David Robillard bdacfb8724 Fix invalid use of Doxygen "@param" command
This is never for inline references to parameters, only for starting parameter
documentation blocks.  The "@p" command is for this, although unfortunately
Doxygen doesn't actually do anything with it and it's just an alias for code
2022-10-30 20:44:28 -04:00

502 lines
24 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2020 Paul Davis
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#ifndef __libtemporal_timeline_h__
#define __libtemporal_timeline_h__
#include <ostream>
#include <exception>
#include <string>
#include <cassert>
#include <limits>
#include "pbd/enumwriter.h"
#include "pbd/int62.h"
#include "temporal/types.h"
#include "temporal/beats.h"
#include "temporal/bbt_time.h"
#include "temporal/superclock.h"
#include "temporal/visibility.h"
namespace Temporal {
class timecnt_t;
void dump_stats (std::ostream&);
/* 62 bit positional time value. Theoretically signed, but the intent is for to
* always be positive. If the flag bit is set (i.e. ::flagged() is true), the
* numerical value counts musical ticks; otherwise it counts superclocks.
class LIBTEMPORAL_API timepos_t : public int62_t {
timepos_t () : int62_t (false, 0) {}
timepos_t (TimeDomain d) : int62_t (d != AudioTime, 0) {}
/* for now (Sept2020) do not allow implicit type conversions */
explicit timepos_t (samplepos_t s);
explicit timepos_t (Temporal::Beats const & b) : int62_t (true, b.to_ticks()) {}
explicit timepos_t (timecnt_t const &); /* will throw() if val is negative */
/* superclock_t and samplepos_t are the same underlying primitive type,
* which means we cannot use polymorphism to differentiate them. But it
* turns out that we more or less never construct timepos_t from an
* integer representing superclocks. So, there's a normal constructor
* for the samples case above, and ::from_superclock() here.
static timepos_t from_superclock (superclock_t s) { return timepos_t (false, s); }
static timepos_t from_ticks (int64_t t) { return timepos_t (true, t); }
static timepos_t zero (bool is_beats) { return timepos_t (is_beats, 0); }
bool is_beats() const { return flagged(); }
bool is_superclock() const { return !flagged(); }
bool is_positive () const { return val() > 0; }
bool is_negative () const { return val() < 0; }
bool is_zero () const { return val() == 0; }
bool operator! () const { return val() == 0; }
Temporal::TimeDomain time_domain () const { if (flagged()) return Temporal::BeatTime; return Temporal::AudioTime; }
void set_time_domain (Temporal::TimeDomain);
superclock_t superclocks() const { if (is_superclock()) return val(); return _superclocks (); }
int64_t samples() const { return superclock_to_samples (superclocks(), TEMPORAL_SAMPLE_RATE); }
int64_t ticks() const { if (is_beats()) return val(); return _ticks (); }
Beats beats() const { if (is_beats()) return Beats::ticks (val()); return _beats (); }
timepos_t & operator= (timecnt_t const & t); /* will throw() if val is negative */
timepos_t & operator= (Beats const & b) { v.store (build (true, b.to_ticks())); return *this; }
timepos_t & operator= (samplepos_t const & s) { v.store (build (false, samples_to_superclock (s, TEMPORAL_SAMPLE_RATE))); return *this; }
timepos_t operator-() const { return timepos_t (int62_t::operator-()); }
/* if both values are zero, the time domain doesn't matter */
bool operator== (timepos_t const & other) const { return (val() == 0 && other.val() == 0) || (v == other.v); }
bool operator!= (timepos_t const & other) const { return (val() != 0 || other.val() != 0) && (v != other.v); }
bool operator< (timecnt_t const & other) const;
bool operator> (timecnt_t const & other) const;
bool operator<= (timecnt_t const & other) const;
bool operator>= (timecnt_t const & other) const;
bool operator< (timepos_t const & other) const { if (is_beats() == other.is_beats()) return val() < other.val(); return expensive_lt (other); }
bool operator> (timepos_t const & other) const { if (is_beats() == other.is_beats()) return val() > other.val(); return expensive_gt (other); }
bool operator<= (timepos_t const & other) const { if (is_beats() == other.is_beats()) return val() <= other.val(); return expensive_lte (other); }
bool operator>= (timepos_t const & other) const { if (is_beats() == other.is_beats()) return val() >= other.val(); return expensive_gte (other); }
timepos_t operator+(timecnt_t const & d) const;
timepos_t operator+(timepos_t const & d) const { if (is_beats() == d.is_beats()) return timepos_t (is_beats(), val() + d.val()); return expensive_add (d); }
/* don't provide operator+(samplepos_t) or operator+(superclock_t)
* because the compiler can't disambiguate them and neither can we.
