David Robillard 9f8a97112d Fix windows key bindings.
I am not sure if this is correct, but since the name in the bindings didn't
match that in keyboard.cc, the modifier was just ignored, which results in
conflicting bindings and consequent bugs.

"Meta" seems to be the name for this thing (oddly, to me), so I chose that,
though since my window manager steals this key (as basically all the standard
ones do these days) I can't tell if these bindings actually work with the
desired key.
2015-01-08 20:15:02 -05:00

557 lines
14 KiB
Executable File

# import module
use Getopt::Long;
$semicolon = ";"; # help out stupid emacs
$title = "Ardour Shortcuts";
$in_group_def = 0;
$group_number = 0;
$platform = linux;
$winkey = 'Win';
$make_cheatsheet = 1;
$make_accelmap = 0;
$merge_from = "";
$html = 0;
GetOptions ("platform=s" => \$platform,
"winkey=s" => \$winkey,
"cheatsheet" => \$make_cheatsheet,
"accelmap" => \$make_accelmap,
"merge=s" => \$merge_from,
"html" => \$html);
if ($platform eq "darwin") {
$gtk_modifier_map{'PRIMARY'} = 'Primary';
$gtk_modifier_map{'SECONDARY'} = 'Control';
$gtk_modifier_map{'TERTIARY'} = 'Shift';
$gtk_modifier_map{'LEVEL4'} = 'Mod1';
$gtk_modifier_map{'WINDOW'} = 'Control';
$cs_modifier_map{'PRIMARY'} = 'Cmd';
$cs_modifier_map{'SECONDARY'} = 'Control';
$cs_modifier_map{'TERTIARY'} = 'Shift';
$cs_modifier_map{'LEVEL4'} = 'Mod1';
$cs_modifier_map{'WINDOW'} = 'Control';
$mouse_modifier_map{'PRIMARY'} = 'Cmd';
$mouse_modifier_map{'SECONDARY'} = 'Ctrl';
$mouse_modifier_map{'TERTIARY'} = 'Shift';
$mouse_modifier_map{'LEVEL4'} = 'Opt';
$mouse_modifier_map{'WINDOW'} = 'Ctrl';
} else {
$gtk_modifier_map{'PRIMARY'} = 'Control';
$gtk_modifier_map{'SECONDARY'} = 'Alt';
$gtk_modifier_map{'TERTIARY'} = 'Shift';
$gtk_modifier_map{'LEVEL4'} = 'Meta';
$gtk_modifier_map{'WINDOW'} = 'Meta';
$gtk_modifier_map{$winkey} => 'Meta';
$cs_modifier_map{'PRIMARY'} = 'Control';
$cs_modifier_map{'SECONDARY'} = 'Alt';
$cs_modifier_map{'TERTIARY'} = 'Shift';
$cs_modifier_map{'LEVEL4'} = 'Meta';
$cs_modifier_map{'WINDOW'} = 'Meta';
$cs_modifier_map{$winkey} => 'Meta';
$mouse_modifier_map{'PRIMARY'} = 'Ctl';
$mouse_modifier_map{'SECONDARY'} = 'Alt';
$mouse_modifier_map{'TERTIARY'} = 'Shift';
$mouse_modifier_map{'LEVEL4'} = 'Meta';
$mouse_modifier_map{'WINDOW'} = 'Meta';
$mouse_modifier_map{$winkey} => 'Meta';
%keycodes = ();
if ($html) {
%keycodes = (
'asciicircum' => '^',
'apostrophe' => '\'',
'bracketleft' => '[',
'bracketright' => ']',
'braceleft' => '{',
'braceright' => '}',
'backslash' => '\\',
'slash' => '/',
'rightanglebracket' => '>',
'leftanglebracket' => '<',
'ampersand' => '&',
'comma' => ',',
'period' => '.',
'semicolon' => ';',
'colon' => ':',
'equal' => '=',
'minus' => '-',
'plus' => '+',
'grave' => '`',
'rightarrow' => '→',
'leftarrow' => '←',
'uparrow' => '↑',
'downarrow' => '↓',
'Page_Down' => 'PageDown',
'Page_Up' => 'PageUp',
'space' => 'space',
'KP_Right' => 'KP-→',
'KP_Left' => 'KP-←',
'KP_Up' => 'KP-↑',
'KP_Down' => 'KP-↓',
'KP_0' => 'KP-0;',
'greater' => '>',
'less' => '<',
} else {
%keycodes = (
'asciicircum' => '\\verb=^=',
'apostrophe' => '\'',
'bracketleft' => '[',
'bracketright' => ']',
'braceleft' => '\\{',
'braceright' => '\\}',
'backslash' => '$\\backslash$',
'slash' => '/',
'rightanglebracket' => '>',
'leftanglebracket' => '<',
'ampersand' => '\\&',
'comma' => ',',
'period' => '.',
'semicolon' => ';',
'colon' => ':',
'equal' => '=',
'minus' => '-',
'plus' => '+',
'grave' => '`',
'rightarrow' => '$\rightarrow$',
'leftarrow' => '$\\leftarrow$',
'uparrow' => '$\\uparrow$',
'downarrow' => '$\\downarrow$',
'Page_Down' => 'Page Down',
'Page_Up' => 'Page Up',
'space' => 'space',
'KP_' => 'KP$\_$',
'greater' => '>',
'less' => '<',
if ($merge_from) {
open (BINDINGS, $merge_from) || die ("merge from bindings: file not readable");
while (<BINDINGS>) {
next if (/^$semicolon/);
if (/^\(gtk_accel/) {
chop; # newline
chop; # closing parenthesis
($junk, $action, $binding) = split;
$merge_bindings{$action} = $binding;
close (BINDINGS);
if ($make_accelmap && !$merge_from) {
print ";; this accelmap was produced by tools/fmt-bindings\n";
while (<>) {
next if /^$semicolon/;
if (/^\$/) {
$title = $_;
if (/^%/) {
if ($in_group_def) {
chop $group_text;
$group_names{$group_key} = $group_name;
$group_text{$group_key} = $group_text;
$group_numbering{$group_key} = $group_number;
