Robin Gareus 4050ca5633
Update GPL boilerplate and (C)
Copyright-holder and year information is extracted from git log.

git history begins in 2005. So (C) from 1998..2005 is lost. Also some
(C) assignment of commits where the committer didn't use --author.
2019-08-03 15:53:15 +02:00

2101 lines
60 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Robin Gareus <robin@gareus.org>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <gtkmm/box.h>
#include <gtkmm/frame.h>
#include <gtkmm/label.h>
#include <gtkmm/messagedialog.h>
#include <gtkmm/separator.h>
#include <gtkmm/table.h>
#include "pbd/replace_all.h"
#include "gtkmm2ext/utils.h"
#include "gtkmm2ext/rgb_macros.h"
#include "gtkmm2ext/menu_elems.h"
#include "widgets/tooltips.h"
#include "ardour/amp.h"
#include "ardour/audioengine.h"
#include "ardour/pannable.h"
#include "ardour/plugin.h"
#include "ardour/port.h"
#include "ardour/profile.h"
#include "ardour/send.h"
#include "ardour/session.h"
#include "ardour/value_as_string.h"
#include "plugin_pin_dialog.h"
#include "gui_thread.h"
#include "timers.h"
#include "ui_config.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "pbd/i18n.h"
using namespace ARDOUR;
using namespace PBD;
using namespace std;
using namespace Gtk;
using namespace Gtkmm2ext;
using namespace ArdourWidgets;
PluginPinWidget::PluginPinWidget (boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::PluginInsert> pi)
: _set_config (_("Manual Config"), ArdourButton::led_default_elements)
, _tgl_sidechain (_("Sidechain"), ArdourButton::led_default_elements)
, _add_plugin (_("+"))
, _del_plugin (_("-"))
, _add_input_audio (_("+"))
, _del_input_audio (_("-"))
, _add_input_midi (_("+"))
, _del_input_midi (_("-"))
, _add_output_audio (_("+"))
, _del_output_audio (_("-"))
, _add_output_midi (_("+"))
, _del_output_midi (_("-"))
, _add_sc_audio (_("Audio"))
, _add_sc_midi (_("MIDI"))
, _pi (pi)
, _pin_box_size (10)
, _width (0)
, _height (0)
, _innerwidth (0)
, _margin_x (28)
, _margin_y (40)
, _min_width (300)
, _min_height (200)
, _n_inputs (0)
, _n_sidechains (0)
, _position_valid (false)
, _ignore_updates (false)
, _sidechain_selector (0)
, _dragging (false)
assert (pi->owner ()); // Route
_pi->PluginIoReConfigure.connect (
_plugin_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&PluginPinWidget::queue_idle_update, this), gui_context ()
_pi->PluginMapChanged.connect (
_plugin_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&PluginPinWidget::queue_idle_update, this), gui_context ()
_pi->PluginConfigChanged.connect (
_plugin_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&PluginPinWidget::queue_idle_update, this), gui_context ()
_pin_box_size = 2 * ceil (max (8., 10. * UIConfiguration::instance ().get_ui_scale ()) * .5);
_margin_x = 2 * ceil (max (24., 28. * UIConfiguration::instance ().get_ui_scale ()) * .5);
_margin_y = 2 * ceil (max (36., 40. * UIConfiguration::instance ().get_ui_scale ()) * .5);
_tgl_sidechain.set_name ("pinrouting sidechain");
_set_config.set_name ("pinrouting custom");
Menu_Helpers::MenuList& citems = reset_menu.items ();
reset_menu.set_name ("ArdourContextMenu");
citems.clear ();
citems.push_back (Menu_Helpers::MenuElem (_("Reset"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginPinWidget::reset_mapping)));
_pm_size_group = SizeGroup::create (SIZE_GROUP_BOTH);
_add_plugin.set_tweaks (ArdourButton::Square);
_del_plugin.set_tweaks (ArdourButton::Square);
if (_pi->plugin (0)->get_info()->reconfigurable_io ()) {
_pm_size_group->add_widget (_add_input_audio);
_pm_size_group->add_widget (_del_input_audio);
_pm_size_group->add_widget (_add_input_midi);
_pm_size_group->add_widget (_del_input_midi);
} else {
_pm_size_group->add_widget (_add_plugin);
_pm_size_group->add_widget (_del_plugin);
_pm_size_group->add_widget (_add_output_audio);
_pm_size_group->add_widget (_del_output_audio);
_pm_size_group->add_widget (_add_output_midi);
_pm_size_group->add_widget (_del_output_midi);
Box* box;
Frame *f;
VBox* tl = manage (new VBox ());
tl->set_border_width (2);
tl->set_spacing (2);
VBox* tr = manage (new VBox ());
tr->set_border_width (2);
tr->set_spacing (2);
/* left side */
tl->pack_start (_set_config, false, false);
if (_pi->plugin (0)->get_info()->reconfigurable_io ()) {
box = manage (new HBox ());
box->set_border_width (2);
box->pack_start (_add_input_audio, true, false);
box->pack_start (_del_input_audio, true, false);
f = manage (new Frame ());
f->set_label (_("Audio Input Pins"));
f->add (*box);
tl->pack_start (*f, false, false);
box = manage (new HBox ());
box->set_border_width (2);
box->pack_start (_add_input_midi, true, false);
box->pack_start (_del_input_midi, true, false);
f = manage (new Frame ());
f->set_label (_("MIDI Input Pins"));
f->add (*box);
tl->pack_start (*f, false, false);
} else {
box = manage (new HBox ());
box->set_border_width (2);
box->pack_start (_add_plugin, true, false);
box->pack_start (_del_plugin, true, false);
f = manage (new Frame ());
f->set_label (_("Instances"));
f->add (*box);
tl->pack_start (*f, false, false);
box = manage (new HBox ());
box->set_border_width (2);
box->pack_start (_add_output_audio, true, false);
box->pack_start (_del_output_audio, true, false);
f = manage (new Frame ());
f->set_label (_("Audio Out"));
f->add (*box);
tl->pack_start (*f, false, false);
box = manage (new HBox ());
box->set_border_width (2);
box->pack_start (_add_output_midi, true, false);
box->pack_start (_del_output_midi, true, false);
f = manage (new Frame ());
f->set_label (_("MIDI Out"));
f->add (*box);
tl->pack_start (*f, false, false);
tl->pack_start (*manage (new Label ("")), true, true); // invisible separator
tl->pack_start (*manage (new HSeparator ()), false, false, 4);
_out_presets.disable_scrolling ();
ArdourWidgets::set_tooltip (_out_presets, _("Output Presets"));
tl->pack_start (_out_presets, false, false);
/* right side */
_sidechain_tbl = manage (new Gtk::Table ());
_sidechain_tbl->set_spacings (2);
tr->pack_start (_tgl_sidechain, false, false);
tr->pack_start (*_sidechain_tbl, true, true);
box = manage (new VBox ());
box->set_border_width (2);
box->set_spacing (2);
box->pack_start (_add_sc_audio, false, false);
box->pack_start (_add_sc_midi , false, false);
f = manage (new Frame ());
f->set_label (_("Add Sidechain Input"));
f->add (*box);
tr->pack_start (*f, false, false);
/* global packing */
HBox* hbox = manage (new HBox ());
hbox->set_spacing (4);
hbox->pack_start (*tl, false, false);
hbox->pack_start (darea, true, true);
hbox->pack_start (*tr, false, false);
pack_start (*hbox, true, true);
set_border_width (4);
show_all ();
plugin_reconfigured ();
darea.signal_size_request ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginPinWidget::darea_size_request));
darea.signal_size_allocate ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginPinWidget::darea_size_allocate));
darea.signal_expose_event ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginPinWidget::darea_expose_event));
darea.signal_button_press_event ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginPinWidget::darea_button_press_event));
darea.signal_button_release_event ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginPinWidget::darea_button_release_event));
darea.signal_motion_notify_event ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginPinWidget::darea_motion_notify_event));
_tgl_sidechain.signal_clicked.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginPinWidget::toggle_sidechain));
_set_config.signal_clicked.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginPinWidget::reset_configuration));
_add_plugin.signal_clicked.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginPinWidget::add_remove_plugin_clicked), true));
_del_plugin.signal_clicked.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginPinWidget::add_remove_plugin_clicked), false));
_add_input_audio.signal_clicked.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginPinWidget::add_remove_inpin_clicked), true, DataType::AUDIO));
_del_input_audio.signal_clicked.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginPinWidget::add_remove_inpin_clicked), false, DataType::AUDIO));
_add_input_midi.signal_clicked.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginPinWidget::add_remove_inpin_clicked), true, DataType::MIDI));
_del_input_midi.signal_clicked.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginPinWidget::add_remove_inpin_clicked), false, DataType::MIDI));
_add_output_audio.signal_clicked.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginPinWidget::add_remove_port_clicked), true, DataType::AUDIO));
_del_output_audio.signal_clicked.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginPinWidget::add_remove_port_clicked), false, DataType::AUDIO));
_add_output_midi.signal_clicked.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginPinWidget::add_remove_port_clicked), true, DataType::MIDI));
_del_output_midi.signal_clicked.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginPinWidget::add_remove_port_clicked), false, DataType::MIDI));
_add_sc_audio.signal_clicked.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginPinWidget::add_sidechain_port), DataType::AUDIO));
_add_sc_midi.signal_clicked.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginPinWidget::add_sidechain_port), DataType::MIDI));
AudioEngine::instance ()->PortConnectedOrDisconnected.connect (
_io_connection, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&PluginPinWidget::port_connected_or_disconnected, this, _1, _3), gui_context ()
PluginPinWidget::~PluginPinWidget ()
delete _sidechain_selector;
PluginPinWidget::set_session (ARDOUR::Session *s)
SessionHandlePtr::set_session (s);
plugin_reconfigured ();
PluginPinWidget::queue_idle_update ()
/* various actions here are directly executed, in the GUI thread,
* with the GUI-thread eventually taking the process and processor lock.