* to add such types, create a timepo_t and then add that.
/* operator-() poses severe and thorny problems for a class that represents position on a timeline.
* If the value of the class is a simple scalar, then subtraction can be used for both:
* 1) movement backwards along the timeline
* 2) computing the distance between two positions
* But timepos_t is not a simple scalar, and neither is timecnt_t, and these two operations are quite different.
* 1) movement backwards along the timeline should result in another timepos_t
* 2) the distance between two positions is a timecnt_t
* so already we have a hint that we would need at least:
* timepos_t operator- (timecnt_t const &); ... compute new position
* timecnt_t operator- (timepos_t const &); ... compute distance
* But what happens we try to use more explicit types. What does this expression mean:
* timepos_t pos;
* pos - Beats (3);
* is this computing a new position 3 beats earlier than pos? or is it computing the distance between
* pos and the 3rd beat?
* For this reason, we do not provide any operator-() methods, but instead require the use of
* explicit methods with clear semantics.
/** Compute the distance between this timepos_t and @p p
* such that: this + distance = p
* This means that if @p p is later than this, distance is positive;
* if @p p is earlier than this, distance is negative.
* Note that the return value is a timecnt_t whose position member
* is equal to the value of this. That means if the distance uses
* musical time value, the distance may not have constant value
* at other positions on the timeline.
* @return this - @p p
timecnt_t distance (timepos_t const & p) const;
/* computes a new position value that is @p d earlier than this */
timepos_t earlier (timepos_t const & d) const; /* treat d as distance measured from timeline origin */
timepos_t earlier (timecnt_t const & d) const;
timepos_t earlier (BBT_Offset const & d) const;
/* like ::earlier() but changes this. loosely equivalent to operator-= */
timepos_t & shift_earlier (timepos_t const & d);
timepos_t & shift_earlier (timecnt_t const & d);
timepos_t & shift_earlier (Temporal::BBT_Offset const &);
/* audio time nominally uses superclocks as its canonical unit. However
* many things at a higher level only understand samples. If we
* increment or decrement a superclock value by 1, the vast majority of
* the time we will still get the same sample value after
* conversion. Thus to correctly alter an audio time by an amount
* that will manifest as 1 sample's difference, we have to use
* samples_to_superclock(1)
/* given the absence of operator- and thus also operator--, return a
* timepos_t that is the previous (earlier) possible position given
* this one
timepos_t decrement () const { return timepos_t (flagged(),
is_beats() ?
(val() > 0 ? val() - 1 : 0) : /* reduce by 1 tick */
(val() > samples_to_superclock (1, TEMPORAL_SAMPLE_RATE) ? val() - samples_to_superclock (1, TEMPORAL_SAMPLE_RATE) : 0)); }
/* purely for reasons of symmetry with ::decrement(), return a
* timepos_t that is the next (later) possible position given this one
timepos_t increment () const { return timepos_t (flagged(), (is_beats() ? (val() + 1) : (val() + samples_to_superclock (1, TEMPORAL_SAMPLE_RATE)))); }
timepos_t & operator+=(timecnt_t const & d);
timepos_t & operator+=(timepos_t const & d);
timepos_t & operator+=(Temporal::BBT_Offset const &);
#if 0 // not implemented, not used
timepos_t operator% (timecnt_t const &) const;
timepos_t & operator%=(timecnt_t const &);
/* Although multiplication and division of positions seems unusual,
* these are used in Evoral::Curve when scaling a list of timed events
* along the x (time) axis.
