2014-01-06 17:53:50 +01:00

457 lines
13 KiB

Copyright (C) 2004 Paul Davis
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#ifndef __ardour_gtk_processor_box__
#define __ardour_gtk_processor_box__
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <gtkmm/box.h>
#include <gtkmm/eventbox.h>
#include <gtkmm/menu.h>
#include <gtkmm/scrolledwindow.h>
#include "gtkmm2ext/dndtreeview.h"
#include "gtkmm2ext/auto_spin.h"
#include "gtkmm2ext/click_box.h"
#include "gtkmm2ext/dndvbox.h"
#include "gtkmm2ext/pixfader.h"
#include "gtkmm2ext/persistent_tooltip.h"
#include "pbd/stateful.h"
#include "pbd/signals.h"
#include "ardour/types.h"
#include "ardour/ardour.h"
#include "ardour/plugin_insert.h"
#include "ardour/port_insert.h"
#include "ardour/processor.h"
#include "ardour/route.h"
#include "ardour/session_handle.h"
#include "pbd/fastlog.h"
#include "plugin_interest.h"
#include "io_selector.h"
#include "send_ui.h"
#include "enums.h"
#include "ardour_button.h"
#include "window_manager.h"
class MotionController;
class PluginSelector;
class PluginUIWindow;
class RouteProcessorSelection;
class MixerStrip;
namespace ARDOUR {
class Connection;
class IO;
class Insert;
class Plugin;
class PluginInsert;
class PortInsert;
class Route;
class Session;
class ProcessorBox;
class ProcessorWindowProxy : public WM::ProxyBase
ProcessorWindowProxy (std::string const &, ProcessorBox *, boost::weak_ptr<ARDOUR::Processor>);
Gtk::Window* get (bool create = false);
boost::weak_ptr<ARDOUR::Processor> processor () const {
return _processor;
ARDOUR::SessionHandlePtr* session_handle();
void toggle();
void set_custom_ui_mode(bool use_custom) { want_custom = use_custom; }
bool marked;
bool valid () const;
void set_state (const XMLNode&);
XMLNode& get_state () const;
ProcessorBox* _processor_box;
boost::weak_ptr<ARDOUR::Processor> _processor;
bool is_custom;
bool want_custom;
bool _valid;
void processor_going_away ();
PBD::ScopedConnection going_away_connection;
class ProcessorEntry : public Gtkmm2ext::DnDVBoxChild, public sigc::trackable
ProcessorEntry (ProcessorBox *, boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Processor>, Width);
~ProcessorEntry ();
Gtk::EventBox& action_widget ();
Gtk::Widget& widget ();
std::string drag_text () const;
void set_visual_state (Gtkmm2ext::VisualState, bool);
enum Position {
void set_position (Position, uint32_t);
boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Processor> processor () const;
void set_enum_width (Width);
/** Hide any widgets that should be hidden */
virtual void hide_things ();
void show_all_controls ();
void hide_all_controls ();
void add_control_state (XMLNode *) const;
void set_control_state (XMLNode const *);
std::string state_id () const;
Gtk::Menu* build_controls_menu ();
ArdourButton _button;
Gtk::VBox _vbox;
Position _position;
uint32_t _position_num;
virtual void setup_visuals ();
void led_clicked();
void processor_active_changed ();
void processor_property_changed (const PBD::PropertyChange&);
void processor_configuration_changed (const ARDOUR::ChanCount in, const ARDOUR::ChanCount out);
std::string name (Width) const;
void setup_tooltip ();
ProcessorBox* _parent;
boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Processor> _processor;
Width _width;
Gtk::StateType _visual_state;
PBD::ScopedConnection active_connection;
PBD::ScopedConnection name_connection;
PBD::ScopedConnection config_connection;
class Control : public sigc::trackable {
Control (boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::AutomationControl>, std::string const &);
void set_visible (bool);
void add_state (XMLNode *) const;
void set_state (XMLNode const *);
void hide_things ();
bool visible () const {
return _visible;
std::string name () const {
return _name;
Gtk::Alignment box;
void slider_adjusted ();
void button_clicked ();
void control_changed ();
std::string state_id () const;
void set_tooltip ();
boost::weak_ptr<ARDOUR::AutomationControl> _control;
/* things for a slider */