* "connect gui_context()" will call back immediately and this
* signal-handler will run with the locks held.
* This will lead to a crash with calling nth_send() which takes
* a processor read-lock while holding a write lock in the same thread.
* decouple update to GUI idle.
* BUT, do delete existing controls here (in case they're affected by
* the change and hit by the Timer before idle comes around)
for (list<Control*>::iterator i = _controls.begin (); i != _controls.end (); ++i) {
_sidechain_tbl->remove ((*i)->box);
delete *i;
_controls.clear ();
Glib::signal_idle().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PluginPinWidget::idle_update));
PluginPinWidget::idle_update ()
plugin_reconfigured ();
return false;
PluginPinWidget::error_message_dialog (std::string const& msg) const
assert (_session);
Gtk::MessageDialog d (
_session->actively_recording () ? _("Cannot perform operation while actively recording.") : msg
, false, Gtk::MESSAGE_WARNING, Gtk::BUTTONS_OK, true);
PluginPinWidget::plugin_reconfigured ()
ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (*this, &PluginPinWidget::plugin_reconfigured);
if (_ignore_updates) {
_n_plugins = _pi->get_count ();
_pi->configured_io (_in, _out);
_ins = _pi->internal_streams (); // with sidechain
_sinks = _pi->natural_input_streams ();
_sources = _pi->natural_output_streams ();
_tgl_sidechain.set_active (_pi->has_sidechain ());
_add_sc_audio.set_sensitive (_pi->has_sidechain ());
_add_sc_midi.set_sensitive (_pi->has_sidechain ());
if (_pi->custom_cfg ()) {
_set_config.set_active (true);
_add_plugin.set_sensitive (true);
_del_plugin.set_sensitive (_n_plugins > 1);
_add_output_audio.set_sensitive (true);
_add_output_midi.set_sensitive (true);
_del_output_audio.set_sensitive (_out.n_audio () > 0 && _out.n_total () > 1);
_del_output_midi.set_sensitive (_out.n_midi () > 0 && _out.n_total () > 1);
_add_input_audio.set_sensitive (true);
_add_input_midi.set_sensitive (true);
_del_input_audio.set_sensitive (_sinks.n_audio () > 0 && _sinks.n_total () > 1);
_del_input_midi.set_sensitive (_sinks.n_midi () > 0 && _sinks.n_total () > 1);
_out_presets.set_sensitive (false);
_out_presets.set_text (_("Manual"));
} else {
_set_config.set_active (false);
_add_plugin.set_sensitive (false);
_del_plugin.set_sensitive (false);
_add_input_audio.set_sensitive (false);
_add_input_midi.set_sensitive (false);
_del_input_audio.set_sensitive (false);
_del_input_midi.set_sensitive (false);
_add_output_audio.set_sensitive (false);
_add_output_midi.set_sensitive (false);
_del_output_audio.set_sensitive (false);
_del_output_midi.set_sensitive (false);
_out_presets.set_sensitive (true);
refill_output_presets ();
if (!_pi->has_sidechain () && _sidechain_selector) {
delete _sidechain_selector;
_sidechain_selector = 0;
refill_sidechain_table ();
/* update elements */
_elements.clear ();
_hover.reset ();
_actor.reset ();
_selection.reset ();
_drag_dst.reset ();
_dragging = false;
_n_inputs = _n_sidechains = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _ins.n_total (); ++i) {
DataType dt = i < _ins.n_midi () ? DataType::MIDI : DataType::AUDIO;
uint32_t id = dt == DataType::MIDI ? i : i - _ins.n_midi ();
bool sidechain = id >= _in.get (dt) ? true : false;
if (sidechain) {
} else {
CtrlWidget cw (CtrlWidget ("", Input, dt, id, 0, sidechain));
_elements.push_back (cw);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _out.n_total (); ++i) {
int id = (i < _out.n_midi ()) ? i : i - _out.n_midi ();
_elements.push_back (CtrlWidget ("", Output, (i < _out.n_midi () ? DataType::MIDI : DataType::AUDIO), id));
_in_map.clear ();
_out_map.clear ();
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < _n_plugins; ++n) {
boost::shared_ptr<Plugin> plugin = _pi->plugin (n);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _sinks.n_total (); ++i) {
DataType dt (i < _sinks.n_midi () ? DataType::MIDI : DataType::AUDIO);
int idx = (dt == DataType::MIDI) ? i : i - _sinks.n_midi ();
const Plugin::IOPortDescription& iod (plugin->describe_io_port (dt, true, idx));
CtrlWidget cw (CtrlWidget (iod.name, Sink, dt, idx, n, iod.is_sidechain));
_elements.push_back (cw);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _sources.n_total (); ++i) {
DataType dt (i < _sources.n_midi () ? DataType::MIDI : DataType::AUDIO);
int idx = (dt == DataType::MIDI) ? i : i - _sources.n_midi ();
const Plugin::IOPortDescription& iod (plugin->describe_io_port (dt, false, idx));
_elements.push_back (CtrlWidget (iod.name, Source, dt, idx, n));
_in_map[n] = _pi->input_map (n);
_out_map[n] = _pi->output_map (n);
_has_midi_bypass = _pi->has_midi_bypass ();
_thru_map = _pi->thru_map ();
/* cache maps */
/* calc minimum size */
const uint32_t max_ports = std::max (_ins.n_total (), _out.n_total ());
const uint32_t max_pins = std::max ((_sinks * _n_plugins).n_total (), (_sources * _n_plugins).n_total ());
uint32_t min_width = std::max (25 * max_ports, (uint32_t)(20 + _pin_box_size) * max_pins);
min_width = std::max (min_width, (uint32_t)ceilf (_margin_y * .45 * _n_plugins * 16. / 9.)); // 16 : 9 aspect
min_width = std::max ((uint32_t)300, min_width);
min_width = 50 + 10 * ceilf (min_width / 10.f);
uint32_t min_height = 3.5 * _margin_y + 2 * (_n_sidechains + 1) * _pin_box_size;
min_height = std::max ((uint32_t)200, min_height);
min_height = 4 * ceilf (min_height / 4.f);
if (min_width != _min_width || min_height != _min_height) {
_min_width = min_width;
_min_height = min_height;
darea.queue_resize ();
_position_valid = false;
darea.queue_draw ();
PluginPinWidget::refill_sidechain_table ()
Table_Helpers::TableList& kids = _sidechain_tbl->children ();
for (Table_Helpers::TableList::iterator i = kids.begin (); i != kids.end ();) {
