Paul Davis f7f9d6fdc4 merge from 2.0-ongoing by hand, minus key binding editor
git-svn-id: svn://localhost/ardour2/trunk@2539 d708f5d6-7413-0410-9779-e7cbd77b26cf
2007-10-11 22:07:47 +00:00

1200 lines
29 KiB

Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Paul Davis
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include <map>
#include <cerrno>
#include <sstream>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <gtkmm/box.h>
#include <gtkmm/stock.h>
#include <glibmm/fileutils.h>
#include <pbd/convert.h>
#include <pbd/tokenizer.h>
#include <pbd/enumwriter.h>
#include <gtkmm2ext/utils.h>
#include <ardour/audio_library.h>
#include <ardour/auditioner.h>
#include <ardour/audioregion.h>
#include <ardour/audiofilesource.h>
#include <ardour/region_factory.h>
#include <ardour/source_factory.h>
#include <ardour/session.h>
#include <ardour/session_directory.h>
#include <ardour/profile.h>
#include "ardour_ui.h"
#include "editing.h"
#include "gui_thread.h"
#include "prompter.h"
#include "sfdb_ui.h"
#include "editing.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "gain_meter.h"
#include "i18n.h"
using namespace ARDOUR;
using namespace PBD;
using namespace std;
using namespace Gtk;
using namespace Gtkmm2ext;
using namespace Editing;
using Glib::ustring;
ustring SoundFileBrowser::persistent_folder;
static ImportMode
string2importmode (string str)
if (str == "as new tracks") {
return ImportAsTrack;
} else if (str == "to selected tracks") {
return ImportToTrack;
} else if (str == "to region list") {
return ImportAsRegion;
} else if (str == "as new tape tracks") {
return ImportAsTapeTrack;
warning << string_compose (_("programming error: unknown import mode string %1"), str) << endmsg;
return ImportAsTrack;
static string
importmode2string (ImportMode mode)
switch (mode) {
case ImportAsTrack:
return _("as new tracks");
case ImportToTrack:
return _("to selected tracks");
case ImportAsRegion:
return _("to region list");
case ImportAsTapeTrack:
return _("as new tape tracks");
return _("as new tracks");
SoundFileBox::SoundFileBox (bool persistent)
: _session(0),
table (6, 2),
length_clock ("sfboxLengthClock", !persistent, "EditCursorClock", false, true, false),
timecode_clock ("sfboxTimecodeClock", !persistent, "EditCursorClock", false, false, false),
main_box (false, 6),
autoplay_btn (_("Auto-play"))
HBox* hbox;
VBox* vbox;
set_name (X_("SoundFileBox"));
set_size_request (300, -1);
preview_label.set_markup (_("<b>Soundfile Info</b>"));
border_frame.set_label_widget (preview_label);
border_frame.add (main_box);
pack_start (border_frame, true, true);
set_border_width (6);
main_box.set_border_width (6);
main_box.set_spacing (12);
length.set_text (_("Length:"));
timecode.set_text (_("Timestamp:"));
format.set_text (_("Format:"));
channels.set_text (_("Channels:"));
samplerate.set_text (_("Sample rate:"));
table.set_col_spacings (6);
table.set_homogeneous (false);
table.set_row_spacings (6);
table.attach (channels, 0, 1, 0, 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0);
table.attach (samplerate, 0, 1, 1, 2, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0);
table.attach (format, 0, 1, 2, 4, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0);
table.attach (length, 0, 1, 4, 5, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0);
table.attach (timecode, 0, 1, 5, 6, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0);
table.attach (channels_value, 1, 2, 0, 1, FILL, (AttachOptions) 0);
table.attach (samplerate_value, 1, 2, 1, 2, FILL, (AttachOptions) 0);
table.attach (format_text, 1, 2, 2, 4, FILL, AttachOptions (0));
table.attach (length_clock, 1, 2, 4, 5, FILL, (AttachOptions) 0);
table.attach (timecode_clock, 1, 2, 5, 6, FILL, (AttachOptions) 0);
length_clock.set_mode (ARDOUR_UI::instance()->secondary_clock.mode());
timecode_clock.set_mode (AudioClock::SMPTE);
hbox = manage (new HBox);
hbox->pack_start (table, false, false);