Gtk::Adjustment _adjustment;
Gtkmm2ext::HSliderController _slider;
Gtkmm2ext::PersistentTooltip _slider_persistant_tooltip;
/* things for a button */
ArdourButton _button;
bool _ignore_ui_adjustment;
PBD::ScopedConnection _connection;
bool _visible;
std::string _name;
std::list<Control*> _controls;
void toggle_control_visibility (Control *);
class PortIcon : public Gtk::DrawingArea {
PortIcon(bool input) {
_input = input;
_ports = ARDOUR::ChanCount(ARDOUR::DataType::AUDIO, 1);
set_size_request (-1, 3);
void set_ports(ARDOUR::ChanCount const ports) { _ports = ports; }
bool on_expose_event (GdkEventExpose *);
bool _input;
ARDOUR::ChanCount _ports;
class RoutingIcon : public Gtk::DrawingArea {
RoutingIcon() {
_sources = ARDOUR::ChanCount(ARDOUR::DataType::AUDIO, 1);
_sinks = ARDOUR::ChanCount(ARDOUR::DataType::AUDIO, 1);
_splitting = false;
set_size_request (-1, 4);
void set_sources(ARDOUR::ChanCount const sources) { _sources = sources; }
void set_sinks(ARDOUR::ChanCount const sinks) { _sinks = sinks; }
void set_splitting(const bool splitting) { _splitting = splitting; }
bool on_expose_event (GdkEventExpose *);
ARDOUR::ChanCount _sources; // signals available to feed into the processor(s)
ARDOUR::ChanCount _sinks; // combined number of outputs of the processor
bool _splitting;
RoutingIcon _routing_icon;
PortIcon _input_icon;
PortIcon _output_icon;
class PluginInsertProcessorEntry : public ProcessorEntry
PluginInsertProcessorEntry (ProcessorBox *, boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::PluginInsert>, Width);
void hide_things ();
void plugin_insert_splitting_changed ();
boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::PluginInsert> _plugin_insert;
PBD::ScopedConnection _splitting_connection;
class ProcessorBox : public Gtk::HBox, public PluginInterestedObject, public ARDOUR::SessionHandlePtr
enum ProcessorOperation {
ProcessorBox (ARDOUR::Session*, boost::function<PluginSelector*()> get_plugin_selector,
RouteProcessorSelection&, MixerStrip* parent, bool owner_is_mixer = false);
~ProcessorBox ();
void set_route (boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Route>);
void set_width (Width);
void processor_operation (ProcessorOperation);
void select_all_processors ();
void deselect_all_processors ();
void select_all_plugins ();
void select_all_inserts ();
void select_all_sends ();
void hide_things ();
bool edit_aux_send(boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Processor>);
/* Everything except a WindowProxy object should use this to get the window */
Gtk::Window* get_processor_ui (boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Processor>) const;
/* a WindowProxy object can use this */
Gtk::Window* get_editor_window (boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Processor>, bool);
Gtk::Window* get_generic_editor_window (boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Processor>);
void edit_processor (boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Processor>);
void generic_edit_processor (boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Processor>);
void update_gui_object_state (ProcessorEntry *);
sigc::signal<void,boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Processor> > ProcessorSelected;
sigc::signal<void,boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Processor> > ProcessorUnselected;
static void register_actions();
/* prevent copy construction */
ProcessorBox (ProcessorBox const &);
boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Route> _route;
MixerStrip* _parent_strip; // null if in RouteParamsUI
bool _owner_is_mixer;
bool ab_direction;
PBD::ScopedConnectionList _mixer_strip_connections;
PBD::ScopedConnectionList _route_connections;
boost::function<PluginSelector*()> _get_plugin_selector;
boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Processor> _processor_being_created;
/** Index at which to place a new plugin (based on where the menu was opened), or -1 to
* put at the end of the plugin list.