i = kids.erase (i);
_sidechain_tbl->resize (1, 1);
for (list<Control*>::iterator i = _controls.begin (); i != _controls.end (); ++i) {
delete *i;
_controls.clear ();
if (!_pi->has_sidechain () && _sidechain_selector) {
boost::shared_ptr<IO> io = _pi->sidechain_input ();
if (!io) {
uint32_t r = 0;
PortSet& p (io->ports ());
bool can_remove = p.num_ports () > 1;
for (PortSet::iterator i = p.begin (DataType::MIDI); i != p.end (DataType::MIDI); ++i) {
r += add_port_to_table (*i, r, can_remove);
for (PortSet::iterator i = p.begin (DataType::AUDIO); i != p.end (DataType::AUDIO); ++i) {
r += add_port_to_table (*i, r, can_remove);
_sidechain_tbl->show_all ();
PluginPinWidget::refill_output_presets ()
using namespace Menu_Helpers;
_out_presets.clear_items ();
bool need_dropdown = _pi->has_output_presets ();
if (!need_dropdown) {
_out_presets.set_sensitive (false);
_out_presets.set_text (_("Automatic"));
_out_presets.AddMenuElem (MenuElem (_("Automatic"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginPinWidget::select_output_preset), 0)));
const uint32_t n_audio = _pi->preset_out ().n_audio ();
if (n_audio == 0) {
_out_presets.set_text (_("Automatic"));
PluginOutputConfiguration ppc (_pi->plugin (0)->possible_output ());
if (ppc.find (0) != ppc.end ()) {
// anyting goes
ppc.clear ();
if (n_audio != 0) {
ppc.insert (n_audio);
ppc.insert (1);
ppc.insert (2);
ppc.insert (8);
ppc.insert (16);
ppc.insert (24);
ppc.insert (32);
for (PluginOutputConfiguration::const_iterator i = ppc.begin () ; i != ppc.end (); ++i) {
assert (*i > 0);
std::string tmp;
switch (*i) {
case 1:
tmp = _("Mono");
case 2:
tmp = _("Stereo");
tmp = string_compose (P_("%1 Channel", "%1 Channels", *i), *i);
_out_presets.AddMenuElem (MenuElem (tmp, sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginPinWidget::select_output_preset), *i)));
if (n_audio == *i) {
_out_presets.set_text (tmp);
PluginPinWidget::port_label (const std::string& portname, bool strip)
// compare to MixerStrip::update_io_button()
string lpn (PROGRAM_NAME);
boost::to_lower (lpn);
std::string program_port_prefix = lpn + ":"; // e.g. "ardour:"
std::string pn = AudioEngine::instance ()->get_pretty_name_by_name (portname);
if (!pn.empty ()) {
string::size_type slash = pn.find ("/");
if (slash != string::npos) {
pn = pn.substr (0, slash);
return pn;
std::string label (portname);
if (label.find ("system:capture_") == 0) {
if (label.empty ()) {
label = portname.substr (15);
} else if (label.find ("system:midi_capture_") == 0) {
if (label.empty ()) {
// "system:midi_capture_123" -> "123"
label = "M " + portname.substr (20);
} else if (label.find (program_port_prefix) == 0) {
label = label.substr (program_port_prefix.size ());
if (strip) {
string::size_type slash = label.find ("/");
if (slash != string::npos) {
label = label.substr (0, slash);
return label;
PluginPinWidget::add_port_to_table (boost::shared_ptr<Port> p, uint32_t r, bool can_remove)
std::string lbl;
std::string tip = Gtkmm2ext::markup_escape_text (p->name ());
std::vector<std::string> cns;
bool single_source = true;
p->get_connections (cns);
for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = cns.begin (); i != cns.end (); ++i) {
if (lbl.empty ()) {
lbl = port_label (*i, true);
if (port_label (*i, true) != lbl) {
lbl = "...";
single_source = false;
if (cns.size () == 0) {
lbl = "-";
single_source = false;
} else if (cns.size () == 1) {
tip += " &lt;- ";
lbl = port_label (cns[0], false);
} else {
tip += " &lt;- ";
replace_all (lbl, "_", " ");
for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = cns.begin (); i != cns.end (); ++i) {
tip += *i;
tip += " ";
ArdourButton *pb = manage (new ArdourButton (lbl));
pb->set_text_ellipsize (Pango::ELLIPSIZE_MIDDLE);
pb->set_layout_ellipsize_width (108 * PANGO_SCALE);
ArdourWidgets::set_tooltip (*pb, tip);
_sidechain_tbl->attach (*pb, 0, 1, r, r +1 , EXPAND|FILL, SHRINK);
pb->signal_button_press_event ().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginPinWidget::sc_input_press), boost::weak_ptr<Port> (p)), false);
pb->signal_button_release_event ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginPinWidget::sc_input_release), false);
pb = manage (new ArdourButton ("-"));
_sidechain_tbl->attach (*pb, 1, 2, r, r + 1, FILL, SHRINK);
if (can_remove) {
pb->signal_clicked.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginPinWidget::remove_port), boost::weak_ptr<Port> (p)));
} else {
pb->set_sensitive (false);
uint32_t rv = 1;
if (single_source && _session) {
/* check if it's an Ardour Send feeding.. */
boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::RouteList> routes = _session->get_routes ();
for (ARDOUR::RouteList::const_iterator i = routes->begin (); i != routes->end (); ++i) {
uint32_t nth = 0;
boost::shared_ptr<Processor> proc;
/* nth_send () takes a processor read-lock */
while ((proc = (*i)->nth_send (nth))) {
boost::shared_ptr<IOProcessor> send = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<IOProcessor> (proc);
if (!send || !send->output ()) {
if (!send->output ()->connected_to (p->name ())) {
/* if processor goes away, we're notified by the port disconnect,
* there should be no need to explicily connect to proc->DropReferences
set<Evoral::Parameter> p = proc->what_can_be_automated ();
for (set<Evoral::Parameter>::iterator i = p.begin (); i != p.end (); ++i) {
Control* c = new Control (proc->automation_control (*i), _("Send"));
_controls.push_back (c);
++r; ++rv;
_sidechain_tbl->attach (c->box, 0, 2, r, r + 1, EXPAND|FILL, SHRINK);
return rv;
PluginPinWidget::update_element_pos ()
/* layout sizes */
_innerwidth = _width - 2. * _margin_x;
const double yc = rint (_height * .5);
const double bxh2 = rint (_margin_y * .45); // TODO grow?