timepos_t scale (ratio_t const & n) const;
bool operator< (samplepos_t s) { return samples() < s; }
bool operator< (Temporal::Beats const & b) { return beats() < b; }
bool operator<= (samplepos_t s) { return samples() <= s; }
bool operator<= (Temporal::Beats const & b) { return beats() <= b; }
bool operator> (samplepos_t s) { return samples() > s; }
bool operator> (Temporal::Beats const & b) { return beats() > b; }
bool operator>= (samplepos_t s) { return samples() >= s; }
bool operator>= (Temporal::Beats const & b) { return beats() >= b; }
bool operator== (samplepos_t s) { return samples() == s; }
bool operator== (Temporal::Beats const & b) { return beats() == b; }
bool operator!= (samplepos_t s) { return samples() != s; }
bool operator!= (Temporal::Beats const & b) { return beats() != b; }
bool string_to (std::string const & str);
std::string str () const;
/* note that the value returned if the time domain is audio is larger
than can be represented in musical time (for any realistic tempos).
static timepos_t max (TimeDomain td) { if (td == AudioTime) { return timepos_t (false, int62_t::max); } else { return timepos_t (std::numeric_limits<Beats>::max()); }}
static timepos_t smallest_step (TimeDomain td) { return timepos_t (td != AudioTime, 1); }
/* special private constructor for use when constructing timepos_t as a
return value using arithmetic ops
explicit timepos_t (bool b, int64_t v) : int62_t (b, v) {}
explicit timepos_t (int62_t const & v) : int62_t (v) {}
/* these can only be called after verifying that the time domain does
* not match the relevant one i.e. call _beats() to get a Beats value
* when this is using the audio time domain
/* these three methods are to be called ONLY when we have already that
* the time domain of this timepos_t does not match the desired return
* type, and so we will need to go to the tempo map to convert
* between domains, which could be expensive.
superclock_t _superclocks() const;
int64_t _ticks() const;
Beats _beats() const;
bool expensive_lt (timepos_t const &) const;
bool expensive_lte (timepos_t const &) const;
bool expensive_gt (timepos_t const &) const;
bool expensive_gte(timepos_t const &) const;
bool expensive_lt (timecnt_t const &) const;
bool expensive_lte (timecnt_t const &) const;
bool expensive_gt (timecnt_t const &) const;
bool expensive_gte(timecnt_t const &) const;
/* used to compute stuff when time domains do not match */
timecnt_t expensive_distance (timepos_t const & p) const;
timepos_t expensive_add (timepos_t const & s) const;
int62_t operator- (int62_t) const { assert (0); return int62_t (false, 0); }
int62_t operator- (int64_t) const { assert (0); return int62_t (false, 0); }
using int62_t::operator int64_t;
using int62_t::operator-=;
* a timecnt_t measures a duration in a specified time domain and starting at a
* specific position.
* It can be freely converted between time domains, as well as used as the
* subject of most arithmetic operations.
* An important distinction between timepos_t and timecnt_t can be thought of
* this way: a timepos_t ALWAYS refers to a position relative to the origin of
* the timeline (technically, the origin in the tempo map used to translate
* between audio and musical domains). By contrast, a timecnt_t refers to a
* certain distance beyond some arbitrary (specified) origin. So, a timepos_t
* of "3 beats" always means "3 beats measured from the timeline origin". A
* timecnt_t of "3 beats" always come with a position, and so is really "3
* beats after <position>".
