
474 lines
14 KiB

Copyright (C) 2001,2007 Paul Davis
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include "ardour/ardour.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <errno.h>
#include <glibmm/miscutils.h>
#include "pbd/error.h"
#include "pbd/enumwriter.h"
#include "pbd/stacktrace.h"
#include "midi++/names.h"
#include "ardour/automatable.h"
#include "ardour/amp.h"
#include "ardour/event_type_map.h"
#include "ardour/midi_track.h"
#include "ardour/pannable.h"
#include "ardour/panner.h"
#include "ardour/pan_controllable.h"
#include "ardour/plugin_insert.h"
#include "ardour/session.h"
#include "i18n.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace ARDOUR;
using namespace PBD;
framecnt_t Automatable::_automation_interval = 0;
const string Automatable::xml_node_name = X_("Automation");
Automatable::Automatable(Session& session)
: _a_session(session)
, _last_automation_snapshot(0)
Automatable::Automatable (const Automatable& other)
: ControlSet (other)
, _a_session (other._a_session)
, _last_automation_snapshot (0)
Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (other._control_lock);
for (Controls::const_iterator i = other._controls.begin(); i != other._controls.end(); ++i) {
boost::shared_ptr<Evoral::Control> ac (control_factory (i->first));
add_control (ac);
Automatable::old_set_automation_state (const XMLNode& node)
const XMLProperty *prop;
if ((prop = node.property ("path")) != 0) {
load_automation (prop->value());
} else {
warning << _("Automation node has no path property") << endmsg;
_last_automation_snapshot = 0;
return 0;
Automatable::load_automation (const string& path)
string fullpath;
if (Glib::path_is_absolute (path)) { // legacy
fullpath = path;
} else {
fullpath = _a_session.automation_dir();
fullpath += path;
ifstream in (fullpath.c_str());
if (!in) {
warning << string_compose(_("cannot open %2 to load automation data (%3)")
, fullpath, strerror (errno)) << endmsg;
return 1;
Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (control_lock());
set<Evoral::Parameter> tosave;
controls().clear ();
_last_automation_snapshot = 0;
while (in) {
double when;
double value;
uint32_t port;
in >> port; if (!in) break;
in >> when; if (!in) goto bad;
in >> value; if (!in) goto bad;
Evoral::Parameter param(PluginAutomation, 0, port);
/* FIXME: this is legacy and only used for plugin inserts? I think? */
boost::shared_ptr<Evoral::Control> c = control (param, true);
c->list()->add (when, value);
tosave.insert (param);
return 0;
error << string_compose(_("cannot load automation data from %2"), fullpath) << endmsg;
controls().clear ();
return -1;
Automatable::add_control(boost::shared_ptr<Evoral::Control> ac)
Evoral::Parameter param = ac->parameter();
boost::shared_ptr<AutomationList> al = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<AutomationList> (ac->list ());
assert (al);
al->automation_state_changed.connect_same_thread (
_list_connections, boost::bind (&Automatable::automation_list_automation_state_changed, this, ac->parameter(), _1)
ControlSet::add_control (ac);
_can_automate_list.insert (param);
automation_list_automation_state_changed (param, al->automation_state ()); // sync everything up
Automatable::describe_parameter (Evoral::Parameter param)
/* derived classes like PluginInsert should override this */
if (param == Evoral::Parameter(GainAutomation)) {
return _("Fader");
} else if (param.type() == MidiCCAutomation) {
return string_compose("%1: %2 [%3]",
param.id(), midi_name(param.id()), int(param.channel()) + 1);
} else if (param.type() == MidiPgmChangeAutomation) {
return string_compose("Program [%1]", int(param.channel()) + 1);
} else if (param.type() == MidiPitchBenderAutomation) {
return string_compose("Bender [%1]", int(param.channel()) + 1);
} else if (param.type() == MidiChannelPressureAutomation) {
return string_compose("Pressure [%1]", int(param.channel()) + 1);
} else {
return EventTypeMap::instance().to_symbol(param);
Automatable::can_automate (Evoral::Parameter what)
_can_automate_list.insert (what);
/** \a legacy_param is used for loading legacy sessions where an object (IO, Panner)
* had a single automation parameter, with it's type implicit. Derived objects should
* pass that type and it will be used for the untyped AutomationList found.