const double bxw = rint ((_innerwidth * .95) / ((_n_plugins) + .2 * (_n_plugins - 1)));
const double bxw2 = rint (bxw * .5);
const double y_in = _margin_y;
const double y_out = _height - _margin_y;
_bxw2 = bxw2;
_bxh2 = bxh2;
const double dx = _pin_box_size * .5;
uint32_t sc_cnt = 0;
for (CtrlElemList::iterator i = _elements.begin (); i != _elements.end (); ++i) {
switch (i->e->ct) {
case Input:
if (i->e->sc) {
i->x = _innerwidth + _margin_x - dx;
i->y = y_in + (sc_cnt + .5) * _pin_box_size;
i->h = _pin_box_size;
i->w = 1.5 * _pin_box_size;
++ sc_cnt;
} else {
uint32_t idx = i->e->id;
if (i->e->dt == DataType::AUDIO) { idx += _in.n_midi (); }
i->x = rint ((idx + 1) * _width / (1. + _n_inputs)) - 0.5 - dx;
i->w = _pin_box_size;
i->h = 1.5 * _pin_box_size;
i->y = y_in - i->h;
case Output:
uint32_t idx = i->e->id;
if (i->e->dt == DataType::AUDIO) { idx += _out.n_midi (); }
i->x = rint ((idx + 1) * _width / (1. + _out.n_total ())) - 0.5 - dx;
i->y = y_out;
i->w = _pin_box_size;
i->h = 1.5 * _pin_box_size;
case Sink:
uint32_t idx = i->e->id;
if (i->e->dt == DataType::AUDIO) { idx += _sinks.n_midi (); }
const double x0 = rint ((i->e->ip + .5) * _innerwidth / (double)(_n_plugins)) - .5 - bxw2;
i->x = _margin_x + rint (x0 + (idx + 1) * bxw / (1. + _sinks.n_total ())) - .5 - dx;
i->y = yc - bxh2 - dx;
i->w = _pin_box_size;
i->h = _pin_box_size;
case Source:
uint32_t idx = i->e->id;
if (i->e->dt == DataType::AUDIO) { idx += _sources.n_midi (); }
const double x0 = rint ((i->e->ip + .5) * _innerwidth / (double)(_n_plugins)) - .5 - bxw2;
i->x = _margin_x + rint (x0 + (idx + 1) * bxw / (1. + _sources.n_total ())) - .5 - dx;
i->y = yc + bxh2 - dx;
i->w = _pin_box_size;
i->h = _pin_box_size;
PluginPinWidget::set_color (cairo_t* cr, bool midi)
// see also gtk2_ardour/processor_box.cc
static const uint32_t audio_port_color = 0x4A8A0EFF; // Green
static const uint32_t midi_port_color = 0x960909FF; //Red
if (midi) {
cairo_set_source_rgb (cr,
UINT_RGBA_R_FLT (midi_port_color),
UINT_RGBA_G_FLT (midi_port_color),
UINT_RGBA_B_FLT (midi_port_color));
} else {
cairo_set_source_rgb (cr,
UINT_RGBA_R_FLT (audio_port_color),
UINT_RGBA_G_FLT (audio_port_color),
UINT_RGBA_B_FLT (audio_port_color));
PluginPinWidget::draw_io_pin (cairo_t* cr, const CtrlWidget& w)
if (w.e->sc) {
const double dy = w.h * .5;
const double dx = w.w - dy;
cairo_move_to (cr, w.x, w.y + dy);
cairo_rel_line_to (cr, dy, -dy);
cairo_rel_line_to (cr, dx, 0);
cairo_rel_line_to (cr, 0, w.h);
cairo_rel_line_to (cr, -dx, 0);
} else {
const double dir = (w.e->ct == Input) ? 1 : -1;
const double dx = w.w * .5;
const double dy = w.h - dx;
cairo_move_to (cr, w.x + dx, w.y + ((w.e->ct == Input) ? w.h : 0));
cairo_rel_line_to (cr, -dx, -dx * dir);
cairo_rel_line_to (cr, 0., -dy * dir);
cairo_rel_line_to (cr, 2. * dx, 0.);
cairo_rel_line_to (cr, 0., dy * dir);
cairo_close_path (cr);
cairo_set_line_width (cr, 1.0);
cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0, 0, 0);
cairo_stroke_preserve (cr);
set_color (cr, w.e->dt == DataType::MIDI);
if (w.e->sc) {
assert (w.e->ct == Input);
cairo_fill_preserve (cr);
cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.4);
if (w.e == _selection || w.e == _actor) {
cairo_fill_preserve (cr);
cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0, 0.6);
} else if (w.prelight) {
cairo_fill_preserve (cr);
cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.3);
cairo_fill (cr);
PluginPinWidget::draw_plugin_pin (cairo_t* cr, const CtrlWidget& w)
const double dx = w.w * .5;
const double dy = w.h * .5;
cairo_move_to (cr, w.x + dx, w.y);
cairo_rel_line_to (cr, -dx, dy);
cairo_rel_line_to (cr, dx, dy);
cairo_rel_line_to (cr, dx, -dy);
cairo_close_path (cr);
cairo_set_line_width (cr, 1.0);
cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0, 0, 0);
cairo_stroke_preserve (cr);
set_color (cr, w.e->dt == DataType::MIDI);
if (w.e->sc) {
assert (w.e->ct == Sink);
cairo_fill_preserve (cr);
cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.4);
if (w.e == _selection || w.e == _actor) {
cairo_fill_preserve (cr);
cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0, 0.6);
} else if (w.prelight) {
cairo_fill_preserve (cr);
cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.3);
cairo_fill (cr);
if ((w.prelight || w.e == _selection) && !w.name.empty ()) {
int text_width;
int text_height;
Glib::RefPtr<Pango::Layout> layout;
layout = Pango::Layout::create (get_pango_context ());
layout->set_text (w.name);
layout->get_pixel_size (text_width, text_height);
rounded_rectangle (cr, w.x + dx - .5 * text_width - 2, w.y - text_height - 2, text_width + 4, text_height + 2, 7);
cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0, 0, 0, .5);
cairo_fill (cr);
cairo_move_to (cr, w.x + dx - .5 * text_width, w.y - text_height - 1);
cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 1., 1., 1., 1.);
pango_cairo_show_layout (cr, layout->gobj ());
PluginPinWidget::pin_x_pos (uint32_t i, double x0, double width, uint32_t n_total, uint32_t n_midi, bool midi)
if (!midi) { i += n_midi; }
return rint (x0 + (i + 1) * width / (1. + n_total)) - .5;
const PluginPinWidget::CtrlWidget&
PluginPinWidget::get_io_ctrl (CtrlType ct, DataType dt, uint32_t id, uint32_t ip) const
for (CtrlElemList::const_iterator i = _elements.begin (); i != _elements.end (); ++i) {
if (i->e->ct == ct && i->e->dt == dt && i->e->id == id && i->e->ip == ip) {
return *i;
assert (0);
fatal << string_compose (_("programming error: %1"),
X_("Invalid Plugin I/O Port."))
<< endmsg;
abort (); /*NOTREACHED*/
static CtrlWidget screw_old_compilers ("", Input, DataType::NIL, 0);
return screw_old_compilers;
PluginPinWidget::edge_coordinates (const CtrlWidget& w, double &x, double &y)
switch (w.e->ct) {
case Input:
if (w.e->sc) {
x = w.x;
y = w.y + w.h * .5;
} else {
x = w.x + w.w * .5;
y = w.y + w.h;
case Output:
x = w.x + w.w * .5;
y = w.y;
case Sink:
x = w.x + w.w * .5;
y = w.y;
case Source:
x = w.x + w.w * .5;
y = w.y + w.h;
PluginPinWidget::draw_connection (cairo_t* cr, double x0, double x1, double y0, double y1, bool midi, bool horiz, bool dashed)
const double bz = 2 * _pin_box_size;
double bc = (dashed && x0 == x1) ? 1.25 * _pin_box_size : 0;
if (x0 > _width * .5) { bc *= -1; }
cairo_move_to (cr, x0, y0);
if (horiz) {
cairo_curve_to (cr, x0 - bz, y0 + bc, x1 - bc, y1 - bz, x1, y1);
} else {
cairo_curve_to (cr, x0 - bc, y0 + bz, x1 - bc, y1 - bz, x1, y1);
cairo_set_line_width (cr, 3.0);
cairo_set_line_cap (cr, CAIRO_LINE_CAP_ROUND);
cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 1, 0, 0);
if (dashed) {
const double dashes[] = { 5, 7 };
cairo_set_dash (cr, dashes, 2, 0);
set_color (cr, midi);
cairo_stroke (cr);
if (dashed) {
cairo_set_dash (cr, 0, 0, 0);
PluginPinWidget::draw_connection (cairo_t* cr, const CtrlWidget& w0, const CtrlWidget& w1, bool dashed)
double x0, x1, y0, y1;
edge_coordinates (w0, x0, y0);
edge_coordinates (w1, x1, y1);
assert (w0.e->dt == w1.e->dt);
draw_connection (cr, x0, x1, y0, y1, w0.e->dt == DataType::MIDI, w0.e->sc, dashed);
PluginPinWidget::darea_expose_event (GdkEventExpose* ev)
Gtk::Allocation a = darea.get_allocation ();
double const width = a.get_width ();
double const height = a.get_height ();
if (!_position_valid) {