int _placement;
uint32_t _visible_prefader_processors;
RouteProcessorSelection& _rr_selection;
void route_going_away ();
bool is_editor_mixer_strip() const;
Gtkmm2ext::DnDVBox<ProcessorEntry> processor_display;
Gtk::ScrolledWindow processor_scroller;
void object_drop (Gtkmm2ext::DnDVBox<ProcessorEntry> *, ProcessorEntry *, Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::DragContext> const &);
Width _width;
bool _redisplay_pending;
Gtk::Menu *processor_menu;
gint processor_menu_map_handler (GdkEventAny *ev);
Gtk::Menu * build_processor_menu ();
void show_processor_menu (int);
Gtk::Menu* build_possible_aux_menu();
void choose_aux (boost::weak_ptr<ARDOUR::Route>);
void choose_send ();
void send_io_finished (IOSelector::Result, boost::weak_ptr<ARDOUR::Processor>, IOSelectorWindow*);
void return_io_finished (IOSelector::Result, boost::weak_ptr<ARDOUR::Processor>, IOSelectorWindow*);
void choose_insert ();
void choose_plugin ();
bool use_plugins (const SelectedPlugins&);
bool no_processor_redisplay;
bool enter_notify (GdkEventCrossing *ev);
bool leave_notify (GdkEventCrossing *ev);
bool processor_button_press_event (GdkEventButton *, ProcessorEntry *);
bool processor_button_release_event (GdkEventButton *, ProcessorEntry *);
void redisplay_processors ();
void add_processor_to_display (boost::weak_ptr<ARDOUR::Processor>);
void help_count_visible_prefader_processors (boost::weak_ptr<ARDOUR::Processor>, uint32_t*, bool*);
void reordered ();
void report_failed_reorder ();
void route_processors_changed (ARDOUR::RouteProcessorChange);
void processor_menu_unmapped ();
void processors_reordered (const Gtk::TreeModel::Path&, const Gtk::TreeModel::iterator&, int*);
void compute_processor_sort_keys ();
void all_visible_processors_active(bool state);
void ab_plugins ();
typedef std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Processor> > ProcSelection;
void cut_processors (const ProcSelection&);
void copy_processors (const ProcSelection&);
void delete_processors (const ProcSelection&);
void paste_processors ();
void paste_processors (boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Processor> before);
void delete_dragged_processors (const std::list<boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Processor> >&);
void clear_processors ();
void clear_processors (ARDOUR::Placement);
void rename_processors ();
void for_selected_processors (void (ProcessorBox::*pmf)(boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Processor>));
void get_selected_processors (ProcSelection&) const;
bool can_cut() const;
static Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Action> cut_action;
static Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Action> paste_action;
static Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Action> rename_action;
static Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Action> edit_action;
static Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Action> edit_generic_action;
void paste_processor_state (const XMLNodeList&, boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Processor>);
void hide_processor_editor (boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Processor>);
void rename_processor (boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Processor>);
gint idle_delete_processor (boost::weak_ptr<ARDOUR::Processor>);
void weird_plugin_dialog (ARDOUR::Plugin& p, ARDOUR::Route::ProcessorStreams streams);
void setup_entry_positions ();
static ProcessorBox* _current_processor_box;
static void rb_choose_aux (boost::weak_ptr<ARDOUR::Route>);
static void rb_choose_plugin ();
static void rb_choose_insert ();
static void rb_choose_send ();
static void rb_clear ();
static void rb_clear_pre ();
static void rb_clear_post ();
static void rb_cut ();
static void rb_copy ();
static void rb_paste ();
static void rb_delete ();
static void rb_rename ();
static void rb_select_all ();
static void rb_deselect_all ();
static void rb_activate_all ();
static void rb_deactivate_all ();
static void rb_ab_plugins ();
static void rb_edit ();
static void rb_edit_generic ();
void route_property_changed (const PBD::PropertyChange&);
std::string generate_processor_title (boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::PluginInsert> pi);
typedef std::list<ProcessorWindowProxy*> ProcessorWindowProxies;
ProcessorWindowProxies _processor_window_info;
ProcessorWindowProxy* find_window_proxy (boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Processor>) const;
void set_processor_ui (boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Processor>, Gtk::Window *);
void maybe_add_processor_to_ui_list (boost::weak_ptr<ARDOUR::Processor>);
bool one_processor_can_be_edited ();
bool processor_can_be_edited (boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Processor>);
void mixer_strip_delivery_changed (boost::weak_ptr<ARDOUR::Delivery>);
XMLNode* entry_gui_object_state (ProcessorEntry *);
PBD::ScopedConnection amp_config_connection;
#endif /* __ardour_gtk_processor_box__ */