Automatable::set_automation_xml_state (const XMLNode& node, Evoral::Parameter legacy_param)
Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (control_lock());
/* Don't clear controls, since some may be special derived Controllable classes */
XMLNodeList nlist = node.children();
XMLNodeIterator niter;
for (niter = nlist.begin(); niter != nlist.end(); ++niter) {
/*if (sscanf ((*niter)->name().c_str(), "parameter-%" PRIu32, &param) != 1) {
error << string_compose (_("%2: badly formatted node name in XML automation state, ignored"), _name) << endmsg;
if ((*niter)->name() == "AutomationList") {
const XMLProperty* id_prop = (*niter)->property("automation-id");
Evoral::Parameter param = (id_prop
? EventTypeMap::instance().new_parameter(id_prop->value())
: legacy_param);
if (param.type() == NullAutomation) {
warning << "Automation has null type" << endl;
if (!id_prop) {
warning << "AutomationList node without automation-id property, "
<< "using default: " << EventTypeMap::instance().to_symbol(legacy_param) << endmsg;
boost::shared_ptr<AutomationControl> existing = automation_control (param);
if (existing) {
existing->alist()->set_state (**niter, 3000);
} else {
boost::shared_ptr<Evoral::Control> newcontrol = control_factory(param);
add_control (newcontrol);
boost::shared_ptr<AutomationList> al (new AutomationList(**niter, param));
} else {
error << "Expected AutomationList node, got '" << (*niter)->name() << "'" << endmsg;
_last_automation_snapshot = 0;
return 0;
Automatable::get_automation_xml_state ()
Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (control_lock());
XMLNode* node = new XMLNode (Automatable::xml_node_name);
if (controls().empty()) {
return *node;
for (Controls::iterator li = controls().begin(); li != controls().end(); ++li) {
boost::shared_ptr<AutomationList> l = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<AutomationList>(li->second->list());
if (!l->empty()) {
node->add_child_nocopy (l->get_state ());
return *node;
Automatable::set_parameter_automation_state (Evoral::Parameter param, AutoState s)
Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (control_lock());
boost::shared_ptr<Evoral::Control> c = control (param, true);
boost::shared_ptr<AutomationList> l = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<AutomationList>(c->list());
if (s != l->automation_state()) {
l->set_automation_state (s);
_a_session.set_dirty ();
Automatable::get_parameter_automation_state (Evoral::Parameter param)
AutoState result = Off;
boost::shared_ptr<Evoral::Control> c = control(param);
boost::shared_ptr<AutomationList> l = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<AutomationList>(c->list());
if (c) {
result = l->automation_state();
return result;
Automatable::set_parameter_automation_style (Evoral::Parameter param, AutoStyle s)
Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (control_lock());
boost::shared_ptr<Evoral::Control> c = control(param, true);
boost::shared_ptr<AutomationList> l = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<AutomationList>(c->list());
if (s != l->automation_style()) {
l->set_automation_style (s);
_a_session.set_dirty ();
Automatable::get_parameter_automation_style (Evoral::Parameter param)
Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (control_lock());
boost::shared_ptr<Evoral::Control> c = control(param);
boost::shared_ptr<AutomationList> l = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<AutomationList>(c->list());
if (c) {
return l->automation_style();
} else {
return Absolute; // whatever
Automatable::protect_automation ()
typedef set<Evoral::Parameter> ParameterSet;
const ParameterSet& automated_params = what_can_be_automated ();
for (ParameterSet::const_iterator i = automated_params.begin(); i != automated_params.end(); ++i) {
boost::shared_ptr<Evoral::Control> c = control(*i);
boost::shared_ptr<AutomationList> l = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<AutomationList>(c->list());
