to (ni);
if (!has_input) {
/* no input, so this node needs to be triggered initially to get things going */
_init_trigger_list.push_back (ni);
if (!has_output) {
/* no output, so this is one of the nodes that we can count off to decide
* if we've finished
_n_terminal_nodes += 1;
dump ();
GraphChain::~GraphChain ()
/* clear chain */
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Graph, string_compose ("~GraphChain destroyed in thread:%1\n", pthread_name ()));
for (auto const& ni : _nodes_rt) {
RCUWriter<GraphActivision::ActivationMap> wa (ni->_activation_set);
RCUWriter<GraphActivision::RefCntMap> wr (ni->_init_refcount);
std::shared_ptr<GraphActivision::ActivationMap> ma (wa.get_copy ());
std::shared_ptr<GraphActivision::RefCntMap> mr (wr.get_copy ());
mr->erase (this);
ma->erase (this);
GraphChain::plot (std::string const& file_name) const
node_list_t::const_iterator ni;
node_set_t::const_iterator ai;
stringstream ss;
ss << "digraph {\n";
ss << " node [shape = ellipse];\n";
for (auto const& ni : _nodes_rt) {
std::string sn = string_compose ("%1 (%2)", ni->graph_node_name (), ni->init_refcount (this));
if (ni->init_refcount (this) == 0 && ni->activation_set (this).size () == 0) {
ss << " \"" << sn << "\"[style=filled,fillcolor=gold1];\n";
} else if (ni->init_refcount (this) == 0) {
ss << " \"" << sn << "\"[style=filled,fillcolor=lightskyblue1];\n";
} else if (ni->activation_set (this).size () == 0) {
ss << " \"" << sn << "\"[style=filled,fillcolor=aquamarine2];\n";
for (auto const& ai : ni->activation_set (this)) {
std::string dn = string_compose ("%1 (%2)", ai->graph_node_name (), ai->init_refcount (this));
bool sends_only = false;
ni->direct_feeds_according_to_reality (ai, &sends_only);
if (sends_only) {
ss << " edge [style=dashed];\n";
ss << " \"" << sn << "\" -> \"" << dn << "\"\n";
if (sends_only) {
ss << " edge [style=solid];\n";
ss << "}\n";
GError* err = NULL;
if (!g_file_set_contents (file_name.c_str (), ss.str ().c_str (), -1, &err)) {
if (err) {
error << string_compose (_("Could not graph to file (%1)"), err->message) << endmsg;
g_error_free (err);
return false;
return true;
GraphChain::dump () const
#ifndef NDEBUG
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Graph, "--8<-- Graph dump ----------------------------\n");
for (auto const& ni : _nodes_rt) {
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Graph, string_compose ("GraphNode: %1 refcount: %2\n", ni->graph_node_name (), ni->init_refcount (this)));
for (auto const& ai : ni->activation_set (this)) {
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Graph, string_compose (" triggers: %1\n", ai->graph_node_name ()));
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Graph, " --- trigger list ---\n");
for (auto const& ni : _init_trigger_list) {
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Graph, string_compose ("GraphNode: %1 refcount: %2\n", ni->graph_node_name (), ni->init_refcount (this)));
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Graph, string_compose ("final activation refcount: %1\n", _n_terminal_nodes));
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Graph, "-->8-- END Graph dump ------------------------\n");