* The ambiguity surrounding operator-() that affects timepos_t does not exist
* for timecnt_t: all uses of operator-() are intended to compute the result of
* subtracting one timecnt_t from another which will always result in another
* timecnt_t of lesser value than the first operand.
class LIBTEMPORAL_API timecnt_t {
/* default to zero superclocks @ zero */
timecnt_t () : _distance (false, 0), _position (AudioTime) {}
timecnt_t (TimeDomain td) : _distance (td != AudioTime, 0), _position (td) {}
timecnt_t (timecnt_t const &other) : _distance (other.distance()), _position (other.position()) {}
/* construct from sample count (position doesn't matter due to linear nature * of audio time */
explicit timecnt_t (samplepos_t s, timepos_t const & pos);
explicit timecnt_t (samplepos_t s);
/* construct from timeline types */
explicit timecnt_t (timepos_t const & d) : _distance (d), _position (timepos_t::zero (d.flagged())) {}
explicit timecnt_t (timepos_t const & d, timepos_t const & p) : _distance (d), _position (p) { }
explicit timecnt_t (timecnt_t const &, timepos_t const & pos);
/* construct from int62_t (which will be flagged or not) and timepos_t */
explicit timecnt_t (int62_t d, timepos_t p) : _distance (d), _position (p) {}
/* construct from beats */
explicit timecnt_t (Temporal::Beats const & b, timepos_t const & pos) : _distance (true, b.to_ticks()), _position (pos) {}
static timecnt_t zero (TimeDomain td) { return timecnt_t (timepos_t::zero (td), timepos_t::zero (td)); }
/* superclock_t and samplepos_t are the same underlying primitive type,
* See comments in timepos_t above.
static timecnt_t from_superclock (superclock_t s, timepos_t const & pos) { return timecnt_t (int62_t (false, s), pos); }
static timecnt_t from_ticks (int64_t ticks, timepos_t const & pos) { return timecnt_t (int62_t (true, ticks), pos); }
/* Construct from just a distance value - position is assumed to be zero */
explicit timecnt_t (Temporal::Beats const & b) : _distance (true, b.to_ticks()), _position (Beats()) {}
static timecnt_t from_superclock (superclock_t s) { return timecnt_t (int62_t (false, s), timepos_t::from_superclock (0)); }
static timecnt_t from_samples (samplepos_t s) { return timecnt_t (int62_t (false, samples_to_superclock (s, TEMPORAL_SAMPLE_RATE)), timepos_t::from_superclock (0)); }
static timecnt_t from_ticks (int64_t ticks) { return timecnt_t (int62_t (true, ticks), timepos_t::from_ticks (0)); }
int64_t magnitude() const { return _distance.val(); }
int62_t const & distance() const { return _distance; }
timepos_t const & position() const { return _position; }
timepos_t const & origin() const { return _position; } /* alias */
timepos_t end (TimeDomain) const;
timepos_t end () const { return end (time_domain()); }
void set_position (timepos_t const &pos);
bool is_positive() const { return _distance.val() > 0; }
bool is_negative() const {return _distance.val() < 0; }
bool is_zero() const { return _distance.val() == 0; }
static timecnt_t const & max() { return _max_timecnt; }
static timecnt_t max (Temporal::TimeDomain td) { return timecnt_t (timepos_t::max (td)); }
timecnt_t abs() const;
Temporal::TimeDomain time_domain () const { return _distance.flagged() ? BeatTime : AudioTime; }
void set_time_domain (Temporal::TimeDomain);
