David Robillard 60454cc8dc Split pretty much the entire GUI in 3. Audio and Midi "editor strips" and
associated stuff are now separated (with common things in base classes).

Extremely dirty and in progress, but builds, runs, and audio/midi tracks/busses
all look (and really are) distinct in the GUI.

git-svn-id: svn://localhost/ardour2/branches/midi@691 d708f5d6-7413-0410-9779-e7cbd77b26cf
2006-07-23 12:03:19 +00:00

304 lines
7.8 KiB

Copyright (C) 2003 Paul Davis
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#ifndef __ardour_gtk_time_axis_h__
#define __ardour_gtk_time_axis_h__
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <gtkmm/box.h>
#include <gtkmm/frame.h>
#include <gtkmm/eventbox.h>
#include <gtkmm/table.h>
#include <gtkmm/entry.h>
#include <gtkmm/label.h>
#include <ardour/types.h>
#include <ardour/region.h>
#include "prompter.h"
#include "axis_view.h"
#include "enums.h"
#include "editing.h"
#include "canvas.h"
#include "color.h"
namespace ARDOUR {
class Session;
class Region;
class Session;
class RouteGroup;
class Playlist;
namespace Gtk {
class Menu;
class PublicEditor;
class RegionSelection;
class TimeSelection;
class PointSelection;
class TimeAxisViewItem;
class Selection;
class Selectable;
/** Abstract base class for time-axis views (horizontal editor 'strips')
* This class provides the basic LHS controls and display methods. This should be
* extended to create functional time-axis based views.
class TimeAxisView : public virtual AxisView
enum NamePackingBits {
NameLabelPacked = 0x1,
NameEntryPacked = 0x2
enum TrackHeight {
static uint32_t hLargest;
static uint32_t hLarge;
static uint32_t hLarger;
static uint32_t hNormal;
static uint32_t hSmaller;
static uint32_t hSmall;
static uint32_t height_to_pixels (TrackHeight);
TimeAxisView(ARDOUR::Session& sess, PublicEditor& ed, TimeAxisView* parent, ArdourCanvas::Canvas& canvas);
virtual ~TimeAxisView ();
/* public data: XXX create accessor/mutators for these ?? */
PublicEditor& editor;
TrackHeight height_style;
uint32_t height; /* in canvas units */
uint32_t effective_height; /* in canvas units */
double y_position;
int order;
ArdourCanvas::Group *canvas_display;
Gtk::VBox *control_parent;
/* The Standard LHS Controls */
Gtk::Frame controls_frame;
Gtk::HBox controls_hbox;
Gtk::EventBox controls_lhs_pad;
Gtk::Table controls_table;
Gtk::EventBox controls_ebox;
Gtk::VBox controls_vbox;
Gtk::HBox name_hbox;
Gtk::Frame name_frame;
Gtk::Entry name_entry;
void hide_name_label ();
void hide_name_entry ();
void show_name_label ();
void show_name_entry ();
/** Display this TrackView as the nth component of the parent box, at y.
* @param y
* @param nth
* @param parent the parent component
* @return the height of this TrackView
virtual guint32 show_at (double y, int& nth, Gtk::VBox *parent);
bool touched (double top, double bot);
/** Hides this TrackView */
virtual void hide ();
bool hidden() const { return _hidden; }
virtual void set_selected (bool);
* potential handler for entered events
virtual void entered () {}
virtual void exited () {}
virtual void set_height (TrackHeight h);
void reset_height();
/** Steps through the defined heights for this TrackView.
* Sets bigger to true to step up in size, set to fals eot step smaller.
* @param bigger true if stepping should increase in size, false otherwise
virtual void step_height (bool bigger);
virtual ARDOUR::RouteGroup* edit_group() const { return 0; }
virtual ARDOUR::Playlist* playlist() const { return 0; }
virtual void set_samples_per_unit (double);
virtual void show_selection (TimeSelection&);
virtual void hide_selection ();
virtual void reshow_selection (TimeSelection&);
