Paul Davis b35518e212 switch from boost::{shared,weak}_ptr to std::{shared,weak}_ptr
This is mostly a simple lexical search+replace but the absence of operator< for
std::weak_ptr<T> leads to some complications, particularly with Evoral::Sequence
and ExportPortChannel.
2023-03-24 14:19:15 -06:00

360 lines
9.9 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2016 Paul Davis <paul@linuxaudiosystems.com>
* Copyright (C) 2016 Tim Mayberry <mojofunk@gmail.com>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#include "ardour/debug.h"
#include "ardour/mute_master.h"
#include "ardour/session.h"
#include "ardour/solo_control.h"
#include "pbd/i18n.h"
using namespace ARDOUR;
using namespace std;
using namespace PBD;
SoloControl::SoloControl (Session& session, std::string const & name, Soloable& s, Muteable& m, Temporal::TimeDomain td)
: SlavableAutomationControl (session, SoloAutomation, ParameterDescriptor (SoloAutomation),
std::shared_ptr<AutomationList>(new AutomationList(Evoral::Parameter(SoloAutomation), td)),
, _soloable (s)
, _muteable (m)
, _self_solo (false)
, _soloed_by_others_upstream (0)
, _soloed_by_others_downstream (0)
, _transition_into_solo (false)
_list->set_interpolation (Evoral::ControlList::Discrete);
/* solo changes must be synchronized by the process cycle */
set_flag (Controllable::RealTime);
SoloControl::set_self_solo (bool yn)
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Solo, string_compose ("%1: set SELF solo => %2\n", name(), yn));
_self_solo = yn;
set_mute_master_solo ();
_transition_into_solo = 0;
if (yn) {
if (get_masters_value() == 0) {
_transition_into_solo = 1;
} else {
if (get_masters_value() == 0) {
_transition_into_solo = -1;
SoloControl::set_mute_master_solo ()
_muteable.mute_master()->set_soloed_by_self (self_soloed() || get_masters_value());
if (Config->get_solo_control_is_listen_control()) {
_muteable.mute_master()->set_soloed_by_others (false);
} else {
_muteable.mute_master()->set_soloed_by_others (soloed_by_others_downstream() || soloed_by_others_upstream() || get_masters_value());
SoloControl::mod_solo_by_others_downstream (int32_t delta)
if (_soloable.is_safe() || !can_solo()) {
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Solo, string_compose ("%1 mod solo-by-downstream by %2, current up = %3 down = %4\n",
name(), delta, _soloed_by_others_upstream, _soloed_by_others_downstream));
if (delta < 0) {
if (_soloed_by_others_downstream >= (uint32_t) abs (delta)) {
_soloed_by_others_downstream += delta;
} else {
_soloed_by_others_downstream = 0;
} else {
_soloed_by_others_downstream += delta;
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Solo, string_compose ("%1 SbD delta %2 = %3\n", name(), delta, _soloed_by_others_downstream));
set_mute_master_solo ();
_transition_into_solo = 0;
Changed (false, Controllable::UseGroup); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
SoloControl::mod_solo_by_others_upstream (int32_t delta)
if (_soloable.is_safe() || !can_solo()) {
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Solo, string_compose ("%1 mod solo-by-upstream by %2, current up = %3 down = %4\n",
name(), delta, _soloed_by_others_upstream, _soloed_by_others_downstream));
uint32_t old_sbu = _soloed_by_others_upstream;
if (delta < 0) {
if (_soloed_by_others_upstream >= (uint32_t) abs (delta)) {
_soloed_by_others_upstream += delta;
} else {
_soloed_by_others_upstream = 0;
} else {
_soloed_by_others_upstream += delta;
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Solo, string_compose (
"%1 SbU delta %2 = %3 old = %4 sbd %5 ss %6 exclusive %7\n",
name(), delta, _soloed_by_others_upstream, old_sbu,
_soloed_by_others_downstream, _self_solo, Config->get_exclusive_solo()));
/* push the inverse solo change to everything that feeds us.
This is important for solo-within-group. When we solo 1 track out of N that
feed a bus, that track will cause mod_solo_by_upstream (+1) to be called
on the bus. The bus then needs to call mod_solo_by_downstream (-1) on all
tracks that feed it. This will silence them if they were audible because
of a bus solo, but the newly soloed track will still be audible (because
it is self-soloed).
but .. do this only when we are being told to solo-by-upstream (i.e delta = +1),
not in reverse.
