Paul Davis 940d8844e3 temporal: fix implementation of Beats::snap_to(), and add variants
::snap_to() was intended to round a Beats value to the nearest multiple
of another Beats value. It did not do that, but instead rounded down.
Worse, it used Beats::operator/ which in turn uses int_div_round(),
which is incorrect for a situation where we need integer truncation.

The changes fix the actual arithmetic and add 2 variant functions so that the
API includes round down, round up and round to nearest.
2021-11-29 21:50:29 -07:00

380 lines
10 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Paul Davis <paul@linuxaudiosystems.com>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#include <cassert>
#include <float.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <sstream>
#include "pbd/failed_constructor.h"
#include "pbd/integer_division.h"
#include "pbd/string_convert.h"
#include "temporal/visibility.h"
#include "temporal/types.h"
namespace ARDOUR {
class Variant; /* Can stay since LV2 has no way to exchange beats as anything except double */
/* these all need fixing to not use ::to_double() */
class Track;
class MidiStretch;
class MidiModel;
class AutomationList;
class MidiSource;
class MidiRegion;
class Quantize;
namespace Evoral {
template<typename T> class Sequence;
/* XXX hack friends for ::do_double() access ... remove */
class QuantizeDialog;
class NoteDrag;
class NoteCreateDrag;
namespace Temporal {
/** Musical time in beats. */
class /*LIBTEMPORAL_API*/ Beats {
LIBTEMPORAL_API static const int32_t PPQN = Temporal::ticks_per_beat;
Beats() : _beats(0), _ticks(0) {}
Beats(const Beats& other) : _beats(other._beats), _ticks(other._ticks) {}
/** Normalize so ticks is within PPQN. */
void normalize() {
// First, fix negative ticks with positive beats
while (_beats > 0 && _ticks < 0) {
_ticks += PPQN;
// Now fix positive ticks with negative beats
while (_beats < 0 && _ticks > 0) {
_ticks -= PPQN;
assert ((_beats < 0 && _ticks <= 0) || (_beats > 0 && _ticks >= 0) || _beats == 0);
// Work with positive beats and ticks to normalize
const int32_t sign = _beats < 0 ? -1 : _ticks < 0 ? -1 : 1;
int32_t beats = ::abs(_beats);
int32_t ticks = ::abs(_ticks);
// Fix ticks greater than 1 beat
while (ticks >= PPQN) {
ticks -= PPQN;
// Set fields with appropriate sign
_beats = sign * beats;
_ticks = sign * ticks;
/** Create from a precise beats:ticks pair. */
explicit Beats(int32_t b, int32_t t) : _beats(b), _ticks(t) {
/** Create from a real number of beats. */
static Beats from_double (double beats) {
double whole;
const double frac = modf (beats, &whole);
return Beats (whole, (int32_t) rint (frac * PPQN));
/** Create from an integer number of beats. */
static Beats beats(int32_t beats) {
return Beats(beats, 0);
/** Create from ticks at the standard PPQN. */
static Beats ticks(int64_t ticks) {
assert (ticks/PPQN < std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max());
return Beats (ticks / PPQN, ticks % PPQN);
/** Create from ticks at a given rate.
* Note this can also be used to create from frames by setting ppqn to the
* number of samples per beat. Note the resulting Beats will, like all
* others, have the default PPQN, so this is a potentially lossy
* conversion.
static Beats ticks_at_rate(int64_t ticks, uint32_t ppqn) {
return Beats(ticks / ppqn, (ticks % ppqn) * PPQN / ppqn);
static int64_t make_ticks (Beats const & b) { return b.get_beats() * ticks_per_beat + b.get_ticks(); }
int64_t to_ticks() const { return (int64_t)_beats * PPQN + _ticks; }
int64_t to_ticks(uint32_t ppqn) const { return (int64_t)_beats * ppqn + (_ticks * ppqn / PPQN); }
int32_t get_beats() const { return _beats; }
int32_t get_ticks() const { return _ticks; }
Beats& operator=(double time) {
double whole;
const double frac = modf(time, &whole);
_beats = whole;
_ticks = frac * PPQN;
return *this;
Beats& operator=(const Beats& other) {
_beats = other._beats;
_ticks = other._ticks;
return *this;
Beats round_up_to_multiple (Beats const & multiple) const {
return ticks (((to_ticks() + (multiple.to_ticks() - 1)) / multiple.to_ticks()) * multiple.to_ticks());
Beats round_to_multiple (Beats const & multiple) const {
return ticks (((to_ticks() + (int_div_round (multiple.to_ticks(), (int64_t) 2))) / multiple.to_ticks()) * multiple.to_ticks());
Beats round_down_to_multiple (Beats const & multiple) const {
return ticks ((to_ticks() / multiple.to_ticks()) * multiple.to_ticks());
Beats round_to_beat() const {
return (_ticks >= (PPQN/2)) ? Beats (_beats + 1, 0) : Beats (_beats, 0);
Beats round_up_to_beat() const {
return (_ticks == 0) ? *this : Beats(_beats + 1, 0);
Beats round_down_to_beat() const {
return Beats(_beats, 0);
Beats prev_beat() const {
/* always moves backwards even if currently on beat */
return Beats (_beats-1, 0);