main_box.pack_start (*hbox, false, false);
tags_entry.set_editable (true);
tags_entry.signal_focus_out_event().connect (mem_fun (*this, &SoundFileBox::tags_entry_left));
hbox = manage (new HBox);
hbox->pack_start (tags_entry, true, true);
vbox = manage (new VBox);
Label* label = manage (new Label (_("Tags:")));
label->set_alignment (0.0f, 0.5f);
vbox->set_spacing (6);
vbox->pack_start(*label, false, false);
vbox->pack_start(*hbox, true, true);
main_box.pack_start(*vbox, true, true);
main_box.pack_start(bottom_box, false, false);
play_btn.set_image (*(manage (new Image (Stock::MEDIA_PLAY, ICON_SIZE_BUTTON))));
play_btn.set_label (_("Play (double click)"));
stop_btn.set_image (*(manage (new Image (Stock::MEDIA_STOP, ICON_SIZE_BUTTON))));
stop_btn.set_label (_("Stop"));
bottom_box.set_homogeneous (false);
bottom_box.set_spacing (6);
bottom_box.pack_start(play_btn, true, true);
bottom_box.pack_start(stop_btn, true, true);
bottom_box.pack_start(autoplay_btn, false, false);
play_btn.signal_clicked().connect (mem_fun (*this, &SoundFileBox::audition));
stop_btn.signal_clicked().connect (mem_fun (*this, &SoundFileBox::stop_audition));
length.set_alignment (0.0f, 0.5f);
format.set_alignment (0.0f, 0.5f);
channels.set_alignment (0.0f, 0.5f);
samplerate.set_alignment (0.0f, 0.5f);
timecode.set_alignment (0.0f, 0.5f);
channels_value.set_alignment (0.0f, 0.5f);
samplerate_value.set_alignment (0.0f, 0.5f);
SoundFileBox::set_session(Session* s)
_session = s;
if (!_session) {
play_btn.set_sensitive (false);
stop_btn.set_sensitive (false);
length_clock.set_session (s);
timecode_clock.set_session (s);
SoundFileBox::setup_labels (const ustring& filename)
if (!path.empty()) {
// save existing tags
tags_changed ();
path = filename;
string error_msg;
if(!AudioFileSource::get_soundfile_info (filename, sf_info, error_msg)) {
preview_label.set_markup (_("<b>Soundfile Info</b>"));
format_text.set_text (_("n/a"));
channels_value.set_text (_("n/a"));
samplerate_value.set_text (_("n/a"));
tags_entry.get_buffer()->set_text ("");
length_clock.set (0);
timecode_clock.set (0);
tags_entry.set_sensitive (false);
play_btn.set_sensitive (false);
return false;
preview_label.set_markup (string_compose ("<b>%1</b>", Glib::path_get_basename (filename)));
format_text.set_text (sf_info.format_name);
channels_value.set_text (to_string (sf_info.channels, std::dec));
if (_session && sf_info.samplerate != _session->frame_rate()) {
samplerate.set_markup (string_compose ("<b>%1</b>", _("Sample rate:")));
samplerate_value.set_markup (string_compose (X_("<b>%1 Hz</b>"), sf_info.samplerate));
samplerate_value.set_name ("NewSessionSR1Label");
samplerate.set_name ("NewSessionSR1Label");
} else {
samplerate.set_text (_("Sample rate:"));
samplerate_value.set_text (string_compose (X_("%1 Hz"), sf_info.samplerate));
samplerate_value.set_name ("NewSessionSR2Label");
samplerate.set_name ("NewSessionSR2Label");
length_clock.set (sf_info.length, true);
timecode_clock.set (sf_info.timecode, true);
// this is a hack that is fixed in trunk, i think (august 26th, 2007)
vector<string> tags = Library->get_tags (string ("//") + filename);
stringstream tag_string;
for (vector<string>::iterator i = tags.begin(); i != tags.end(); ++i) {
if (i != tags.begin()) {
tag_string << ", ";
tag_string << *i;
tags_entry.get_buffer()->set_text (tag_string.str());
tags_entry.set_sensitive (true);
if (_session) {
play_btn.set_sensitive (true);
return true;
SoundFileBox::autoplay() const
return autoplay_btn.get_active();
audition ();
return false;
SoundFileBox::audition ()
if (!_session) {
if (!Glib::file_test (path, Glib::FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) {
warning << string_compose(_("Could not read file: %1 (%2)."), path, strerror(errno)) << endmsg;
boost::shared_ptr<Region> r;
SourceList srclist;
boost::shared_ptr<AudioFileSource> afs;
bool old_sbp = AudioSource::get_build_peakfiles ();
/* don't even think of building peakfiles for these files */