if ((_self_solo || _soloed_by_others_downstream) &&
((old_sbu == 0 && _soloed_by_others_upstream > 0) ||
(old_sbu > 0 && _soloed_by_others_upstream == 0))) {
if (delta > 0 || !Config->get_exclusive_solo()) {
_soloable.push_solo_upstream (delta);
set_mute_master_solo ();
_transition_into_solo = 0;
Changed (false, Controllable::NoGroup); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
SoloControl::actually_set_value (double val, PBD::Controllable::GroupControlDisposition group_override)
if (_soloable.is_safe() || !can_solo()) {
set_self_solo (val == 1.0);
/* this sets the Evoral::Control::_user_value for us, which will
be retrieved by AutomationControl::get_value (), and emits Changed
SlavableAutomationControl::actually_set_value (val, group_override);
SoloControl::get_value () const
if (slaved()) {
return self_soloed() || get_masters_value ();
if (_list && std::dynamic_pointer_cast<AutomationList>(_list)->automation_playback()) {
// Playing back automation, get the value from the list
return AutomationControl::get_value();
return soloed();
SoloControl::clear_all_solo_state ()
bool change = false;
if (self_soloed()) {
PBD::info << string_compose (_("Cleared Explicit solo: %1\n"), name()) << endmsg;
actually_set_value (0.0, Controllable::NoGroup);
change = true;
if (_soloed_by_others_upstream) {
PBD::info << string_compose (_("Cleared upstream solo: %1 up:%2\n"), name(), _soloed_by_others_upstream)
<< endmsg;
_soloed_by_others_upstream = 0;
change = true;
if (_soloed_by_others_downstream) {
PBD::info << string_compose (_("Cleared downstream solo: %1 down:%2\n"), name(), _soloed_by_others_downstream)
<< endmsg;
_soloed_by_others_downstream = 0;
change = true;
_transition_into_solo = 0; /* Session does not need to propagate */
if (change) {
Changed (false, Controllable::NoGroup); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
SoloControl::set_state (XMLNode const & node, int version)
if (SlavableAutomationControl::set_state(node, version)) {
return -1;
bool yn;
if (node.get_property ("self-solo", yn)) {
set_self_solo (yn);
uint32_t val;
if (node.get_property ("soloed-by-upstream", val)) {
_soloed_by_others_upstream = 0; // needed for mod_.... () to work
mod_solo_by_others_upstream (val);
if (node.get_property ("soloed-by-downstream", val)) {
_soloed_by_others_downstream = 0; // needed for mod_.... () to work
mod_solo_by_others_downstream (val);
return 0;
SoloControl::get_state () const
XMLNode& node (SlavableAutomationControl::get_state());
node.set_property (X_("self-solo"), _self_solo);
node.set_property (X_("soloed-by-upstream"), _soloed_by_others_upstream);
node.set_property (X_("soloed-by-downstream"), _soloed_by_others_downstream);
return node;
SoloControl::master_changed (bool /*from self*/, GroupControlDisposition, std::weak_ptr<AutomationControl> wm)
std::shared_ptr<AutomationControl> m = wm.lock ();
assert (m);
bool send_signal = false;
_transition_into_solo = 0;
/* Notice that we call get_boolean_masters() BEFORE we call
* update_boolean_masters_records(), in order to know what
* our master state was BEFORE it gets changed.
if (m->get_value()) {
/* this master is now enabled */
if (!self_soloed() && get_boolean_masters() == 0) {
/* not self-soloed, wasn't soloed by masters before */
send_signal = true;
_transition_into_solo = 1;
} else {
if (!self_soloed() && get_boolean_masters() == 1) {
/* not self-soloed, soloed by just 1 master before */
_transition_into_solo = -1;
send_signal = true;
update_boolean_masters_records (m);
if (send_signal) {
set_mute_master_solo ();
Changed (false, Controllable::UseGroup);
SoloControl::post_add_master (std::shared_ptr<AutomationControl> m)
if (m->get_value()) {
/* boolean masters records are not updated until AFTER
* ::post_add_master() is called, so we can use them to check
* on whether any master was already enabled before the new
* one was added.
if (!self_soloed() && !get_boolean_masters()) {
_transition_into_solo = 1;
Changed (false, Controllable::NoGroup);
SoloControl::pre_remove_master (std::shared_ptr<AutomationControl> m)
if (!m) {
/* null control ptr means we're removing all masters. Nothing
* to do. Changed will be emitted in
* SlavableAutomationControl::clear_masters()
if (m->get_value()) {
if (!self_soloed() && (get_boolean_masters() == 1)) {
/* we're not self-soloed, this master is, and we're
it. SlavableAutomationControl::remove_master() will
ensure that we reset our own value after actually
removing the master, so that our state does not
change (this is a precondition of the
SlavableAutomationControl API). This will emit
Changed(), and we need to make sure that any
listener knows that there has been no transition.
_transition_into_solo = 0;
} else {
_transition_into_solo = 1;
} else {
_transition_into_solo = 0;
SoloControl::can_solo () const
if (Config->get_solo_control_is_listen_control()) {
return _soloable.can_monitor ();
} else {
return _soloable.can_solo ();