Beats next_beat() const {
/* always moves forwards even if currently on beat */
return Beats (_beats+1, 0);
LIBTEMPORAL_API Beats round_to_subdivision (int subdivision, RoundMode dir) const;
Beats abs () const {
return Beats (::abs (_beats), ::abs (_ticks));
Beats diff (Beats const & other) const {
if (other > *this) {
return other - *this;
return *this - other;
inline bool operator==(const Beats& b) const {
return _beats == b._beats && _ticks == b._ticks;
inline bool operator==(int beats) const {
return _beats == beats;
inline bool operator!=(const Beats& b) const {
return !operator==(b);
inline bool operator<(const Beats& b) const {
return _beats < b._beats || (_beats == b._beats && _ticks < b._ticks);
inline bool operator<=(const Beats& b) const {
return _beats < b._beats || (_beats == b._beats && _ticks <= b._ticks);
inline bool operator>(const Beats& b) const {
return _beats > b._beats || (_beats == b._beats && _ticks > b._ticks);
inline bool operator>=(const Beats& b) const {
return _beats > b._beats || (_beats == b._beats && _ticks >= b._ticks);
Beats operator+(const Beats& b) const {
return Beats(_beats + b._beats, _ticks + b._ticks);
Beats operator-(const Beats& b) const {
return Beats(_beats - b._beats, _ticks - b._ticks);
Beats operator-() const {
/* must avoid normalization here, which will convert a negative
value into a valid beat position before zero, which is not
we want here.
Beats b (_beats, _ticks);
b._beats = -b._beats;
b._ticks = -b._ticks;
return b;
Beats operator*(int32_t factor) const {return ticks (to_ticks() * factor); }
Beats operator/(int32_t factor) const { return ticks (to_ticks() / factor);}
Beats operator*(ratio_t const & factor) const {return ticks (int_div_round (to_ticks() * factor.numerator(), factor.denominator())); }
Beats operator/(ratio_t const & factor) const {return ticks (int_div_round (to_ticks() * factor.denominator(), factor.numerator())); }
Beats operator% (Beats const & b) { return Beats::ticks (to_ticks() % b.to_ticks());}
Beats operator%= (Beats const & b) {
const Beats B (Beats::ticks (to_ticks() % b.to_ticks()));
_beats = B._beats;
_ticks = B._ticks;
return *this;
Beats operator/ (Beats const & other) const {
return Beats::ticks (int_div_round (to_ticks(), other.to_ticks()));
Beats operator* (Beats const & other) const {
return Beats::ticks (to_ticks () * other.to_ticks());
Beats& operator+=(const Beats& b) {
_beats += b._beats;
_ticks += b._ticks;
return *this;
Beats& operator-=(const Beats& b) {
_beats -= b._beats;
_ticks -= b._ticks;
return *this;
bool operator!() const { return _beats == 0 && _ticks == 0; }
explicit operator bool () const { return _beats != 0 || _ticks != 0; }
static Beats one_tick() { return Beats(0, 1); }
int32_t _beats;
int32_t _ticks;
/* Only contexts that really, absolutely need a floating point representation
* of a Beats value should ever use this.
class DoubleableBeats : public Beats
DoubleableBeats (Beats const & b) : Beats (b) {}
double to_double() const { return (double)_beats + (_ticks / (double)PPQN); }
TIL, several horrible hours later, that sometimes the compiler looks in the
namespace of a type (Temporal::Beats in this case) for an operator, and
does *NOT* look in the global namespace.
C++ is proof that hell exists and we are living in it. In any case, move
these to the global namespace and PBD::Property's loopy
virtual-method-in-a-template will bite you.
LIBTEMPORAL_API std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& ostream, const Temporal::Beats& t);
LIBTEMPORAL_API std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& istream, Temporal::Beats& b);
} // namespace Temporal
namespace std {
struct numeric_limits<Temporal::Beats> {
static Temporal::Beats lowest() {
return Temporal::Beats(std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min(), std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min());
/* We don't define min() since this has different behaviour for
integral and floating point types, but Beats is used as both
an integral and "fractional" value, so the semantics of
min() would be unclear.
Better to avoid providing a min at all than a confusing one.
/* We must make the number of beats be 1 less than INT32_MAX,
* because otherwise adding the PPQN-1 ticks would cause
* overflow (the value would be INT32_MAX+((PPQN-1)/PPQN) which
* exceeds INT32_MAX.
static Temporal::Beats max() {
return Temporal::Beats(std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max() - 1, Temporal::Beats::PPQN - 1);
namespace PBD {
inline bool to_string (Temporal::Beats val, std::string & str)
std::ostringstream ostr;
ostr << val;
str = ostr.str();
return true;
inline bool string_to (std::string const & str, Temporal::Beats & val)
std::istringstream istr (str);
istr >> val;
return (bool) istr;
} /* end namsepace PBD */