AudioSource::set_build_peakfiles (false);
for (int n = 0; n < sf_info.channels; ++n) {
try {
afs = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<AudioFileSource> (SourceFactory::createReadable (DataType::AUDIO, *_session, path,
n, AudioFileSource::Flag (0), false));
} catch (failed_constructor& err) {
error << _("Could not access soundfile: ") << path << endmsg;
AudioSource::set_build_peakfiles (old_sbp);
AudioSource::set_build_peakfiles (old_sbp);
if (srclist.empty()) {
afs = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<AudioFileSource> (srclist[0]);
string rname = region_name_from_path (afs->path(), false);
r = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<AudioRegion> (RegionFactory::create (srclist, 0, srclist[0]->length(), rname, 0, Region::DefaultFlags, false));
SoundFileBox::stop_audition ()
if (_session) {
SoundFileBox::tags_entry_left (GdkEventFocus *ev)
tags_changed ();
return false;
SoundFileBox::tags_changed ()
string tag_string = tags_entry.get_buffer()->get_text ();
if (tag_string.empty()) {
vector<string> tags;
if (!PBD::tokenize (tag_string, string(",\n"), std::back_inserter (tags), true)) {
warning << _("SoundFileBox: Could not tokenize string: ") << tag_string << endmsg;
save_tags (tags);
SoundFileBox::save_tags (const vector<string>& tags)
Library->set_tags (string ("//") + path, tags);
Library->save_changes ();
SoundFileBrowser::SoundFileBrowser (Gtk::Window& parent, string title, ARDOUR::Session* s, bool persistent)
: ArdourDialog (parent, title, false, false),
found_list (ListStore::create(found_list_columns)),
found_list_view (found_list),
preview (persistent),
found_search_btn (_("Search"))
VBox* vbox;
HBox* hbox;
gm = 0;
set_session (s);
resetting_ourselves = false;
hpacker.set_spacing (6);
hpacker.pack_start (notebook, true, true);
hpacker.pack_start (preview, false, false);
get_vbox()->pack_start (hpacker, true, true);
hbox = manage(new HBox);
hbox->pack_start (found_entry);
hbox->pack_start (found_search_btn);
vbox = manage(new VBox);
vbox->pack_start (*hbox, PACK_SHRINK);
vbox->pack_start (found_list_view);
found_list_view.append_column(_("Paths"), found_list_columns.pathname);
chooser.set_border_width (12);
notebook.append_page (chooser, _("Browse Files"));
notebook.append_page (*vbox, _("Search Tags"));
notebook.set_size_request (500, -1);
found_list_view.get_selection()->set_mode (SELECTION_MULTIPLE);
found_list_view.signal_row_activated().connect (mem_fun (*this, &SoundFileBrowser::found_list_view_activated));
custom_filter.add_custom (FILE_FILTER_FILENAME, mem_fun(*this, &SoundFileBrowser::on_custom));
custom_filter.set_name (_("Audio files"));
matchall_filter.add_pattern ("*.*");
matchall_filter.set_name (_("All files"));
chooser.add_filter (custom_filter);
chooser.add_filter (matchall_filter);
chooser.set_select_multiple (true);
chooser.signal_update_preview().connect(mem_fun(*this, &SoundFileBrowser::update_preview));
chooser.signal_file_activated().connect (mem_fun (*this, &SoundFileBrowser::chooser_file_activated));
if (!persistent_folder.empty()) {
chooser.set_current_folder (persistent_folder);
found_list_view.get_selection()->signal_changed().connect(mem_fun(*this, &SoundFileBrowser::found_list_view_selected));
found_search_btn.signal_clicked().connect(mem_fun(*this, &SoundFileBrowser::found_search_clicked));
found_entry.signal_activate().connect(mem_fun(*this, &SoundFileBrowser::found_search_clicked));
add_button (Stock::CANCEL, RESPONSE_CANCEL);
add_button (Stock::APPLY, RESPONSE_APPLY);
add_button (Stock::OK, RESPONSE_OK);
SoundFileBrowser::~SoundFileBrowser ()
persistent_folder = chooser.get_current_folder();
SoundFileBrowser::on_show ()
ArdourDialog::on_show ();
start_metering ();
SoundFileBrowser::clear_selection ()
chooser.unselect_all ();
found_list_view.get_selection()->unselect_all ();
SoundFileBrowser::chooser_file_activated ()
preview.audition ();