_width = width;
_height = height;
update_element_pos ();
_position_valid = true;
cairo_t* cr = gdk_cairo_create (darea.get_window ()->gobj ());
cairo_rectangle (cr, ev->area.x, ev->area.y, ev->area.width, ev->area.height);
cairo_clip (cr);
Gdk::Color const bg = get_style ()->get_bg (STATE_NORMAL);
cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, bg.get_red_p (), bg.get_green_p (), bg.get_blue_p ());
cairo_rectangle (cr, 0, 0, width, height);
cairo_fill (cr);
const double yc = rint (_height * .5);
/* processor box */
rounded_rectangle (cr, _margin_x, _margin_y - _pin_box_size * .5, _innerwidth, _height - 2 * _margin_y + _pin_box_size, 7);
cairo_set_line_width (cr, 1.0);
cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, .1, .1, .3);
cairo_stroke_preserve (cr);
cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, .3, .3, .3);
cairo_fill (cr);
/* labels */
Glib::RefPtr<Pango::Layout> layout;
layout = Pango::Layout::create (get_pango_context ());
layout->set_ellipsize (Pango::ELLIPSIZE_MIDDLE);
layout->set_width (_height * PANGO_SCALE);
int text_width;
int text_height;
layout->set_text (_route ()->name ());
layout->get_pixel_size (text_width, text_height);
cairo_save (cr);
cairo_move_to (cr, .5 * (_margin_x - text_height), .5 * (_height + text_width));
cairo_rotate (cr, M_PI * -.5);
cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 1., 1., 1., 1.);
pango_cairo_show_layout (cr, layout->gobj ());
cairo_new_path (cr);
cairo_restore (cr);
layout->set_width ((_innerwidth - 2 * _pin_box_size) * PANGO_SCALE);
layout->set_text (_pi->name ());
layout->get_pixel_size (text_width, text_height);
cairo_move_to (cr, _margin_x + _innerwidth - text_width - _pin_box_size * .5, _height - _margin_y - text_height);
cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 1., 1., 1., 1.);
pango_cairo_show_layout (cr, layout->gobj ());
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (_pi->signal_latency () > 0 || !_pi->inplace()) {
layout->set_width ((_innerwidth - 2 * _pin_box_size) * PANGO_SCALE);
if (_pi->signal_latency () > 0 && !_pi->inplace()) {
layout->set_text (string_compose (_("Latency %1 spl%2 %3"), _pi->signal_latency (), ", ", _("no-inplace")));
} else if (_pi->signal_latency () > 0) {
layout->set_text (string_compose (_("Latency %1 spl"), _pi->signal_latency ()));
} else {
layout->set_text (_("no-inplace"));
layout->get_pixel_size (text_width, text_height);
cairo_move_to (cr, _margin_x + _pin_box_size * .5, _margin_y + 2);
cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 1., 1., 1., 1.);
pango_cairo_show_layout (cr, layout->gobj ());
if (_pi->strict_io () && !Profile->get_mixbus ()) {
layout->set_text (_("Strict I/O"));
layout->get_pixel_size (text_width, text_height);
const double sx0 = _margin_x + .5 * (_innerwidth - text_width);
const double sy0 = _height - 3 - text_height;
rounded_rectangle (cr, sx0 - 2, sy0 - 1, text_width + 4, text_height + 2, 7);
cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, .4, .3, .1, 1.);
cairo_fill (cr);
cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 1., 1., 1., 1.);
cairo_move_to (cr, sx0, sy0);
cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 1., 1., 1., 1.);
pango_cairo_show_layout (cr, layout->gobj ());
/* draw midi-bypass (behind) */
if (_has_midi_bypass) {
const CtrlWidget& cw0 = get_io_ctrl (Input, DataType::MIDI, 0);
const CtrlWidget& cw1 = get_io_ctrl (Output, DataType::MIDI, 0);
draw_connection (cr, cw0, cw1, true);
/* thru connections */
const ChanMapping::Mappings thru_map (_thru_map.mappings ());
for (ChanMapping::Mappings::const_iterator t = thru_map.begin (); t != thru_map.end (); ++t) {
for (ChanMapping::TypeMapping::const_iterator c = (*t).second.begin (); c != (*t).second.end () ; ++c) {
const CtrlWidget& cw0 = get_io_ctrl (Output, t->first, c->first);
const CtrlWidget& cw1 = get_io_ctrl (Input, t->first, c->second);
if (!(_dragging && cw1.e == _selection && cw0.e == _drag_dst)) {
draw_connection (cr, cw1, cw0, true);
/* plugins & connection wires */
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _n_plugins; ++i) {
double x0 = _margin_x + rint ((i + .5) * _innerwidth / (double)(_n_plugins)) - .5;
/* plugin box */
cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, .5, .5, .5);
rounded_rectangle (cr, x0 - _bxw2, yc - _bxh2, 2 * _bxw2, 2 * _bxh2, 7);
cairo_fill (cr);
layout->set_width (1.9 * _bxw2 * PANGO_SCALE);
layout->set_text (string_compose (_("Instance #%1"), i + 1));
layout->get_pixel_size (text_width, text_height);
cairo_move_to (cr, x0 - text_width * .5, yc - text_height * .5);
cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 1., 1., 1., 1.);
pango_cairo_show_layout (cr, layout->gobj ());
const ChanMapping::Mappings in_map = _in_map[i].mappings ();
const ChanMapping::Mappings out_map = _out_map[i].mappings ();
for (ChanMapping::Mappings::const_iterator t = in_map.begin (); t != in_map.end (); ++t) {
for (ChanMapping::TypeMapping::const_iterator c = (*t).second.begin (); c != (*t).second.end () ; ++c) {
const CtrlWidget& cw0 = get_io_ctrl (Input, t->first, c->second);
const CtrlWidget& cw1 = get_io_ctrl (Sink, t->first, c->first, i);
if (!(_dragging && cw0.e == _selection && cw1.e == _drag_dst)) {
draw_connection (cr, cw0, cw1);
for (ChanMapping::Mappings::const_iterator t = out_map.begin (); t != out_map.end (); ++t) {
for (ChanMapping::TypeMapping::const_iterator c = (*t).second.begin (); c != (*t).second.end () ; ++c) {
const CtrlWidget& cw0 = get_io_ctrl (Source, t->first, c->first, i);
const CtrlWidget& cw1 = get_io_ctrl (Output, t->first, c->second);
if (!(_dragging && cw0.e == _selection && cw1.e == _drag_dst)) {
draw_connection (cr, cw0, cw1);
/* pins and ports */
for (CtrlElemList::const_iterator i = _elements.begin (); i != _elements.end (); ++i) {
switch (i->e->ct) {
case Input:
case Output:
draw_io_pin (cr, *i);
case Sink:
case Source:
draw_plugin_pin (cr, *i);
/* DnD wire */
CtrlWidget *drag_src = NULL;
if (_dragging) {
for (CtrlElemList::iterator i = _elements.begin (); i != _elements.end (); ++i) {
if (i->e == _selection ) {
drag_src = &(*i);
if (drag_src) {
double x0, y0;
if (_selection->ct == Input || _selection->ct == Source) {
edge_coordinates (*drag_src, x0, y0);
draw_connection (cr, x0, _drag_x, y0, _drag_y,
_selection->dt == DataType::MIDI, _selection->sc);
} else {
edge_coordinates (*drag_src, x0, y0);
draw_connection (cr, _drag_x, x0, _drag_y, y0,
_selection->dt == DataType::MIDI, _selection->sc);
cairo_destroy (cr);
return true;
PluginPinWidget::darea_size_request (Gtk::Requisition* req)
req->width = _min_width;
req->height = _min_height;
PluginPinWidget::darea_size_allocate (Gtk::Allocation&)
_position_valid = false;
PluginPinWidget::drag_type_matches (const CtrlElem& e)
if (!_dragging || !_selection) {
return true;
if (_selection->dt != e->dt) {
return false;
if (_selection->ct == Input && e->ct == Sink) { return true; }
if (_selection->ct == Sink && e->ct == Input) { return true; }
if (_selection->ct == Output && e->ct == Source) { return true; }
if (_selection->ct == Source && e->ct == Output) { return true; }
if (_selection->ct == Input && e->ct == Output) { return true; }
if (_selection->ct == Output && e->ct == Input) { return true; }