superclock_t superclocks() const { if (!_distance.flagged()) return _distance.val(); return compute_superclocks(); }
int64_t samples() const { return superclock_to_samples (superclocks(), TEMPORAL_SAMPLE_RATE); }
Temporal::Beats beats () const { if (_distance.flagged()) return Beats::ticks (_distance.val()); return compute_beats(); }
int64_t ticks () const { return beats().to_ticks(); }
timecnt_t & operator= (Temporal::Beats const & b) { _distance = int62_t (true, b.to_ticks()); return *this; }
/* return a timecnt_t that is the next/previous (earlier/later) possible position given
* this one
timecnt_t operator++ () { _distance += 1; return *this; }
timecnt_t operator-- () { _distance -= 1; return *this; }
timecnt_t scale (ratio_t const &) const;
ratio_t operator/ (timecnt_t const &) const;
timecnt_t operator-() const;
timecnt_t operator- (timecnt_t const & t) const;
timecnt_t operator+ (timecnt_t const & t) const;
timecnt_t operator- (timepos_t const & t) const;
timecnt_t operator+ (timepos_t const & t) const;
timecnt_t & operator-= (timecnt_t const & t);
timecnt_t & operator+= (timecnt_t const & t);
/* audio time nominally uses superclocks as its canonical unit. However
* many things at a higher level only understand samples. If we
* increment or decrement a superclock value by 1, the vast majority of
* the time we will still get the same sample value after
* conversion. Thus to correctly alter an audio time by an amount
* that will manifest as 1 sample's difference, we have to use
* samples_to_superclock(1)
timecnt_t decrement () const { return timecnt_t (_distance.flagged() ? _distance - 1 : _distance - samples_to_superclock (1, TEMPORAL_SAMPLE_RATE), _position); }
timecnt_t increment () const { return timecnt_t (_distance.flagged() ? _distance + 1 : _distance + samples_to_superclock (1, TEMPORAL_SAMPLE_RATE), _position); }
//timecnt_t operator- (timepos_t const & t) const;
//timecnt_t operator+ (timepos_t const & t) const;
//timecnt_t & operator-= (timepos_t);
//timecnt_t & operator+= (timepos_t);
bool operator> (timecnt_t const & other) const { if (_distance.flagged() == other.distance().flagged()) return _distance > other.distance (); else return expensive_gt (other); }
bool operator>= (timecnt_t const & other) const { if (_distance.flagged() == other.distance().flagged()) return _distance >= other.distance(); else return expensive_gte (other); }
bool operator< (timecnt_t const & other) const { if (_distance.flagged() == other.distance().flagged()) return _distance < other.distance(); else return expensive_lt (other); }
bool operator<= (timecnt_t const & other) const { if (_distance.flagged() == other.distance().flagged()) return _distance <= other.distance(); else return expensive_gte (other); }
timecnt_t & operator= (timecnt_t const & other) {
if (this != &other) {
_distance = other.distance();
_position = other.position();
return *this;
bool operator!= (timecnt_t const & other) const { return _distance != other.distance() || _position != other.position(); }
bool operator== (timecnt_t const & other) const { return _distance == other.distance() && _position == other.position(); }
/* test for numerical equivalence with a timepos_T. This tests ONLY the
duration in the given domain, NOT position.