SoundFileBrowser::found_list_view_activated (const TreeModel::Path& path, TreeViewColumn* col)
preview.audition ();
SoundFileBrowser::set_session (Session* s)
ArdourDialog::set_session (s);
preview.set_session (s);
if (s) {
add_gain_meter ();
} else {
remove_gain_meter ();
SoundFileBrowser::add_gain_meter ()
if (gm) {
delete gm;
gm = new GainMeter (session->the_auditioner(), *session);
meter_packer.set_border_width (12);
meter_packer.pack_start (*gm, false, true);
hpacker.pack_end (meter_packer, false, false);
meter_packer.show_all ();
start_metering ();
SoundFileBrowser::remove_gain_meter ()
if (gm) {
meter_packer.remove (*gm);
hpacker.remove (meter_packer);
delete gm;
gm = 0;
SoundFileBrowser::start_metering ()
metering_connection = ARDOUR_UI::instance()->SuperRapidScreenUpdate.connect (mem_fun(*this, &SoundFileBrowser::meter));
SoundFileBrowser::stop_metering ()
SoundFileBrowser::meter ()
if (is_mapped () && session && gm) {
gm->update_meters ();
SoundFileBrowser::on_custom (const FileFilter::Info& filter_info)
return AudioFileSource::safe_file_extension (filter_info.filename);
SoundFileBrowser::update_preview ()
preview.setup_labels (chooser.get_filename());
if (preview.autoplay()) {
Glib::signal_idle().connect (mem_fun (preview, &SoundFileBox::audition_oneshot));
SoundFileBrowser::found_list_view_selected ()
if (!reset_options ()) {
set_response_sensitive (RESPONSE_OK, false);
} else {
ustring file;
TreeView::Selection::ListHandle_Path rows = found_list_view.get_selection()->get_selected_rows ();
if (!rows.empty()) {
TreeIter iter = found_list->get_iter(*rows.begin());
file = (*iter)[found_list_columns.pathname];
chooser.set_filename (file);
set_response_sensitive (RESPONSE_OK, true);
} else {
set_response_sensitive (RESPONSE_OK, false);
preview.setup_labels (file);
SoundFileBrowser::found_search_clicked ()
string tag_string = found_entry.get_text ();
vector<string> tags;
if (!PBD::tokenize (tag_string, string(","), std::back_inserter (tags), true)) {
warning << _("SoundFileBrowser: Could not tokenize string: ") << tag_string << endmsg;
vector<string> results;
Library->search_members_and (results, tags);
for (vector<string>::iterator i = results.begin(); i != results.end(); ++i) {
TreeModel::iterator new_row = found_list->append();
TreeModel::Row row = *new_row;
string path = Glib::filename_from_uri (string ("file:") + *i);
row[found_list_columns.pathname] = path;
SoundFileBrowser::get_paths ()
vector<ustring> results;
int n = notebook.get_current_page ();
if (n == 0) {
vector<ustring> filenames = chooser.get_filenames();
vector<ustring>::iterator i;
for (i = filenames.begin(); i != filenames.end(); ++i) {
struct stat buf;
if ((!stat((*i).c_str(), &buf)) && S_ISREG(buf.st_mode)) {
results.push_back (*i);
} else {
typedef TreeView::Selection::ListHandle_Path ListPath;
ListPath rows = found_list_view.get_selection()->get_selected_rows ();
for (ListPath::iterator i = rows.begin() ; i != rows.end(); ++i) {
TreeIter iter = found_list->get_iter(*i);
ustring str = (*iter)[found_list_columns.pathname];
results.push_back (str);
return results;
SoundFileOmega::reset_options_noret ()
if (!resetting_ourselves) {
(void) reset_options ();
SoundFileOmega::reset_options ()
vector<ustring> paths = get_paths ();
if (paths.empty()) {
channel_combo.set_sensitive (false);
action_combo.set_sensitive (false);
where_combo.set_sensitive (false);
copy_files_btn.set_sensitive (false);
return false;
} else {
channel_combo.set_sensitive (true);
action_combo.set_sensitive (true);
where_combo.set_sensitive (true);
/* if we get through this function successfully, this may be
reset at the end, once we know if we can use hard links
to do embedding
if (Config->get_only_copy_imported_files()) {
copy_files_btn.set_sensitive (false);
} else {
copy_files_btn.set_sensitive (false);
bool same_size;
bool src_needed;
bool selection_includes_multichannel;
bool selection_can_be_embedded_with_links = check_link_status (*session, paths);