return false;
PluginPinWidget::start_drag (const CtrlElem& e, double x, double y)
assert (_selection == e);
_drag_dst.reset ();
if (e->ct == Sink) {
bool valid;
const ChanMapping& map (_in_map[e->ip]);
uint32_t idx = map.get (e->dt, e->id, &valid);
if (valid) {
const CtrlWidget& cw = get_io_ctrl (Input, e->dt, idx, 0);
_drag_dst = e;
_selection = cw.e;
else if (e->ct == Output) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _n_plugins; ++i) {
bool valid;
const ChanMapping& map (_out_map[i]);
uint32_t idx = map.get_src (e->dt, e->id, &valid);
if (valid) {
const CtrlWidget& cw = get_io_ctrl (Source, e->dt, idx, i);
_drag_dst = e;
_selection = cw.e;
if (!_drag_dst) {
bool valid;
const ChanMapping& map (_thru_map);
uint32_t idx = map.get (e->dt, e->id, &valid);
if (valid) {
const CtrlWidget& cw = get_io_ctrl (Input, e->dt, idx, 0);
_drag_dst = e;
_selection = cw.e;
_dragging = true;
_drag_x = x;
_drag_y = y;
PluginPinWidget::darea_motion_notify_event (GdkEventMotion* ev)
bool changed = false;
_hover.reset ();
for (CtrlElemList::iterator i = _elements.begin (); i != _elements.end (); ++i) {
if (ev->x >= i->x && ev->x <= i->x + i->w
&& ev->y >= i->y && ev->y <= i->y + i->h
&& drag_type_matches (i->e))
if (!i->prelight) changed = true;
i->prelight = true;
_hover = i->e;
} else {
if (i->prelight) changed = true;
i->prelight = false;
if (_dragging) {
_drag_x = ev->x;
_drag_y = ev->y;
if (changed || _dragging) {
darea.queue_draw ();
return true;
PluginPinWidget::darea_button_press_event (GdkEventButton* ev)
if (ev->type != GDK_BUTTON_PRESS) {
return false;
switch (ev->button) {
case 1:
_drag_dst.reset ();
if (!_selection || (_selection && !_hover)) {
_selection = _hover;
_actor.reset ();
if (_selection) {
start_drag (_selection, ev->x, ev->y);
} else {
darea.queue_draw ();
} else if (_selection && _hover && _selection != _hover) {
if (_selection->dt != _hover->dt) { _actor.reset (); }
else if (_selection->ct == Input && _hover->ct == Sink) { _actor = _hover; }
else if (_selection->ct == Sink && _hover->ct == Input) { _actor = _hover; }
else if (_selection->ct == Output && _hover->ct == Source) { _actor = _hover; }
else if (_selection->ct == Source && _hover->ct == Output) { _actor = _hover; }
else if (_selection->ct == Input && _hover->ct == Output) { _actor = _hover; }
else if (_selection->ct == Output && _hover->ct == Input) { _actor = _hover; }
if (!_actor) {
_selection = _hover;
start_drag (_selection, ev->x, ev->y);
} else {
darea.queue_draw ();
} else if (_hover) {
_selection = _hover;
_actor.reset ();
start_drag (_selection, ev->x, ev->y);
case 3:
_drag_dst.reset ();
if (_selection != _hover) {
_selection = _hover;
darea.queue_draw ();
_actor.reset ();
return true;
PluginPinWidget::darea_button_release_event (GdkEventButton* ev)
if (_dragging && _selection && _drag_dst && _drag_dst == _hover) {
// select click. (or re-connect same)
assert (_selection != _hover);
_actor.reset ();
_dragging = false;
_drag_dst.reset ();
_selection =_hover;
darea.queue_draw ();
return true;
if (_dragging && _hover && _hover != _selection) {
_actor = _hover;
if (_hover == _actor && _actor && ev->button == 1) {
assert (_selection);
assert (_selection->dt == _actor->dt);
if (_drag_dst) {
assert (_dragging && _selection != _drag_dst);
handle_disconnect (_drag_dst, true);
if (_selection->ct == Input && _actor->ct == Sink) {
handle_input_action (_actor, _selection);
else if (_selection->ct == Sink && _actor->ct == Input) {
handle_input_action (_selection, _actor);
else if (_selection->ct == Output && _actor->ct == Source) {
handle_output_action (_actor, _selection);
else if (_selection->ct == Source && _actor->ct == Output) {
handle_output_action (_selection, _actor);
else if (_selection->ct == Input && _actor->ct == Output) {
handle_thru_action (_actor, _selection);
else if (_selection->ct == Output && _actor->ct == Input) {
handle_thru_action (_selection, _actor);
_selection.reset ();
} else if (_hover == _selection && _selection && ev->button == 3) {
handle_disconnect (_selection);
} else if (!_hover && ev->button == 3) {
reset_menu.popup (1, ev->time);
if (_dragging && _hover != _selection) {
_selection.reset ();
_actor.reset ();
_dragging = false;
_drag_dst.reset ();
darea.queue_draw ();
return true;
PluginPinWidget::handle_input_action (const CtrlElem &s, const CtrlElem &i)
const int pc = s->ip;
bool valid;
ChanMapping in_map (_pi->input_map (pc));
uint32_t idx = in_map.get (s->dt, s->id, &valid);
if (valid && idx == i->id) {
// disconnect
if (!_dragging) {
in_map.unset (s->dt, s->id);
_pi->set_input_map (pc, in_map);
} else {
plugin_reconfigured ();
else if (!valid) {
// connect
in_map.set (s->dt, s->id, i->id);
_pi->set_input_map (pc, in_map);
else {
// reconnect
in_map.unset (s->dt, s->id);
in_map.set (s->dt, s->id, i->id);
_pi->set_input_map (pc, in_map);
PluginPinWidget::disconnect_other_outputs (uint32_t skip_pc, DataType dt, uint32_t id)
_ignore_updates = true;
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < _n_plugins; ++n) {
if (n == skip_pc) {
bool valid;
ChanMapping n_out_map (_pi->output_map (n));
uint32_t idx = n_out_map.get_src (dt, id, &valid);
if (valid) {
n_out_map.unset (dt, idx);
_pi->set_output_map (n, n_out_map);
_ignore_updates = false;
PluginPinWidget::disconnect_other_thru (DataType dt, uint32_t id)
_ignore_updates = true;
bool valid;
ChanMapping n_thru_map (_pi->thru_map ());
n_thru_map.get (dt, id, &valid);
if (valid) {
n_thru_map.unset (dt, id);
_pi->set_thru_map (n_thru_map);
_ignore_updates = false;
PluginPinWidget::handle_output_action (const CtrlElem &s, const CtrlElem &o)
const uint32_t pc = s->ip;
bool valid;
ChanMapping out_map (_pi->output_map (pc));
uint32_t idx = out_map.get (s->dt, s->id, &valid);
if (valid && idx == o->id) {
// disconnect
if (!_dragging) {
out_map.unset (s->dt, s->id);
_pi->set_output_map (pc, out_map);
} else {
plugin_reconfigured ();
else {
// disconnect source
disconnect_other_outputs (pc, s->dt, o->id);
disconnect_other_thru (s->dt, o->id);
out_map = _pi->output_map (pc); // re-read map
if (valid) {
out_map.unset (s->dt, s->id);
idx = out_map.get_src (s->dt, o->id, &valid);
if (valid) {
out_map.unset (s->dt, idx);
// connect
out_map.set (s->dt, s->id, o->id);
_pi->set_output_map (pc, out_map);
PluginPinWidget::handle_thru_action (const CtrlElem &o, const CtrlElem &i)
bool valid;
ChanMapping thru_map (_pi->thru_map ());
uint32_t idx = thru_map.get (o->dt, o->id, &valid);
if (valid && idx == i->id) {
if (!_dragging) {
thru_map.unset (o->dt, o->id);
} else {
// disconnect other outputs first
disconnect_other_outputs (UINT32_MAX, o->dt, o->id);
disconnect_other_thru (o->dt, o->id);
thru_map = _pi->thru_map (); // re-read map
thru_map.set (o->dt, o->id, i->id);
_pi->set_thru_map (thru_map);
PluginPinWidget::handle_disconnect (const CtrlElem &e, bool no_signal)
_ignore_updates = true;
bool changed = false;
bool valid;
switch (e->ct) {
case Input:
ChanMapping n_thru_map (_pi->thru_map ());
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _sources.n_total (); ++i) {
uint32_t idx = n_thru_map.get (e->dt, i, &valid);
if (valid && idx == e->id) {
n_thru_map.unset (e->dt, i);
changed = true;
if (changed) {
_pi->set_thru_map (n_thru_map);