virtual void show_timestretch (jack_nframes_t start, jack_nframes_t end);
virtual void hide_timestretch ();
virtual void hide_dependent_views (TimeAxisViewItem&) {}
virtual void reveal_dependent_views (TimeAxisViewItem&) {}
/* editing operations */
virtual bool cut_copy_clear (Selection&, Editing::CutCopyOp) { return false; }
virtual bool paste (jack_nframes_t, float times, Selection&, size_t nth) { return false; }
virtual void set_selected_regionviews (RegionSelection&) {}
virtual void set_selected_points (PointSelection&) {}
virtual ARDOUR::Region* find_next_region (jack_nframes_t pos, ARDOUR::RegionPoint, int32_t dir) {
return 0;
void order_selection_trims (ArdourCanvas::Item *item, bool put_start_on_top);
virtual void get_selectables (jack_nframes_t start, jack_nframes_t end, double top, double bot, list<Selectable*>& results);
virtual void get_inverted_selectables (Selection&, list<Selectable *>& results);
/* state/serialization management */
void set_parent (TimeAxisView& p);
bool has_state () const;
virtual void set_state (const XMLNode&);
virtual XMLNode* get_state_node () { return 0; }
/* call this on the parent */
virtual XMLNode* get_child_xml_node (const string & childname) { return 0; }
string controls_base_unselected_name;
string controls_base_selected_name;
bool name_entry_button_press (GdkEventButton *ev);
bool name_entry_button_release (GdkEventButton *ev);
bool name_entry_key_release (GdkEventKey *ev);
void name_entry_activated ();
sigc::connection name_entry_key_timeout;
bool name_entry_key_timed_out ();
guint32 last_name_entry_key_press_event;
/* derived classes can override these */
virtual void name_entry_changed ();
virtual bool name_entry_focus_in (GdkEventFocus *ev);
virtual bool name_entry_focus_out (GdkEventFocus *ev);
/** Handle mouse relaese on our LHS control name ebox.
*@ param ev the event
virtual bool controls_ebox_button_release (GdkEventButton *ev);
virtual bool controls_ebox_scroll (GdkEventScroll *ev);
/** Display the standard LHS control menu at when.
* @param when the popup activation time
virtual void popup_display_menu (guint32 when);
/** Build the standard LHS control menu.
* Subclasses should extend this method to add their own menu options.
virtual void build_display_menu ();
/** Do whatever needs to be done to dynamically reset the LHS control menu.
virtual bool handle_display_menu_map_event (GdkEventAny *ev) { return false; }
/** Build the standard LHS control size menu for the default heights options.
virtual void build_size_menu();
/** Displays the standard LHS controls size menu for the track heights
* @param when the popup activation time
void popup_size_menu(guint32 when);
/** Handle the size option of our main menu.
* @param ev the event
gint size_click(GdkEventButton *ev);
/* The standard LHS Track control popup-menus */
Gtk::Menu *display_menu;
Gtk::Menu *size_menu;
Gtk::Label name_label;
TimeAxisView* parent;
/** Find the parent with state */
TimeAxisView* get_parent_with_state();
std::vector<TimeAxisView*> children;
bool is_child (TimeAxisView*);
void remove_child (TimeAxisView*);
void add_child (TimeAxisView*);
/* selection display */
ArdourCanvas::Group *selection_group;
list<SelectionRect*> free_selection_rects;
list<SelectionRect*> used_selection_rects;
SelectionRect* get_selection_rect(uint32_t id);
virtual void selection_click (GdkEventButton*);
bool _hidden;
bool _has_state;
NamePackingBits name_packing;
static void compute_controls_size_info ();
static bool need_size_info;
void set_height_pixels (uint32_t h);
void color_handler (ColorID, uint32_t);
}; /* class TimeAxisView */
#endif /* __ardour_gtk_time_axis_h__ */