ImportMode mode;
if (check_info (paths, same_size, src_needed, selection_includes_multichannel)) {
Glib::signal_idle().connect (mem_fun (*this, &SoundFileOmega::bad_file_message));
return false;
ustring existing_choice;
vector<string> action_strings;
if (selected_track_cnt > 0) {
if (channel_combo.get_active_text().length()) {
ImportDisposition id = get_channel_disposition();
switch (id) {
case Editing::ImportDistinctFiles:
if (selected_track_cnt == paths.size()) {
action_strings.push_back (importmode2string (ImportToTrack));
case Editing::ImportDistinctChannels:
/* XXX it would be nice to allow channel-per-selected track
but its too hard we don't want to deal with all the
different per-file + per-track channel configurations.
action_strings.push_back (importmode2string (ImportToTrack));
action_strings.push_back (importmode2string (ImportAsTrack));
action_strings.push_back (importmode2string (ImportAsRegion));
action_strings.push_back (importmode2string (ImportAsTapeTrack));
resetting_ourselves = true;
existing_choice = action_combo.get_active_text();
set_popdown_strings (action_combo, action_strings);
/* preserve any existing choice, if possible */
if (existing_choice.length()) {
vector<string>::iterator x;
for (x = action_strings.begin(); x != action_strings.end(); ++x) {
if (*x == existing_choice) {
action_combo.set_active_text (existing_choice);
if (x == action_strings.end()) {
action_combo.set_active_text (action_strings.front());
} else {
action_combo.set_active_text (action_strings.front());
resetting_ourselves = false;
if ((mode = get_mode()) == ImportAsRegion) {
where_combo.set_sensitive (false);
} else {
where_combo.set_sensitive (true);
vector<string> channel_strings;
if (mode == ImportAsTrack || mode == ImportAsTapeTrack || mode == ImportToTrack) {
channel_strings.push_back (_("one track per file"));
if (selection_includes_multichannel) {
channel_strings.push_back (_("one track per channel"));
if (paths.size() > 1) {
/* tape tracks are a single region per track, so we cannot
sequence multiple files.
if (mode != ImportAsTapeTrack) {
channel_strings.push_back (_("sequence files"));
if (same_size) {
channel_strings.push_back (_("all files in one region"));
} else {
channel_strings.push_back (_("one region per file"));
if (selection_includes_multichannel) {
channel_strings.push_back (_("one region per channel"));
if (paths.size() > 1) {
if (same_size) {
channel_strings.push_back (_("all files in one region"));
existing_choice = channel_combo.get_active_text();
set_popdown_strings (channel_combo, channel_strings);
/* preserve any existing choice, if possible */
if (existing_choice.length()) {
vector<string>::iterator x;
for (x = channel_strings.begin(); x != channel_strings.end(); ++x) {
if (*x == existing_choice) {
channel_combo.set_active_text (existing_choice);
if (x == channel_strings.end()) {
channel_combo.set_active_text (channel_strings.front());
} else {
channel_combo.set_active_text (channel_strings.front());
if (src_needed) {
src_combo.set_sensitive (true);
} else {
src_combo.set_sensitive (false);
if (Config->get_only_copy_imported_files()) {
if (selection_can_be_embedded_with_links) {
copy_files_btn.set_sensitive (true);
} else {
copy_files_btn.set_sensitive (false);
} else {
copy_files_btn.set_sensitive (true);
return true;
MessageDialog msg (*this,
_("One or more of the selected files\ncannot be used by Ardour"),
msg.run ();
resetting_ourselves = true;
chooser.unselect_uri (chooser.get_preview_uri());
resetting_ourselves = false;
return false;
SoundFileOmega::check_info (const vector<ustring>& paths, bool& same_size, bool& src_needed, bool& multichannel)
SF_INFO info;
nframes64_t sz = 0;
bool err = false;
same_size = true;
src_needed = false;
multichannel = false;
for (vector<ustring>::const_iterator i = paths.begin(); i != paths.end(); ++i) {
info.format = 0; // libsndfile says to clear this before sf_open().