# each binding entry is 2 element array. bindings
# are all collected into a container array. create
# the first dummy entry so that perl knows what we
# are doing.
$group_bindings{$group_key} = [ [] ];
($group_key,$group_name) = split (/\s+/, $_, 2);
$group_text = "";
$in_group_def = 1;
if ($in_group_def) {
if (/^@/) {
chop $group_text;
$group_names{$group_key} = $group_name;
$group_text{$group_key} = $group_text;
$in_group_def = 0;
} else {
next if (/^[ \t]+$/);
$group_text .= $_;
if (/^@/) {
($key,$action,$binding,$text) = split (/\|/, $_, 4);
# substitute bindings
$gtk_binding = $binding;
if ($merge_from) {
$lookup = "<Actions>/" . $action;
if ($merge_bindings{$lookup}) {
$binding = $merge_bindings{$lookup};
} else {
if ($key =~ /^\+/) {
# forced inclusion of bindings from template
} else {
# this action is not defined in the merge from set, so forget it
# print the accelmap output
if ($key =~ /^\+/) {
# remove + and don't print it in the accelmap
$key =~ s/^\+//;
} else {
# include this in the accelmap
if (!$merge_from && $make_accelmap) {
foreach $k (keys %gtk_modifier_map) {
$gtk_binding =~ s/\@$k\@/$gtk_modifier_map{$k}/;
print "(gtk_accel_path \"<Actions>/$action\" \"$gtk_binding\")\n";
if ($key =~ /^-/) {
# do not include this binding in the cheat sheet
$bref = $group_bindings{$key};
push (@$bref, [$binding, $text]);
if ($make_accelmap || !$make_cheatsheet) {
exit 0;
if ($html) {
@groups_sorted_by_number = sort { $group_numbering{$a} <=> $group_numbering{$b} } keys %group_numbering;
foreach $gk (@groups_sorted_by_number) {
if ($gk =~ /^m/) {
# mouse stuff - ignore
# $bref is a reference to the array of arrays for this group
$bref = $group_bindings{$gk};
if (scalar @$bref > 1) {
$name = $group_names{$gk};
$name =~ s/\\linebreak.*//;
$name =~ s/\\&/&/;
$name =~ s/\$\\_\$/-/g;
$name =~ s/\\[a-z]+ //g;
$name =~ s/[{}]//g;
$name =~ s/\\par//g;
print "<h3>$name</h3>\n";
$gtext = $group_text{$gk};
$gtext =~ s/\\linebreak.*//;
$gtext =~ s/\\&/&/;
$gtext =~ s/\$\\_\$/-/g;
$gtext =~ s/\\[a-z]+ //g;
$gtext =~ s/[{}]//g;
$gtext =~ s/\\par//g;
if (!($gtext eq "")) {
print "$gtext\n\n";
# ignore the first entry, which was empty
shift (@$bref);
# set up the list
print "<dl class=\"bindings\">\n";
# sort the array of arrays by the descriptive text for nicer appearance,
# and print them
for $bbref (sort { @$a[1] cmp @$b[1] } @$bref) {
# $bbref is a reference to an array
$binding = @$bbref[0];
$text = @$bbref[1];
if ($binding =~ /:/) { # mouse binding with "where" clause
($binding,$where) = split (/:/, $binding, 2);
foreach $k (keys %cs_modifier_map) {
$binding =~ s/\@$k\@/$cs_modifier_map{$k}/;
# remove braces for HTML
$binding =~ s/></\+/g;
$binding =~ s/^<//;
$binding =~ s/>/\+/;
# substitute keycode names for something printable
$re = qr/${ \(join'|', map quotemeta, keys %keycodes)}/;
$binding =~ s/($re)/$keycodes{$1}/g;
# tidy up description
$descr = @$bbref[1];
$descr =~ s/\\linebreak.*//;
$descr =~ s/\\&/&/;
$descr =~ s/\$\\_\$/-/g;
$descr =~ s/\\[a-z]+ //g;
$descr =~ s/[{}]//g;
$descr =~ s/\\par//g;
print "<dt>$descr</dt><dd>$binding</dd>\n";
print "</dl>\n";
print "&nbsp; <!-- remove this if more text is added below -->\n";
exit 0;
# Now print the cheatsheet
$boilerplate_header = <<END_HEADER;
% This sets page margins to .5 inch if using letter paper, and to 1cm
% if using A4 paper. (This probably isnott strictly necessary.)