switch (l->automation_state()) {
case Write:
l->set_automation_state (Off);
case Touch:
l->set_automation_state (Play);
Automatable::automation_snapshot (framepos_t now, bool force)
if (force || _last_automation_snapshot > now || (now - _last_automation_snapshot) > _automation_interval) {
for (Controls::iterator i = controls().begin(); i != controls().end(); ++i) {
boost::shared_ptr<AutomationControl> c
= boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<AutomationControl>(i->second);
if (_a_session.transport_rolling() && c->automation_write()) {
c->list()->rt_add (now, i->second->user_double());
_last_automation_snapshot = now;
Automatable::transport_stopped (framepos_t now)
for (Controls::iterator li = controls().begin(); li != controls().end(); ++li) {
boost::shared_ptr<AutomationControl> c
= boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<AutomationControl>(li->second);
if (c) {
boost::shared_ptr<AutomationList> l
= boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<AutomationList>(c->list());
if (l) {
/* Stop any active touch gesture just before we mark the write pass
as finished. If we don't do this, the transport can end up stopped with
an AutomationList thinking that a touch is still in progress and,
when the transport is re-started, a touch will magically
be happening without it ever have being started in the usual way.
l->stop_touch (true, now);
l->write_pass_finished (now);
if (l->automation_playback()) {
if (l->automation_state() == Write) {
l->set_automation_state (Touch);
Automatable::control_factory(const Evoral::Parameter& param)
boost::shared_ptr<AutomationList> list(new AutomationList(param));
Evoral::Control* control = NULL;
if (param.type() >= MidiCCAutomation && param.type() <= MidiChannelPressureAutomation) {
MidiTrack* mt = dynamic_cast<MidiTrack*>(this);
if (mt) {
control = new MidiTrack::MidiControl(mt, param);
} else {
warning << "MidiCCAutomation for non-MidiTrack" << endl;
} else if (param.type() == PluginAutomation) {
PluginInsert* pi = dynamic_cast<PluginInsert*>(this);
if (pi) {
control = new PluginInsert::PluginControl(pi, param);
} else {
warning << "PluginAutomation for non-Plugin" << endl;
} else if (param.type() == GainAutomation) {
Amp* amp = dynamic_cast<Amp*>(this);
if (amp) {
control = new Amp::GainControl(X_("gaincontrol"), _a_session, amp, param);
} else {
warning << "GainAutomation for non-Amp" << endl;
} else if (param.type() == PanAzimuthAutomation || param.type() == PanWidthAutomation || param.type() == PanElevationAutomation) {
Pannable* pannable = dynamic_cast<Pannable*>(this);
if (pannable) {
control = new PanControllable (_a_session, pannable->describe_parameter (param), pannable, param);
} else {
warning << "PanAutomation for non-Pannable" << endl;
if (!control) {
control = new AutomationControl(_a_session, param);
return boost::shared_ptr<Evoral::Control>(control);
Automatable::automation_control (const Evoral::Parameter& id, bool create)
return boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<AutomationControl>(Evoral::ControlSet::control(id, create));
boost::shared_ptr<const AutomationControl>
Automatable::automation_control (const Evoral::Parameter& id) const
return boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const AutomationControl>(Evoral::ControlSet::control(id));
Automatable::clear_controls ()
_control_connections.drop_connections ();
ControlSet::clear_controls ();
Automatable::value_as_string (boost::shared_ptr<AutomationControl> ac) const
std::stringstream s;
/* this is a the default fallback for this virtual method. Derived Automatables
are free to override this to display the values of their parameters/controls
in different ways.
// Hack to display CC as integer value, rather than double
if (ac->parameter().type() == MidiCCAutomation) {
s << lrint (ac->get_value());
} else {
s << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3) << ac->get_value();
return s.str ();