bool operator== (timepos_t const & other) const { return _distance == other; }
bool operator< (Temporal::samplepos_t s) { return samples() < s; }
bool operator< (Temporal::Beats const & b) { return beats() < b; }
bool operator<= (Temporal::samplepos_t s) { return samples() <= s; }
bool operator<= (Temporal::Beats const & b) { return beats() <= b; }
bool operator> (Temporal::samplepos_t s) { return samples() > s; }
bool operator> (Temporal::Beats const & b) { return beats() > b; }
bool operator>= (Temporal::samplepos_t s) { return samples() >= s; }
bool operator>= (Temporal::Beats const & b) { return beats() >= b; }
bool operator== (Temporal::samplepos_t s) { return samples() == s; }
bool operator== (Temporal::Beats const & b) { return beats() == b; }
bool operator!= (Temporal::samplepos_t s) { return samples() != s; }
bool operator!= (Temporal::Beats const & b) { return beats() != b; }
timecnt_t operator% (timecnt_t const &) const;
timecnt_t & operator%=(timecnt_t const &);
bool string_to (std::string const & str);
std::string str () const;
int62_t _distance; /* aka "duration" */
timepos_t _position; /* aka "origin */
static timecnt_t _max_timecnt;
superclock_t compute_superclocks () const;
Beats compute_beats () const;
bool expensive_lt (timecnt_t const & other) const;
bool expensive_lte (timecnt_t const & other) const;
bool expensive_gt (timecnt_t const & other) const;
bool expensive_gte (timecnt_t const & other) const;
} /* end namespace Temporal */
namespace std {
LIBTEMPORAL_API std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream & o, Temporal::timecnt_t const & tc);
LIBTEMPORAL_API std::istream& operator>> (std::istream & o, Temporal::timecnt_t & tc);
LIBTEMPORAL_API std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream & o, Temporal::timepos_t const & tp);
LIBTEMPORAL_API std::istream& operator>> (std::istream & o, Temporal::timepos_t & tp);
#if 0
inline static bool operator< (Temporal::samplepos_t s, Temporal::timepos_t const & t) { return s < t.samples(); }
inline static bool operator< (Temporal::Beats const & b, Temporal::timepos_t const & t) { return b < t.beats(); }
inline static bool operator<= (Temporal::samplepos_t s, Temporal::timepos_t const & t) { return s <= t.samples(); }
inline static bool operator<= (Temporal::Beats const & b, Temporal::timepos_t const & t) { return b <= t.beats(); }
inline static bool operator> (Temporal::samplepos_t s, Temporal::timepos_t const & t) { return s > t.samples(); }
inline static bool operator> (Temporal::Beats const & b, Temporal::timepos_t const & t) { return b > t.beats(); }
inline static bool operator>= (Temporal::samplepos_t s, Temporal::timepos_t const & t) { return s >= t.samples(); }
inline static bool operator>= (Temporal::Beats const & b, Temporal::timepos_t const & t) { return b >= t.beats(); }
#define TEMPORAL_DOMAIN_WARNING(d) if (t.time_domain() != (d)) std::cerr << "DOMAIN CONVERSION WARNING IN COMPARATOR with t.domain = " << enum_2_string (t.time_domain()) << " not " << enum_2_string (d) << std::endl;
inline static bool operator< (Temporal::samplepos_t s, Temporal::timecnt_t const & t) { TEMPORAL_DOMAIN_WARNING (Temporal::AudioTime); return s < t.samples(); }
inline static bool operator< (Temporal::Beats const & b, Temporal::timecnt_t const & t) { TEMPORAL_DOMAIN_WARNING (Temporal::BeatTime); return b < t.beats(); }
inline static bool operator<= (Temporal::samplepos_t s, Temporal::timecnt_t const & t) { TEMPORAL_DOMAIN_WARNING (Temporal::AudioTime); return s <= t.samples(); }
inline static bool operator<= (Temporal::Beats const & b, Temporal::timecnt_t const & t) { TEMPORAL_DOMAIN_WARNING (Temporal::BeatTime); return b <= t.beats(); }
inline static bool operator> (Temporal::samplepos_t s, Temporal::timecnt_t const & t) { TEMPORAL_DOMAIN_WARNING (Temporal::AudioTime); return s > t.samples(); }
inline static bool operator> (Temporal::Beats const & b, Temporal::timecnt_t const & t) { TEMPORAL_DOMAIN_WARNING (Temporal::BeatTime); return b > t.beats(); }
inline static bool operator>= (Temporal::samplepos_t s, Temporal::timecnt_t const & t) { TEMPORAL_DOMAIN_WARNING (Temporal::AudioTime); return s >= t.samples(); }
inline static bool operator>= (Temporal::Beats const & b, Temporal::timecnt_t const & t) { TEMPORAL_DOMAIN_WARNING (Temporal::BeatTime); return b >= t.beats(); }
#endif /* __libtemporal_timeline_h__ */