% If using another size paper, use default 1cm margins.
\\ifthenelse{\\lengthtest { \\paperwidth = 11in}}
{ \\geometry{top=.5in,left=.5in,right=.5in,bottom=.5in} }
{\\ifthenelse{ \\lengthtest{ \\paperwidth = 297mm}}
{\\geometry{top=1cm,left=1cm,right=1cm,bottom=1cm} }
{\\geometry{top=1cm,left=1cm,right=1cm,bottom=1cm} }
% Turn off header and footer
% Redefine section commands to use less space
{-1ex plus -.5ex minus -.2ex}%
{0.5ex plus .2ex}%
{-1explus -.5ex minus -.2ex}%
{0.5ex plus .2ex}%
{-1ex plus -.5ex minus -.2ex}%
{1ex plus .2ex}%
% Do not print section numbers% Do not print section numbers
\\setlength{\\parskip}{0pt plus 0.5ex}
$boilerplate_footer = <<END_FOOTER;
Copyright \\copyright\\ 2013 ardour.org
% Should change this to be date of file, not current date.
if ($make_cheatsheet) {
print $boilerplate_header;
print "\\begin{center}\\Large\\bf $title \\end{center}\n";
@groups_sorted_by_number = sort { $group_numbering{$a} <=> $group_numbering{$b} } keys %group_numbering;
foreach $gk (@groups_sorted_by_number) {
# $bref is a reference to the array of arrays for this group
$bref = $group_bindings{$gk};
if (scalar @$bref > 1) {
print "\\section{$group_names{$gk}}\n";
if (!($group_text{$gk} eq "")) {
print "$group_text{$gk}\n\\par\n";
# ignore the first entry, which was empty
shift (@$bref);
# find the longest descriptive text (this is not 100% accuracy due to typography)
$maxtextlen = 0;
$maxtext = "";
for $bbref (@$bref) {
# $bbref is a reference to an array
$text = @$bbref[1];
# if there is a linebreak, just use everything up the linebreak
# to determine the width
if ($text =~ /\\linebreak/) {
$matchtext = s/\\linebreak.*//;
} else {
$matchtext = $text;
if (length ($matchtext) > $maxtextlen) {
$maxtextlen = length ($matchtext);
$maxtext = $matchtext;
if ($gk =~ /^m/) {
# mouse mode: don't extend max text at all - space it tight
$maxtext .= ".";
} else {
$maxtext .= "....";
# set up the table
print "\\settowidth{\\MyLen}{\\texttt{$maxtext}}\n";
print "\\begin{tabular}{\@{}p{\\the\\MyLen}%
# sort the array of arrays by the descriptive text for nicer appearance,
# and print them
for $bbref (sort { @$a[1] cmp @$b[1] } @$bref) {
# $bbref is a reference to an array
$binding = @$bbref[0];
$text = @$bbref[1];
if ($binding =~ /:/) { # mouse binding with "where" clause
($binding,$where) = split (/:/, $binding, 2);
if ($gk =~ /^m/) {
# mouse mode - use shorter abbrevs
foreach $k (keys %mouse_modifier_map) {
$binding =~ s/\@$k\@/$mouse_modifier_map{$k}/;
} else {
foreach $k (keys %cs_modifier_map) {
$binding =~ s/\@$k\@/$cs_modifier_map{$k}/;
$binding =~ s/></\+/g;
$binding =~ s/^<//;
$binding =~ s/>/\+/;
# substitute keycode names for something printable
$re = qr/${ \(join'|', map quotemeta, keys %keycodes)}/;
$binding =~ s/($re)/$keycodes{$1}/g;
# split up mouse bindings to "click" and "where" parts
if ($gk eq "mobject") {
print "{\\tt @$bbref[1] } & {\\tt $binding} {\\it $where}\\\\\n";
} else {
print "{\\tt @$bbref[1] } & {\\tt $binding} \\\\\n";
print "\\end{tabular}\n";
print $boilerplate_footer;
exit 0;