if ((sf = sf_open ((char*) (*i).c_str(), SFM_READ, &info)) != 0) {
sf_close (sf);
if (info.channels > 1) {
multichannel = true;
if (sz == 0) {
sz = info.frames;
} else {
if (sz != info.frames) {
same_size = false;
if ((nframes_t) info.samplerate != session->frame_rate()) {
src_needed = true;
} else {
err = true;
return err;
SoundFileOmega::check_link_status (const Session& s, const vector<ustring>& paths)
sys::path path = s.session_directory().sound_path() / "linktest";
string tmpdir = path.to_string();
bool ret = false;
if (mkdir (tmpdir.c_str(), 0744)) {
if (errno != EEXIST) {
return false;
for (vector<ustring>::const_iterator i = paths.begin(); i != paths.end(); ++i) {
char tmpc[MAXPATHLEN+1];
snprintf (tmpc, sizeof(tmpc), "%s/%s", tmpdir.c_str(), Glib::path_get_basename (*i).c_str());
/* can we link ? */
if (link ((*i).c_str(), tmpc)) {
goto out;
unlink (tmpc);
ret = true;
rmdir (tmpdir.c_str());
return ret;
SoundFileChooser::SoundFileChooser (Gtk::Window& parent, string title, ARDOUR::Session* s)
: SoundFileBrowser (parent, title, s, false)
set_size_request (780, 300);
chooser.set_select_multiple (false);
found_list_view.get_selection()->set_mode (SELECTION_SINGLE);
SoundFileChooser::on_hide ()
stop_metering ();
if (session) {
SoundFileChooser::get_filename ()
vector<ustring> paths;
paths = get_paths ();
if (paths.empty()) {
return ustring ();
if (!Glib::file_test (paths.front(), Glib::FILE_TEST_EXISTS|Glib::FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR)) {
return ustring();
return paths.front();
SoundFileOmega::SoundFileOmega (Gtk::Window& parent, string title, ARDOUR::Session* s, int selected_tracks, bool persistent,
Editing::ImportMode mode_hint)
: SoundFileBrowser (parent, title, s, persistent),
copy_files_btn ( _("Copy files to session")),
selected_track_cnt (selected_tracks)
VBox* vbox;
HBox* hbox;
vector<string> str;
set_size_request (-1, 450);
block_two.set_border_width (12);
block_three.set_border_width (12);
block_four.set_border_width (12);
options.set_spacing (12);
str.clear ();
str.push_back (_("use file timestamp"));
str.push_back (_("at edit cursor"));
str.push_back (_("at playhead"));
str.push_back (_("at session start"));
set_popdown_strings (where_combo, str);
where_combo.set_active_text (str.front());
Label* l = manage (new Label);
l->set_text (_("Add files:"));
hbox = manage (new HBox);
hbox->set_border_width (12);
hbox->set_spacing (6);
hbox->pack_start (*l, false, false);
hbox->pack_start (action_combo, false, false);
vbox = manage (new VBox);
vbox->pack_start (*hbox, false, false);
options.pack_start (*vbox, false, false);
/* dummy entry for action combo so that it doesn't look odd if we
come up with no tracks selected.