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < _n_plugins; ++n) {
ChanMapping map (_pi->input_map (n));
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _sinks.n_total (); ++i) {
uint32_t idx = map.get (e->dt, i, &valid);
if (valid && idx == e->id) {
map.unset (e->dt, i);
changed = true;
_pi->set_input_map (n, map);
case Sink:
ChanMapping map (_pi->input_map (e->ip));
map.get (e->dt, e->id, &valid);
if (valid) {
map.unset (e->dt, e->id);
_pi->set_input_map (e->ip, map);
changed = true;
case Source:
ChanMapping map (_pi->output_map (e->ip));
map.get (e->dt, e->id, &valid);
if (valid) {
map.unset (e->dt, e->id);
_pi->set_output_map (e->ip, map);
changed = true;
case Output:
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < _n_plugins; ++n) {
ChanMapping map (_pi->output_map (n));
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _sources.n_total (); ++i) {
uint32_t idx = map.get (e->dt, i, &valid);
if (valid && idx == e->id) {
map.unset (e->dt, i);
changed = true;
if (changed) {
_pi->set_output_map (n, map);
ChanMapping n_thru_map (_pi->thru_map ());
n_thru_map.get (e->dt, e->id, &valid);
if (valid) {
n_thru_map.unset (e->dt, e->id);
changed = true;
_pi->set_thru_map (n_thru_map);
_ignore_updates = false;
if (changed && !no_signal) {
plugin_reconfigured ();
return changed;
PluginPinWidget::toggle_sidechain ()
if (!_route ()->add_remove_sidechain (_pi, !_pi->has_sidechain ())) {
error_message_dialog (_("Failed to toggle sidechain."));
PluginPinWidget::connect_sidechain ()
assert (_session);
if (_sidechain_selector == 0) {
_sidechain_selector = new IOSelectorWindow (_session, _pi->sidechain_input ());
if (_sidechain_selector->is_visible ()) {
_sidechain_selector->get_toplevel ()->get_window ()->raise ();
} else {
_sidechain_selector->present ();
PluginPinWidget::reset_configuration ()
bool rv;
if (_set_config.get_active ()) {
rv = _route ()->reset_plugin_insert (_pi);
} else {
rv = _route ()->customize_plugin_insert (_pi, _n_plugins, _out, _sinks);
if (!rv) {
error_message_dialog (_("Failed to reset plugin configuration."));
PluginPinWidget::reset_mapping ()
_pi->reset_map ();
PluginPinWidget::select_output_preset (uint32_t n_audio)
ChanCount out (DataType::AUDIO, n_audio);
if (!_route ()->plugin_preset_output (_pi, out)) {
error_message_dialog (_("Failed to change channel preset."));
PluginPinWidget::add_remove_plugin_clicked (bool add)
ChanCount out = _out;
ChanCount sinks = _sinks;
assert (add || _n_plugins > 0);
if (!_route ()->customize_plugin_insert (_pi, _n_plugins + (add ? 1 : -1), out, sinks)) {
error_message_dialog (_("Failed to change instance count"));
PluginPinWidget::add_remove_port_clicked (bool add, ARDOUR::DataType dt)
ChanCount out = _out;
ChanCount sinks = _sinks;
assert (add || out.get (dt) > 0);
out.set (dt, out.get (dt) + (add ? 1 : -1));
if (!_route ()->customize_plugin_insert (_pi, _n_plugins, out, sinks)) {
error_message_dialog (_("Failed to alter plugin output configuration."));
PluginPinWidget::add_remove_inpin_clicked (bool add, ARDOUR::DataType dt)
ChanCount out = _out;
ChanCount sinks = _sinks;
assert (add || sinks.get (dt) > 0);
sinks.set (dt, sinks.get (dt) + (add ? 1 : -1));
if (!_route ()->customize_plugin_insert (_pi, _n_plugins, out, sinks)) {
error_message_dialog (_("Failed to alter plugin input configuration."));
PluginPinWidget::add_sidechain_port (DataType dt)
assert (_session);
if (_session->actively_recording ()) {
error_message_dialog (/* unused */ "");
boost::shared_ptr<IO> io = _pi->sidechain_input ();
if (!io) {
// this triggers a PluginIoReConfigure with process and processor write lock held
// from /this/ thread.
io->add_port ("", this, dt);
PluginPinWidget::remove_port (boost::weak_ptr<ARDOUR::Port> wp)
assert (_session);
if (_session->actively_recording ()) {
error_message_dialog (/* unused */ "");
boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Port> p = wp.lock ();
boost::shared_ptr<IO> io = _pi->sidechain_input ();
if (!io || !p) {
io->remove_port (p, this);
PluginPinWidget::disconnect_port (boost::weak_ptr<ARDOUR::Port> wp)
assert (_session);
if (_session->actively_recording ()) {
error_message_dialog (/* unused */ "");
boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Port> p = wp.lock ();
boost::shared_ptr<IO> io = _pi->sidechain_input ();
if (!io || !p) {
p->disconnect_all ();
PluginPinWidget::connect_port (boost::weak_ptr<ARDOUR::Port> wp0, boost::weak_ptr<ARDOUR::Port> wp1)
assert (_session);
if (_session->actively_recording ()) {
error_message_dialog (/* unused */ "");
boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Port> p0 = wp0.lock ();
boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Port> p1 = wp1.lock ();
boost::shared_ptr<IO> io = _pi->sidechain_input ();
if (!io || !p0 || !p1) {
_ignore_updates = true;
p0->disconnect_all ();
_ignore_updates = false;
p0->connect (p1->name ());
PluginPinWidget::add_send_from (boost::weak_ptr<ARDOUR::Port> wp, boost::weak_ptr<ARDOUR::Route> wr)
assert (_session);
if (_session->actively_recording ()) {
error_message_dialog (/* unused */ "");
boost::shared_ptr<Port> p = wp.lock ();
boost::shared_ptr<Route> r = wr.lock ();
boost::shared_ptr<IO> io = _pi->sidechain_input ();
if (!p || !r || !io) {
boost::shared_ptr<Pannable> sendpan (new Pannable (*_session));
boost::shared_ptr<Send> send (new Send (*_session, r->pannable (), r->mute_master ()));
const ChanCount& outs (r->amp ()->input_streams ());
try {
Glib::Threads::Mutex::Lock lm (AudioEngine::instance ()->process_lock ());
send->output()->ensure_io (outs, false, this);
} catch (AudioEngine::PortRegistrationFailure& err) {
error << string_compose (_("Cannot set up new send: %1"), err.what ()) << endmsg;
std::string sendname = send->name ();
string::size_type last_letter = sendname.find_last_not_of ("0123456789");
if (last_letter != string::npos) {
send->output ()->set_pretty_name (string_compose (_("SC %1 (%2)"),
r->name (),
sendname.substr (last_letter + 1)));
_ignore_updates = true;
p->disconnect_all ();
DataType dt = p->type ();
PortSet& ps (send->output ()->ports ());
for (PortSet::iterator i = ps.begin (dt); i != ps.end (dt); ++i) {
p->connect (&(**i));
send->set_remove_on_disconnect (true);
r->add_processor (send, PreFader);
_ignore_updates = false;
queue_idle_update ();
PluginPinWidget::sc_input_release (GdkEventButton *ev)
assert (_session);
if (_session->actively_recording ()) {
error_message_dialog (/* unused */ "");
return false;
if (ev->button == 3) {
connect_sidechain ();
return false;
PluginPinWidget::sc_input_press (GdkEventButton *ev, boost::weak_ptr<ARDOUR::Port> wp)
using namespace Menu_Helpers;
assert (_session);
if (!ARDOUR_UI_UTILS::engine_is_running ()) {
return false;
if (_session->actively_recording ()) {
error_message_dialog (/* unused */ "");
return false;
if (ev->button == 1) {
MenuList& citems = input_menu.items ();
input_menu.set_name ("ArdourContextMenu");
citems.clear ();
boost::shared_ptr<Port> p = wp.lock ();
if (p && p->connected ()) {
citems.push_back (MenuElem (_("Disconnect"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginPinWidget::disconnect_port), wp)));
citems.push_back (SeparatorElem ());
#if 0
// TODO add system inputs, too ?!
boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::BundleList> b = _session->bundles ();
for (ARDOUR::BundleList::iterator i = b->begin(); i != b->end(); ++i) {
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < i->nchannels ().n_total (); ++j) {
//maybe_add_bundle_to_input_menu (*i, current);
RouteList copy = _session->get_routelist ();
copy.sort (Stripable::Sorter(true));
uint32_t added = 0;
for (ARDOUR::RouteList::const_iterator i = copy.begin (); i != copy.end (); ++i) {
added += maybe_add_route_to_input_menu (*i, p->type (), wp);
if (added > 0) {
citems.push_back (SeparatorElem ());
citems.push_back (MenuElem (_("Routing Grid"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginPinWidget::connect_sidechain)));
input_menu.popup (1, ev->time);
return false;
PluginPinWidget::maybe_add_route_to_input_menu (boost::shared_ptr<Route> r, DataType dt, boost::weak_ptr<Port> wp)
uint32_t added = 0;
using namespace Menu_Helpers;
if (r->output () == _route ()->output ()) {
return added;
if (_route ()->feeds_according_to_graph (r)) {
return added;
MenuList& citems = input_menu.items ();
/*check if there's already a send.. */
bool already_present = false;
uint32_t nth = 0;
boost::shared_ptr<Processor> proc;
/* Note: nth_send () takes a processor read-lock */
while ((proc = r->nth_send (nth))) {
boost::shared_ptr<IOProcessor> send = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<IOProcessor> (proc);
if (!send || !send->output ()) {
if (send->output ()->connected_to (_pi->sidechain_input ())) {
// only if (send->remove_on_disconnect ()) ??
already_present = true;
/* we're going to create the new send pre-fader, so check the route amp's data type. */
const ChanCount& rc (r->amp ()->input_streams ());
if (!already_present && rc.get (dt) > 0) {
citems.push_back (MenuElemNoMnemonic (r->name (), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginPinWidget::add_send_from), wp, boost::weak_ptr<Route> (r))));
return added;
PluginPinWidget::port_connected_or_disconnected (boost::weak_ptr<ARDOUR::Port> w0, boost::weak_ptr<ARDOUR::Port> w1)
boost::shared_ptr<Port> p0 = w0.lock ();
boost::shared_ptr<Port> p1 = w1.lock ();
boost::shared_ptr<IO> io = _pi->sidechain_input ();
if (!io) { return; }
if (p0 && io->has_port (p0)) {
queue_idle_update ();
else if (p1 && io->has_port (p1)) {
queue_idle_update ();
/* lifted from ProcessorEntry::Control */
PluginPinWidget::Control::Control (boost::shared_ptr<AutomationControl> c, string const & n)
: _control (c)
, _adjustment (gain_to_slider_position_with_max (1.0, Config->get_max_gain ()), 0, 1, 0.01, 0.1)
, _slider (&_adjustment, boost::shared_ptr<PBD::Controllable> (), 0, max (13.f, rintf (13.f * UIConfiguration::instance ().get_ui_scale ())))
, _slider_persistant_tooltip (&_slider)
, _ignore_ui_adjustment (false)
, _name (n)
_slider.set_controllable (c);
box.set_padding (0, 0, 4, 4);
_slider.set_name ("ProcessorControlSlider");
_slider.set_text (_name);
box.add (_slider);
_slider.show ();
const ARDOUR::ParameterDescriptor& desc = c->desc ();
double const lo = c->internal_to_interface (desc.lower);
double const up = c->internal_to_interface (desc.upper);
double const normal = c->internal_to_interface (desc.normal);
double const smallstep = c->internal_to_interface (desc.lower + desc.smallstep);
double const largestep = c->internal_to_interface (desc.lower + desc.largestep);
_adjustment.set_lower (lo);
_adjustment.set_upper (up);
_adjustment.set_step_increment (smallstep);
_adjustment.set_page_increment (largestep);
_slider.set_default_value (normal);
_adjustment.signal_value_changed ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Control::slider_adjusted));
// dup. currently timers are used :(
//c->Changed.connect (_connection, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&Control::control_changed, this), gui_context ());
// yuck, do we really need to do this?
// according to c404374 this is only needed for send automation
timer_connection = Timers::rapid_connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Control::control_changed));
control_changed ();
set_tooltip ();
/* We're providing our own PersistentTooltip */
set_no_tooltip_whatsoever (_slider);
PluginPinWidget::Control::~Control ()
timer_connection.disconnect ();
PluginPinWidget::Control::set_tooltip ()
boost::shared_ptr<AutomationControl> c = _control.lock ();
if (!c) {
std::string tt = _name + ": " + ARDOUR::value_as_string (c->desc(), c->get_value ());
string sm = Gtkmm2ext::markup_escape_text (tt);
_slider_persistant_tooltip.set_tip (sm);
PluginPinWidget::Control::slider_adjusted ()
if (_ignore_ui_adjustment) {
boost::shared_ptr<AutomationControl> c = _control.lock ();
if (!c) {
c->set_value ( c->interface_to_internal (_adjustment.get_value ()) , Controllable::NoGroup);
set_tooltip ();
PluginPinWidget::Control::control_changed ()
boost::shared_ptr<AutomationControl> c = _control.lock ();
if (!c) {
_ignore_ui_adjustment = true;
// as long as rapid timers are used, only update the tooltip
// if the value has changed.
const double nval = c->internal_to_interface (c->get_value ());
if (_adjustment.get_value () != nval) {
_adjustment.set_value (nval);
set_tooltip ();
_ignore_ui_adjustment = false;
PluginPinDialog::PluginPinDialog (boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::PluginInsert> pi)
: ArdourWindow (string_compose (_("Pin Configuration: %1"), pi->name ()))
ppw.push_back (PluginPinWidgetPtr(new PluginPinWidget (pi)));
add (*ppw.back());
PluginPinDialog::PluginPinDialog (boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Route> r)
: ArdourWindow (string_compose (_("Pin Configuration: %1"), r->name ()))
, _route (r)
, _height_mapped (false)
vbox = manage (new VBox ());
vbox->signal_size_allocate().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginPinDialog::map_height));
scroller = manage (new ScrolledWindow);
scroller->set_policy (Gtk::POLICY_NEVER, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC);
scroller->set_shadow_type (Gtk::SHADOW_NONE);
scroller->show ();
vbox->show ();
scroller->add (*vbox);
add (*scroller);
_route->foreach_processor (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginPinDialog::add_processor));
_route->processors_changed.connect (
_route_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&PluginPinDialog::route_processors_changed, this, _1), gui_context()
_route->DropReferences.connect (
_route_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&PluginPinDialog::route_going_away, this), gui_context()
PluginPinDialog::set_session (ARDOUR::Session *s)
SessionHandlePtr::set_session (s);
for (PluginPinWidgetList::iterator i = ppw.begin(); i != ppw.end(); ++i) {
(*i)->set_session (s);
PluginPinDialog::map_height (Gtk::Allocation&)
if (!_height_mapped) {
scroller->set_size_request (-1, std::min (600, 2 + vbox->get_height()));
_height_mapped = true;
PluginPinDialog::route_processors_changed (ARDOUR::RouteProcessorChange)
ppw.clear ();
_height_mapped = false;
scroller->remove ();
vbox = manage (new VBox ());
vbox->signal_size_allocate().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginPinDialog::map_height));
scroller->add (*vbox);
_route->foreach_processor (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginPinDialog::add_processor));
vbox->show ();
PluginPinDialog::route_going_away ()
ppw.clear ();
_route.reset ();
remove ();
PluginPinDialog::add_processor (boost::weak_ptr<Processor> p)
boost::shared_ptr<Processor> proc = p.lock ();
if (!proc || !proc->display_to_user ()) {
boost::shared_ptr<PluginInsert> pi = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<PluginInsert> (proc);
#ifdef MIXBUS
if (pi && pi->is_channelstrip ()) {
pi.reset ();
if (pi) {
ppw.push_back (PluginPinWidgetPtr(new PluginPinWidget (pi)));
ppw.back()->set_session (_session);
vbox->pack_start (*ppw.back());
} else {
HBox* hbox = manage (new HBox ());
hbox->pack_start (*manage (new HSeparator ()));
hbox->pack_start (*manage (new Label (proc->display_name ())));
hbox->pack_start (*manage (new HSeparator ()));
vbox->pack_start (*hbox, false, false);
hbox->show_all ();