str.clear ();
str.push_back (importmode2string (mode_hint));
set_popdown_strings (action_combo, str);
action_combo.set_active_text (str.front());
action_combo.set_sensitive (false);
l = manage (new Label);
l->set_text (_("Insert:"));
hbox = manage (new HBox);
hbox->set_border_width (12);
hbox->set_spacing (6);
hbox->pack_start (*l, false, false);
hbox->pack_start (where_combo, false, false);
vbox = manage (new VBox);
vbox->pack_start (*hbox, false, false);
options.pack_start (*vbox, false, false);
l = manage (new Label);
l->set_text (_("Mapping:"));
hbox = manage (new HBox);
hbox->set_border_width (12);
hbox->set_spacing (6);
hbox->pack_start (*l, false, false);
hbox->pack_start (channel_combo, false, false);
vbox = manage (new VBox);
vbox->pack_start (*hbox, false, false);
options.pack_start (*vbox, false, false);
str.clear ();
str.push_back (_("one track per file"));
set_popdown_strings (channel_combo, str);
channel_combo.set_active_text (str.front());
channel_combo.set_sensitive (false);
l = manage (new Label);
l->set_text (_("Conversion Quality:"));
hbox = manage (new HBox);
hbox->set_border_width (12);
hbox->set_spacing (6);
hbox->pack_start (*l, false, false);
hbox->pack_start (src_combo, false, false);
vbox = manage (new VBox);
vbox->pack_start (*hbox, false, false);
options.pack_start (*vbox, false, false);
str.clear ();
str.push_back (_("Best"));
str.push_back (_("Good"));
str.push_back (_("Quick"));
str.push_back (_("Fast"));
str.push_back (_("Fastest"));
set_popdown_strings (src_combo, str);
src_combo.set_active_text (str.front());
src_combo.set_sensitive (false);
reset_options ();
action_combo.signal_changed().connect (mem_fun (*this, &SoundFileOmega::reset_options_noret));
copy_files_btn.set_active (true);
block_four.pack_start (copy_files_btn, false, false);
options.pack_start (block_four, false, false);
get_vbox()->pack_start (options, false, false);
/* setup disposition map */
disposition_map.insert (pair<ustring,ImportDisposition>(_("one track per file"), ImportDistinctFiles));
disposition_map.insert (pair<ustring,ImportDisposition>(_("one track per channel"), ImportDistinctChannels));
disposition_map.insert (pair<ustring,ImportDisposition>(_("merge files"), ImportMergeFiles));
disposition_map.insert (pair<ustring,ImportDisposition>(_("sequence files"), ImportSerializeFiles));
disposition_map.insert (pair<ustring,ImportDisposition>(_("one region per file"), ImportDistinctFiles));
disposition_map.insert (pair<ustring,ImportDisposition>(_("one region per channel"), ImportDistinctChannels));
disposition_map.insert (pair<ustring,ImportDisposition>(_("all files in one region"), ImportMergeFiles));
chooser.signal_selection_changed().connect (mem_fun (*this, &SoundFileOmega::file_selection_changed));
SoundFileOmega::set_mode (ImportMode mode)
action_combo.set_active_text (importmode2string (mode));
SoundFileOmega::get_mode () const
return string2importmode (action_combo.get_active_text());
SoundFileOmega::on_hide ()
if (session) {
SoundFileOmega::get_position() const
ustring str = where_combo.get_active_text();
if (str == _("use file timestamp")) {
return ImportAtTimestamp;
} else if (str == _("at edit cursor")) {
return ImportAtEditCursor;
} else if (str == _("at playhead")) {
return ImportAtPlayhead;
} else {
return ImportAtStart;
SoundFileOmega::get_src_quality() const
ustring str = where_combo.get_active_text();
if (str == _("Best")) {
return SrcBest;
} else if (str == _("Good")) {
return SrcGood;
} else if (str == _("Quick")) {
return SrcQuick;
} else if (str == _("Fast")) {
return SrcFast;
} else {
return SrcFastest;
SoundFileOmega::get_channel_disposition () const
/* we use a map here because the channel combo can contain different strings
depending on the state of the other combos. the map contains all possible strings
and the ImportDisposition enum that corresponds to it.
ustring str = channel_combo.get_active_text();
DispositionMap::const_iterator x = disposition_map.find (str);
if (x == disposition_map.end()) {
fatal << string_compose (_("programming error: %1 (%2)"), "unknown string for import disposition", str) << endmsg;
return x->second;
SoundFileOmega::reset (int selected_tracks)
selected_track_cnt = selected_tracks;
reset_options ();
SoundFileOmega::file_selection_changed ()
if (resetting_ourselves) {
if (!reset_options ()) {
set_response_sensitive (RESPONSE_OK, false);
} else {
if (chooser.get_filenames().size() > 0) {
set_response_sensitive (RESPONSE_OK, true);
} else {
set_response_sensitive (RESPONSE_OK, false);